
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Self-Realization in the Aquarian Age - 'The Inner Circle' Through Mark Probert Q&A 1955

After two cover story articles in Mystic Magazine, a third question and answer transcript of 'The Inner Circle' (through the entranced Mark Probert) was presented in the June 1955 issue #10 yet there was only a small cover blurb stating "Another Mark Probert Seance."  The cover of this issue featured 'psychometrist' Dorothy Spence Lauer, who offered psychic readings based upon layouts of playing cards.

'The Inner Circle' transcript in issue #10 is reproduced in the entirety in this blog article.  The communication during this session was imparted through the perspective of 'Professor Alfred Luntz' — one of the group of 16 identified 'teachers of light.'  The topics include morality, self-realization, the Aquarian Age, and reincarnation.  First, some background information is provided about the series of articles concerning Mark Probert and The Inner Circle in the magazine.

Several letters from magazine readers about Mark Probert's trance mediumship were also featured in the issue and editor Ray Palmer's response to one of the letters is revealing about his lack of personal discrimination concerning the case.  Previous articles at this blog report the easily verifiable circumstances and facts of this case.  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)  In Mystic Magazine issue #6, two of the published letters from readers had expressed intense interest in 'The Inner Circle' following the beginning of the series of articles in the preceding issue.  In issue #10, a California reader commented in a follow-up letter to the editor : ". . . you have already accepted the survivor hypothesis and are now speaking as a special pleader, not as an investigator.  I have pointed out previously that it seems likely that he is a product of the medium's subconscious."

Ray Palmer's response included the statements: "You say Luntz is Probert's subconscious.  What if I said I don't believe it is either Luntz or Probert's subconscious?  Would you then assume that I am saying Probert is just plain faking?  Maybe he IS.  But how can we find out anything, if we all up and decide, one way or another.  Maybe it's something different from all three postulates! . . . Because we publish Probert, it doesn't mean we WANT you to accept him, or are pleading his case.  Quite the reverse, we put him where everybody can look at him, and form their own opinion.  There is precious little of this service of  presentation for the common man, and we think that is our purpose, and no other!"  Perhaps a more insightful perspective of Mark Probert and 'The Inner Circle' would have aroused greater interest and excitement in the case.  It seems both pathetic and ironic how earlier in his career Ray Palmer found commercial success with authors such as Richard S. Shaver whose perspectives of their selected topics were based upon speculation.

Following the publication of the third transcript of The Inner Circle, the August 1955 issue featured a brief article adapted from commentary of the Inner Circle's 'Professor Alfred Luntz' on the subject of hypnotherapy.  Beyond the readership of Mystic Magazine in the few issues, the lack of mainstream news media attention given the transcendental communication of The Inner Circle is something to wonder about, as with many of the other extensively documented cases that are topics for reports at this blog.  Something for the reader to keep in mind is that in the Christian tradition, biblical history is the result of oral traditions being later documented in writing (previous article) by 'presbyters' — public orators that today are known as the 'founding church fathers.'  As indicated by the issue #10 transcript (as follows) close consideration must be afforded to the term 'Christ' among Christians seeking to better understand what for most is an inherited tradition.

The response to a question about the Aquarian Age may remind the reader—as do many transcripts among the annals of transcendental communication—that seemingly contradictory statements about a subject can both be correct due to the specific point being made at a particular time.  

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QUESTION: Professor Luntz, Mr. Russell Fox of La Plata, Missouri, wants to know: Is it wrong to kill animals, birds or insects, and is it right to pick flowers or is it cruel?

