Christ Consciousness
Second Coming
Today in the early years of the 21st
Century there must be a multitude of people who are completely unaware of the
documented transcendental sources of spiritual information that have offered commentary about these topics. Many transcendental communicators have spoken about the New Age of
Aquarius as the time of expanded consciousness for human beings. Developing a perspective of what natural laws are becoming known from diverse cases of 'paranormal phenomena' may help one to reach greater spiritual understanding pertaining to 'Christ Consciousness' while some transcendental information sources offer explanations of humanity's historical involvement with a 'Second Coming.'
Some previous articles about 'Christ Consciousness' include: "I Am The Word" and "A Meditation on Christ Consciousness from the Edgar Cayce Channeled Readings Transcripts". Some previous articles about the 'Second Coming' include: "Transcendental Communication Transcripts: From the Creation of the Cosmos to the Second Coming" and "Explaining the 'Second Coming'".
Society is full of traditions. The holidays. Getting married and raising children. Going to church on Sunday. The escape from reality through movies, TV shows, stage plays, Pop music, computer games . . . It is understandable that countless people have had no meaningful introduction to many of the subjects considered at this blog. Social conditioning may leave a person unable to ascertain the opportunities for essential spiritual insights to be learned, experienced and manifested in one's own life — nonetheless expanded consciousness is possible for everyone.
Enlightenment will always be an innate need for all humans. Shown below are some magazines recently found at the checkout counter of the local Whole Foods Market.
Considering basic metaphysical teachings of channeling cases may bring clarity to developing one's metaphysical perspective. Individuals who become 'channels' have been chosen to expand the spiritual awareness of others in accordance with the Will of the Higher Self as an aspect of The Divine Mind or 'Oneness.'
The Western mentality may seem to be at a disadvantage in regard to aspects of soul evolution in comparison to the vast terminology found in Eastern spiritual traditions. One Western author who explored Eastern spiritual concepts was H. P. Blavatsky. An example follows from one of the early 'Mahatma Letters' of 1880 received in India by A. P. Sinnett, (an acquaintance of Madame Blavatsky) who came to realize the importance of publishing the teachings of 'The Masters' —
While not unparalleled, or without their counterpart in universal history, these phenomena must and WILL come with an overpowering influence upon the world of sceptics and bigots. They have to prove both destructive and constructive — destructive in the pernicious errors of the past, in the old creeds and superstitions which suffocate in their poisonous embrace like the Mexican weed nigh all mankind; but constructive of new institutions of a genuine, practical Brotherhood of Humanity where all will become co-workers of nature, will work for the good of mankind with and through the higher planetary Spirits . . .
Over the course of many decades, ignorant people have denied the authenticity of various forms of 'paranormal phenomena.' A possible reason for this is obvious to ascertain. One may not want to be in the predicament of rethinking one's orientation to life when it isn't yet clear what is to be gained through doing so.
Undeniable evidence of Transcendental Communication and so-called paranormal phenomena take the form of Instrumental Transcommunication recordings, Direct Voice Phenomena recordings, and facilitated healing in the presence of channelers — to simply ignore or dismiss all the evidence reveals a mentality of denialism.
The 'channeled entity' known as 'Dr. Peebles' during Earth life was a friend and associate of Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, who with Blavatsky and others founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. As Reported in the case study To Dance with Angels (1990) by Don and Linda Pendleton, Dr. Peebles responded with compassion when asked about skepticism.
The organizations around the world, religious and otherwise, who wish to understand and who do believe, are a thousandfold more numerous, and that's because the truth lies therein.
. . . we support them [skeptics] in their work; for this will prove to themselves their own passion. They will realize that they are not objective, but instead they have passionate points of view that they wish to maintain, and through their collective reinforcement they will become increasingly clear and honest about their own bias rather than demanding to isolate the bias of another. Furthermore, it's their way of coming to God, because the truth is contained within the spirit, within God, the magic of life — so they are accelerating their quest and they will find the truth, one by one by one.
Among recordings and transcripts, one may find addressed just about any subject imaginable. The following passage quoting 'Tahoteh' through Eileen J. Garrett (from The Image of an Oracle 1964) mentions such topics as religious evolution, environmental neglect and international relations. The book also includes transcripts of conversations with channeled entities 'Ouvani' (or 'Uvani') 'Abdul Latif' and 'Ramah.'
