"Hans Otto König, 1982 in his lab"
Listen! New Discoveries about the Afterlife (2017) is the autobiography of Hans Otto Konig (written with Anna Maria Wauters). The book is subtitled "Scientific Research on Contact with the Invisible. Experiences of Instrumental TransCommunication." Hans has been researching and studying ITC for nearly 45 years. "Listen!" is the word that has often punctuated the "live connections with another world" during his research.
The name Konig means 'king' in German. Hans Otto Konig was born in Düsseldorf-Ratingen, Germany. His mother was an opera singer and actress while his father was an engineer, violinist and owner of the only 'radio-and-television shop' in the district located not far from the banks of the Rhine. Hans's wife Margaret is a well known hypnoanalyst.
At age six, he built his first radio, by himself, with only the information he found in books he borrowed from the library. His love for crafting radios never ceased, and at age 18, he even obtained his amateur radio operator license. Often he stayed up all night exchanging messages with people from all over the world.
Young Hans was interested in technology, physics and metaphysics while questioning the religious instruction that he heard at church. At 18 he began studying physics, specializing in technical-high-frequencies, at the RWTH University of Aachen in Germany. Upon graduation, he began working for several large companies. He started his own business in 1970. A 1974 television documentary about Friedrich Jurgenson excited Hans about the new "electronic voices" phenomena. He later met with Jurgenson on several occasions and also became familiar with the work of Konstantin Raudive. Another prominent researcher, George Meek, visited Konig in his laboratory in 1987.
His first experimental laboratory was established in Ratingen and his own breakthrough is described in the Second Part of the book. His first experience audibly recognizing an electronic voice occurred a year and half after he began devoting his Tuesday nights to experimentation. After that, he increased the time devoted to research and began experimenting with different radio waves.
A term used for the contacts with communicators of unseen worlds is 'contact bridge.' Here are some of the ITC messages received by Hans and translated to English as they appear in the beginning chapters of the book —
Semantics can be a question for anyone expressing perspectives relating to spiritual 'Oneness' in relation to the nature of transcendental communication. Hans stated that "Superconsciousness . . . is always connected with the Invisible Worlds." Among many conceptions of the subconscious human mind articulated by Hans, something left unstated in a literal way is the concept of each individual subconscious mind being interlinked as they ultimately have the same omnipresent Source Mind.
Hans and his wife were on a spiritual path with the ITC research, which became their primary focus. Occasionally personal sacrifices were made relating to material comforts with financially lucrative proposals being turned down at times when it was realized these could have an adverse effect on their ITC work.
The book includes comments about Konig's sensational demonstration of ITC during a live television broadcast hosted by Rainer Holbe, the first of many live experiments on Holbe's show and other radio and TV shows featuring Konig. The European broadcast at Radio Luxembourg during "Unglaubliche Geschichten" ("Incredible Stories") was witnessed by an audience of millions. Prior to the broadcast, he was considering how to achieve "a spectrum of frequencies large enough for different entities to come through? . . . He searched for months but could not find an ideal solution. Then for several nights in a row, he had the same dream . . . An elderly man showed him a schematic image, 'A Block Wiring Diagram.' He began to comprehend it . . ."
The system devised by Hans consisted of six oscillators incorporating six pieces of quartz crystal. The following is the book's English translation of the ITC responses witnessed on Holbe's TV show:
During the 1980s, Hans learned that ITC experiencer Klaus Schreiber had received phenomenal television images of deceased family members: his daughter, wife and grandmother. Hans visited him at Aix-la-Chapelle. After closely observing and studying Klaus Schreiber's technique, H. O. Koenig reflected and remembered the many messages he himself had received to the question 'Do you still have other options for transmitting yourself to us?'
The meeting with Schrieber became the catalyst for Hans developing a new dual modulation system enabling contacts of synchronized audio and video messages.
Some messages that were received drew his attention to the importance of crystals in the facilitation of ITC contacts with a resulting 'HRS-System Based on Crystals (The Hyperspace System).'
When Hans asked what kind of quartz should be used, the response came: "Rock Crystal." He then "began constructing a system with transistors, photos, and diodes, allowing him to observe how and on what frequencies the crystals reacted . . . One night he received a message from his spiritual friends directing him to use ultraviolet light."
The latest device invented by Hans is the UDS-System (the System at Universal Direction).
