
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Lessons of 'The Seven'

Received via Instrumental Transcommunication — as shown at Macy Afterlife: The Beacon website, this ITC color photograph was received by computer in Luxembourg 1999.  The text found with the picture identified the message as being from 'Nsitden,' "one of The Seven."  Below is an ITC image received by computer during the summer of 1996.  'Lagelnev' of 'The Seven' is depicted.

'The Seven' are mentioned in Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication (1989 / English translation 1997) by Dr. Theo Locher and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach.  ITC Communicator 'Swejen Salter' is quoted (as translated) during a telephone contact:

At the time of contact seven higher beings will be present in the hall.  One of them is in contact with the medium Mr. Zoennchen.  Another being is guiding the contacts of the Group Homes/Malkhoff in Rivenich . . . The Technician, too, is one of the seven entities.  They are depending on the harmonic cooperation of all humans.  Their main technical sources of help will be the Light.

Articles about the communication of 'The Seven' and other entities of 'the other side' may be read in issues of the Contact! newsletter 1996 through 1998 published by the American branch of the International Network for Instrumental Transcommunication (Mark Macy, Editor).  The materials include transcripts offering English translations of the contacts.  Some of the ITC letters offer perspectives of aspects of life involving and affirming 'quantum mechanics' physics concepts and theories.  In the third 1996 newsletter issue, the article "Our seven colleagues from the ethereal realms" was an early attempt to place the information sources in perspective —

Instrumental transcommunication as experienced by INIT researchers in late 1996 involves about two dozen researchers in eight countries.  While we work with a team of more than 1,000 spirit beings, our most prolific communicators are Dr. Swejen Salter (d. 1987) and Dr. Konstantin Raudive (d. 1974).

The entire ITC project of INIT receives a degree of supervision and guidance from seven "higher" spiritual beings.  This is according to information received through the Luxembourg receiving station of Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach, as well as contacts at other INIT receiving stations.

According to the Harsch-Fischbach couple, who apparently were chosen by the seven beings to quietly start up the modern world's first full-scale ITC receiving station, the beings are trying to adjust to us on Earth so they can understand human fears and problems.  "In their dimension they do not carry a name," says Maggy, "but identify themselves by name when communicating with us to make contacts easier."

The Group of Seven have told us that their mission is not to foster the indiscriminate spread of ITC stations and ITC information around the world in the coming years.  Rather, it is to work with a group of people who are united by an ethical, moral approach to ITC and who will spread the information as wisely as they can in a careful, responsible fashion.

In 1996 the newsletter presented English translations of paranormal messages/letters from 'Thfirrin,' 'Ishkumar,' 'Lagelnev' and 'Technician.'  Here is a translation of Ishkumar's commentary about 'God':  
God is not a person but the highest principle of life, as well as the absolute reality.

He or IT, is the absolute unity and the absolute, unlimited and all-encompassing Universe.  As a limitless entity, the universe can never be one of the creative individuals who are numerous in the cosmos.

Nor is it tenable that there is a single Son of God for the entire cosmos.  Jesus Christ, today a part of Pescator, has never described himself as such.

Since God, ultimately, is everything, and everything is God, it makes no difference which religion you belong to.  There is only one universal truth which can be found through the path of decency.  For those who follow eternal principles, the doors to freedom are open.

Another 1996 message received via computer in Luxembourg is addressed to "Children of Earth, people of Terra" (as translated) and begins with the following passage.
There are moments in your life when you think you are standing in front of a wall, an almost insurmountable obstacle.  An anxiety befalls you that can grow into regular oppression.  Most of this inner fear comes from yourself.  It is rare that it was caused by someone else.  Most of you do not need an outside attacker.  What you have done too much or what you neglected to do often is enough to upset you.

However, it is possible that your own anxiety and fear become so strong and are of such intensity that they literally take you over and thereby open up avenues for low spirits and their influence and damaging manipulations.  Therefore, if you are able at all, avoid fear and insecurity.  Do not doubt!

The final sentences of the message state —
We are greeting you and thank you.  Especially interested in accomplishing a harmonic unity of mind are the seven beings of Rainbow People—Technician, Ishkumar, Thfirrin, Seth 3, Nsitden, Mrekklin, and Lagelnev—helpers of INIT for the connection between Planet Earth and the higher vibrational planes.

The communicator 'Swejen Salter' provided some information about some of 'The Seven' on January 7, 1996:
Nsitden comes from another planetary system.  Mrekklin comes from a parallel world.  Lagelnev is a spirit of nature, not to be confused with one of the elementals, but formed by the faith of humans.  (Not necessarily the faith of today.)

The newsletter also reported in 1996 that an audio recording had been made of a message from The Seven.  An article explained that Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach received the message from the Technician on their telephone answering machine a few days before the INIT meeting at Tarrytown, New York during the late summer that year: "Unlike other information from The Seven, this message arrived in English, since that would be the principal language of the meeting.  Maggie played the message to the group on Friday night."  The audio recording can now be heard online in a 2010 article by Mark Macy entitled "Humanity As Seen from Ethereal Eyes" (including a transcript).

