
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Channeling - Discovering Our Divinity with Ryuho Okawa

A spiritual interview with 'Dr. Stephen Hawking's Soul' speaking through Ryuho Okawa was recorded on April 4, 2018 in the Special Lecture Hall of the Happy Science organization in Japan.  This photo is from A Brief History of a Physicist's Soul: His Struggle with Faith and the Universe (2018).
This article includes some representative excerpts from books presenting transcripts of channeling sessions conducted by Ryuho Okawa in Japan.  He commented in The Next Great Awakening (2011): "While a spirit is speaking through me, my own consciousness remains separate — both awake and aware.  The spiritual entity who wishes to be heard uses the speech center of my brain to choose the proper words."  This particular book presents transcripts of "four conversations we recorded with four of the Higher Spirits."  The spiritual interviews can be in a language other than Japanese, depending on "the level of awareness of the person's soul" (as mentioned in a 2015 spiritual interview edition).  Another extensively documented case of a contemporary channeler who remains conscious during channeling sessions is Paul Selig.  (Channeling Cases Index
Ryuho Okawa and his Happy Science organization has published more than 2,500 books (including 500+ of the 'Spiritual Interview Series') and produced 18 movies to-date.

The Next Great Awakening also offers autobiographical information about Ryuho Okawa.  His channeling began in 1981 with automatic writing for several months and then through his vocal chords.  The first spiritual being to contact Ryuho was a priest named Nikko, a disciple of the 13th Century priest Nichiren, who days later also contacted the channeler.  Ryuho began to receive "messages from even higher levels of spirits, most notably from the spirit of Jesus Christ . . . I also conversed with Moses, Confucius, Socrates, Newton, Edison, and Abraham Lincoln."  Other names reported to be associated with messages channeled through Ryuho include Archangel Michael and Muhammad. 

Details about the beginning of Ryuho's channeling are presented in the final chapter of The Laws of the Sun (1990).  In August 1985 he began publishing books about the communications with the spiritual world.  His professional career at the time was working for one of the international trading houses in Tokyo.  In June 1986 his life reached a turning point
Saint Nichiren, Jesus Christ, Ame-no-Minakanushi-no-Mikoto (the Lord God of the Heavenly Center, principal god in Japanese Shintoism), Amaterasu-O-Mikami (the Sun Goddess in Shintoism), Moses and Shinji Takahashi descended one after the other and sternly advised me to immediately leave the company. 

Ever since then, Ryuho has "dedicated my whole life to spreading God's Truth."  Takahashi told him what his vocation was to be: "You must teach the laws of salvation to save humankind."  Ryuho accepted this to mean that he was the only one on Earth to have such a task.  The all-knowing spiritual Source evidently knew such an interpretation was inevitable; perhaps this is the reason for use of the 'El Cantare' cryptogram in the first place.  All channelers must interpret the information and abstractions that come through them.  The name of the organization Happy Sciencetwo words that might otherwise seem incongruousis described in a 2018 news release as that of "a spiritual movement dedicated to bringing greater happiness to humankind by uniting religions and cultures to live in harmony."

One of Ryuho's books released in 2018 is My Journey through the Spirit World, which includes the following overview statements.
The spirit world is a place where like-minded souls congregate.

The ways spirits see things in the other world vary greatly depending on their spiritual states.  For example, those who have strong attachments to jewelry, money, lavish attire, or any other valuable goods in this world will try to obtain them in the other world unless they cast aside these attachments before they return there.