PROF. LUNTZ: No act contains within itself qualities called wrong and right — that which man has come to think of as wrong or right, good or evil, come under the heading of moral and ethical codes and are created by man in order that he may have a more harmonious existence in his earthly environment.  However, because you live in a world of CAUSE and EFFECT you cannot escape the reaction to your action.  The life force is constantly manifesting itself in various forms and shapes and these are created to conform to the environment so that they will have a greater chance of survival.  As the whole nature of the physical world is that of construction and destruction it matters little in the eyes of nature whether you as a human being act as the destructive force of the body of animal, fish, fowl, insect, or human being, or whether it is some violent upheaval of the elements.  Every time one breathes he is both killing and bringing into material birth millions of "animals" in what is called the microscopic and "sub"-microscopic worlds.  Too, as man is no less an animal as far as his form takes him, he must like all other living forms eat things that contain the greatest life potency in them if he himself is to live a longer and healthier life.  One of the main causes back of all physical diseases that man suffers is due to the dead foods he puts in his body.  (Dead, meaning without nutritional value.)  I am quite aware that one of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shall not kill" but I am equally aware of the law as stated by one called Moses: "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"; and I find that the greater number of human beings lend themselves to the latter more often than to the former.  If this is not so, then I beg the people of this enlightened age to tell me on what ground is it still condoning capital punishment and the mass murder of war?  I suggest that man stop his nonsensical talk of the wrongness and rightness of his acts, for he knows full well that when the time comes, he WILL do whatever he is urged inwardly or outwardly to do, and it depends entirely upon the strength of these urges as to how far he will go and not upon any moral or ethical qualms he may have acquired.  Some, of course, hesitate long enough to find justification for what they are about to do, but this is only to salve their conscience should the reactions prove not in their favor.  To do what thou wilt is the whole of the law and if you do it with LOVE you can do nothing that will be out of harmony with yourself and the universe.

QUESTION: Speaking of spirit controls: Are we right in assuming that although some are reliable, there are those who seek their own glory and still others, though they mean well, are unreliable?

ANSWER: Your assumptions are perfectly right.  The mere act of dying changes man not one whit, and to make matters worse, if a discarnate being has to use the body of one still living in the physical world, in its efforts to communicate, it is in grave danger of having some of that one's personality traits rubbing off on it and if such traits are not of a harmonious and well balanced kind it will find itself in a discordant mess no matter how well intended and reliable it may be in itself.

QUESTION: Is it true that man may by prelonging his life in the physical world retard his progress?

ANSWER: No.  (The questioner will please note that I had to add the four words "in the physical world" — the question has no meaning without those extra words.)  (Prof. Luntz)  In the first place Life is one unbroken stream, so the acts of birth and death do not damn the stream — it simply changes its course temporarily.  It is however much more difficult consciously to absorb knowledge and retain it, in the astral world, than it is in the physical; that is why it is taught that the physical world is the place where one must learn to wake up and live CONSCIOUSLY!  The process is called growth and growth means the ever becoming aware of your own BEING.

QUESTION: Do animals have souls?

ANSWER: The word "soul" is not a very good word because it has no comprehensive meaning back of it.  Its connotation is too abstract to deal with in any conclusive manner.  The whole vast universe is a living one!  All things, from a single electron to the most gigantic star, containing but different degrees of "pulsations" of what is called the "Life" force.  This difference is not in quantity but in quality.  However this may be, there are some things that come under the classification of mechanical automatons.  Then there are things that have what is called consciousness but have no self awareness and there are yet other things that are both conscious and consciously aware of their own independent existence apart from other things.  Man as a whole comes under the latter classification — this kind of personal awareness now enables him to stand off from life as it were and study it with circumspection.  As analytic as one may become however about the external world, and as great the drive to rearrange the existing pattern more to his liking, unless he himself has mentally and emotionally risen above the seeming state of chaos, his best efforts will come to naught and it will be proof that he has not yet acquired that one and most important of all steps on the ladder of life.  This step is called "Self-Realization."  Until one has attained this profound state of awareness they are of this world — wherein the "dreamer" believes He is the dream.  Yes, Mr. Fox, all things have a soul, whatever one may construe that word to mean, but the soul they have is YOURS.  Every state wherein the individual finds his "reality," the concreteness and duration of that reality is entirely due to his senses and how deeply he has centered his awareness on it, and the more emotional attachment he places on his dream the more he is likely to forget that he is THE dreamer and therefore finds it increasingly difficult to wake up.  There is a great deal of loose talk about "Free Will" but no man possesses more than an emotionally governed choice in his need to act until he has mastered himself emotionally and stands free from action and reaction.  (There is much more to be said on this subject but as you know space is limited.)

QUESTION: If the Soul is not Christ, then what is it on being baptized with the Holy Spirit?

