Unquestionably, throughout one's life a person is constantly deciding what information, data
and evidence is worthwhile to contemplate and place in context intellectually. It may seem
pathetic that so many extensively documented cases of transcendental
communication are unknown or ignored by most people throughout the world (perhaps for reasons of unfamiliarity and complexity) as this knowledge would undoubtedly bring them a better understanding of life's possibilities. Mental conditions of psychic phenomena expressed as 'channeling' and 'trance mediumship' tell us something about one's own state of existence in relation to perceptions about personal identity.
For the last two weeks this blogger gave his attention to reading the early published UFOlogy writings of Michael X Barton (1937-2003) and once again found that 'one thing leads to another.' My objective was to provide an example of how someone such as me—who has read numerous books about transcendental communication—reacts when reading something related to this subject. Although occasionally categorized as a 'contactee,' Michael Vincent Barton published no autobiography other than what may be read in his monographs (booklets). Some of his titles reflect sensational aspects of UFOlogy investigation, such as "Rainbow City and the Inner Earth People" (1960), "The German Saucer Story" (1968) and "Danger On the Moon" (1970).
Presently, one monograph is available as an audible book at Amazon: "The Spacemasters Speak" subtitled here as "My Contact with Valiant and Borealis Thor" (1970 Saucerian Press edition / first published as The Spacemasters Speak in 1960). Barton reported about the space convention at Harmony Grove Camp in Escondido, California that took place 60 years ago this week July 2-4 1960 with talks that included individuals identified by the terms 'channel' and 'direct channel.' This source shows that 'channeling' was an established activity in Southern California in 1960.
Although the contactee experiences recounted by Michael X Barton in the monograph Venusian Secret-Science (1958) include incidents that seem derivative of publicized case studies of men such as Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum and Daniel Fry, there seems to be some actual basis for the various phenomenal accounts related by Barton in the monographs. This article relates some intriguing information among some of Barton's published periodicals. His cities of residence included Los Angeles with his Futura Press Gregory Avenue address located near the Paramount studios in Hollywood. Many prominent flying saucer contactees of the period lived in the Los Angeles area at some point in their lives.
For the last two weeks this blogger gave his attention to reading the early published UFOlogy writings of Michael X Barton (1937-2003) and once again found that 'one thing leads to another.' My objective was to provide an example of how someone such as me—who has read numerous books about transcendental communication—reacts when reading something related to this subject. Although occasionally categorized as a 'contactee,' Michael Vincent Barton published no autobiography other than what may be read in his monographs (booklets). Some of his titles reflect sensational aspects of UFOlogy investigation, such as "Rainbow City and the Inner Earth People" (1960), "The German Saucer Story" (1968) and "Danger On the Moon" (1970).
Presently, one monograph is available as an audible book at Amazon: "The Spacemasters Speak" subtitled here as "My Contact with Valiant and Borealis Thor" (1970 Saucerian Press edition / first published as The Spacemasters Speak in 1960). Barton reported about the space convention at Harmony Grove Camp in Escondido, California that took place 60 years ago this week July 2-4 1960 with talks that included individuals identified by the terms 'channel' and 'direct channel.' This source shows that 'channeling' was an established activity in Southern California in 1960.
Although the contactee experiences recounted by Michael X Barton in the monograph Venusian Secret-Science (1958) include incidents that seem derivative of publicized case studies of men such as Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum and Daniel Fry, there seems to be some actual basis for the various phenomenal accounts related by Barton in the monographs. This article relates some intriguing information among some of Barton's published periodicals. His cities of residence included Los Angeles with his Futura Press Gregory Avenue address located near the Paramount studios in Hollywood. Many prominent flying saucer contactees of the period lived in the Los Angeles area at some point in their lives.
Early writings provide information about Barton's interest in
metaphysical subjects. In Flying Saucer Revelations (1957 PDF edition) he presented himself as an aficionado of George Van Tassel. One term mentioned is "Telethot" (or Van Tassel's "telethought") with Barton associating "the Saucer People" with "Venusians."
