
Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Twins Who Shocked Hollywood and The Twins Who Shocked Rome

Orange County Register article January 14, 2011 caption: "Stars arrive for the 67th Annual Golden Globe Awards at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in January 2010.  A former publicist is alleging in a lawsuit that the association that runs the awards engages in unethical behavior."


In January 2011 my twin brother Mike suddenly became the subject of a veritable news media reporting frenzy when (as worded in an Associated Press article on the 14th):


A former publicist for the organization that runs the Golden Globes has sued the group on the eve of its glitzy awards show, claiming it engages in payola schemes for nominations and awards.

Michael Russell sued the Hollywood Foreign Press Association late Thursday, just three days before the Golden Globes are slated to air Sunday on NBC.

A current Google search still shows that in 2020 there remains available all the coverage in 2011 among daily newspapers and TV stations, etc.  A preceding article that I noticed was posted Dec. 11, 2010 at "Globes PR Chief Said HFPA Must End ‘Unsavory’ Dealings."  Then on January 13 the new headline was: "BOMBSHELL: Former Golden Globes Publicist Sues HFPA for $2M, Claims Fraud, Payola."

A February 7, 2011 Daily Variety headline is: "HFPA files counter-suit against ex-publicist."  On November 3 in 2011 a headline in The Hollywood Reporter is: "Hollywood Foreign Press Suffers Setback in Publicist Lawsuit."  The accompanying photo of award show participants on the red carpet has the caption: "The Golden Globes delivers 250 million TV viewers worldwide and is the highest-rated nonsports program on NBC."

In 2013 an article at The Wrap was featured at "Hollywood Foreign Press Settles with Former Publicist in Payola Suit."  There is little evidence of the information on this occasion being selected by news media beyond entertainment industry specialty outlets.

Metaphysical author/researcher Tony Bushby has brought forward information about how twins influenced the emergence of the Christian religion.  Bushby has written about the man today known as 'Jesus Christ,' having stated in his first book on this subject published in 2001: "To unravel the 'King' story of Jesus ben Panthera, it is first important to clarify the Gospel identity of his twin brother, who was called Judas Thomas or 'Thomas the Twin' in the New Testament."  Bushby goes on to offer the following appraisals in the book:

It was Judas Khrestus who said, "I have come not to bring peace, but a sword" (Matt. 10:34) and instructed his followers to also equip themselves with swords and clubs (Luke 22:36).


In an exhaustive examination of all available existing First and Second Century Roman documents, are found buried away two separate historical references to Khrestus.  These two writings were purported to be written late in the First Century or early in the Second Century and the information they gave about him was sparse.  The earliest was by Publius Cornelius Tacitus . . . In Annals (15:44) Tacitus mentioned a man called Khrestus who suffered death by crucifixion at the hands of Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius.


Judas Khrestus possessed an hereditary right to the Emperorship of Rome and the throne of Judea . . . 


Like Judas Khrestus, [his twin brother] Rabbi Jesus received his religious education into the secret orders of the Essene Initiates and the records of antiquity reveal that they were associated with 'affiliated communities.'  Those records also insisted that Jesus spent time as a youth in Druidic communities in Britain and he was there with Joseph of Arimathea.


The well-established Christian image of Mary Magdelene as a prostitute is a slander not based on fact and, like so many other stories inspired by a censorious church, has long been proved nonsense.


. . . it seemed that when Rabbi Jesus married Mary Magdelene, he was given the name, Cunobeline.


The strict fold of Rabbis charged Jesus because "he burnt his food publicly."  That is to say, Rabbi Jesus was about to reveal the Secret in the Bible, that sacred Mystery of the Ancient Schools and, more importantly, the highly confidential Divine name of God.


The Rabbinic records confirmed the church accounts and stated that Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline was eventually captured and stoned to death by a person called Pinhas at a place called Lud.


After the lifetimes of the twins had passed, the unusual circumstances of their existence led to considerable excitement amongst the simple population and elements of Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline's very different lives made their way into the discourses of the public orators.  These men were called presbyters . . .