ANSWER: (This is a combination of questions and I'm going to try to answer them in the order they were given.)  (Prof. Luntz) . . . The word Christ is taken from the Greek "Christos" and means anointed, and in this case "The Anointed One," which by the way has nothing to do with one called "Jesus," of whom it is said he was both the son of God and God incarnated but is about one called "Iesous," the great Initiate, and many more like him who took their final initiation in the various secret Temples or Mystery Schools throughout the world.  The Christ or Christos, or in Latin, Christus, also means crystal clear.  In Greek the one completing his final initiation is called "Epoptai" meaning one with super sight—Super sight in regard to Life and the nature of Life.  Such a one has at least come to see through the great veil of maya or illusion that covers the eyes of humankind as a whole.  Now my friends it is doubtful that all of you will understand the meaning of the above but don't permit yourself to be either angry about it, or at all excited — remember even the "blind" are walking The Path, so be of good cheer for The Light of Love walks with you, though you may not yet perceive "It."

QUESTION 2: Baptism and its nature.  Baptism does not mean only to sprinkle but to dip.  In Greek "Baptizo" — and it is a symbolic act in the rituals of the Mystery Schools.  In the orthodox churches of today it has little meaning and less value.  The meaning back of it is self-purification and the act is to impress the consciousness of one who is just starting CONSCIOUSLY to see the Light to make a daily effort toward clean living and thinking.  By clean living and thinking I do not mean being what is commonly called good or thinking self-righteous thoughts with the hope of some future reward or fear of punishment but simply because one sees the wisdom in so acting and thinking.  It is the Path that takes one more readily to the awareness of their own divine nature.  The "water" that is supposedly used in the mystical rituals is not the oxygen hydrogen you drink nor the H20 of the chemist, but is the subtle cosmic forces centered in one's own body, known in Sanskrit as Kundalini-Sakti; in plain English it is the sex fluids of the body, which when raised and consciously directed to move through various centers of the body in the form of energy, can help one to do many things that they could not do otherwise and if brought up to the brain centers can give one what is called clear-vision.  Now permit me to add a word of warning here.  To play with this force in ignorance is highly dangerous, inasmuch as it can mean stark insanity and death.  As I have said, water is but the symbol of this cosmic fluid and the lay reader will please take note that in the so-called baptizing act of the churches, whether performed by sprinkling or dipping the entire body, the head of the person being baptized is the important part of the body for the sprinkler or dipper to touch with water — the idea back of this is that the head is the symbol for Heaven — so now when the "water" (Cosmic Forces) reach the "Heaven" one attains what is known as "Heavenly Bliss" or Cosmic Consciousness or Samadhi or again in English the state of Divine At-One-Ment of the Lower-self with the Higher-self or with what the churchgoer would call "Man With God."

QUESTION 3.  Would an Inner Circle on Earth be worthwhile?

ANSWER: The worthwhileness of things that men do, whether in groups or singly, in or out of the physical body, depends upon their thoughts and the sincerity of such thoughts, which is all I can say to that question.

QUESTION 4: What will the Aquarian Age be like?

ANSWER: Like any other age, it will be what it should be — by that I simply mean that the existing conditions in all ages are entirely dependent upon those living in such ages.  The Aquarian Age will, like all other ages of the past, contain those who will earnestly seek the betterment of both themselves and their fellow men and those that will strive just as earnestly toward the destruction of others and in the end themselves as well, and there will be yet others who will be neither destructive nor constructive — indeed they will do nothing but sit — the only sign of activity they will show will be in their waiting for someone else to tell them when or how they should think.  These latter persons remind one of the parable of the servant who was given one Talent and because of lack of faith to himself he went out and buried it — such people are a greater danger to a social system than those actively engaged in destruction, inasmuch as the latter save the world from stagnation through lack of motion.  I think that most of you will concede me the fact that the destroyers keep the constructors from going to sleep on the job.  As an example, one may observe the tremendous action going on between Communism and the Democracies!  I may add here that as long as the constructors in your country keep an active finger of irritation on all foreign political and religious elements of destruction it will remain free to grow.  Now to go back to the word Aquarian — it is the name for a zodiacal division which covers about 2,160 years.  I am not particularly versed in the fields of Astrology wherein it is said that the movement of the stars and other heavenly bodies influence the actions of men — I am however very cognizant of the fact that as long as man "sleeps" he lacks volition to act on his own, so Nature moves him about like a puppet on the strings of her very subtle forces.  As the individual comes out of his hypnotic sleep he becomes free of these strings and his actions are no longer dependent upon the action of the stars, the will of gods or devils,  or the dictations of discarnate or incarnate beings, no matter how well intended they all may be.