This blogger has found it enlightening to become familiar with many different channeling case chronologies and transcripts.  Channeled entities each express in their own way the metaphysical conditions on the Earth plane and in the ascended realm with many correlating links between teachings.  By becoming familiar with many perspectives of channeled entities among other forms of transcendental communication, one has more data to help one make sense of metaphysical aspects of life such as the omnipresent interacting nature of the God Force.  If a channeler may reach a conclusion at some point that is articulated in a way a listener or reader may find problematic, at least the basis for the conclusion being reached usually is evident. 
Ryuho Okawa identifies 'El Cantare' as the name of 'the supreme God of Earth' and Ryuho himself as 'the core part of El Cantare's consciousness' and 'the present incarnation of El Cantare.'  Ryuho's circumstances provide a pattern for others.  As with the 'good news' brought through Ryuho Okawa, each human being must become one's own Buddha/Jesus as no other entity's consciousness will ever take precedence in one's individual personal relationship with God.  Throughout the annals of transcendental communication, there is often found instruction about fundamental lessons of spiritual Oneness and that each person has a 'divine nature.'
Ryuho articulated his perspective of himself and his channeling gift in Secrets of the Everlasting Truths (2012).  Here are some of his declarations.
My consciousness resides in Heaven, as a supreme being called El Cantare, who not only sent the founders of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam to Earth, but also guided them while they were on Earth.   El Cantare, who led the creation of these world religions, has now been born in Japan, and he is committed to fulfilling his ultimate responsibility.

I have taught the Truths in Japan for more than twenty years and have delivered more than 1,600 lectures that have been published as books.

People today will have difficulty accepting my teachings  about the universe and space people.

Space people will eventually reveal themselves and try to interact with us humans on Earth.  I am providing these teachings to help you prepare for that moment.

In fact, I perceive the thoughts of different people every day.  I can hear their voices, and I can even see those who send intensive and concentrated thoughts to me.  I also frequently talk with different spirits in Heaven, particularly in the early hours of the morning.

Back in the 1980s, when I was recording the spiritual messages, I remember feeling amazed that I could talk with the Divine Spirits of prominent historical figures.  Now, I find it equally astonishing that I can summon the past lives of souls before they became Earth people—when they lived in outer space—and engage them in an ongoing dialogue in real time.

The Next Great Awakening offers a description of the 'Spirit World' as "a multidimensional structure" having "a total of nine dimensions . . . with the ninth being the highest."  Ryuho explained:
In different ages, Buddha came to earth as different personalities.  His mission is always to preach "the law."

Jesus's mission while in human form was and always will be to preach "love."  Confucius's mission was (and always will be) to preach "order and reverence" in ways that people will understand and accept.  In the Ninth Dimension, there is also  a consciousness called "El Cantare" and his mission is to continue to teach the "law" itself. 

Considering channeled perspectives, words may be noticed as incomplete or limiting expressions of truth due to the nature of humans having incomplete spiritual knowledge.

Among the spiritual messages that Ryuho Okawa has published are messages from the 'guardian spirits' of those who are still alive on Earth.  During one of these interviews, Ryuho Okawa summoned his own 'guardian spirit.'  Preceding that session, Ryuho commented: 
Today we are going to conduct an interview with my own guardian spirit, and I think the spirit that is going to appear will be one of "a number of faces on a statue of Buddha."  The reason there are a number of faces is that there are various kinds of people living in this world and in order to save each one of them, Buddha needs to have different aspects.

One of the developments in Ryuho's teachings concerns realities discovered about so-called "aliens":
We are quite serious about opening up the innately generous human heart to create a dialogue that will allow each of us to accept the realities we have discovered and are still discovering about so-called "aliens."

Teaching about the Spirit World is difficult, believe me, but teaching about the entire universe is an even grander and more difficult task, yet one I will not shrink from.

During a 2013 interview with the goddess 'Gaia,' Ryuho's wife Shio was quoted as saying during the channeling session: "Recently, we discovered the fact that many people came from outer space, have their origin elsewhere, and are living today as humans on Earth.  Could you tell us the origin of your soul?"  The response from the transcript translated to English begins:
Not enough has been revealed about reincarnation that happens on a cosmic scale.  It is not easy to teach this, as it is very difficult to fix the coordinates of time and space.  Stories will cross and become entangled.  In that sense, you will find that there are many errors in what you are told.  Also, you need to be aware that their memory is becoming quite vague since it is of something that happened a long time ago.
Gaia is also quoted:
If I were to refer to a law that has already been revealed, I think I would be "a body of energy that flows within the cosmic tree, the tree of universal life."

