
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Perspectives of Judaism's Messianism and Some Personal Insights of a 'Christed one'

some examples of current posts at
(Update: A news release about this article may be read online at PRWeb.)

Today as people across the world are left aghast by the psychotic nature of what has been chronicled daily in the Middle East for more than a year, one must determine which misinterpreted dogmatic orientations have resulted with actions against inculpable people that can never be individually undone when realizing the eternal nature and fate of any singular ego-self/personality/soul.  The late Huston Smith, Ph.D. wrote about Judiasm's Meaning in Messianism for his book The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions (1994 / First Edition 1958).  Upon reading his encapsulation of Judaism this week, I noticed that he rationalized "polarities" as being involved.
The paragraphs of Smith's reflection about Meaning in Messianism are presented in this blog article along with some prefatory conclusions of other theologian authors, thereby establishing the universality of researchers' intuition and findings.  Also featured in this blog article are some examples of current mainstream news media article headlines as well as several of my posts at, including two replies to commentary of the deranged 74-year-old Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.  Zionism has nothing in common with Judaism.  As explained in this blog article — everybody should develop one's personal understanding of how to become one's own 'Messiah' through the examples provided by human surrogates / 'Chosen ones' / 'Christed ones.
This blogger had the opportunity to meet Huston Smith during the months between Nov. 1995 and late 1998 when this blogger was attending the Sunday morning lectures at the Philosophical Research Institute and he was featured.  (1, 2)  A psychic psychiatrist had spontaneously suggested for me to attend PRS lectures and during this period in my life I also was guided to learn about AIDS among other viruses and STDs by attending a preparatory class prior to becoming a volunteer call taker at APLA's Southern California HIV/AIDS Hotline.

Manifold Western leaders have also revealed themselves as lacking the fundamental morality that becomes known through knowledge of the gamut of consciousness expanding subjects that are profiled in evidentiary articles at this blog.  The lack of commentary about all these articles perhaps is due to most people's familiar social consciousness orientations and this is also seems to be the reason that some blog readers don't make known to others what information has been learned.  (Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links)

Israel I. Mattuck wrote in The Thought of the Prophets (1953): 

The fundamental and universal idea that emerges from the Prophets' thought is that God is concerned with human societies and persons.  The two could be morally unified because both were subject to the moral law.  The conditions for the relation with God was the same for both — the fulfillment of His law by practicing righteousness, the community in its social order, the individual by his personal conduct.  And both will be brought under God's judgment . . . Their attention to society does not reduce the individual to a mere cog in a machine; and their concern for the individual does not reduce society to a mere machine.

The Messianism of the Prophets is a very simple doctrine.  The world will be cleansed of its evil and good will be finally established for ever.  Social injustices will be eliminated from the life of mankind and human societies will be infused with justice and love.  War, and preparations for it, will be abolished; peace will cover the earth under the rule of righteousness

The true worship of the true God will bring well-being.
Emphasizing the wisdom of compassion for the plight of the weaker and impoverished members of the human family subject to misfortunes and adversities due to where they happen to reside, Rabbi Samuel Penner in The Four Dimensions of Paradise (1993) turned his attention to "the messianic hope for a future redemption of Israel and all society"
Indispensable to that hope was the confidence in our capacity to achieve it, to transform our lives personally and socially in physical, mental and spiritual fulfillment.

The Baal Shem Tov summed up a major motif of biblical prophecy when he taught that the authentic vocation of a human being is "to serve as a vital link on the chain between Adam and the Messiah . . ." that is to say, between the creation and redemption of the human family.  In this view, the whole of history is perceived as a drama of evolution, a journey from Paradise Lost to an even more resplendent Paradise Regained.  That journey is both individual and communal; in fact, each interacts with the other organically.
Every person has an active role to play in advancing those "messianic days" of human fulfillment.  All are summoned to socio-ethical responsibility according to the mainstream of biblical tradition.  That call over the centuries has brought dignity into human lives and moved people to strive for higher self-evolvement.  It has also inspired renewed courage and hope in moments of agonizing despair. 

"Who is wise?  Those who learn from everyone," said an ancient sage, which I take to mean — those who are open to the wisdom of every tradition: cultural, spiritual and ethnic.  Openness of mind, heart, soul and spirit, that is the key to wisdom and to life itself

The essence of the intent in major religions appears to be the same, although they are verbalized differently.

Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen.  That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.
Talmud Shabbat, 31a


This TESTAMENT photograph of me outside the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles was taken by the PRS's Bob Brothers.
PRS Founder Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) wrote in the winter 1961 edition of the PRS Journal:

In most religions, including the ancient Egyptian, the love of God is revealed as a person embodying the redeeming powers of the Creator.  In his nature, this person is two-fold, for he is the Son of God and the son of man . . . The love of God, therefore, perfects the kingdom, making all things new.  It triumphs over the perversions of selfishness and ignorance, and bears witness to the infinite tenderness of the Eternal Father . . . there can be no reasonable doubt today that the early Christians understood Christ to be the soul of God abiding in man . . . it is the right and duty of every man to guard the soul, to bestow upon it all honor and respect, to protect it, nurture it, and bring it to perfect fruition.  This is not a strange destiny for a few mystics or saints, but the common purpose for which man was fashioned . . . As the Greeks said, the unenlightened person is a man living in a world of beasts; but when the soul has wrought its works, he is then a god living in the world of men.