Barton described a visit to the popular 'Giant Rock' UFOlogy meeting site owned by George Van Tassel and mentioned the "startling book" by Van Tassel, I Rode a Flying Saucer. The date was May 8, 1955. Barton was accompanied by a man who once sighted a UFO, Dr. Nephi Cottam. Barton quoted some of what he heard stated about "the Space People" with Van Tassel having played for his guests a tape recording of messages from outer space claimed to have been received telepathically. Barton's commentary suggests that the brief visit was one that he found thrilling. Van Tassel described himself as being a "receiver" of thoughts of Space Men via an "Omni-Beam" since the previous month on April 16.
This blogger has been able to listen to nearly two hours of Van Tassel's "Council of the Seven Lights" transmissions featured in tracks on the Wendy Connors "Audio History of Ufology" CD "Flying Saucers & Four Guys Named George: Adamski, Van Tassel, Hunt Williamson & King." I listened again to the recordings last week. Van Tassel is heard representing himself as giving messages from Space People of different names after listening to telethought communications and he expresses that he can see the succession of communicators. He is nonchalant even while making such comments as "It seemed like I was starting to cook from the inside out" and "You'll forgive my expression but down here they refer to people like you as monsters." One message relayed by Van Tassel warned against the new polio vaccine. The information sheet accompanying the audio recordings CD described the
Van Tassel channeling recording as offering a "rare look inside Van
Tassel the man and his penchant for hoodwinking people." Whatever the case, everyone on some level of consciousness is a 'channel' in relation to the Source — which Van Tassel at one point in his book The Council of Seven Lights (1958) described as "Universal Mind" along with professing "My penetration into the superconscious mind revealed an eternal record of infinite laws." The laws are articulated superficially, such as "Light alone is the essence of Truth."
This brief YouTube video presents TV footage of 'contactees' George Van Tassel and Dana Howard.
Van Tassel may belong to what one channeled entity has called the 'subjective channeling' category: "Each person who is
creative is actually or potentially channeling at least their innate or
developed creativity!"
In the follow-up booklet Venusian Secret-Science (PDF edition) Barton identified himself as a "Seer of the New Age" and observed about his concluding commentary of the previous collection of writings: "I could not realize then, that my own mind was destined to act as A CHANNEL for minds far superior to mine."
In the follow-up booklet Venusian Secret-Science (PDF edition) Barton identified himself as a "Seer of the New Age" and observed about his concluding commentary of the previous collection of writings: "I could not realize then, that my own mind was destined to act as A CHANNEL for minds far superior to mine."
The new collection described his "adventures" with "Telethot" as a contactee of the Space People. Barton's Venusian communicator is quoted: "I am known on my planet as Lon-Zara, Keeper of the Lifetronic Flame . . . our mission is to provide an 'awakening stimulus' of a spiritual nature to the minds of those whom we contact . . ."
This is an example of a monograph page (from Venusian Secret-Science).
While the narratives in Barton's early monographs may seem derivative of earlier published contactee autobiographies, it is also apparent that Barton did experience occasions of transcendental communication. Considering the annals of UFOlogy, one metaphysically illuminating series of events to consider is presented in the blog article "A Flying Saucer Contactee's Poetic Phase".
The edition of Secrets of Higher Contact (later than 1964) purchased online (several years ago) includes a page of biographical notes —
This blogger was then able to obtain a copy of The Weeping Angel Prediction (1964) chronicling the events that Barton found momentous. I received the booklet just last Tuesday. One of the first pages includes a statement by Barton in a letter: "Destiny seems to be directing me to write a monograph pertaining to the Weeping Angel . . . " On another page, he commented about his 1964 "vision" of a "Cosmic Visitor":
As chronicled by Barton, the series of events commenced on April 11, 1961 in Worthing, England. Upon moving into a new house, real estate salesman Richard Grave is reported to have found a glass framed Victorian Print described by Barton as showing "the Angels announcing the coming of Christ to the shepherds, entitled 'The First Christmas Morn.'"