To acquire a well-founded knowledge about a topic and to form a judgement about it, it is necessary to study it thoroughly and then experience it yourself. To learn more, H. O. Konig extensively acquainted himself with the existing recording materials — the simple radio method, with background noise like trickling water, or the procedure using a simple microphone — and furnished himself with the necessary technical equipment to run multiple trials.
He went on to meet other experimenters, intensively studying their methods of work, their thoughts, and their results.
His first experimental laboratory was established in Ratingen and his own breakthrough is described in the Second Part of the book. His first experience audibly recognizing an electronic voice occurred a year and half after he began devoting his Tuesday nights to experimentation. After that, he increased the time devoted to research and began experimenting with different radio waves.
The contact itself was recorded on a magnetic tape or a cassette, later replayed. Using this technique, he received very short messages, and often only a few scraps of conversation, not exceeding 14 syllables.
The sound quality was highly variable. Some recordings were clear and audible, but most only came through like a faint breath, a whisper or an exhale, like a sigh. Sometimes they were spoken quickly or, conversely, the vowels were drawn out slowly, which required a tape recorder that he could accelerate or slow down while listening. Sometimes the diction was a little robotic.
A term used for the contacts with communicators of unseen worlds is 'contact bridge.' Here are some of the ITC messages received by Hans and translated to English as they appear in the beginning chapters of the book —
"Tell all humans that we are alive!"
"Many people live with the thought of the absolute loss of a loved one. But this is not a loss in the true reality. Nobody ceases to exist; every life is forever!"
"Contact is of divine vibration."
"Listen: Sensation and Superstition do exist in human beings. They don't know reality."
"Mamma, we're all fine."
Semantics can be a question for anyone expressing perspectives relating to spiritual 'Oneness' in relation to the nature of transcendental communication. Hans stated that "Superconsciousness . . . is always connected with the Invisible Worlds." Among many conceptions of the subconscious human mind articulated by Hans, something left unstated in a literal way is the concept of each individual subconscious mind being interlinked as they ultimately have the same omnipresent Source Mind.
Hans and his wife were on a spiritual path with the ITC research, which became their primary focus. Occasionally personal sacrifices were made relating to material comforts with financially lucrative proposals being turned down at times when it was realized these could have an adverse effect on their ITC work.
. . . just at the moment the couple was about to buy a beautiful home, the experimenter's research reached a critical point where he needed significant funds to continue developing the Multi-Oscillation System. If he couldn't find the money, all his research would have to stop. He needed a huge investment, but with no certainty of success.
His wife gave him the answer: "Well, so we won't buy the house. We'll use the money for your research!"
The book includes comments about Konig's sensational demonstration of ITC during a live television broadcast hosted by Rainer Holbe, the first of many live experiments on Holbe's show and other radio and TV shows featuring Konig. The European broadcast at Radio Luxembourg during "Unglaubliche Geschichten" ("Incredible Stories") was witnessed by an audience of millions. Prior to the broadcast, he was considering how to achieve "a spectrum of frequencies large enough for different entities to come through? . . . He searched for months but could not find an ideal solution. Then for several nights in a row, he had the same dream . . . An elderly man showed him a schematic image, 'A Block Wiring Diagram.' He began to comprehend it . . ."
The system devised by Hans consisted of six oscillators incorporating six pieces of quartz crystal. The following is the book's English translation of the ITC responses witnessed on Holbe's TV show:
HOK: "Can I try to get in touch with you?"
R: "Try."
HOK: "Can you hear me? I think I have the right frequency."
R: "We hear your voice."
H. O. Konig is now addressing a deceased friend named Helmut.
R: "I come to Fulda."
(Fulda was, at that time, the conference venue.)
Then another voice said, "Otto Konig speaks with the dead (Totenfunk)"
Totenfunk is a German neologism, which literally translated means "dead-radioing." This sentence, which does not lack humor, was broadcast throughout the day on all German radio channels in diction typical to the Multi-Oscillation System, somewhat technical and choppy, like on a computer.
Thanks to this new system, Hans Otto Konig made the acquaintance of people who would accompany him throughout his research: the Central (die Zentrale).
During one of their first contacts, the researcher asked:
HOK: "Who are you?"
"We have no names."
HOK: "Do you have an important function, Zentrale?"