A context for the interview is offered in an introductory paragraph of In Love with the Sun: Spiritual Messages from Goddess Gaia (2014):

When the core part of El Cantare (Fundamental Buddha), Supreme God of the Earth, descended to earth for the first time more than three hundred and dozens of millions of years ago, He took on the name 'Alpha.'  [Refer to The Laws of Alpha (Tokyo: Happy Science, 2014).]  Goddess Gaia was the wife of Alpha.  From the ancient times, this "cosmic consciousness" has had a role of a helper in El Cantare's creation, and is also called "El Cantare's right hand" [Refer to Chapter 2 in Jinruisozo no Himitsu ni Semaru (Closing in on the Secret Behind the Creation of Humankind) (Tokyo: IRH Press, 2013)].  Furthermore, Gaia is now born and living in current Japan as Ryuho Okawa's wife, Shio Okawa.

Ryuho's reaction after channeling the spiritual interview with goddess Gaia is: "I feel that the existence of Gaia has now become even more vague.  It's completely behind the clouds."

Ryuho shared in Secrets of the Everlasting Truths examples of scenarios gathered through his space people readings.  Ryuho doesn't accept as a literal truth all that is heard during readings  
I once did a reading on a man whose subconscious revealed that he had been a Vegan [one of the space people living in proximity to the star Vega] in the past . . .

. . . this story was only mentioned once, so I would like to verify it from different perspectives.

One of Ryuho's books translated to English derived from lectures is My Journey through the Spirit World (2018) that includes a description of "some personal anecdotes about my recent experiences with the spirit world."  Beyond the channeling sessions where his late father communicated (published in Japan in four separate volumes), Ryuho described an episode in January 2004 at around 2 a.m. when he "traveled out of the physical body to visit the spirit world."  His father met him there and took him to "the Happy Science temples that have been under construction in the fifth dimension . . ."  The incident brought Ryuho the realization that he "hadn't considered what kind of seminars we should offer in the afterlife."  That same month, during another visit to the spirit world he encountered four beautiful women who introduced themselves as the goddesses of beauty.  "When I saw that the goddesses wore modern dresses rather than the dresses of ancient times, I understood that they have been the source of inspiration for those who create beautiful products on Earth."  There was also a visit to the spirit world where Ryuho met many famous Indian gods.  Upon reaching the summit of a mountain, he was surprised to find himself in the middle of a ceremony being held in his honor.  They placed a crown on his head and handed him a jeweled  staff.  When he asked them what this ceremony was for, he was told: "The Indian spirit world has officially recognized you as the most venerated of all Indian gods."  He felt this was "a sign that the Indian gods are watching and supporting me."
The following passages of spiritual interview transcripts are from The Next Great Awakening and Steve Jobs Returns with His Secrets.  The date of the channeling session is specified and I've replaced interviewer names with 'Q' or 'interviewer' for this article.

Enlil (January 1, 2010)

[beginning of transcript]  Enlil: I am . . . (about 20 seconds of silence) Enlil.  I was revered as the Supreme God in the Sumerian civilization.  I think my existence may be the root cause of religious conflicts and wars that have occurred in modern civilization.
About 5,000 years ago I was born in ancient Sumer, which is present-day southern Iraq, and became their leader.

I, Enlil, am a reptile-type alien from a race known as the Reptilians.

Reptilians have been depicted in many ancient scriptures and tablets. People of ancient times illustrated us as having big eyes, pointed ears, raptorial fingers and a tail.  Because humans fear us when we appear in this form, we created cyborgs called "Greys."  They were and still are our robots.  Many people have witnessed these 4-foot-tall aliens, who all have black, almond-shaped eyes and are identical.  These Greys frequently appear before humans, acting as our representatives.

Even in the Sumerian civilization, the story of Anu, the Supreme God, or the God who first came, has been handed down for generations.  Anu is actually just another name for El Cantare.

Recently, the United States attacked the former Sumerian lands twice, so we have decided to punish them by launching a cleanup operation against the U.S.  We are now intervening in people's lives from outer space, aiming to ruin the American civilization by causing sleep and mental disorders among people, thus putting them in awe of aliens.