The vision I experienced lasted only a few minutes, as far as I was able to ascertain, and while "on," it gripped my full attention in the most remarkable manner.
No spoken words were transmitted to me throughout this experience, but I received the definite impression that this being wanted me to realize his reality . . . to know he existed.
Now I was personally involved [with the events in England], at least to the extent of having seen a most unusual being in a totally unexpected vision.
As chronicled by Barton, the series of events commenced on April 11, 1961 in Worthing, England. Upon moving into a new house, real estate salesman Richard Grave is reported to have found a glass framed Victorian Print described by Barton as showing "the Angels announcing the coming of Christ to the shepherds, entitled 'The First Christmas Morn.'"
photo from The Reading Chronicle.
The following is a simple description of what is related by Barton.
Holding the picture, Richard saw a supernormal being instantaneously appear right in front of him. "I am he," said the 'Cosmic Visitor.' As the being reached out and touched the picture, the glass immediately shattering into bits. Barton reported "the figure of the Mysterious Being disappeared in a blaze of orange light." The picture had turned dark and was "badly blistered." Around an hour later, Richard and his wife were amazed upon noticing that the artwork was no longer dark and blistered "as if some unseen hand had worked to restore the picture."
The mysterious visitor then began commonly appearing to Richard, whom the entity called his "instrument." After materialization, the being was described as looking as solid and normal as everyone else yet only Richard could see him during these interactions. The interludes were observed by other people. Barton reported the number of visits to be more than 6,000, lasting between 15 minutes to several hours occasionally. On May 6 Liebie Pugh began keeping a written account of all phases of the phenomena. These phases included water materializing in front of the Victorian print. The "weeping angel" account was published in the Psychic News. Liebie was quoted by Barton as having said: "To Richard he dictates what he wishes us to know and Richard takes the words down on a typewriter . . ."
On February 22, 1964 Barton received a telephone call about a photographic reproduction of the "Weeping Angel" picture located at a studio in Hollywood also began manifesting the 'weeping' phenomenon. When he went to see for himself, Barton wrote:
The picture was perfectly dry. This time with Mrs. Z quite close I held it and within seconds it began to cry again and continued to do so.
The studio belonged to Katherine Hayward, a prominent spiritual teacher quoted by Barton. "'In the new vibrations,' Katherine said, 'you know deep within you, that you are more than you perceive through your five senses. Man is Divine — nothing else but divine — God is here seeing the world through your eyes."
Barton presented in his booklet a May 3, 1963 account of the case published in the column "Girl About Town" in The Reading Chronicle. The account by Helen Derek quoted Richard Grave about 'the Master':
. . . he has prophesied that he will make a great universal revelation of his presence by the first second of the first hour of Christmas morning, 1967. This will be done through the medium of nuclear evolution.
Michael X Barton presented 47 numbered direct messages/statements from the "visitor" in his monograph "so that you will be able to study them and also feel the POWER of them."
1. I have created the divinity within the picture.
2. I have given unto the Universe many manifestations of my presence this century.
3. I am the Son of God — nothing is manifest except through me.
4. Follow your own reasoning in the knowledge that the Father understands ALL.
5. Take heed of me and know me fully.
6. There are many who are aware of my presence among them. They can do nothing to enhance my full manifestation except hold faith and proceed in their own light until I am ready.
7. By the first second of the first hour of the seventh Christmas morn hence I will have revealed myself to the universe through nuclear evolution.
8. I am most satisfied with my earth link to whom I shall make my very being known in certain manner, leaving nothing to their imagination and so ensure a satisfactory conduction of the NEW DIRECT VIBRATIONS now going out throughout the Universe.9. There will be many and more substantial manifestations to follow so that the prophecy of my coming may remain kindled.