The following is a link to the 1996 four-minute recording of the message from 'The Seven' with some additional introductory comments (first 1:11 minutes) by Mark Macy that can be understood to correlate ITC events with not only the end of the 20th Century but also the end of the Age of Pisces: Click here

Upon listening to the audio, I realized that the spiritual knowledge articulated by the voice is certainly representative of the sensibility of manifold communicators—and their statements—found in other recordings and transcripts of transcendental communication, encompassing 'channeling' cases and 'Direct Voice' (disembodied speech) cases with many examples provided in articles at this blog.  Links to Leslie Flint Direct Voice Phenomena recordings are provided in previous blog articles (including 1 and 2).  Among the recordings are also voices of people of the Other Side that yet exhibit an unadvanced spiritual understanding, such as 'Nellie Wright.'  To listen to an example of the voice of 'Helena Petrovna Blavatsky' from the 'First Leslie Flint Recordings' listen beginning at 4:00 of the earliest recording: Click here

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891)

The 1996 recorded message of 'The Seven' mentioned 'The Project' and Mark Macy selected these words as the title for his book offering an overview of what he'd learned during his many years of ITC research The Project (2009).  A 1997 message received via computer at Station Luxembourg specified that The Project started 20,000 years ago and that its final phase took place in Atlantis.

At the foundation of Mark Macy's work and metaphysical understanding are the perspectives and lessons received and recorded from numerous transcendental communicators.  Here is an English translation of a March 8, 1996 computer contact presented in the book —
We have often given you the real purpose of ITC contacts: Mankind at the end time should be led back to the principle.  Light and darkness shall unite and form a whole again.  What people experience now is not the actual beginning of the apocalypse, but only the first symptoms of it.  Before opposites can be united, the strength of unity among ITC people must increase and come from a pure heart.

The following is Mark Macy's introductory statement to one of the messages received in 1998 along with the accompanying transcript as provided in The Project.  This passage is also the subject of a Macy Afterlife: The Beacon article.
Ethereal truth.  In the summer of 1998 our INIT research group received a contact from The Seven Ethereal beings through a computer at our ITC receiving station in Luxembourg.  I publish below an English translation of the transcript in its entirety.  The original contact arrived in German.  It describes what unfolded on that final day of the First Epoch in an empire long ago, before its collapse into a dark age.

Alkbrat of Shanidar was the last one to enter the great temple hall.  He walked bent over and was slow of step.  His white hair and flowing beard gave him a patriarchal appearance.  He leaned his curved golden staff against the table and took his place at the head of the table.  The others in the room remained silent; they knew they had to wait until the venerable old man opened the assembly.  It was the last time that they would meet like this in the Sothis Temple, for the barbarians were already at the outer walls of the city.  Alkbrat raised both hands and began with a clear, firm voice, which, despite his age, sounded full and strong:

“Participants of this project, my brothers and sisters, the Golden Ages of our culture are at an end.  Our civilization has become so indifferent that the innumerable dead, who die of starvation and disease, have become a common sight for you.  They elicit no more than a sigh, or in the best case, a tinge of protest.  The streets of our cities have become the residence of legions of the homeless; drugs rule the world; men murder their brothers on a scale and with a bestiality that has not been seen since the (previous) dark ages.

“At the same time, thousands of lesser acts of violence and abominations have become so customary that they hardly seem real.  We have tried to avert the evil with our Project Sothis, but we have failed.  We have made the mistake of reaching an understanding with the pupils of Nephtos, because we believed that as the caste of scientists, they would help us convince the people that the Gateway, the Space-Time Arch, was the last hope for our sick world.  But we have erred.  They have measured, minced and counted, and again, measured, minced and counted, and could not recognize the true meaning of our search, because they could not recognize the truth that stood behind our endeavors: the inseparability of the spiritual from the material world—the opening of the door between these worlds.  So we lost precious time, and our adversaries used our weaknesses.  Some of us have fallen away and let themselves be lured by passing fame and Mammon; others were intimidated and have lost their belief in the righteousness of our good cause.

“We do not wish to bear them ill will, but rather pray that someday they will recognize their error.  But we must be conscious that pride, covetousness, and arrogance are guilty of bringing our Project to ruin.  Today we meet for the last time; tomorrow some of us will already no longer be among the living; others will be in flight.  We know that our bodies, which we now inhabit, are only houses from which we will soon be moving.  Where to and when we know not, but now we want to speak the last vow, and give our word, that at the given time, in another place, with another appearance, and under different names—some will be men and no longer women, and vice versa—we will no longer remember here and now, but when we meet again, we will know that we belong together.  This very night, a Spirit of the Rainbow appeared to me and assured me that they will guide us further and lead us when mankind approaches the next dark age.  This will be when voices speak from boxes and human beings move through light behind glass.  Here on this spot on the river after many millennia, a city will arise that will be called Babylon, and the Second Epoch will begin.”

Alkbrat arose.  The golden threads that were interwoven through his deep blue garment shimmered in the glow of the candles.  The others also arose and, extending their hands, they spoke the vow.