The main philosophy of the Akkad was to clearly distinguish good and evil and to destroy all enemies in the name of justice.  Their ideas were different from those of the El Cantare spirit group.  So the El Cantare spirit group sent Jesus Christ to Earth to put an end to the influence of the Hammurabi's teachings, which originated in ancient Akkad, and the teachings of Zoroastrianism, which followed the Hammurabi.
Jesus's teachings were centered on love, which aligned with the teaching of compassion expounded by Buddha, 500 years prior to Jesus.

Subsequently, the soul of Hammurabi was reincarnated as Muhammad, who founded Islam.  This may be difficult to understand, but in truth, Islam was created to destroy Christianity.

Aliens usually follow two steps in the process of incarnating as human.  First, they walk into a physical body of someone on Earth and become accustomed to life on Earth.  Then, in the following incarnation they are born into their own physical bodies.

As you can imagine from the recent increase in UFO sightings, many aliens are now thinking of immigrating to Earth, whether they do so in soul groups or by coming over and entering into physical bodies.  Such a rapid influx will certainly help determine the future direction of humanity.  There is also a possibility that from among the newcomers a new "god of the universe" will be born and spread new teachings.

Confucius (January 1, 2010)

I was born in China.  My teachings have become the basis of a spiritual path called Confucianism.  I am currently involved in planning immigrations from outer space and the creation of additional human races on Earth.

There are nearly seven billion people living on Earth today.  We are aiming to increase this population to ten billion.

There is one law on Earth that applies equally to humans and to the aliens who are already here with us; that is all souls forget their past memories while they are alive on Earth.  Over the centuries some people here and there have regained at least some parts of their memories of earlier lives, but it is rare.

. . . many wars have been fought for what is not truly a righteous cause.
One way to judge the righteousness of any battle is by the quality of the leader.

. . . wars are undesirable if they are planned merely as a way to provide men with an outlet for their aggressive natures.  Reptilians are often the cause of wars, but as I said, educating them about right thinking can cause them to channel their aggression, live among us, and make a significant contribution to life on Earth.

. . . they [aliens] are able to learn cultures, religions and politics by immigrating to the Earth.
Conversely, there are also some earthlings who have emigrated to other planets after "graduating" from Earth.  Having finished their studies on Earth, they have emigrated to planets that have other unique qualities.

I have yet to understand which discipline or disciplines constitute or offer the main philosophies of the universe.  I can tell you that each planet has a "Savior" of its own.  These leaders and wise ones are at different levels of enlightenment on each planet.  The one other thing that I am certain of is that our galaxy, although not at the center of the universe, is only a little distance off center.

Yes, I am planning to reincarnate somewhere in Australia.
I was born as Confucius about 2,600 years ago, but my brother soul has actually reincarnated on Earth since then.  This information may surprise you and even change your image of me as Confucius, but I was actually once reborn as a politician in Europe.  In that incarnation, I worked to unite Europe by Creating the Holy Roman Empire.
Athena (January 1, 2010)

[beginning of transcript]  I am Athena.  I appreciate your hard work in this investigation.
First I would like to tell you a little about myself.  Currently a part of my soul is living on Earth as one of master Ryuho Okawa's sons, meaning that I belong to the Happy Science organization.  Unlike other spirits, I am closely connected to this world because I am working as a guardian spirit for him, and he is my brother soul on Earth.  I am also involved in other work within the Spirit World.  I am known as a goddess of warfare, so you can see that not all war gods are reptile-type aliens.  It would actually be problematic if all war gods were Reptilians; we must also have some who think and act based on God's justice.

My soul group consists of both male and female souls.  I was also born as the child of Shakyamuni Buddha.  The Buddha only had one child, Rahula, and that was me.  I have a masculine side as well as a feminine side, a strong side as well as an artistic one.  I dearly love the Indian, Greek and Hellenistic cultures.

