
Sunday, August 26, 2018

A Paranormal Query

art from the original website
Over the years, I've occasionally mentioned having observed the mentality of so-called 'skeptics' and 'denialists' in relation to a variety of 'transcendental communication' cases among the gamut of documented 'paranormal phenomena.'  The 'assumed imperative' seems to be protecting one's individual orientation arising from agnostic/atheist philosophies that became relevant with the rise of the 'scientific method.'  Such a frame of reference has allowed practitioners to enunciate any iconoclastic philosophy whatsoever with the intention of aggrandizing the point-of-view of the researcher (whatever that happens to be at the time).  The rebellion against hoary superstitions clearly has resulted with a religion of science that is equally dogmatic.
Another undiscriminating orientation often noticeable today is manifested by the plethora of news headlines continuously showing careless assumed imperatives of journalists — 'one country is doing this' and 'another country is doing that' . . . actually it is a few government officials who've made some decision that has engendered what is being reported.  Political and corporate decisions never reflect any intrinsic objective shared by all the people living in a particular country; therefore, one might well ask what actually is being accomplished by such tactics as international sanctions.

So what about 'one nation under God' (or one world under God for that matter)?  I've commented about perspectives of 'God' in blog articles, including these following observations:

May 3, 2009

It seems evident that 'God' or a Superconsciousness/Oneness doesn't so much rule over our Earth society (where humans have freedom of choice in many aspects of their lives) as much as foster the evolution of our spiritual awareness.  I've commented in the past about equating our good thoughts and 'conscience' with 'Superconsciousness' or 'Christ Consciousness' and my books chronicle how this perspective evolved.  I wonder if this perspective of God as "ruler of the universe" is one of the main quandaries for people who have no belief in these concepts.

August 8, 2009

. . . scientists err when interpreting findings under the assumption that such a Being as 'God' doesn't exist when instead they should consider that familiar concepts of God are inadequate.

March 5, 2017

A person might profess a belief in 'God' (according to how one perceives the meaning of the word); however, experiencing anomalous events and failing to consider God in the equation suggests the term is regarded in a limited way.  A lesson of manifold case studies of so-called 'unexplained phenomena' is that God/Oneness should be understood in an unlimited way.

Some years ago, links to articles I'd written about historical 'talking poltergeist' cases were removed from Wikipedia because an individual editor had decided that they somehow were inappropriate.  Nevertheless, dozens of articles on the topic of developing a perspective concerning so-called 'poltergeist phenomena' remain available at this blog, including "List of 'Talking Poltergeist' Accounts" and "'Gef: A Modern Sphinx as an Esoteric Lesson about Oneness".  
I remember once listening to the author of a new book about 'poltergeist' phenomena being interviewed by George Noory on "Coast to Coast AM."  The author didn't seem to know about my writings on this topic and his perspectives were merely theoretical.  During the interview, the casual conversation led to the author mentioning that he was being medicated for boredom.

Apparently the self-appointed Wikipedia editor is among the people uncomfortable with the 'common sense' perspective of spiritual experience I've attempted to articulate.  In the New Age, perhaps one should consider metaphysical reality beyond the limiting factor of certain words that bring about manifold emotional associations dependent upon individual perceptions.  For example, the name 'God' may have numerous connotations depending upon one's experience of life at any present moment beyond the word representing in part an omnipresent Cosmic Life Force.  There can be the 'knee-jerk' reaction for anyone to the 'God' that is a metaphor for the sum total of all our worldly interactions.  The latter 'God' is always to blame.  

Something perhaps even sadder than the nonintellectual 'skeptics'/'denialists' are countless people living today who will readily admit to rarely if ever even giving their attention to books or to any form of written articles.  Sources of distraction for people include the dull spectacle of TV shows (including the tedious pastime of professional sports) and fictitious narrative movies.  
One of the teachings about God and Love found in transcendental communication transcripts is: "And if you perceive God as love, this is the master you will serve." 
Prior to the origination of this blog on April 26, 2009, I'd been writing an autobiography — now entitled My Unexpected Path of Spiritual Discovery.  While blogging I continued working on the manuscript with the initial drafts of Part 1 and Part 2 completed in 2011.  Perhaps I'll choose to publish some of this material among future articles.  My longtime readers should be well aware of how it was never any personal ambition of my own to witness my path in life diverge into realms associated by the uninitiated public with such expressions as 'over-the-top.'  It is the experiencer of expanded spiritual knowledge (something quite different from emphatic 'belief' and 'faith') who realizes there is no choice other than sharing with others the realization of the life-changing discoveries that were bestowed. 

At this introspective juncture I'm interested in considering suggestions and advice from readers as to what paranormal subjects are favored for metaphysical contemplation.  The following are some possible topics being considered for blog articles:

Paranormal initiations to expanded consciousness

Further articles about reincarnation

Prophetic pop songs

'The Michael Pattern' summarized

Overlooked dangers for humanity mentioned in transcendental communication cases

Further articles about extensively documented contemporary channeling cases

Andrew Jackson Davis

John Dee

Further articles about the overlooked flying saucer 'contactees' cases of UFOlogy

What is your own desired subject of metaphysical zeitgeist at the current moment?  Each comment or Email that I receive is appreciated.

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    You need to take the single quotation mark key on your keyboard and throw it away, please.


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