You are going to have again a religion that is very very close to the earth religion. Why? For the simple reason that men have begun, and have really begun in all parts of the world, to destroy the fecundity of earth. Is it not so?
They will then produce a model of their universe, a model of the life giver, and having produced the model of the life giver, it will be again like the earth mother.
It [the new religion] will come by virtue of the many conflicts because you see conflict in the whole of China. Now you have conflict within all your Arab countries, do you not? You have conflict in Africa. You are going to have very much more conflict. Now you can imagine this will bring a great deal of pain, a great deal of worry, a great deal of destruction. But finally out of all this, this must make a new force. You see what is aborning — a new force. And it cannot be that you sit here and your friends who are so like you, that you call Russia today, sit there, and insult each other. A great new vital force must be born out of all this condemnation, insults, difficulty, lack of intelligence, everything that is Asia.
It is so simple what we must say. It was in the beginning. Let us again have tranquility, that the darkness, that all the waters of inexperience may not drown us, but that we may again turn our face toward the light.
An author who identified correlations between Eastern and Western spiritual traditions was Manly P. Hall, who wrote a treatise about The Bible in 1983. The following paragraphs are some excerpts.
Although many recent sects have gospels of their own, the principal religious scriptures are the Old and New Testaments, the Zend Avesta, the Institutes of Manu, the Vedas, the Vishnu Purana, the Sutras of Northern and Southern Buddhism, the Tao Te Ching, the ethical writings of Confucius, and the Koran. They proclaim the spiritual responsibilities of devout persons and in most cases the ethical instructions are the same or similar in all these inspired texts.
It is now generally assumed that the sacred books are based upon the descent of oral traditions. They originated before the invention of writing and were preserved by priests and elders of tribes and culture groups. They may contain certain elements of history or prehistory, but this is not their essential purpose. Fragments of many branches of learning are found in the sacred texts, but these also are incidental. Their real purpose is to perpetuate the record of human experience as proof of a Universal Integrity. They endure as foundations of faith and they support convictions with which humanity has been innately endowed.
In many instances we have no proof as to who wrote the sacred books, but we associate them and their sanctified persons in the past who had the inner realization of the Divine Will.
Despite the progress of the human condition that has been chronicled from ancient times, today there remains the grim reality of human vulnerability to misfortune and destitution. In many ways, society still isn't equipped to provide even the most basic and essential services to people in need, which could be any of us after an unlucky event.
Part of the reason for the conditions found in society is the lack of interest for metaphysical subjects that in the past have been only superficially examined by investigators, evidently sometimes influenced by their disbelief. According to one transcendental communicator, the reason knowledge may be learned by some individuals while disregarded by others is because "everyone's opinion about any one thing will differ often vastly, for each has formulated that opinion based on his unique experiences and the understanding or misunderstanding that he has gained in his soul, not only from this life but from all lives lived before this one." (Dr. Peebles agrees with this.)
Beyond the conception of many people, transcendental communicators speak in a more knowing way about Earth life yet it seems most journalists working in the mainstream news media have shown no awareness about this momentous realm of the human condition. One influence for this perhaps is the perception that such topics could conflict with preconceived consensus beliefs (even ignorant ones) and this realization engenders an expectation of disapproval among audiences and advertisers; however, many articles about media coverage of paranormal subjects proves that such a perspective is incorrect. Or perhaps journalists are simply themselves entirely ignorant about metaphysical subjects.
In a Direct Voice seance transcript that may be read in a previous blog article, an unnamed communicator advised the sitters during a seance in Ireland:
You want to do a little bit of service while in the world no matter what station the great Spirit God may have placed you in. Each one should be willing to help those around in need of assistance and not allow it to fall on one shoulder only. Also, you must not allow anyone to impose on you too much; just see that they take their share of responsibility. It is a good lesson to each one of you to accept your share of responsibility and it helps to prepare you for the journey here, enabling you to take your proper place in the fuller life which awaits you. I am just one of the stragglers who has come through it, and I wish I had done my duty better in the earth life.
Other examples of transcendental communication cases are available in such articles as "Five Videos for People Who Don't Yet Know about Authentic 'Channeling'", "Some Observations about 'Channeling'" and "Tapping The Force: Leslie Flint Recordings and Links". Also available is an "Articles and Videos Links Index" of channeling cases.
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