10. Pay no regard to those who question you and profess their skepticism. They will know of your experience through the medium of other, greater revelations and so they will seek you out in reconciliation.
11. Ensure that my scribe is ready and informed of your impressions so that a documentary may be completed at an early date — the inspiration will be from the divine as always.
12. The link necessary for the completion of my coming to the Universe is vast and rather complex in its make-up. Those involved are being moved. Be prepared for surprises in the composition and the evidence they will be required to produce.
13. To affect my materialization I require many instruments and this will create, to an extent, confusion; much deliberation is therefore necessary among my true followers so that they may tread wisely.
14. The minds of certain mortals are fused with divine direction, the expressions of which may appear of man's own doing. Modern evolution is but a directive from my Father who governs ALL.
15. If I were to return in peace no one would recognize me except my re-incarnate. The multitude will have to recognize me through a medium of might.
16. Reveal your experience to the elders and leaders of the Church. They will respond and from that moment I will them, too.
17. Time is of little consequence now. As night approaches, day may never come — instead the light will pour forth from my Father's House.
18. I am the Truth, the Light, the ALL throughout the Universe.
19. Let all progress through me so that my vibrations may flow in ease — let this be the ANNUS MIRABILIS.
20. The Universal Link is growing — this is my sole consideration. GAUDEAMUS IGITUR.
21. Just as the tears fall from the Angel so will I fill the font for all to see.
22. There can be no real surprises — all must go according to plan without any exception whatsoever.
23. Of the documentary — ipsissima verba.
24. All is from me at all times and is being directed towards my units in a natural way.
25. There will be a speeding up of the Universal vibrations from which there will be many outward happenings to many.
26. It is I who have created ALL — nothing is thrust upon me.
27. All questions are invited and will be answered.
28. How happy I am with the progress being made throughout my Universe — the vibrations are very even.
29. Richard and I will reside for the time being near the waters at which point I appear in St. Annes-on-Sea. Here I will communicate my messages DE PROFUNDIS.
30. From these waters I will deliver many wonders.
31. I will deliver many truths VERBATIM ET LITTERATIM.
32. It is becoming necessary for me to interfere with the scientific devices of men and halt their progress.
33. My increased energy is circulating and may cause certain havoc which is within my arrangements. My energy is very even and everything smooth.
35. My work is increasing in obvious sequence — everything is running very smoothly.
36. I will intervene in many matters of science. I have not embarked on this procedure for the purpose of preventing the manifestation of any or all scientific development. I can HALT ALL MATTER at any time — without giving reason or warning. I am intent on bringing my earth plane to realize my very presence by practical means best recognizable by MAN.
37. A great many scientists are aware of an energy that is influencing their thesis.
38. All are regarding my influence as a challenge — none will stop to reason until I have created the means for them to appreciate FULLY that their program is limited in its entire objectivity.
39. You are meeting and making my link every day and my link is ready and waiting just to be joined together. My program is being brought forward.
40. One evening in the half-light of the kitchen Richard described how the Master appeared and his whole self seemed to be alight with a sharp but pleasing light. Richard went on — "When he had finished talking to me, he placed his right arm around me, raised me and said, 'Walk to the door with me,' and we both walked to the front door. The Master opened the hall door whilst I opened the front door and there stood a host of people thronging my path and garden. The Master stepped out among them and then he and the group disappeared together."
41. The description of my energies in the documentary is perfect.
42. I do NOT build and rebuild my physical form when I appear to my medium — I am always present in full form.
43. My WHOLE SELF is never divided.
44. I am most active on all planes at this moment and many things will become evident through the medium of others both on and off my link — all subjects are on my link by degree — some being on my level of vibration — My Universal Link is satisfactory.
45.During the time of the move Richard asked — "Master, why have there been fewer visits from you over the past two weeks?" Reply: Whether I visit you once or twice or not at all in any day has no bearing on the progress being made and my program. I could remain with you always if I so desired — the contact is made — now it remains only for me to deliver messages as and when they are required by me to my earth units so named by me.
