
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Holistic Realizations

Having become 62 on August 8, 2018, there are many ways that I still feel like a young person intent on experiencing new opportunities in life.  Following the confessions made in the blog article of last week, I'm reflecting about an individual's physical and mental predicament during Earth life and sharing some of the insights imparted over the course of 23 years of metaphysical contemplation and research.  My appointment with my HMO doctor on Friday preceded an appointment with a local holistic doctor on Monday, August 13.  After a friend had told me about Michael, I booked an appointment for an opening several weeks later as his services are in considerable demand.  His naturopathy practices include iridiology.  I learned that he, himself is the son of a naturopath, which explains how he has achieved so many credentials at the age of 25.

During my session, Michael used the latest technology in iridiology, taking a photo of an eye and then a photo of the other eye after I repositioned my head on the apparatus.  The computerized program soon gave the results of what was signified by the color and formations seen in the irises of my eyes.  He told me that my eyes show the 'blue iris' associated with the 'lymphatic iris' and 'lymphatic congestion.'  The internal fibre structure can be described as presenting a 'neuro lymphatic pattern.'  While suggesting some possible treatments, Michael mentioned 'GAPS' (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.  I've since gone on to learn that Natasha developed a protocol "designed for patients suffering from learning disabilities, psychiatric and psychological disorders, immune system problems and digestive problems."

Below are some of the printed results of the iridiology analysis (showing my eyes), which correlate with what my HMO doctor diagnosed three days earlier. 

Information about Toni Miller is available at

Something that I've learned is that being spiritually aware can have life-changing consequences.  There are documented cases where dreams and other oracles (such as synchronicities) have warned people of danger and in response a change of plans helped them avoid being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  However, I know from a few of my own experiences that there may be times when an action taken as a precaution to heed a warning may not be enough to avoid some manner of mishap.

Driving to the Monday early evening appointment with the holistic doctor, I noticed a license plate abbreviating the words 'love my doctor' and then a few minutes later sighted a commercial company truck with the same last name as my naturopath.  During my conference with Michael, he suggested some alternatives to treating my 'gut brain.'  His first recommendation was Glutamine Complex (a powder taken daily in water), which I decided to start taking the very next day along with a 'liposome spray.'  Some other potential treatments were mentioned.  Intuitive moments can be felt in many ways and two of the tincture products mentioned as possibly helpful I knew wouldn't help me.

The following day my HMO doctor called me with lab testing results and it was learned that he was prescribing the medication ciprofloxacin for a bacterial urinary tract infection which I hadn't even recognized having — perhaps due to the abdominal discomfort I've been experiencing.

On Wednesday I began taking the antibiotic and will resume the 'complimentary and alternative medicine' treatments upon finishing taking the medication after seven days.

