
Sunday, June 17, 2018

TV Contact with the Other Side Documentary Now Available on YouTube

Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) is the subject of "TV-Kontakt med Andra Sidan" ("TV Contact with the Other Side" available with English subtitles on YouTube),  a 1991 Swedish documentary produced and moderated by Eva Olsson and Tony Eckardt.  The program is described as "A video documentary about the technical contact with the Other Side" and presents photos, videos, recordings, etc.  The documentary may be watched in the entirety or in six separate video segments at a playlist page.

To view the documentary with English subtitles, you must be signed in to your YouTube account and while watching the video click on the "Settings" icon and select "Subtitles" and "English."

During the summer of 1991, Eva and Tony visited researchers investigating contact with people of 'the Other Side' via electronic equipment.  Their documentary shows some of the recordings and documentation that these and other researchers have gathered from the contacts, beginning with several ITC videos received by Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach in Luxembourg.  One video shows an image of Konstantin Raudive in the ascended realm while his voice is heard speaking to the couple.  While living on Earth he researched transcommunication and wrote several books about the subject, including Breakthrough (1971).  Preceding Raudive's work was that of EVP pioneer Friedrich Jurgenson in Sweden.

Tony Eckardt interviewed Jurgenson in 1978 and clips from the audio tape are heard.  Jurgenson commented about his first international press conference in 1963 (as translated):
It was mostly positive, despite all opposition.  The journalists came at half past one and they stayed until after midnight.

They came to reveal a scam and went after they had apologized.  That is how it all began and it spread like an avalanche all over the world.  Now it is accepted as phenomena, paranormal, purely scientific and research is done all over the world.

It's our absolute duty that we not withhold the information we have about the reality when it can provide mental calmness to people.

A report about researchers Claude and Ellen Thorlin of Eskilstuna informs viewers that the couple were Friedrich Jurgenson's longtime friends.  On the day of his funeral Ellen heard an 'inner voice' say "Channel 4."  Standing in front of the TV with a Polaroid camera ready, Ellen turned on her TV to channel 4 and soon saw a bright spot emerge on the screen.  That's when she snapped a picture. 

 the Thorlin image

During Part 2, the ITC experimentation of Lizz Werneroth and Ebbe Johansson in Sweden is chronicled.  The couple is seen experimenting with recording electronic voice phenomena (EVP) on audio recording tape.  Lizz at times announces her interpretation of some of the apparently anomalous speech that has been recorded.  
During Part 3, some excerpts of the 'Dr. George Jeffries Mueller' conversation with ITC medium Bill McNeil via the Spiricom are presented.  During a 1980 audio recording, Dr. Mueller is heard calling to him via the transmitting device:
Wiilliiaam . . . William . . . William . . . Wiiiilllliiiiaaaammmm! . . . William . . . Wiilliiaamm!  Are you there William?

Bill eventually replies "I'm coming, doctor!  I'm coming."  He is heard returning to the room after "going downstairs for a cup of coffee," as he explains to Dr. Mueller.  Another clip involves 'another person from the Other Side' joining in the conversation: 'Nathaniel.'  Eva Olsson explained (as translated): "By having Dr. Mueller as inter-mediator William and Nathaniel were able to speak through the Spiricom about childhood memories and pranks that they had done together for more than 50 years ago."

In one clip when Dr. Mueller says "There's a time and a place for everything," the word "NO" follows at 11:01, perhaps showing that the speech of transcendental communicators is also subject to what may be heard as subconscious utterances or overlapping EVP/ITC messages.  (The subtitles incorrectly show the word "SO" instead of "NO.")

In Parts 4 through 6, the collaboration in Germany of ITC researchers Friedrich Malkhoff and Adolf Homes is a topic and they each are seen commenting about their experimentation.  In 1988 the two men attended a meeting where they learned about the research and experiences of Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach.  After weeks of contemplating and discussing the case, the two friends with the help of an electrician set up an apparatus modeled after what the Harsch-Fischbachs were using.  On January 14, 1989 Malkhoff and Homes made their first recording with the equipment.  Malkhoff recalled:
When we listened to the tape we could hear a clear woman's voice saying (as translated with the subtitles): "The souls will be raised to us."

Two days later in Rivenich, Adolf, for the first time, receives a message with a dark and dragging voice speaking very slowly.  The person identified himself as Thomas.

After a year Thomas also made contact over the computer, and identified himself as Thomas of Canterbury, who lived between the years of 1118-1170.  He is better known as Thomas Becket, Chancellor and Archbishop in Canterbury when Henry the 3rd reigned.  Today, Thomas is the front figure of a group on the Other Side called The Central.

