
Monday, June 21, 2021

UFOS, Transcendental Communication and Expansion of Consciousness

A Metaphysical Articles Blog Special Report

Occurrences on Earth equated with the 'paranormal' are routinely misunderstood or ignored as chronicled in hundreds of articles at this blog.  News journalists who are corporate employees often seem to be selecting topics on the basis of what is popular, familiar and traditional; therefore, crime, entertainment, politics, celebrities and sports headlines usually comprise the current headlines being offered.  The recent variety of UFOlogy-related commentaries have been published in anticipation of the upcoming Senate report on the subject of UFOs and UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).  On June 13 an article was published at the CNN website entitled "Science and pop culture look to the skies to answer the ultimate question: Are we alone?" by Gregory McNamee.  

As a recent CNN story revealed, for years government and military officials alike ignored sightings of UFOs reported by both military and civilian pilots — just the sort of extraordinary evidence that might substantiate the reality of ETs.  The Pentagon, which refers to UFOs as unidentified aerial phenomena, has confirmed the authenticity of videos and photographs accompanying those reports.

Before that recent and still-unfolding news appeared, though, a hard-to-penetrate cone of silence has surrounded the whole question of UFOs, at least as far as the US government and military have been concerned.

Popular culture filled in the blanks, giving expression to UFOs and their otherworldly passengers in vehicles such as ComicCon, movies such as “Independence Day” and “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” and the classic television series “Star Trek” with its bold search for new life and new civilizations.
Science fiction movies and TV shows sometimes dramatize many of the same assumed imperatives noticeable among the conduct of people in positions of governmental military authority.  An alternative to the proclivity among moviegoers of 'escape from reality' are the chronicles of documented cases of transcendental communication profiled at this blog. 
Considering an individual person developing one's perspective for UFOlogy subjects, some examples of 'channeling' transcendental case chronologies are presented in this article — messages shared with humanity through human channels to being.  Forms of transcendental communication include channeling/trance mediumship, Direct Voice mediumship, 'solar plexus' vocal manifestations, Electronic Voice Phenomena/Instrumental Transcommunication, automatic writing, crystal ball visions and Ouija Board messages.

'Tom of the Council of Nine' through Phyllis V. Schlemmer

(transcript excerpts from The Only Planet of Choice [1993] compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins)
Compilers' notes include: "The material is received through dialogue between an informal yet committed group of people here on earth and the Council of Nine, through a deep trance channel" (Jenkins) and "It has been eighteen years of dedicated work by many to bring this book to fruition." (Schlemmer).
Blog articles about this case: 1, 2, 3, 4
It is important for you to evolve, because without this planet being evolved, the other planets in the Universe are not able to go forward.

It is the love from this planet that generates the energy that feeds God.

Your limits and boundaries are created only by your fears.

It is very simple.  Behave only in a manner that you may love yourself for; behave only in a manner in which you would wish another to do toward you . . . 
With our technology we will be able to help rid the Earth of the problems that your pollution and your technology have created.
Insidious diseases begin to bring the downfall of humankind: For humankind is not in balance . . .

We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one.  We are separate and one at the same time.  Each represents a portion of energy, knowledge, wisdom, love, kindness, technology, and continuity, and each principle applies itself until each portion of a spiral is composed of all that is important to bring complete understanding to each atom, and so one, until it becomes one with us.  There are in actuality multiplications and more, but in principle there are nine.

Know also that we cannot exist without you and all souls, and neither can Planet Earth nor the Universe.  When you understand that, you will understand your own life.
So the twenty-four universal civilizations were created, as guides, elements of direction, elements of purpose.
An example of one would be the civilization of Altea, upon whom we depend — being in another realm of existence — for communicating with you . . .
The civilizations are attempting to bring to humankind information concerning other beings, other species, other energy forms, so that humankind may look on this, question it, and then probe into it.
We have begun a new time in your land and your universe, and it is a time for you to remove the string that attaches you to the past time in the physical and to doubt.