QUESTION 5.  The Holy Bible is being fulfilled.

ANSWER: It is hard to know what the questioner is driving at in the above statement for it was not put in the form of a question.  I suppose he means the "prophecies" of the Christian Bible.  If my supposition is true,  then I'll answer like this: All things being equal, all things that are said about all other things will in time come to pass.  The mere fact that certain statements are made in a Holy Book, Christian or otherwise, does not necessarily make it more valid than it would be coming from any other source.  One of the strange things about all prophecies seems to be the prophet's or seer's penchant for the gloomy and generally disastrous side of things, and more, he or she as the case may be, hardly ever accepts that which he predicts as coming directly from HIMSELF, acquired by his OWN sensitive faculties — it is most always that some god, devil or spook, master, or in your times a Saucerian, who told him — Wake up man, come out of your self-induced trance!  Now my dear friends this last question of  Mr. Howard Gallagher's is of  such a nature I must confess I don't really know how to answer it.  It is a question that many well-meaning people ask — I myself asked it many times when I was in the business of saving souls while on earth.  The question is this: "Are you ready to meet your God?"  We of the Inner Circle have no objections to what anyone believes or disbelieves, but we are greatly interested in why and how they have come to so believe.  We also hold to the self-obvious fact that he who rises in anger to defend his belief does so because he himself feels insecure in it.  Man is an exceedingly credulous being and all too often he falls into the very erroneous idea that the emotional acceptance of a condition is the condition "per se."  Along with this he suffers a profound state of apathy in self-seeking.  When asked how he arrived at what he calls his beliefs his most often expressed answers are 1. "My parents told me."  2. "My priest or clergyman said so."  3. "Professor So-and-so informed me."  And last but certainly not least, "Some one of the numerous Holy Books says so."  Happily for the rest of the world there are some who upon reaching their majority forget most of what their parents have taught and see through "heavenly" authority of the clergy in general and dare all the professors in the world to try and stop them from finding out by personal experience and trial and error.  As for the holy Books, they as a rule leave them to the holy.  These people are the THINKERS and DOERS of the world

Now for the sake of those who will be inclined to misinterpret what I have said I must attempt to clarify my statements a little.  I am not crying out against parental authority for the child, as long as one is a child, but against parents who continue to hold their children in bondage to them by refusing to teach them how to think and act on their own, so that when they reach adulthood they will be men and women mentally as well as physically.  Nor do I object to any one of the other alleged authoritative sources mentioned here, but I most certainly deny them the right to the claim of infallibility or that any one of them are THE only source of what is called truth — "Am I ready to meet my God?" — Can you not hear how those worlds are uttered my friends?  Listen to the tone of fear and trembling that you have been advised to crawl to your Maker on!  Yes, Mr. Gallagher, I am not only ready to meet what is called my God, I HAVE met Him and with the greatest joy I discovered we are ONE!

Irene Probert: Mr. John B. Pell of Syosset, New York sent in this question.

QUESTION: How can a man achieve self-mastery?  Must this come about as a result of the experiences of ordinary life or do there exist schools for this purpose?

ANSWER: (Professor Luntz)  There are a number of what is called Mystical Orders in America whose purpose it is to teach the real nature of life and one's own being.  This may seem very strange, I mean, that schools had to be formed to teach man about something that is very natural to him.  But because the human race got caught up in the hypnotic glitter of the material world man lost the awareness of his own divine nature now he suffers a prolonged state of amnesia.  Fortunately for us however, back in the very remote past certain high beings, seeing the plight we were in, descended from the higher vibratory world and gathered together the most advanced thinkers of the earth and gave them explicit instructions on the nature of the matter world and the keys that would unlock the door that held us imprisoned therein.  This group were then given the title "The White Brotherhood," which simply means the "Brotherhood of Light."  "Light" meaning Wisdom, in regard to life and one's own being.  Out of this first mystical school came Masonry and the Order Of The Rosy Cross and many others.  Unfortunately, however,  few of these schools contain members who can be called or even though of as true initiates — the word "Initiate" means CONSCIOUS seeker after the Light, and as I have said, unfortunate as it may be, only a small fraction of the men and women that claim to belong to these Orders have any idea of what it is all about.  The true Initiates can do nothing for these drones in the hive, for they are keenly aware of the law that forbids one from forcing his Light upon another — we must come to the Light of our own volition.  The only force that can legitimately move us in the direction of the Light is that of sincere desire to learn, and no one can have such a desire unless he feels that there IS something to learn.  Now Mr. Pell, judging from my own experiences in my quest of the Light I would say that the first requisite to the sincere study of life is emotional control.  I think you will agree with me when I say there is a great deal of difference between the word CONTROL and that of FRUSTRATION.

