Many articles at this blog reveal the documentation for the gamut of case chronologies encompassing some form of anomalous manifestation experienced during individual Earth lives; however, the cases seem to be left unknown or ignored among a large portion of contemporary people. The three preceding articles relating to 'UFOlogy' provide examples of anecdotal evidence supported by photographs and videos that may inspire readers to research further.
For intervals each day an individual may be accustomed to giving one's attention to information from prominent commercial news sources, along with a dearth of entertainment choices. This article considers the predicament of all the people who haven't developed any certain or profound personal metaphysical or spiritual insights about the life experience through acceptance or skepticism, knowledge or uncertainty, belief or disbelief.
Considering the insights made possible through my study into the field of transcendental communication cases in recent decades, I've learned "the Soul records memory as feelings" and "everyone's opinion about any one thing will differ often vastly, for each has formulated that opinion based on his unique experiences and the understanding or misunderstanding that he has gained in his soul, not only from this life but from all lives lived before this one." The spiritual 'journey' results with "recording on your pages of life, in your divine soul, the action/reaction that creates manifested matter, manifested destiny, manifested reality." One will recognize that initiation has occurred upon perceptions of social consciousness altering while accepting that there is an omnipresent life force conducive to positive accomplishments and this consistent awareness affects one's decisions. This Source of All Being is reflected in all blessings and creativity.
Considering the predicament of people who don't read and instead give their attention to movies, TV shows, computer games and Pop music, a perhaps useful suggestion is to be attentive to spiritual and metaphysical aspects of life introduced in diverse ways among Pop culture expressions. Individual artists in their chosen mediums must determine the messages they deem relevant for expression to others. Another category of self-expression is journalism and reporting, which has become the necessary path for this blogger for the past 25 years.
This image is from a Billie Eilish song performance during a TV awards show in November.
Below: In 2018 Alex Mattson was 18 years old when he produced the song "UFO" featuring Solamay.
A case study book of transcendental communication entitled To Dance with Angels (1990) by Don and Linda Pendleton chronicles how the couple was introduced to the phenomenon of 'channeling' through listening to a Los Angeles mainstream radio show featuring the channeled entity 'Dr. Peebles' interacting with callers after channeler Thomas Jacobson entered a trance state. (1, 2, 3, 4) Attending their first in-person session with Dr. Peebles, Don commented: ". . . he nailed us one hundred percent and forever changed the way we think about ourselves, our lives, our reality."
DR. PEEBLES: The experience of skepticism is a—really!—a soul who's afraid to fall in love, afraid to let passion overcome him and who almost desperately wants to stay in control of everything within him and around him — and skepticism becomes a brilliant, perhaps subtle technique to maintain that state of control. So it's really not intellectual, it's really not an exercise of the intellect, it's really not even a state of disbelief; it's a desire, a plea, in times of desperation, to maintain control; and the fear of falling in love is one of losing control and then finding oneself alone again through rejection. You understand.
DON: Yes, I do. I would like to make note of the fact that there has recently been established in this country a professional organization of skeptics who have taken it upon themselves to shoot down the various phenomenal ideas and interests in the public mind. Could we interpret this as being a mass defensive mechanism . . .
DR. PEEBLES: Yes, it is. And really the numbers are very small. The organizations around the world, religious and otherwise, who wish to understand and who do believe, are a thousandfold more numerous, and that's because the truth lies therein. The skeptic—again, however—is the lover — we love this organization. Indeed, it has been somewhat through the inspiration of the spirit that they have organized themselves, and we support them in their work; for this will prove to themselves their own passion. They will realize that they are not objective, but instead they have passionate points of view that they wish to maintain, and through their collective reinforcement they will become increasingly clear and honest about their own bias rather than demanding to isolate the bias of another. . . .
When Don asked if 'Dr. Peebles' is "how you are known by your contemporaries in Spirit?," the response given is: ". . . you're way ahead of the game here, aren't you? All right. Let's see here . . . We're going to wait a little while on that one . . . But you're right in what you are feeling. There's lots of other stuff going on. I am Dr. Peebles and I am many other things." After more questions, it is mentioned: "The question is an act of love from the questioner, who loves himself and the world enough to invoke that information."