If aliens should do something that violates human rights—for example, if one of you is forced to have an offspring with an alien, or if you are repeatedly abducted, probed and experimented on like an animal—you must expel them.  In such cases, I advise you to pray under the name of Lord El Cantare.
When you pray, a barrier begins to form around your house.  In situations where the aliens harbor evil intentions, that evil will be sensed and the aliens will be repelled.  Simultaneously, information of this invasion will be transmitted to the Spirit World and dealt with by spirits who monitor such alien-human interactions.  These transgressions of aliens will eventually be ended by these higher spirits, so there is no need to fear.
Rient Arl Croud (January 1, 2010)

[beginning of transcript]  Croud: I am Rient Arl Croud.  It seems you have started to explore the Laws of the Universe — I wonder, does this mean you have greatly progressed in your soul training and that the flag of Happy Science has been hoisted all across the globe?  I am certainly under that impression.  It is good that you realize how important it is now, in this new Space Age, to encourage the people of the Earth to take an interest in aliens.

I once had a physical body on Earth, but now I am working in the Spirit World on matters related to the universe.  I watch over the numerous aliens that have immigrated to Earth in their physical bodies, and those who immigrated as spirits.  It is my duty to step in when aliens do things that go beyond what is acceptable.

I believe that love is the most important discipline or path to be teaching.  Emphasizing love leads to understanding that Earth is a soul-training ground for all living beings, including humans, animals, plants and also those aliens on Earth that have a physical body.

Q: In the book, The Laws of the Sun [1990], we learn that El Cantare governed Venus under the name of El Miore, and that through his teachings of love, wisdom, self-reflection and progress, the Venusians reached the highest level of both technological and spiritual development.  Could you please tell us more about Venus?
Croud: Yes, it is my pleasure to do so.  Human beings once lived on Venus!  Venus is the predecessor of Earth, and although humans can no longer live on Venus in a physical body because of climate changes and other disasters there, the Venusian Spirit World still exists.  Because the Spirit World still remains on Venus, we can transcend time and look at the past by means of this Spirit World.

. . . there are aliens on Earth who are almost indistinguishable from Earthlings — they or their ancestors were originally from Venus.

Other aliens who later came from other planets used these former Venusians as models and crossbred with Earth's predecessors through genetic modification, creating different human races.
Steve Jobs (January 11, 2012)

What, marketing?  I have no idea about marketing.  I just keep thinking about interesting things.  That's all.
Q: Are you sure?  Or are you just being humble?
Jobs: Bill Gates knows a lot about marketing because his products are not so beautiful.  But my products are very beautiful.  So he needs marketing, but I don't need any marketing because people are attracted to my products.  That's why I don't need any marketing.  Ha, ha, ha.

[the interviewer mentioned that he had been able to simplify his thinking in creating new things] 
Jobs: Just be crazy!  Be crazy about something!  And as you say, simplicity is very important.  You are apt to forget about simplicity when you seek innovation, and that is a problem.  The older people in our world and the business world are thinking too much about complexity.  That's a problem.  Simplicity is beautiful.

You know Newton's famous story about the apple?  That is the origin of Apple.  That's the origin of Apple Computer.
It's from science and also from God, or religion.  Newton himself represents both of them.  Mr. Newton was a scientist and also a strong believer in God.  And he was the Grand Master of . . . what do you call it?
Q: Freemasonry.
Jobs: Yeah, that's right.

Q: On the other hand, my Grand Master, Master Okawa, predicted that the age of computers and IT will come to an end and that something much simpler and less time-consuming, something that anyone can use easily, will be invented.  Do you happen to be involved with that project?
Jobs: Yeah, that's true.  A mouse should be eaten by a cat.  [Laughs.]
Q: Our conversation keeps turning into a Zen dialogue.  Does this have anything to do with your enlightenment?
Jobs: After the mouse comes a cat.
Q: A cat?
Jobs: Uh-huh, a cat.  The cat will eat the devices that you say are not important. and eliminate bad news, bad contents, bad utensils, and so on.  That's the cat.  The age of the cat will come soon.  The cat comes after the mouse.

Q: Have you sent that idea as an inspiration to someone from the world you're in right now?  Or is there anything we at Happy Science can do to help?
Jobs: No, no.  You can't.  Apple will devise a new cat, or a hellcat, or I don't know exactly what it will be.  [Laughs]
You need a cat.  Then you'll be able to save money, save time, and save your life.


Update: A list of articles about the Ryuho Okawa channeling case chronology is available as part of the first Index article shown below.


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