Thirty-eight years earlier, Manly P. Hall published The Lost Keys of Freemasonry.  The book includes an epilogue mentioning 'Ammon Ra.'  He become a 33° Mason in 1973.  (Articles about Hall and the PRS: 1, 2, 3)  A previous blog article about the Edgar Cayce channeling case chronology mentions 'Ra-Ta' along with the work of Orientalist and biblical scholar Zecharia Sitchin, who explained the reasons he believed that this mountain was Egypt's Great Pyramid and wrote about finding "similarities between the Babylonian Marduk and the Egyptian God Ra" (and Amen-Ra or spelled as Ammon / Amon / Amun).  Throughout his books, Sitchin attempted to make sense of ancient inscriptions and scriptures showing correlations between ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian pantheons.
An Australia-born researcher/author dedicated to elucidating mysteries of Christianity is Tony Bushby.  As mentioned in one article in relation to the word 'Christ,' Bushby appraised that "'Krist' according to St. Epiphanius was the spiritual Self in each and every living person" with the author citing as his source "Heresies (Epiph. Haer.), liii, I."  Bushby wrote further:
In fact, the 'anointed' or Krist figures actually preceded the writing of the Old Testament in the story of Krishna.
From the Essenes many of their manuscripts referred to Kristo, Krst, or Krist, and was a divine internal figure in Essenic minds and set forth primarily in the Book of Enoch as One eternal with God.
Krist was also established in the doctrine of the Gnostics who held Kristo to be the personal and immortal Spirit of Man.  The son of Poseidon and Meduse was called Khryst and the priests of Apollo were known as Khyrstes.  In fact, the word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst and Krish-na appeared in every ancient religious system and showed the original Kristo concept was believed to be the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man.
This data elucidates an aspect of the expression 'Christ Consciousness.'  A 2019 blog article is "Ten Channeled Perspectives of 'Christ Consciousness'".
It seems many people who read articles such as these at Metaphysical Articles are unprepared to place in perspective what is being learned because there's little if any correlation with the information / programming accepted as being relevant that they usually find available on a daily basis.  Concerning myself and the documentation of my 'paranormal initiation' experiences, available online in addition to the nonfiction case study Testament is a webpage presenting Online Autobiography Chapter Links.

Meaning in Messianism

(page 195 of the 1994 edition of Huston Smith's book)

Though the Jews were able to find their suffering meaningful, meaning climaxed for them in Messianism.
We can work our way into this concept by way of a striking fact.  Historical progress is a Western idea — other peoples have now assimilated it, but it originated in the West.  There is an explanation for this.  The outlooks of other civilizations were forged by ruling classes who tend to be satisfied with the way things are, whereas during most of their formative period the Jews were either opposed or displaced.  They were underdogs, and underdogs have only one direction to look: up.  This upward tilt of Jewish hopes and imaginings impregnated the Western mind.  A better tomorrow is possible, if not assured.
Hope has more purchase on the human heart when it is concretized, so the Jews personified their hope in the figure of a coming Messiah, or Chosen One.  During the Babylonian exile they looked to this Messiah to effect the "ingathering of the exiles" to their native homeland.  After the second destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., the Messiah was expected to reverse the diaspora that ensued.

Thereafter the concept grew complex.  Always fired by hope, the Messianic idea came to have two sides: a politico-national side (which foresaw the triumph of the Jews over their enemies and their elevation to a position of importance in world affairs), and a spiritual-universal side (in which their political triumph would be attended by a moral advance of universal proportions).  Different scenarios were scripted in which hope fluctuated between these two versions.

A second difference concerned the way the Messianic age would arrive.  Some expected an actual Messiah, while others foresaw God dispensing with a human agent and intervening directly to institute an age of universal harmony.

A third tension reflected the restorative and utopian impulses in Judaism.  Restorative Messianism looked for the re-creation of past conditions, typically the Davidic monarchy as idealized.  But Messianism also accommodated Judaism's forward looking impulse by envisioning the Messianic Age as a state of things that never before existed.

Finally, Messianists differed concerning whether the new order would be continuous with previous history or would shake the world to its foundations and replace it (in the End of Days) with an aeon that was supernaturally different in kind.  As the power of the Jews dwindled in the face of a rising Europe, apocalypticism overtook hopes for military victory and they banked increasingly on a miraculous redemption.  The Messianic Age would break in at any moment, abruptly and cataclysmically.

In all four of these polarities the alternatives were deeply intertwined while being contradictory in nature.  The Messianic idea crystallized (and retained its vitality) out of the tensions created by its ingredient opposites.  The vitality of the idea proved to be infectious.  Christianity reshaped it into the Second Coming of Christ; seventeenth century Europe into the idea of historical progress; and Marx into his dream of a coming classless society.