Consciously applied control rids one of his or her frustrations.  I would like to suggest that before you try doing any mental work upon yourself that you endeavor to get in touch with a certified psychologist and have him help you to understand your emotional nature.  Then you will know how intelligently to do work upon yourself.  Factually, there are but a very small minority of humans who actually know anything about themselves, to say nothing of their ignorance of the world around them.  Most of your great men and women of material science openly confess that they do not know the nature of matter "per se" and because these highly integrated personalities so confess, the orthodox religionists, most of whom have seldom taken the trouble to glance into even a primer on physical science, nod their heads sagely and chorus, "God only knows!"  Well, apparently He won't tell, so it becomes man's lot to find out, and find out he will, in the course of what is called time!  Indeed it is the very essence of his work here for it is only when he does find out that he shall be able to get out of this world ALIVE!  By alive I mean CONSCIOUS.  To simply die means one has gotten out of the world by the same door of unconsciousness as he came in and will therefore keep right on running in and out of said door until he learns to live consciously.  In the Christian Bible there is a statement that goes like this: "Go not to the dead for the dead know nothing."  This profound and yet simple statement is in no wise referring to discarnate beings or what are stupidly called ghosts.  The word dead in this particular statement means "ignorant," without truth.  Of course there are many millions of people in the astral world who were "dead" before they came here and are still dead when they get here and will remain that way until they get the inner urge to wake up — these can be legitimately termed "spooks," "ghosts," and astral shells."  May the Light attend you in your seeking, Mr. Pell.

E.M.: This from H. T. Leeper of Fairmont, West Virginia.

QUESTION: If reincarnation is true, where do we go and what are we doing during the periods between earth lives?

ANSWER: (Prof. Luntz)  This is a very provocative question and relatively little has been done with it from either side of the veil.  I have been a silent and unseen spectator at numerous seances since I popped over here late in the year of 1893 and judging from observations made at these gatherings I would say that some of the reasons for this lack of knowledge of existing conditions in the so-called "after-life" is due in part to the usage of words as a mode of communication.  This condition, coupled with the fact that in order for an entity to get into the world of matter he has to go into a deep hypnotic state.  This deep trance state is brought about by an uncontrollable desire to "feel" through the physical body again.  This desire is NOT to be thought of as either good or evil, nor does it have any other moral or ethical aspect.  It is simply a natural phenomena that all mankind must go through in order to evolve mentally.  Now as the incoming entity begins to come out of his trance of birth and become increasingly aware of his physical self and surroundings it does not mean that he has wakened to anything other than that he is now a material body, independent of all other bodies in his new environment.  He is still subject to the laws of suggestion of both an internal and external nature, which means he is still in trance, and because the greater majority of those that have come before him are also in this self-induced trance, in varying degrees of course, he has almost no one to turn to for help.  The fact is that many people do have recurrent memory of experiences of astral life, but because the very nature of human consciousness is form building, whether expressed in or out of the physical structure, the forms that one builds in the astral are very like those he builds in the matter world, and unless he has been trained via the occult path he cannot distinguish one experience from another.  As most people already know, a dream in what is called the normal sleep state is often as real an experience to the dreamer as anything he has had in his wakeful state, and to carry this idea further, many individuals have experiences while awake that are so real while they are going on that they are ready to take a solemn oath in regard to their actuality, yet later events prove these experiences to have no existence in what is thought of as the external world of fact.  Such experiences are classified psychic and paranormal in nature.  Now the Wesbster's dictionary says the word "psychic" means "mental."  Then it goes on to say, "mental as distinguished from physical and physiological," and again, "beyond or from non-material forces."  Webster however was not concerned with either philosophy or what is called "the nature of things" but only with the surface labels called words and what these words seemed to imply.  For further clarification on this point, let us ask ourselves what, exactly, did he mean by the expression "non-material forces"?  Were there such a condition as a non-material force as something distinctly different from material forces, then existence would be quite impossible, for dissimilar forces would have no common meeting ground to bridge the gap between them.  Too, if we consider the fact that that thing called "existence" is made possible not by something called "consciousness" alone, but by something much more concrete called SELF AWARENESS.  Consciousness merely proclaims "I Am" but Self Awareness proclaims"I Am THAT!"  The instant consciousness makes the latter declaration about itself it has made a distinction—it has discovered that It is the Dreamer and NOT the dream, or THE Creator and NOT the created.  In your present times, the scientists in the field of physics say a bit of matter called an atom is ninety percent "nothing."  Perhaps that ninety percent nothing was what Webster meant by "non-material forces."  It matters little however what Webster meant when explaining the meaning of the word "psychic" and referring to it as non-material forces, because there is simply no such state as non-physical and the same statement is true of what your modern science asserts about the atom consisting of ninety percent nothing.  Such statements are not only confusing to the lay mind who may be trying to learn something about the nature of life but they are nonsensical in the fact they have no meaning — one can say "This thing contains ninety percent or ten percent something," or they may say "This object consists of so many photons moving at so many pulsations per split second."  Now even though it is quite legitimate to use the words photon, electron, proton, neutron, etc., we must not permit ourselves to assume that the name of a thing is the thing in itself.  Actually there is no such condition as a thing in its self and to assume there is, is to postulate a static and entirely homogeneous condition which would be impossible states for creation for they deny the basic law of creation, which is change.