'Soli' through Neville Rowe

(transcript excerpts from Life: Before, During & After [1988] edited by Molli Nickell)
Editor's notes include: "Soli is channeled by Neville Rowe, a graduate engineer who has been involved in psychic development for over 15 years.  Soli is a composite of entities responsible for guiding the evolution of the Earth and the solar system during the transition to the New Age."
Blog articles about this case: 1
You have had lifetimes in many different places. 
But you are infinitely living spirit, and so are your guides and teachers.
The things that you deal with daily (your interactions with friends, acquaintances) are all stemming from subconscious projections and beliefs that you have.

You are on the path to the higher source — remembering, reconnecting with the higher source, and in the process experiencing the delights and what some call the "not-so-delightful aspects" of the Earth plane along the way.
You are the higher self, the Christ consciousness, the God force, whichever term you wish to use.
It is your subconscious mind that tells you whether this is a good experience or a bad experience.

You are, my friends, the second coming.  The Nazarene taught how it is possible to transcend the subconscious mind, to go beyond the belief systems, and to become a clear channel of the energy of the higher self

You want to change the rules of the game, and you have decided to do so.

What is the difference between the spirit plane and the physical plane?   It is one of vibration, one of density, one of lightness and denseness.

A far more androgynous society is coming about.  You do not see it yet, but it is beginning and is very much a part of the New Age — the Age of Aquarius where there is far less concern about differences between individuals and far more understanding of the similarities.

That which you would call angels are energies assisting the growth of the earth dimension and other dimensions.  They are what you might call high level guides and teachers.

They are highly objective, totally objective.  They do not care about you in the sense that you use the word care.

'Seth' through Jane Roberts 

(transcript excerpts from The Unknown Reality Volume 2 [1979] by Jane Roberts)
Notes by Jane's husband Robert F. Butts include: "Seth hasn't often talked about UFOs — unidentified flying objects — in the sessions.  He thinks they have various states of origin.  Occasionally he'll mention them in connection with another subject; as an example, see the two paragraphs about 'saucers' and the pulsating nature of atoms and molecules in the ESP class session for January 12, 1971, in the Appendix of Seth Speaks."  In that book Seth is quoted: "There are guides and teachers in this time of choosing and decision, to point out alternatives and to explain the nature of existence."
Blog articles about this case: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 

The unknown reality is your psychic, spiritual, and psychological one, and from it all your physical experience springs.

The atoms and molecules that structurally compose the UFO, and which are themselves formed by vitality, are more or less aligned according to the pattern of its own territory. 

I do not believe you will have any saucer landings for quite awhile, not physical landings in the usual sense of the word.  These vehicles cannot stay on your plane for any length of time at all.  The pressures that push against the saucer itself are tremendous . . . The struggled to be one thing or another is very great on any plane.  To conform to the laws of a particular plane is a practical necessity, and at the same time the flying saucer craft simply cannot afford to stay betwixt and between for any indefinite period.

At a later date I may go into the inhabitants of [those planes] more thoroughly, but as it is I am not very much acquainted with them myself.

There are so many things you do not understand that I hope to explain to you.  There are other things you do not understand that I cannot explain to you, simply because they would be too alien now for your regular mode of thought. . . .

One note along these lines.  A plane—and I am using your term; I will try to think of a better one—is not necessarily a planet.  A plane may be one planet, but a plane may also exist where no planet is.  One planet may have several planes.

In fact, the analogy of a plane with an emotional state is much more valid than that between a plane and a geographical state — particularly since emotional states take up no room.

In your terms, your histories were not written by the people who worked the earth.  They were created by the priests and the elite, who made up their own histories to suit their purposes — to hold down the masses . . . Those histories never spoke of the vast, massive emotions and needs of the human beings involved, who listened, because their hearts and survival depended upon their doing so, to the voices that speak within the earth that your instruments even now cannot perceive.

And so those people lifted up their minds and hearts and heard the voices of the earth speak to them, as they still do.  The elite did not hear those voices . . . The elite leave you records and methods, telling you of kings and queen, of gurus and prophets and gods, in whose eyes the masses of the people vanished.  The magic that the people had, those gurus never learned.

When man realizes that he, himself, creates his personal and universal environment in concrete terms, then he can begin to create a private and universal environment much superior to the one that is the result of haphazard and unenlightened constructions.