46. Many matters are being brought now to the notice of all on my link. I am happy with my Universal arrangements — you too are progressing nicely my son — try to remain as quiet as possible over the next few days so that you may respond more deeply to my influences. Keep an eye on the waters from where my wonders will come. (The Master disappeared with the smile of an angel.)
47. The day after my arrival at St. Annes, Richard brought the following message. At 11:05 P.M. last evening a major universal phase was completed. I require the Park and Sea areas for the conducting of my universal energy. All is being directed from St. Annes at this moment and other units from the South will be required to settle within my area at very short notice. many major developments must be evident on completion in the course of this earth year. The whole of my program is even. Vibrations are increasing and my Universe is being impregnated.
Concerning the great universal revelation 1967 promised before Christmas 1967, Barton offered "the exact words of the Master to Richard, on September 9, 1962, here is how this tremendous prediction was stated:"
Have no thought towards the seeming confusion of others around you — ALL is in MY Universal Plan — although the time is opportune for a physical UNIVERSAL LINK to be formed among those inspired it must be remembered that ALL must walk only in the light that reflects TRUTH to them. No man can know the DAY or HOUR when MY great Universal Revelation will be enacted, however, I must repeat — BY THE FIRST SECOND OF THE FIRST HOUR OF CHRISTMAS MORNING 1967 I WILL HAVE REVEALED MYSELF TO THE UNIVERSE through the medium OF NUCLEAR EVOLUTION — This is my PLAN which is absolute. There will be many who will receive their own confirmation and who will be moved to contact you. ALL IS WELL.
Michael X Barton's final chapter presents this statement by 'the Master':
A Major World Conflict will herald the LAST stages of the Universal progress. In the meantime general world conditions will show evidence of a leading up to the introduction of a NUCLEAR DEVICE that will bring about the final human level episode. The major conflict I speak of will be between nations and it will be most sudden.
I was reminded of what one transcendental communicator is chronicled in a 1954 publication to have stated:
Most of the thinkers or your race are well aware of the danger inherent in the use of nuclear weapons, but there is another aspect of the problem which is not generally recognized. That is the act that unless unity is achieved between your nations, the very existence of such weapons will eventually bring about the downfall of your civilization, even though they are never used. . . . (article)
Barton reported that Liebie Pugh commented about this 'prediction':
In relation to this message I should add that the Master told Richard in the early months of his visits, that, on the day when he will reveal himself . . . the course of events will be as follows:
A human press-button device will be used and, simultaneously with the pressing of the button — INSTEAD OF DISASTER — THE UNIVERSAL REVELATION WILL OCCUR.
Barton wrote in his concluding paragraphs: "A Universal Linking process is going on now — and it is not limited to this planet. 'THE DIVINE LINKING IS PROGRESSING FAR BEYOND THE EARTH.'"
What can be said about this report? Today this blogger conducted a search to see what other information sources could be found about this case. One periodical found is the August 1967 issue of Our Times (PDF edition), "A family journal of Christian living dedicated to the proclamation of the everlasting gospel. Presenting the Bible as the Word of God and Jesus Christ as our all-sufficient saviour and coming king." The magazine was printed by a press located in Alma Park, Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK. Donald P. McClure's article "Psychic Phenomena and the Second Advent" included this perspective of the "the case regarding the 'Universal Link' revelation" following some sentences about supposed "evil forces" and "Jesus' warning 'that no one misleads you.'" Here is an excerpt:
Some astounding messages have been received for five or six years now by Mr. Richard Grave from a spirit being who appears in solid form. This cosmic visitor calls himself "Truth," and it is also known as "The Master, Limitless Love, and The All-Knowing One" interchangeably. Mr. Grave moved from Worthing to St. Annes-On-Sea, Lancashire, at the direction of his visitor.