Since then, Hans Otto and Margaret Konig have used the name "Die Zentrale" for these Spiritual Entities still manifesting themselves in the first person plural . . .
During the 1980s, Hans learned that ITC experiencer Klaus Schreiber had received phenomenal television images of deceased family members: his daughter, wife and grandmother. Hans visited him at Aix-la-Chapelle. After closely observing and studying Klaus Schreiber's technique, H. O. Koenig reflected and remembered the many messages he himself had received to the question 'Do you still have other options for transmitting yourself to us?'
"Contacts with us in television."
"We have the ability to transmit our life with the contacts by television."
The meeting with Schrieber became the catalyst for Hans developing a new dual modulation system enabling contacts of synchronized audio and video messages.
Some messages that were received drew his attention to the importance of crystals in the facilitation of ITC contacts with a resulting 'HRS-System Based on Crystals (The Hyperspace System).'
"Crystals are the key for the connection."
"The path by the crystals."
"We will come by crystals."
"Take the crystals as support for the contacting."
When Hans asked what kind of quartz should be used, the response came: "Rock Crystal." He then "began constructing a system with transistors, photos, and diodes, allowing him to observe how and on what frequencies the crystals reacted . . . One night he received a message from his spiritual friends directing him to use ultraviolet light."
. . . all variations of the system demonstrated that the crystals were a fundamental aid in establishing contact with other life planes.
The researcher's wife, Margaret Konig, dubbed the new system the "Hyper-Space System" because it allows us to transcend our world of space-time to connect with other existences far from our terrestrial universe.
Through the crystalline beings, entities came to meet us to establish a real dialogue with voices of incredible clarity. After so many years of exciting adventures and hard work, finally Hans Otto Konig had reached his goal: considerably improving the sound quality and the length of messages. But for many people who had not closely followed his progress with contacting, confronting these voices so similar to the human voice far surpassed their understanding. They could not believe that these voices came from other worlds. It was too difficult for them to comprehend this phenomenon; the leap into the unknown was too huge. The researcher realized the profound truth of the words transmitted by the Zentrale:
"Listen! We know your questions. Only a few do it understand."
"In fact," the researcher explains, "it is like trying to explain higher mathematics to a child of six who has learned only simple arithmetic until now — except that openness to this phenomenon does not depend on the intellect but on the maturity of the mind. It is, therefore, obvious that the child turns away from it."
The latest device invented by Hans is the UDS-System (the System at Universal Direction).
We could say, basically, that this unique system brings together two others that preceded it: the Generator and HRS-System. For this technique, the Invisible World transmitted six new frequencies to him.
Several changes have already occurred along the way: the "crystal-mother" has been changed and the rock crystal have been replaced by six Herkimer diamonds, quartz-mono-crystals, the only crystals that are not born in colonies.
With this system, the researcher tries, for example, to better understand the influence of crystals to identify how the selection with the Invisible World is made and to create a broader frequency spectrum so that multiple entities can get in touch and communicate longer.
Experiments with this extremely sensitive system are done only in the presence of people who show a profound interest in the Spirit World and who are ready to prepare themselves for this exchange. By this system, it is no longer the spheres where the consciousnesses of the deceased are transmitted, but other supra-terrestrial spheres populated by various energy forms who have never lived on our planet Earth. We are grateful for what we can still discover, live through technical systems, of other dimensions that surround us and with which we are intimately connected, whether we are conscious of them or not.
Interview recordings of Hans Otto König were made during a visit to his laboratory by fellow prominent ITC researchers George Meek and Ernst Senkowski.
The following comment in Listen! New Discoveries about the After Life is from a part of the book entitled "Meeting the World of Science":
It seems that in the last 14 years many ITC experimenters came into the spotlight, like Anabela Cardoso in Spain, Marcello Bacci in Italy, and Sonia Rinaldi and Carlos Nunez in Brazil, surrounded by teams of scientists. The researcher followed with interest the scientific developments and the quantum physicists who arrived at amazing research conclusions . . .
Other titles for portions of the book include: "The Origination of Supernatural Faculties," "The Spirit World Communicates in Dreams," "Communication with Loved Ones," "Communication with the Animal World," "Communication with the Extraterrestrials" and "Listen: All is One. Understand!"
Why is he putting that head on a tripod?