Paulina Peavy

(transcript excerpts from 1958 Long John Nebel radio show broadcast)
Notes: Nebel began the interview by asking her when did she first realize that she could go into a trance . . . She replied: "At least twenty-five years ago.  I heard voices — very strange voices coming through me."  Nebel said, "Coming through you?"  She replied, "Yes — startled me a very great deal although I had been investigating the mystery of my paintings, which started coming twenty-five years ago."   The following radio broadcast transcript excerpts are what she said next.
Blog articles about this case: 1

Now — now — I explain — when — when such power moves in, the strange sounds are caused by the power taking over.  You see Paulina squirming about because we are putting into her being high voltage and in order to receive us and maintain herself, she has had to build up her electrodes to meet our high voltage.  (change in voice tone)  Well that's the way they come in. And then they release me and then apparently I talk.

(Nebel asked her "How do you feel when you're in a trance?" and she began to answer "Well I feel very exhilarated and
"; then her voice tone changed again) . . . now, as you will see, this is not the voice of Paulina for we have not released her entirely.  Although we have prepared her that when we come through we are using her exactly as you use your microphone.  We are beings existing in a world of too high frequency for your comprehension.  And we need to lower our frequency by this manner that our thought will be audible to you.  We use Paulina who uses us. Together, we have painted many thousands of paintings in her — several hundred, probably near a thousand for the purpose of introducing ourselves to you in the way that we desire to be introduced.  For you have many ideas regarding us that are your ideas and they are not our reality.  And as we come to you in many ways and you call us 'flying saucers,' 'space men,' 'Venusians,' and other of your names we need to introduce ourselves in our language.  And our language is not a babble tongue for we communicate with each other in our world by sending or radiographing, as you would say, pictures.  (change in voice tone)  I think the pause is for questions.

(Peavy went on to explain)  The beings that I entertain are universal beings who do not render (change in voice tone) individual personalities as you do in your world.  We are universal beings.  We do not place upon ourselves labels as do you to call ourselves John Doe forever for we now, hold your hats — for we have found perpetuity of life.  And it would be very droll if we called ourselves Paulina Peavy for the rest — from now on.  Therefore, we come and many times when you hear one voice you hear a multitude of us.  For we are in a world whereby we have thoughts simultaneously with uncountable legions of us.  We do not give Paulina personal names for us.  She has a name which is her name when she speaks to us.  We do not use your names in our world.

(Another show guest, Dave Bell, asked "Are the people in this world like we are?") 
We are your elders.  We ages ago were like you, as you.  We have progressed by many eons of time beyond your station and now we exist as a perfected—you would say—seed.  When you see us and we are able to reduce our high frequency waves to come into your sight in your skies; and you see us as flying saucers, we are showing you our planetary form for we are a single cell with one eye.  The original eye.  Out of that single cell we mutate into creature form as you take your birth.

(Dave Bell said:
"Then the explanation of the flying saucers is an attempt of these people to enter into our world?")  We have never departed you and your world.  And the world is not as you think you see it with two outer eyes . .


'The Inner Circle' through Mark Probert

(interview transcript excerpts from Flying Saucer Pilgrimage [1957] by Bryant and Helen Reeve)
The Reeves' notes include: "
The Inner Circle is composed of sixteen advanced beings, all of whom at one time or another experienced earth life, some of them fairly recently, others thousands of years ago.  Utilizing his clairvoyant ability on one occasion, six of these beings suddenly without any warning  showed themselves to Mark.  They were arrayed in the costumes and colors which they wore at one time while on earth . . . Mark Probert goes to sleep, and the members of the Inner Circle use his voice as their own." 
Blog articles about this case: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Q. 4.  Are the governments of the earth in possession of extensive information on space-ships, and are they withholding information from the people?

A. 4.  Yes, they are.  They are frightened.  They are so "educated" they are frightened.  Too little education makes one superstitious, and too much education makes one twice as superstitious!  And so they fear

Q. 7.  Is there an interplanetary government of our solar system?

A. 7.  Most definitely.  There is what is called a hierarchy throughout the entire solar system
— throughout the entire galaxies and island universes.  Certain groups of individuals are assigned to certain planets and even to solar systems.  Then there are other greater beings that watch over an entire galaxy.