Another person involved in this manifestation was Mr. Liebie Pugh, who also, was directed to move to St. Annes-n-Sea. In 1958, three years before Mr. Grave had his first contact with his visitor, Mr. Pugh had made a model of a head of "The Master" at the direction of a medium, Katherine Hayward. When Mr. Pugh heard or Mr. Grave's unusual experience she called on him and shortly afterward, he returned the visit. Mr. Grave was astounded when he saw a photograph of the model, now called "Limitless Love," and declared to be an exact likeness of the entity who was visiting him — a pleasant, bearded figure resembling the usual Christian concept of Christ.
"Universal Events"
Mr. Grave was directed by his visitor . . . to hand the messages to Mr. Pugh, for general distribution, which has been done since 1961. Mr. Pugh died last December but Mr. Graves still has daily visits. One message received this year states: "Universal events on a human level will shortly leave nothing to the imagination." . . .
The article mentioned "Throughout the world there are many who believe in this manifestation . . ." Ironically, the magazine also presents a brief article entitled "Constantine—British-born" about the Roman emperor who "removed the 300-year-old ban on Christianity, raised it from obscurity, and made it the official religion of the empire."
I also found an article at Håkan Blomqvist´s blog about Edith Nicolaisen mentioning a Swedish edition of Liebie Pugh's book Nothing Else Matters: The Universal Link. Håkan wrote:
Even the Danish UFO research group SUFOI became for a while associated with Universal Link. Jørgen Ellesøe and Børje Jensen from SUFOI promoted the messages and Jensen wrote articles in UFO-nyt about Universal Link using the pen name N.E. Wagenda. In 1967 SUFOI published Nothing Else Matters and several Universal Link Newsletters. The situation changed radically when one member of the Danish Universal Link, Knud Weiking, began receiving messages from the Master, now referred to as Orthon. In UFO-nyt no 2, 1967 Børje Jensen concluded: ”Finally there is now evidence that Universal Link and the flying saucers are two sides of the same operation. A Universal Link Center is now founded in Denmark, under the direct supervision of space people.”Trouble began during the Autumn of 1967 when the Danish Universal Link group announced in the press that the world will end in an atomic war Christmas 1967 and they were building a bunker to save the members from this devastation. When nothing happened at Christmas the group split into different factions.
SOME NOTES FROM MRB: One learns from becoming familiar with transcendental communication cases that each statement at any one occasion reflects the current earthly state of 'reality' and potentialities based upon all present conditions. Generally when one considers predictions and prophecies of any kind, it seems that any that one might interpret as not having come to pass remains to be considered as a warning motivating Earth people to reflect upon their circumstances and actions in the world. People are reminded how the individual (you) and your actions are of consequence and can effect change in the world. Perhaps each day there is someone somewhere who 'saves the world.' Having Christ Consciousness will lead one to resulting decisions and actions motivated by the intention to always accomplish what will be most helpful to manifesting positive human experiences in all conceivable ways for our shared earthly reality.
Regarding the revelation to the word through the medium of nuclear evolution, I recalled the previous blog article about "Philo T. Farnsworth and Controlled Nuclear Fusion".
UPDATING A PREVIOUS ARTICLE: This blogger was able to contact a 'prominent UFOlogy journalist' who may or may not be able to mention in a future article the 'physical proof', etc., in relation to contactee cases as I encouraged him — something about which I have no control.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Events regarding nuclear weapons in 1967 include:
www.atomic archive.com reports:
January 27 - Outer Space Treaty bans nuclear weapons being placed on any celestial body, or in orbit around the Earth.
February 14 - Treaty of Tlatelolco signed, creates a Latin America nuclear-weapons-free zone.
June 17 - First hydrogen bomb test by the Chinese, with a yield of 3.3 megatons.
There was Soviet underground nuclear testing in 1967. (General Summary of the Soviet Underground Nuclear Test (UNT) program) There are also articles reporting "1967 solar storm nearly took US to brink of war" and "Did UFOs Really Disable Nuclear-Armed American Missiles in 1967?"
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