The 'generalized anxiety disorder' diagnosis related to me by HMO doctor Kenny has I think contributed to a reduction in my level of 'anxiety' as there is finally a definite documented area of human experience for me to consider.  'Anxiety' is a word that I've never given much reflection until now and after reading some definitions, in fact I don't think the word has any relevance befitting my complicated mental orientation to 'reality.'  'Anxiety' is a word expressing a general condition and I'm cognizant of the conditions that upset me.
A new physical symptom this week has been my experiencing something for the first time that I've heard about yet never dreamed could be something occurring in my own life — 'vertigo,' giving a 'spinning sensation' that occurs when my head is tilted in a certain position.  Each night I've been using the 'Epley Maneuver' to try alleviating the malady.  Kenny told me during our phone conversation that if the vertigo doesn't go away, he'll have to perform another physical maneuver on me — an unnerving prospect.
At both appointments with my new doctors, their questions resulted with my telling them about some of my unusual metaphysical experiences including how I first observed the phenomena of 'channeling.'  Kenny had asked me the reason I'd once undergone 'psychotherapy' so I simply explained.  It all must sound extraordinary when someone hears me casually stating a synopsis of what happened yet that's just what did occur —
Well I'd come back from investigating a 'talking poltergeist' haunting in Oklahoma (in 1995) only to find that paranormal phenomena was still occurring around me.  I realized that the haunting presence was, in fact, an Angelic Force that became comprehensible as a result of the unique sequence of events.  One afternoon I'd been telling my friends who they were the reincarnations of and suddenly it felt as if someone stepped out from inside of me.  I immediately realized that all of the things I'd been saying didn't at all reflect my usual personality and my reaction was to then become afraid that I could be experiencing so-called 'possession.'  I called my twin brother and one of the things I said was, "I want to die," although I didn't really mean that.  So my brother and two friends arranged an intervention and I agreed to take a vacation.  Suddenly there was an ambulance for me outside my condo and I was taken to a local psychiatric hospital, where I agreed to voluntarily check myself in on the basis that no medication be given to me.  That request was completely ignored as I soon felt odd and eventually realized that apparently hospital staff members were drugging the water given to me (so from then on I would only drink from the electric water fountain).  The doctors somehow had assumed that I was hallucinating and 'hearing voices.'  They knew that I was a writer whose current project was a "book on Poltergeist."  During my stay at the hospital, it was the patients around me and one visiting relative of another patient who suddenly began 'channeling' in proximity to me.  The channeled entities seemed to include my guardian Angel (or 'control'/'guide') and an extraterrestrial who mentioned crop harvests on some other planet.  

After several days, I returned home after one of the hospital staff members arranged for me to begin psychotherapy with a psychiatrist known to be experienced with cases involving psychic phenomena.  Reflecting about my life, my predicament has been so very different from what I'd expected upon becoming a metaphysical author.  Questioning what aspect of our Earthly reality would cause me to worry, my answer is there is something blatantly evident about the mentality of most human beings — a lack of spiritual discernment that has been hard for me to accept.  If one compares the data presented in the articles at this blog with mainstream media news topics, there should be some idea given of what I'm trying to convey.  However, I know that many of my metaphysical experiences must be highly uncommon.  For example, something that has reduced some 'anxiety' for me  over the years is that whenever I would mentally begin to formulate some potentially limiting hypothesis about the nature of 'God,' this would be followed by my ever-present 'Angel' (or 'control'/'guide' spirit) operating through the innate and subconscious aspect of myself to cause me to bite my tongue.  Literally.  In recent years, this has been a small symbolic nip but the first occurrences were quite emphatic eye-openers yet without noticeably drawing any blood or causing any significant lasting pain, of course.

This week I realized it would be a good idea to have a new photo taken of me along with a photo of the healing rose quartz crystals I've been using.  During my lunch break on Friday, I found a co-worker (C.V.) willing to spend a minute or so to take the photos at the garden patio outside the office where I work (the crystals were placed on a wooden bench).  The photographically harsh noon hour light reminds me that this summer seems the hottest one ever and, in fact, July was California's hottest month ever recorded.     

Yesterday while driving home after getting my groceries, it was recognizable that I felt much calmer than usual.  Unlike the week before, there was no 'death synchronicity' heard when I checked to see what songs were being played on pop music stations.

News headlines this week reported the passing of an American $717B defense spending bill that seems to me to be little more than a potential impetus for terrorism.  Wouldn't it be an expression of worldwide brotherhood for government leaders to focus on the shocking pollution problems gaining greater momentum in our world, where so much of people's attention is wasted on mindless entertainment and escapism.  Among the transcendental communicators who've offered environmental advice are 'The Nine,' 'The Seven,' 'Lazaris,' 'Paul,' 'Ramtha' and 'Seth.' 

A lesson that I've learned is the great significance of each individual's free will in contributing to bring about a more ideal and benevolent world.  The importance of this cannot be diminished when considering the gamut of aspects of life circumstances that so enormously find variation among the millions of people living on Earth at the present time.  This lesson is stated in many different ways throughout the annals of 'channeled' transcendental communication; so too may be read a variety of holistic perspectives relating to health. 