Q. 10.  But do they — the Guardian Ships — originate from a particular planet?

A. 10.  No.   Their origin is not planetary.  I reiterate what we ourselves have said many times before.  These beings are space-beings.  If you like the word etheric and can understand it, it means the same thing anyway.  They live in other densities or other frequencies, other dimensions of time, other laws of matter in motion — no more than this.  This is difficult for man on earth to understand, very difficult.  What are you going to say to those who are not versed in what is called "dimensions of time"?  You are going to say the same thing that your great Einstein said to the man in the street concerning relativity.  What did he say?  Nothing!  It is the most wonderfully informative thing to say to the uninformed.  Just nothing!  (Note: this was said in a humorous vein.  As a matter of fact few groups of advanced beings to our knowledge have worked harder or done more to help earth man to really understand outer-space, space-shops and space-beings than the members of the Inner Circle . . .)

Q. 11.  Are planets outside of our system inhabited?

A. 11.  Among your sky visitors there are some who come from planets and others who come from space.  Space is not the vacuous things it has long been considered.  The universe swarms with life of many kinds.  Some planets have inhabitants much like yourselves, but on others they differ much in size, weight, density and other characteristics.  There are giants and pigmies and all sizes in between

Q. 13.  Can you please tell us a little about these space-beings?   Did they live on the earth at one time, and are they more advanced than we?

A. 13.  Many of them have never lived on earth but were born and live in their own dimensions of time.  Technically speaking, many of these beings are advanced from what you are.  Philosophically speaking, they are indeed many strides ahead of you, for wars and murders do not prevail

Q. 16.  Are we also space-people?

A. 16.  You are space-people yourselves in a very definite sense of that word.  You originated from a higher dimension or frequency and are in the process of waking-up and returning there.  When you re-learn to control matter, you will be able once again to move in out of the various frequencies or "time periods."  It is difficult to make you feel this now, and it is something you must approach slowly

Q. 18.  Can the body of an earth man stand such a trip (distant space-travel to higher frequencies)?

A. 18.  Remember that your body is primarily a water body.  In taking someone from your earth to another body in space, that one's body has to be changed.  It will have to be changed before it can go into another frequency.   It will have to be "re-chemicalized."  There will have to be a "polarization" of the atomic substance that goes to make up every cell of the body.

Q. 19.  Is this difficult for the space-people to do?

A. 19.  No, because the space-people know how to manipulate matter.  This would be impossible at present for earth man to do himself.  But they might do it for him if he wished . . .
There are correlations between the transcripts of 'channeled entities' and mediumship accounts/documentation.  Here are some examples of witness descriptions of manifestations as presented in blog articles.  (1)  At a C. V. Miller materialization mediumship session in San Francisco 1904 "beings appeared, shining radiantly from within outwardwords of description fail methey said they had never lived upon this earth, but were 'Spirits of the Sun' and allowed me to touch them . . ."; the following year at another session with Mr. Miller "I myself in a sitting . . . saw a brilliantly shining materialized spirit, eight feet high, who claimed that he was a former inhabitant of Atlantis" (An Occultist's Travels 1908 by Willy Reichel).  (2)  For researchers knowledgeable about documented 'contactee' autobiographies, Dana Howard's perceptions expressed in her case study account are found to be in accordance intellectually and emotionally.  The book offers a report about 'Diane' who materialized and announced "I come from Venus" during a Los Angeles seance in 1955  (Diane — She Came from Venus 1956).  (3)  During a seance in Durban, South Africa circa 1957 "A tall Spirit materialised wearing a mask . . . Then in a serious voice he said: 'I want to tell you that flying saucers do exist . . . they will one day be an established fact . . .'"  The tall Spirit was seen "carrying a large model of a flying saucer . . . an ectoplasmic model which had dematerialised as quickly as it had been materialised" (Alec Harris 2009 by Louie Harris).
Although the facts about 'contactees' and 'channelers' seem to have long been considered as being too 'subjective' for mainstream news media reporting, this is a biased and incorrect opinion that perhaps shows a human penchant for avoiding perceived nonconformity with what constitutes one's individual orientation to perceived consensus beliefs and the fear of potential controversy.  What evidently remains unconsidered is the possibility of such conduct limiting a soul's spiritual progression for oneself and others during an Earth incarnation.  Some more details found in case study accounts presenting parallels/correlations/links are offered with the following passages from metaphysical case study books.