The presbyters were instructed by the Emperor to bring with them the manuscripts from which they orated to the rabble, "wrapped and bound in leather."  Constantine saw in this developing system of belief the opportunity to make a combined State religion and protect it by law.  The first general church council was thus convened in the year 325.

A new god was proclaimed and 'officially' ratified by Emperor Constantine, who declared him to be Homoousious, that is, of the substance of the Father.


Previous blog articles mention this blogger's 'paranormal initiation' that gained momentum during my 'talking poltergeist' research expedition to Oklahoma in 1995.  In the 'haunted' home where there had audibly manifested a succession of diverse unseen personalities, the predominant manifesting entity was known as 'Michael' by the family.  The being became revelatory of an Angelic Force upon returning home to my Los Angeles condo and continuing to witness phenomenal events taking place during otherwise solitary moments.

When this blogger eventually began researching 'total takeover' channeling, the first professional channeler whose channeling session I was able to witness in person was Kevin Ryerson in February 1998.  One of the three entities who took control of Kevin's body to speak that night was 'John,' who is described in a memoir by Ryerson as "an Essene scholar of Hebrew ancestry and disciple of the man Jesus."  (Years later, I would also learn about another channeler, the UK's Ray Brown, who channels the disciple 'Paul.')  In May 2006 I was again amazed upon attending a channeling session of 'Ramtha' speaking through JZ Knight.  (articleDuring the lecture, Ramtha spoke about 'Yeshua ben Joseph.'  During the 2006 lecture, Ramtha said:

Yeshua ben Joseph had a twin.  His name was Thomas.  To those of us, that is well-known.  That he was trained — that his soul was comprised of thirteen masters is also known.  And that those thirteen masters contributed as thirteen teachers taught to their greatest accomplishment and taught them and then engaged them, as hierophants do, to make them live the teaching they were taught . . .

Something that I would realize upon listening to my tape recording of the lecture was that my experiences in life make comprehensible for people some of Ramtha's figurative statements about Yeshua and initiation.  It seems that some perspectives with complex phraseology found in transcendental communication case transcripts may become accessible when a reader is familiar with the scope of occurrences in my personal case chronology.

Hearing the expression "the I Am of the I Am" mentioned by Ramtha showed a correspondence to the channeled perspectives brought forward in many books by Guy and Edna Ballard, who published transcripts dictated from 'Ascended Masters' beginning with Volume III of the 20-volume Saint Germain Series The "I Am" Discourses (1936).  Ramtha has identified himself as being an 'ascended master.'

Ramtha said during the 2006 lecture in Hollywood:

So the wave of knowledge that comes from the future has come in a form of entertainment.  And 'entertainment,' as it were, it was not to toy with your mind while those in power made choices on your behalf and indeed your children's behalf.  The same gods that the world worships — things they see in reality — motions of pictures are realities akin to the visions in the brain and watching them played out and living vicariously through them indeed.  And comes the story of these twin brothers and their great accomplishment.


To say that one is god begins the awakening and the learning.  And that is what I do.  And not that anything that I said is ever the truth.  There's nothing I ever said was the truth.  It only becomes the truth when we initiate you into what I said, into what you said.  And that the experience of that philosophy manifested in your life — that you experience in your importance, then it is a truth.  So the great work is taking this knowledge into a practicality of life because life is a gift and learning to live it at higher tempos of frequency, higher visions and concepts of thought, and to manifest it in the world to the startling reality of the unawakened around you who begin to wake up

Recalling that spring day in 2006 when Ramtha's lecture was presented in Hollywood at a ballroom of the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel, my identical twin brother Mike's lawsuit against the association responsible for the Golden Globes awards was still more than four years in the future.  However, it had been myself who was the first of the two of us to compel people to reflect about what they considered status quo about the Hollywood entertainment industry.  This happened when I published my autobiographical Testament in January 1997.  The 1,100-page paperback first edition of the nonfiction documentary-style case study is now a collector's item with a free Internet version available online.   