The renewal of transcendental communication spiritual dispensations of such phenomena known as 'channeling' and 'Instrumental Transcommunication' remind that spiritually aware human beings working together may help our society advance beyond any perceived limitations of earthly international cooperation and unsustainable religious orientations of the past.  The 'New Age'/'Age of Aquarius' is a recurring topic in transcripts documenting transcendental communication. 

Among the topics I haven't found time to write about are Numerology and Astrology as well as my own discovery of finding prophetic words and anagrams upon analysis of people's names.  My life path number is 1 and my astrological sign of the Zodiac is Leo.

Among the authors known as 'channelers' is Marjorie Livingston (1, 2, 3) who transcribed and published several books of transcendental communication.  The following excerpts are from the tenth chapter of Harmony of the Spheres (1931) and presents the perspective of 'Arcazaiel.'  The chapter is entitled "The Planetary Rays and the Esotericism of Colour."
When we teach, we do not give you data from without, but give you rather, the key to that which is within, in order that it may reach a point of contact within the human mind and be translated into terrestrial terms.

As it is not possible to demonstrate in the broad light of day the iridescence of the phosphorous which glints in tropic seas, so it is impossible to manifest in the physical the subtle wisdom of the Spirit.  Deep within the crevice of his own self a man may apprehend it dimly, but language cannot encompass it.  We use your earth similes, but they are but shadows.

Therefore, had not the ego all knowledge within its own integral Soul, then could no one give it to him from without.  His teaching would be words, words, and their continuity would be meaningless unless they had affinity with the truth which is within.

. . . the incarnating ego does not embark upon an earthly incarnation with his course uncharted.

His map, did he but know it, is in the stars.

So the ship, which is the body of incarnation, sails out into the sea of planetary life.  Her course is charted, her ports of call are written upon the instruction sheet, and the harbour of return is pre-ordained.  This is Destiny.

But he who is at the helm steers his own ship.

The living ego has charge of his carnate body.  Of his own freewill he may work in harmony with the Master of the ship, or he may work his own will upon the vessel, and go whither he listeth.  He cannot contest the currents, the winds or the storms, he cannot change the light of the stars that are set above him, but his sails and his rudder are his to do with as he will.

I have stressed this point, even to the length of  repeating myself, for it is one that has aroused much controversy.  Also it is not good that man should believe on the one hand, that he must, willy-nilly, obey his destiny, for then is all human endeavour become nullified, and all achievement robbed of its honour.  Neither is it well he should believe that his life lies before him unbounded by aught except his own purpose and intention, and that he Lord God has left him without guidance and without a definite purpose to be achieved.

An incarnating spirit, born into the world, is considered to be confined to the world, and even to a certain section of it, geographically.  But his true position in the Cosmos is that which he bears in relation to the other planetary and astral bodies.

According as he himself is placed, so the vibrations reach him which are impinged upon his aura by the projections of astral rays.

The immortal Soul shall respond to the immortal Elements.  Those stars which have affinity with his Being shall herald his entry into the world, and their function shall be not so much to form his character as to proclaim it.  The influences of the stars are known, and their course is set that they may produce such experience as is necessary to the ego upon his earthly incarnation and establish and confirm that within his nature which is essential to his progression.

The heavens are an open map, accessible for your study, and each carnate being may discover the planetary ray which lies in affinity with his own vibrations.  A name should be given him of which the numerical value is in correspondence and harmony.  He himself should seek to maintain true harmonics throughout the term of his earthly existence, for they will outlast the discarnation of his flesh and continue throughout the planes of earth's celestial boundaries.

There is a Song of Life, a harmony you may cull from dates and numbers which are the outer forms in which the eternal Mysteries are enshrouded by the flesh.

You, who shall be All-in-One in Nirvana, are units upon earth, even fractions of a unit.  Within you there vibrates one colour in the spectrum, one note in the scale of music, one number vibrates in harmony, one jewel is your affinity.  See that your Note of Life is sounded in harmony that its echoes may soar above the confines of earth and find response in Heaven.


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