The book Alec Harris (2009) is subtitled The full story of his remarkable physical mediumship and was written by his wife Louie Harris.  Professor David Fontana commented in the Preface that while the abbreviated version of the book was first published in 1980, "the full version has languished in yellowing manuscript pages from the day it was written . . . When observed under conditions that effectively rule out normal explanations, physical mediumship offers objective evidence for the existence of so-called paranormal abilities, and strong support for the belief in the survival of consciousness after physical death."


Excerpts from Alec Harris

White Wing [one of Alec's guides] announced one night during a seance that he wished to materialise in his own light, requesting that the red electric bulb be extinguished so that there would be complete darkness for his demonstration.

Presently, near the cabinet, a pin-point of light could be seen.  This slowly increased in size and power until, in its unearthly luminosity, we were able to discern a figure standing in front of the cabinet curtains.  The Spirit then stepped forward and I saw that it was White Wing, resplendent in his magnificent feathered Indian headdress.  His features, hands, and robes were all so much clearer than when seen by the light of the red electric globe.  This intense blue-white Spirit light was very much an improvement on our red light.  It afforded us an opportunity of seeing the Spirit in every detail of clothing and form, even to the colour of the eyes!  At times the glow would fluctuate, fading, and then resuming its brilliance as the power waned and was restored.

Among the books of renowned spiritual healing facilitator Harry Edwards of England are two biographical case study books about 'physical mediums' (materialization): The Mediumship of Jack Webber (1940) and The Mediumship of Arnold Clare (1942).   His other books include The Science of Spirit Healing (1945),  The Evidence for Spirit Healing (1953), Harry Edwards: Thirty Years A Spiritual Healer (1968) and A Guide to the Understanding and Practice of Spiritual Healing (1974)

This Plate 14 detail shows "grippers" at the end of a materialized 'ectoplasmic arm' (Daily Mirror photograph) and Plate 19 is a rare photograph documenting an 'ectoplasmic voice box' with the source of emergence at the nostril of the entranced Jack Webber.  (This can be compared to an infrared photo of conscious Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint with an ectoplasmic voicebox.)  The photo caption for Plate 19 notes this photograph is "almost identical with similar formation photographed in America in connection with Margery Crandon's mediumship."

Excerpts from The Mediumship of Jack Webber

The term "psychic rod" has been generally applied to all such forms of ectoplasmic emanations.  The photographs obtained, and very close observance of the various forms of phenomena in which a force external from the medium is employed, now definitely permit of two main classifications, i.e., "ectoplasmic arms" and "ectoplasmic rods."

When at times these arms have come in contact with sitters they have been felt to be soft and flexible, slightly warm and coarse in texture.  They are able to grip objects (Plate No. 14 shows the gripper-like tentacles at the end of the arm).  When an arm lifts a trumpet or other light object, the control of the object is weak

On several occasions the ends of the arms have been illuminated.  By a very high vibration the extreme tips of the arms are shown as a blue ring of light.  It is important to mention here that the light is in a ring formation with a dark centre.   (See "Voice Production.")  When this phenomenon has been produced there have been two such lights, which move about in a controlled manner.

At one
sitting the illuminated end descended in a circular movement to the mouth of a trumpet standing just in front of the medium.  The trumpet rose in the air and moved freely round the sitters; the blue light being seen the whole time at the trumpet's mouth.  Finally, the trumpet was returned to the floor and the blue ring of light was seen to rise from the trumpet and return to the solar plexus in an arc-like movement.

Quite different is the function of the ectoplasmic "rod."  This is used for strong movement and for the levitation of heavy articles.  It has not yet been possible to photograph one of these "rods."  The Guide (Black Cloud) has given the following reason for this.  Rods are often invisible and cannot therefore be photographed.  If the rods were to be brought into a physical condition they would appear as shafts of light; if the vibration was still further reduced to create a physical object, it would simply photograph as an ectoplasmic arm

The publication of Dana Howard's Diane — She Came from Venus (1956) followed My Flight to Venus (1954) and her other books include Over the Threshold (1957), Up Rainbow Hill (1958), The Keys to the Citadel of Space (1960) and The Kingdom of Space (1961). 