So it came to pass, and it is being communicated to you (INIT members), because you have found each other again, and this time have passed the first part of the test.  Continue to watch out for false friends and know that the journey is a long one.

The Seven, 1998 July 3

Not all Instrumental Transcommunication constitutes positive and uplifting occurrences.  Mark Macy reported about his own experience of finding himself in such a predicament in Chapter 6 of Miracles in the Storm (2001):
On the morning of April 5, 1996, seven months after the meeting at Dartington, I was eating breakfast when the phone rang.  I answered, and a bizarre voice said, "This is Konstantin Raudive."

The short message was repeated three times in three distinct voices, none of them being the deep, friendly, and familiar voice of our spirit colleague, Konstantin Raudive.  The first voice could best be described as mechanical, the second as spiteful, and the third as demonic.  Fortunately I captured the disturbing message on audiotape.

Mark Macy sought information from the Timestream communicators about the strange message and a reply was promptly received at Station Luxembourg and passed on to him:
It was of course not K.R. who phoned Mark, but a negative entity from here (on the mid-astral plane) known as ------.  We cannot do anything against this as long as people like Weisensale and Koeberle are not stopped on your side.  Unite your efforts and you will be strong.  Avoid contact with those on your side who do not know where they belong.

1996 April 5, 16:22

Mark Macy mentioned that there had been "Scathing commentaries on the Luxembourg couple published by Bill Weisensale and Fidelio Koeberle . . ."  Mark described what happened after this.
To help us deal with the problem, Jules Harsch in Luxembourg asked our spirit friends at Timestream to come up with a code word that would be known only to them and to INIT members.  The word would be stated by our spirit friends during voice contacts to assure us that we were talking to them, not to unknown spirits.  In response, Timestream came up with a rather strange and enchanting twelve-letter word of four or five syllables that was not easy to pronounce, nor could it be found in Webster’s Dictionary.  The word was "silmarillion."  (I feel safe sharing it now because it has not been used for a couple of years, and if a code word is needed in the future, a new one probably will be devised.)

I wondered if the plan would work.  I assumed that since spirits at Timestream knew the word, and since spirits could read one another’s minds, perhaps the word would spread quickly throughout the spirit worlds, so that all spirits—negative and positive—could contact us with this celestial password.

As months passed I was surprised and pleased to discover that I was wrong.

In Chapter 5, Mark Macy reported that at a meeting one of his colleagues reminded that the contacts were beyond the control of anyone on Earth.  He commented: "All of us in the room realized that the miracle of ITC was a puzzle . . . we on Earth held only a few puzzle pieces."

Mark Macy in Miracles in the Storm concluded about mankind's predicament at the turn of the century —
Humanity now stands at a crossroads.  Burgeoning technology is creating a global brain in the form of the Internet with its computer servers, cell phones, and satellites.  In the course of a lifetime our world is being transformed into a society in which cultural and nationalistic boundaries are being erased.  For the first time in the development of human life on Earth, we are creating the opportunity to find peace, prosperity, and oneness through open doors of communication around the world.

At the same time, we face serious threats.  The rain forest—the lungs of the Earth—continues to disappear; the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the United States still possess the power to destroy civilization in the course of an hour; addictions trap a large segment of humanity in dark patterns of thought and behavior; and millions of people starve every year as others enjoy unprecedented abundance and conspicuous consumption.  Drugs abound.  Violence and promiscuity abound, thanks to their rapid spread through movies, television, the Internet, and other mass media.  Many sources of information outside ITC research suggest that difficult times lie ahead if we don't change the living conditions and behavior within and among the societies of the world.

One of the messages from The Seven presented in The Project has an environmental theme:
Our INIT group received the following message from the Seven Ethereal beings through the computer of our Luxembourg members on April 3, 1996:

"In perceiving their environment, mammals, like humans, have the ability to evaluate their surroundings and behave accordingly.  Though they are humanity's fellow creatures and inhabit the same living space, humans behave as if the world is their environment alone and everything else is only for their use.

"This anthropocentric world picture is a totally false self evaluation.  Man is not the measure of all things as you often arrogantly assume.  Humans are one of a million species on the tree of life.  All the animals, plants and the elements of nature are part of the world around you.  By living as though the rest of the world is only for your benefit, you miss the purpose of your existence."

Other transcendental communication cases encompass environmental messages and warnings.  Personally, I find it horrifying that government leaders worldwide aren't doing more to work together for the preservation of our Earth habitat.  During the summer of 2017, this blog presented a series of five articles about 'The Council of Nine' (or 'The Nine') case involving trance medium Phyllis V. Schlemmer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and case transcripts also include passages expressing the severity of humanity's environmental crisis.  (article)  One possible solution would be for a worldwide treaty that brings about military spending reductions to generate environmental preservation funding.  This way, trees can be planted, the Great Pacific garbage patch can be eradicated, and necessary solutions can be found for every environmental quandary.  We (all mankind) simply can't go on ignoring the challenges posed by such a conspicuous crisis of this magnitude. 

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