But whether we read the Messianic idea in its Jewish, its Christian, its secular, or its heretical version, the underlying theme is the same.  There's going to be a great day!

Transcendental communicators have incorporated perspectives of Israel and Jewish people.  These perspectives are presented in these blog articles:

"'The Council of Nine' On War, Israel, Nuclear Strikes, Peace and Elevating the Planet Earth"
Below are ten examples of mainstream news media article headlines that appeared today along with several of my most recent posts, including the latest reply to two earlier posts (that are also shown).


Providing documentation of a contemporary 'Christed one' via unexpurgated interview and journal transcripts with photographs chronicling this blogger's 'paranormal initiation' is the nonfiction case study book TESTAMENT published in 1997.  Among the hundreds of autobiographical blog articles that have followed are —

"Explaining the 'Second Coming'"
As I attempted to research my strange predicament, I learned from Zecharia Sitchin's book The Wars of Gods and Men (1985) that clay tablets found in the ruins of Ashur and Nineveh, the ancient Assyrian capitals, presented information about a man referred to as 'Bel-Marduk.'  Sitchin reported that the tablets had been interpreted in 1921 as offering "a pre-Christian Mysterium dealing with the death and resurrection of a god, and thus an earlier Christ tale."

The ancient events chronicled on the clay tablets involved Marduk or Bel ("The Lord") and there is a description of "Bel, who was confined in The Mountain."
. . . there was an immediate identification with 'The Mountain' in my own life as I had worked as a publicity writer for Paramount Pictures in Hollywood for seven years.  The studio's logo—a familiar one to moviegoers—is a mountain.  Ironically, some of the storylines of movies I'd helped publicize were metaphysical, including "Ghost" (the afterlife), "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (religious archaeology), "Dead Again" (reincarnation), "Fire In The Sky" (UFOlogy), "The Butcher's Wife" (psychic ability), "Scrooged" (visitors from the ascended realm), "Star Trek" movies (life in outer space), and a reissue of "The Ten Commandments" (divine guidance), to name a few.
My unexpected spiritual awakening to . . . "the living Christ spirit" resulted from recalling symbolic incidents in my life (including two mysterious occurrences of burning bushes outside my home) that I considered soon after my trip in the summer of 1995 to investigate what had been described as a 'talking poltergeist' haunting in rural Oklahoma.  Upon my return to Los Angeles, I found the paranormal manifestations continuing to occur in my presence.  These events are chronicled in the case study Testament (1997).  After realizing that the central manifesting entity known as 'Michael' in Oklahoma could only be the biblical Archangel, it was channeled to me through a startled friend that I should have the pen name 'Mark Russell Bell' as I involved myself in documenting my experiences.

I've always commented that my primary orientation as metaphysical author is as a journalist (selected to be a 'Message bringer' / 'everyman figure' / 'surrogate' for the reader as selected by 'The God Force'/'The Message Giver' . . .

"The New Paranormal Initiation and ‘Bel-Marduk’ (Journal Post)" 

Testament includes a description of what happened at an antique store near my home where I obtained some curious Egyptian artifacts.  One of them was a round silver pendant bearing the countenance in profile of an ancient Egyptian who distinctly resembled me.


Some previous blog articles have shared the data published by researchers of extant historical records who make clear the simple circumstances that culminated with the 'Jesus Christ' of the Holy Bible . . . Some blog articles report about other religious figures regarded as incarnations of deity only to make plain they are chosen surrogates so that all people can comprehend one's own essential truth that 'each human being must become one's own Buddha/Jesus as no other entity's consciousness will ever take precedence in one's individual personal relationship with God.'
"The Shocking Reality of Human Life Today Has Yet to Be Recognized By Most People"

Offering one example of blog articles subjects, below is shown some of the considerable array of photographic evidence for cases of reincarnation that remains unknown to most people; if one happens to come across this type of documentation, there may be an assumption based upon one's present social consciousness orientation that the information cannot be correct and must be faulty in some way without one even bothering to learn about or read the nonfiction case study books available that present a gamut of data about this subject.  The photos shown below are from the blog article "Reincarnation In Review".  Another article is "Reflections about Reincarnation and Synchronicity".

art for this article created by AI Gemini text-to-image generation model Imagen 3

These photos include one showing Bell in front of the remains of two clumps of bushes that mysteriously went up in flames outside his Echo Park condo on separate occasions in 1994.  At that time he was working as a movie publicity writer for Paramount Pictures in Hollywood.  The following year, his 'paranormal initiation' resulted with him being confronted with a 'spirit message'/EVP that his ancestral bloodlines include the one related to the man who was primarily the inspiration for the composite character of 'Jesus Christ' in the Holy Bible; and there also are synchronicities suggesting that Bell is the reincarnation of the ancient god-king-priest 'Bel-Marduk.'  Bell's case study book TESTAMENT was published in 1997.



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