DR. PEEBLES: . . . The truth of the universe is that all things are one. All things want to learn and thereby they expand. As does the universe. Yet all things are one with each other . . .
A 'channeling' case chronology that is unusual in that the documented period of activity was relegated to only a few years. This is what was experienced by Mary-Margaret Moore with 'Bartholomew.' When this blogger began thinking about what such a profound change in one's path this was for the human channel, I have to admit that it made me cry and yet the lesson was of immense significance as Mary-Margaret has commented during an interview: "The last thing that was said to us was 'If you want to find me then you have to go where I am, which is in the depth of the heart of your true being. Go there and you will find me.'"
A paragraph about Mary-Margaret Moore from the final of five published Bartholomew books provides some background information about her.
Mary-Margaret Moore spent her first 18 years growing up in Hawaii and the next 5 obtaining two degrees from Stanford University in California. She is married and has four children. She has been a seeker of clear awareness for many years, gaining clarity from the study of the Christian saints, Zen, the Sufis, Advaita, and most of all, the teachings of Ramana Maharshi.
Here are excerpts from the July 18, 1990 transcript of a session in Taos, New Mexico as published in the Bartholomew book Planetary Brother (1991).
I have often told you that this communication we share between us is an experiment in consciousness. Certain energies on "our side of the Light" have begun and continued this understanding with the expectation and hope that parts of this so-called invisible reality could enter your world and increase your experience of the Grace of God-Consciousness. We bring this idea forward in as many ways as we can, to let you know that the main component of consciousness is what you would call Grace, the Love of God, the total experience of acceptance from the God-Source.
There is a mutuality in this gift. While we have given to you, please know that you have also given back.
Look back and think about the first time you heard these words and reflect upon where you are now and how you feel about yourself and your connection to God, and you will realize you are not the same. And you will never be the same. You are the forerunners of a new way of approaching consciousness. This teaching has to be grounded and run through physical bodies. It cannot just be thrown out into the ethers. It hasn't happened before because you were not ready to listen, to suffer your doubts, or to allow this kind of experience to begin a process. You weren't ready, and the moment enough of you were, the experiment began.
Mary-Margaret Moore during a channeling session may be seen in a video entitled "A Misunderstanding about Enlightenment".
During the epoch of Spiritualism through the activity of 'trance mediumship,' people found themselves experiencing circumstances that resulted with them becoming 'mediums' in a way that parallels some contemporary 'channeling' case chronologies. Some of these renowned individuals profiled in previous articles are Maurice Barbanell, Florence Cook, Marjorie Crandon, Andrew Jackson Davis, Helen Duncan, Arthur Ford, Eileen Garrett, Gordon Higginson, Helen Hughes, Gladys Osborne Leonard, Mark Probert, Estelle Roberts and Ena Twigg.
Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land, Through the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant (1872) is a book compiled by Allen Putnam from responses by "controlling spirits" of the medium. The information shared includes 'Theodore Parker' on March 16, 1868 quoted in response to a question about the afterlife:
'Edgar C. Dayton' on May 14, 1868 quoted in response to a question about the persistence of memory in the afterlife.
Viscount Adare's book Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr. D. D. Home (1869) incorporates descriptions of transcendental communication, including what was spoken through the entranced medium while others were seated around him at a table during 'seances.' The following passages are some examples of the communication recorded in written transcripts when Home was in a trance state that he would have no memory of upon regaining consciousness.
During the epoch of Spiritualism through the activity of 'trance mediumship,' people found themselves experiencing circumstances that resulted with them becoming 'mediums' in a way that parallels some contemporary 'channeling' case chronologies. Some of these renowned individuals profiled in previous articles are Maurice Barbanell, Florence Cook, Marjorie Crandon, Andrew Jackson Davis, Helen Duncan, Arthur Ford, Eileen Garrett, Gordon Higginson, Helen Hughes, Gladys Osborne Leonard, Mark Probert, Estelle Roberts and Ena Twigg.
Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land, Through the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant (1872) is a book compiled by Allen Putnam from responses by "controlling spirits" of the medium. The information shared includes 'Theodore Parker' on March 16, 1868 quoted in response to a question about the afterlife:
. . . All souls are in their external specially aggregated; yet there are no two alike. One perceives very readily all the conditions that surround him and in which he seems to live, while another is very slow to perceive them. One spirit hears that the way is open to return to earth, and straightway he comes back. Another hears of it, but his ears are not attuned to the truth of the sound; he does not believe it. It cannot appeal to him as a truth, and he does not come back for years — ages, perhaps. All are differently made up in the external, yet in the internal the Bushman, the Hottentot, the Anglo-Saxon, are all the same. Now, do not fancy that you are any better than the savage of the Western wilds, for you are not. In essence they are one with you.
'Edgar C. Dayton' on May 14, 1868 quoted in response to a question about the persistence of memory in the afterlife.
Q. If memory ever lives with us, may not it make the future life unpleasant or intolerable?
A. Yes, it certainly will, in many instances, make it exceedingly unpleasant. The man who has defrauded his neighbor in any sense, who has practised the various kinds of injustice that are exhibited on the earth, who has committed errors against his own conscience — such a one cannot but expect to receive condemnation in consequence of remembering those acts in the spirit-world. We carry with us all the lights and shades of our being here to the spirit-world, and if the shade preponderates, why, certainly, we cannot but be unhappy. Now, then, see to it that you do not carry those things to the spirit-world that, when you remember, will cause you regret. For if you do, you will carry your hell with you. Be sure of that.
Q. Is there a distinction in the soul's future between sins of intention and of ignorance?
A. Certainly there is, so far as the individual is concerned. If you commit an error, and you know at the time you commit it that it is an error, — that it is not the best way, when remorse for the commission of that error comes, it will be very much more keen than if you had committed the error in ignorance.
Viscount Adare's book Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr. D. D. Home (1869) incorporates descriptions of transcendental communication, including what was spoken through the entranced medium while others were seated around him at a table during 'seances.' The following passages are some examples of the communication recorded in written transcripts when Home was in a trance state that he would have no memory of upon regaining consciousness.
from Seance No. 14August 6, 1868
Question (H. J.)—As to a law of predestination?
Answer.—Yes, there is a law of predestination which is quite true, only you could not understand it.
Question.— Infinite possibility gives freedom of action?Answer.— Yes, infinite possibility, harmonizing with pre-destination is the law. Oh, I wish so much some spirits from other planets could come to you, but that is very rarely allowed. When Malle (Mrs. Jencken's servant) passed away, a spirit from another planet passed by the open window, that was all, and yet the room was filled with perfume for days; if you had thought of it, and had gone out into the garden, you would have found the perfume stronger there than in the room."Henry, your father was inspired when he wrote his works, remember this (grasping H. Jencken's hand). Act! Do something! it is so very glorious to assist in the search for truth. There are so many stubborn men to be convinced. It is your duty to say that which you know to be true, to utter it. (taking my hand) Oh, my lord, do something! Act! Aid the many beings yet in darkness. There is the truth, it is only hid, it is there nevertheless shining forth in all its splendour."from Seance No. 25October 20, 1868Question.—As it is so difficult to influence men are you not constantly endeavouring to do certain things and failing?Answer.—To a certain extent,—yes. But spiritual influence has much more to do with the affairs of the world than what you dream of. All inspiration, poetry, improvising as in the case of the old Troubadours,—all that is owing to it—everything in fact, is set in motion by spiritual interference. To those who pray earnestly for and seek for light and truth, light will certainly be given; our greatest difficulty is the folly of men's hearts, and their blindness. There are thousands of men who pray that rather than that Spiritualism should be understood, men should believe it to be the work of the devil; to advance themselves one day only, they would retard the progress of the world for ages. Every prayer has its effect, and every aspiration and wish is a prayer; it is not necessary to go down on your bended knees to pray. Would that you could see as we do the great black cloud (to speak figuratively) of prayers and aspirations that is for ever rising up from a populous haunt of mankind like this great city of London. Aspiration for truth and knowledge will surely bring its answer, and as surely does every prayer to the contrary distort and retard true progress.
Readers can compare occurrences that are subjects of preceding nonfiction blog articles with fictional humorous predicaments in the film clips presenting the storyline for the upcoming movie "Bill & Ted Face the Music."
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