Excerpts from Diane — She Came from Venus

The appearance of the lovely Diane in the "little white church in Los Angeles" is only one side of the miracle that occurred on April 29, 1955.  Out on the desert where your author resides during resort season, another miracle had happened.  Mrs. Barbara MacDonald, a member of the Ground Observation Corp, a civilian agency attached to the Air Force reported that her skywatchers had broadcast four strange ships seen high in the desert skies during the week of Diane's visitation.  There was no chance for error here . . . no exaggerated rumors, for all sightings were the result of observers detailed to duty, Air Force volunteers whose task it is to spot and report any unusual happening or any alien ship seen in the skies.  These skywatchers, working different shifts, all gave the same account.  Mrs. MacDonald reports that H. A. Mooney, a young man well trained in sky phenomena and only recently out of the Navy, stated he saw a huge ship very high over the desert skies and travelling at a startling rate of speed.  Although the ship was of a gargantuan size there was no tail fire and it was absolutely noiseless.  Mooney stated it revealed a long row of odd-looking portholes from which streamed radiant fire.  It vanished into nothingness before his eyes.

Mrs. MacDonald further relates that a few nights later, Jan Carlyle, secretary of a prominent Palm Springs attorney, another duly appointed skywatcher, reported a similar happening.  This ship was virtually the same in appearance

too was noiseless.  Repeating substantially the same story as young Mooney, the ship vanished into thin air while the watcher's eyes were upon it.
Again Mrs. MacDonald tells of another similar incident.  Rickey Anderson, another skywatcher and a decided unbeliever in the "saucer theory," reported a few nights later the appearance of two such ships traversing the desert skies.  He described the light streaming from the portholes as a luminous blue-white light.  The ships were travelling in an easterly direction and he followed them over the little town of Thousand Palms, California, but like the others they disappeared into the invisible beyond.

Your author has been reliably informed that all four sightings were had been duly classified by the Air Force as "unidentified flying objects.


Notes contributed by Colin Wilson for a 1975 edition of An Occultist's Travels (1908) considered the book as "a fragment of an immense, unsolved mystery" with the transcendental communication evidence found among the annals of Spiritualism leading to what might be called "a 'psychic explosion'" with Spiritualist authors having "announced portentously that a new age had dawned" as God was "permitting spirits of the dead to return to earth.  All this had an absolutely staggering impact upon our great-great grandparents, to a degree that we can today scarcely imagine.  Perhaps we can get some idea if we imagine a saucer-like spacecraft landing at the United Nations Plaza in New York City . . . what man really discovered in the mid-19th century were the strange forces produced by his own subconsciousor superconscious—mind."

Willy Reichel wrote that his intention for writing the book upon setting out on his travels was to forget troubles and continue his studies.  In Germany he had been "an expounder of animal magnetism and occult and spiritualistic science" or what today is also called 'mesmerism.'   


Excerpts from An Occultist's Travels

[This a description of occurrences experienced by the author during seances conducted by materialization medium Mr. C. V. Miller of 1084 Bush Street in San Francisco, beginning in 1903.]

The following phenomenon was also extremely interesting: a white ball, which looked like muslin, hovered a short time in front of the curtain, then sank before the eyes of all, and in scarcely two minutes a new spirit figure formed itself.
I also saw eight times a gentleman well known to me in life, ten feet away from the medium, first approaching and sinking in front of me as a little floating flame, develop in perhaps a minute and a half, till he stood in his full figure directly before my eyes.  He then held long conversations with me, drew back himself to the curtain, where I followed, and dematerialized himself before my eyes, still talking until his head at last vanished.
This spirit, in his voice and his whole manner of speech, was absolutely unmistakable; but as he developed himself in white robes, I asked him if he would be able, that is, if he could remember in what dress he was laid in the coffin, and to materialize in this for a still more positive proof of identity.  He promised to do so, and came the next day to a seance in a dresscoat, exactly as I had seen him in the coffin, his face without any covering.  I saw with my own eyes little revolving flames, white, blue, and a wonderful light-blue, from which voices spoke to me, giving their full names, and those of friends and relatives; some sank and quickly developed, but others had not yet attained this ability.  I saw my nephew Helmuth, who died in Berlin, August 31st, 1898, as a child four years old, float with his fair hair out of the cabinet, calling constantly: "Uncle, do you see me?"  I saw him hovering about in the room a long time and then disappearing through the ceiling. 



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