Whatever expectations readers are likely to have about Testament will probably eventually be realized as incorrect should one decide to read the book.  Something mentioned in my second news release about the book was how important insights manifested to me could be construed as contemporary 'commandments.'  Just like what is written in the Bible about Moses, in 1994 I'd experienced on two occasions burning bushes on the hillside outside my condo.  I wrote in Testament:

This was a very traumatic time in my life because I realized that Michael had been with me during every moment of my life.  I felt ashamed by some of the things I had done over the years — or failed to do in terms of helping those less fortunate than myself.  I needed a new commandment: You Shouldn’t Take For Yourself More Than You Give Back.


. . . one of the messages Michael gave me by turning on and off my TV set is that “LOVE IS THE ONLY RELIGION.” 

Upon transcribing an interview tape recording of myself when I mentioned a potential new commandment "Thou Shalt Not Cover Up," an Electronic Voice Phenomena message was heard to insert the word "PARTICIPATE" to this sentence.

For the second book news release I decided to highlight this aspect of my experiences.  The June 16, 1998 news release reported the three new commandments: 11. Love is the only true religion.  12. Give back to the world as much as you take.   13. Thou shalt not participate in cover-ups.

The next news release was distributed on February 18, 1999.  The news release was included in a full page ad in Daily Variety as another promotion for the book on May 18, 1999.  The ad included black and white images of color photos of phenomenal events chronicled in the book along with the book covers of Testament and exclusively online sequel book.      

The cost of the ad ended up being $3,610.  In 1997 I'd placed the initial ad in Daily Variety announcing the publication of Testament.  I originally planned to have the ad published on the official date of publication January 9 yet a helpful advertising representative recommended the international edition two days prior and I was happy to take his advice.  The issue on the 7th turned out to be the edition of the newspaper with the "Studio Wraps" report about the financial performance of movie studios during the previous year and was also (ironically) a special issue in honor of "The 54th Annual Golden Globe Awards."  My ad appeared on the same page with the Paramount data (as shown below).


An additional 1999 news release was distributed on August 2 and reported how the Nostradamus prophecy for 1999 and Edgar Cayce prophecy for 1998 were fulfilled.  (1, 2)



Considering all the attention given to my brother's lawsuit in 2011, the lesson would seem to be how journalists in particular are traditionally oriented to favor news subjects related to politics, crime and disasters along with familiar entertainment and escapism pastimes or they may simply not be aware of other choices.  People as readers or viewers choosing information sources may not have any conception of how to develop one's metaphysical or spiritual perspectives and insights.  They may never realize how easy it is to go through life being distracted from more profound growth as I myself experienced to a considerable extent prior to my unusual spiritual awakening of 25 years ago.  These days I also wonder about the spiritual concerns and social conditions of my blog readers who live in geographically far away places, such as Hong Kong, Japan and Russia.

Making available the account of my experiences and metaphysical initiation (in addition to other topics offering evidence of phenomenal events) allows readers to develop their perspective of channeling cases and other forms of 'paranormal phenomena.'  There are more than 200 article and video links listed with the Channeling Cases Articles and Videos Links Index featuring my personal reporting about this subject.  Also available is a more complete Metaphysical Articles Blog Index of Subjects and Article Titles with Links.  Now with official guidelines for entire communities being 'Safer at Home' during the present pandemic, people with Internet access may choose to develop their metaphysical understanding.

Some blog articles offer perspectives of Jesus found in transcendental communication transcripts representing the ascended realm of human existence.  These articles include: "John's Comments about the God Force and Jesus", "Paul's Comments about Jesus and Life's Purpose", "Metaphysical Instruction from Yada Di Shi'ite""Transcendental Perspectives of Christ and Jesus", "Messages from Heaven" and "Case Profile: Edgar Cayce".

This article is a continuation of the preceding blog article "Some Unpopular Metaphysical Data and Conclusions" and the following blog article "Sharing Diverse Aspects of my 'Paranormal Initiation'" concludes the commentary about this topic for October 2020.

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