This Televisione Svizzera Italiana Mysteries Channel "Documentario sulle esperienze metafoniche di Marcello Bacci" was uploaded as a no cost video to YouTube in early 2015 with an English subtitles version contributed by Shiva Rosa (Malta) in 2016. The 50-minute documentary video provides a variety of testimonials and documentation of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC). Watching the video I realized yet again how oblivious so many people throughout society are about 'paranormal phenomena' cases as they simply aren't aware that evidence (such as this documentary) is readily available.
Several reports about the work of Marcello Bacci may be read at the WorldITC website, including "The ITC Work of Marcello Bacci" by Paolo Presi — a transcript of a 2004 lecture. This is how Presi's report begins:
My presentation is concerned with the exceptional Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) experiences that have taken place in Grosseto, a little town in the centre of Italy, at the laboratory of Marcello Bacci. Bacci can be considered a leading expert on ITC, given his 35 years of exceptional experimental activity. The ITC voices that have been received during these 35 years in Grosseto have by now been heard all over the world.
Marcello Bacci’s first encounter with the paranormal goes back to 1949 when he occasionally participated in mediumistic sittings in London, and his life was indelibly marked by these experiences. His relationship with research into the paranormal, which began at that time, developed in the following years into a deep and abiding interest, and early in the 1970s he became involved with the phenomenon of EVP [Electronic Voice Phenomena] when he learnt of Friedrich Juergenson’s experiences in Sweden.
a moment of the documentary
Marcello Bacci was born in 1927. Something unusual about this case are the apports (materialized objects) that have continuously manifested in his presence over the years. One scene of the documentary shows an example of this phenomena. Roses are a recurring symbol throughout the annals of transcendental communication, as are statements about Oneness.
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