Now my friends if you have been able to follow my line of reasoning and have been able to see an element of truth in it then you will see clearly what I mean when I say that "all creation and of creation is born out of the world of THOUGHT.  So all of the things are therefore but IDEAS."  The individualized consciousness centered in what is called human form first thinks — to think is to create.  To create means to become actively engaged in giving birth, or externalizing your mental creation so that you may better further its growth.  This same condition prevails throughout all planes of consciousness and there always seems to be an inner and outer existence.  Now if we are but the measure of our thoughts we shall be as busy with our thoughts in the so-called after death state as we have been with them while in the so-called physical.  Now let us suppose for instance one spends a lifetime in what is called the physical world with his thoughts and actions caught in the field of higher mathematics.  He may continue his seeking in that particular field on entering the astral world if that is his desire.  Now let us suppose again that one has been a drug addict or is driven by uncontrolled desire of any kind, he will find himself still held by those desires when he comes into the astral world, and permit me to assure all of you that may have any doubts about it you WILL be able to satisfy those desires or I should say pacify those desires in the astral, but you will also suffer the same sense of agony that follows such desires as you did while in the material world.  Of course if you are a Christian and a believer in the anthropomorphic God of Moses, none of the above need interest you for you are bound for one of three places — Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory.  This is a very fine arrangement, I must admit.  Not however for the followers of Christianity, but for the priestcraft of it, for it enforces either a constant sense of guilt and shame upon the adherent or one of sticky superiority and self-righteousness.  In both cases these people are dominated by fear.  Naturally, and I certainly must add, extremely fortunate for the Christian religion as a whole, there are a number of people that attend the churches that ARE truly Christ-like in their living.  These people devote their lives to others.  They are not concerned with their physical safety and comfort nor with what may happen to them in some future existence.  Their faith is not an "ism" but an unshakeable belief in the natural goodness of mankind at large.  These people fully grasped the meaning back of the words of Christ when he said, "That which you do to the least of these you do also to Me."  (Me — the Light)

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Some afterthoughts from this Blogger: After reading these transcripts of 'The Inner Circle' presented in three successive blog articles, I find my thoughts focusing on some of the perspectives shared about the men and women who 'sleep' from incarnation to incarnation.  These souls are not among the expected readers of these articles and include unfortunate so-called 'skeptics' and 'denialists' who it would seem seldom even permit themselves to consider the evidence of the considerably large and articulate oeuvre of 'transcendental communication' reflecting the human condition in the ascended state or 'realm' of existence.  I can only urge others to help closed-minded persons expand their awareness about these wisdom sources, which one might hope to make the transition from 'esoteric' to 'mainstream' as befitting the New Age of Aquarius heralded throughout this body of work (or 'gifts of the spirit') and constituting humanity's shared birthright.  Beyond the proverb "That which you do to the least of these you do also to Me," it is also important to realize 'That which you don't do for the least of these, you also don't do for and with Me.'   




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