In another audio clip, Thomas is heard to say (as translated):
Make peace on Earth and the universe you know.  Open the psychic boundaries and your eyes and you will be able to see more.
While watching the documentary I again recalled something mentioned in several recent articles about various transcendental communication cases — each communicator is expressing a unique personality and philosophy gained from his or her individual life experiences.  Transcendental communicators have brought such messages as "You will get nothing but opinion on all the planes" and that "various people coming from various spheres can only give you an insight into the knowledge that they have appertaining to their particular advancement or development."  Another essential lesson reported in other blog articles encompassing different forms of transcendental communication is the message of spiritual Oneness (or 'omnipresence').
Another ITC communicator mentioned in the documentary is 'Swejen Salter,' whose recorded orations seemingly confirm the existence of 'parallel worlds.'  This is a conclusion that has been made in scientific studies associated with the quantum mechanics realm of physics.

Here is the English translation from transcendental communicator 'Wernher von Braun' during a 1989 Rivenich radio transmission (as translated):
This is scientist Wernher von Braun speaking.  I am contacting Homes over the radio from the Other Side.  There are many extraterrestrial beings that are not identical with the spirit world.  These aliens are in direct contact with the U.S. government.  They have radio contact with Earth.  The aliens come from the planet Kamar and they are far more developed than the humans on planet Earth . . .

Another 1989 audio recording features ITC speech from a communicator who begins with the identification (as translated) "Seth, a being from the fourth plane."  The audio clip includes the statements translated as: ". . . mankind has lost its essence because of the negative spiritual ignorance.  She should not look down on others, when all the faults of others [are] lurking in herself . . . man will undergo a metamorphosis (change).  At the end of his metamorphosis, she will remember their previous incarnations.  This process will you look for.  Man's situation need(s) a lot of new information about other, higher, multidimensional realities."

As Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint has referred to transcendental communicator 'Mickey' as his 'guide' (or 'control'), Adolf Homes is seen referring to ITC communicator 'Jan' as what has been translated to English as his 'guardian spirit.'

Part 6 of the documentary includes audio interview commentary in English of retired German physics professor Ernst Senkowski, a longtime investigator of ITC cases whom during his studies has consulted firsthand with many experiencers of this phenomena.  When asked about the possibility of hoaxing, Senkowski commented: "I have no reason whatsoever to believe that there is any hoax or any fake."  He mentioned having experienced an occasion in 1986 while in the presence of the Harsch-Fischbacks "several items in the communication from the Other Side which were impossible to know for the couple of the Harsch-Fischbachs.  So we have been spoken directly by a person which was not known to them — the name was not known to them and we have been addressed personally."  He also explained: "This is impossible to fake and what's the use of it?  Nobody gets any money from it.  They have only . . . trouble . . . people say, 'We don't believe it.'"

ITC image identified as showing 'Seth 3'

Longtime readers of this blog will understand that—as with many forms of documented transcendental communication and 'paranormal phenomena' cases—people with a superficial knowledge of the evidence may quickly find some rationale to dismiss of deny the authenticity of some specific example of ITC without even considering that perhaps one of the lessons being taught is for humans not to behave in such a way.  An example of a similar predicament is in relation to seances during the Spiritualism Movement.  When individuals with superficial knowledge of the seances have seen photographs of materialized forms that were known as 'simulacrums,' they have immediately judged this evidence as depicting some manner of hoax without knowing anything about the actual circumstances of the phenomena and its documentation.  (1, 2, 3)
Maggie Harsch-Fischbach wrote in the 1997 English language book Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication:
ITC, the subject of this book, contributes to the evolution and expansion of mankind's view on eternal life.  It provides "hard evidence" of life after death and makes an easy distribution of spirit voices and pictures by electronic means possible, as well as the easy copying of computer micro disks.  Such means of distribution did not exist for earlier accounts of visible and audible spirit phenomena.  However, when looked at objectively, physical mediumship was much more of a "knock-out."
Let's look at this more closely: Only a small group of people could observe the flowing of a gray/white sticky substance called ectoplasm in the form of cords, threads, cloth-like veils or small cloud forms!  Fingers, hands. small or even normal size faces formed and could be captured by photography.  From the constantly moving "fog" or "cloud" of ectoplasm entire human figures formed, including the distinctly recognizable faces of dead relatives!  In some instances these figures not only appeared, but walked about, let those present shake their hands and carried on conversations with them.  The living relatives, while in tears, hugged their loved one who was standing before them fully materialized!  They cut a lock of hair and pieces of their garment (as evidence).  Physicians who were present examined the pulse, heartbeat, breath and the pupils of their eyes!

A long line of mediums and researchers should be mentioned here.  Many of them were slandered by scientists for whom such phenomena simply could not exist.

The phenomena described in this booklet are clear evidence for a life after physical death.  This is true at least of the many recorded telephone conversations and for the messages given through computers and video equipment.  To deny this is to ignore the many facts.



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