
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Channeling - Paul's Comments about Jesus and Life's Purpose

This article presents some quotations of 'Paul' who speaks and serves as a healing facilitator for interims when in control of Ray Brown's body.  This case has been a topic of six previous blog articles including one from July 2016.  Healing testimonials may be heard and read at the Ray Brown Healing website.  

This introductory video is only a few minutes in length.
Paul has stated that he passed into Spirit upon being beheaded at age 64 under the rule of Emperor Nero.  During lectures recorded for video DVDs, Paul has shared his perspectives of such subjects as karma, reincarnation and 'levels of progression' in the afterlife. 

During a lecture at Bosworth Hall recorded for the 2011 DVD "Life After Death: Your Spiritual Journey," Paul is heard to say that Level Ten is "the final clearance level before becoming part of the Source.  So even Jesus Christ hasn't actually gone to the Source.  But he doesn't come down to the Earth plane.  He sends me instead.  And other people like me."
If the mainstream commercial media provides an accurate representation—something always questionable—most people ignore the subject of transcendental communication because it is something beyond the accustomed information and entertainment topics. 
The following quotations of Paul are from the Ray Brown/'Paul' case study biography A Mere Grain of Sand (2004) by Ray and Gillian Brown with Paul Dickson.  Paul was a rabbi during his Earth life. 
I was born Saul of Tarsus.  Paul was my Roman name.  My full name was Gaius Julius Paulus.  My surname was taken from my father's citizenship.  I was brought up in the Jewish faith as a Roman citizen at Tarsus, now named Cilicia, during the reign of Caesar Augustus.

As Saul, I spent some of my early days in Galilee and, although I had heard of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, I did not meet with them.  I worked in my father's business and preached whenever and wherever I could.  I became very absorbed in the religion of the Jewish people and eventually took up teaching in the temples and tabernacles of Jerusalem.

In about 30 AD, during a visit to Jerusalem, Jesus was arrested and accused of blasphemy by the hierarchy of the church, who felt threatened by his teachings.  He was crucified on the orders of Pontius Pilate.  Many followers of Jesus saw him as first and foremost a Jewish nationalist.  Although the Romans crucified him, they were urged to do so by the Jewish hierarchy who believed that his teachings undermined their authority and challenged traditional Judaism.

They also resented his claim during the Sermon on the Mount, that inner virtue is more important than conformity to rules of behaviour.  Jewish priests regarded as blasphemous, Jesus's followers claims, that he was the Messiah and Son of God.

Jesus died physically and his spirit manifested itself and materialised to his disciples.  The purpose of the resurrection was to prove that there was life after death.  The Gospels bring this good news to Christians.  I know that he came back from Spirit because I have also come back from Spirit.  The only difference is that I use another person's body.

About the time of the crucifixion, I had left the Essenes to return to Jerusalem.  I had made up my mind to become a Pharisee.  The Nazarene sect was becoming a threat to Hellenic Jewry.  Because I was a Greek-speaking Jew and Roman citizen, I was chosen by the high priest to lead the revolt against the Nazarenes, and seek out the leader of their group, a man named Stephen.

We eventually found Stephen preaching and stoned him to death.  We then continued to terrorize and beat the Hellenic Nazarenes of Jerusalem.  As a result many fled the city.

I believed that what I was doing was right.  However I did become increasingly troubled, and started to regret the terrible suffering that I had inflicted upon others.  In fact, the guilt weighed so heavily upon me that it badly affected my health.

There have always been prophets, and many people have seen visions.  I saw a vision [of Jesus], and as a result converted to what is now known as Christianity and taught the preachings of the prophet Jesus Christ.

I began to spread the teachings of Jesus and Christianity.  Instead of persecuting the Nazarenes for their beliefs, I became one of them.  I am nothing.  I wish to be nothing.  That is the way it has been throughout my life, until given life again by God.

Jesus was a prophet, a man with a vision, who broke away from the religion of the Orthodox Jews and the strict inextricable laws of Moses, to teach us about God and the spirit world that we all return to.

Learn to love yourself for what you really are.  Strive to improve yourself in every possible way while you are experiencing this life.  Remember you are responsible for everything you do on Earth.  Be as pure in thought and action as you can, so that you do not build up masses of karma for yourself.

Every person on Earth is equal.  What makes you different from one another on Earth is the clothes that you wear and the material things that you possess.  The same as we are all equal in Spirit, depending on the level we have reached.

You are born into this world for the same purpose, to gain an identity, have an Earth experience, then leave it.  The one thing you cannot escape from is the passing.  It is not a death.  There is no death.  There is only a new beginning.

Once I reach my level I am with the people of my time.

He [Jesus] taught us not to be afraid of those who threatened us.  For although they could hurt our bodies and take away our lives, we would live on in Spirit and become part of him and the universal power.

Jesus was the person who started me on the pathway so he is my master.  But God is the infinite power that I am working for.

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