
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hello from Heaven (from Miracles in the Storm) 1995-96


Mark Macy first learned about the phenomena that has become known as 'Instrumental Transcommunication' when he became acquainted with the man who would become his 'spiritual mentor.'  George Meek was an author who delivered the keynote address at a conference in Colorado.  The research data presented by George concerned life in the ascended realm of existence and impressed Mark as being "the kind of evidence that minds like mine were craving."  George eventually sent him a 90-minute cassette tape about "Spiricom."

The Spiricom tape contained the most incredible sounds I had ever heard in my life — two voices emanating out of a loud buzzing monotone.  One voice was fairly clear; it was the voice of Meek's colleague, Bill O'Neil.  The other voice was hard to understand, and no wonder!  It was the voice of a departed man named Doc Mueller, a former NASA engineer.  Somehow this "Spiricom" device was allowing O'Neil to converse with an invisible friend on a wide range of subjects.

George and Bill's Spiricom experiments had ended in 1982.  George had also been involved in 'Project Lifeline,' with him having employed psychic channels to get technical advice from the Other Side concerning the development of ITC transmitting and receiving devices and antennas.  George invited Mark to participate in a new research project and this resulted with him learning about other ITC researchers.  In 1995 the International Network for Instrumental Transcommunication (INIT) in England was founded by Mark with a dozen other researchers from eight countries.  He wrote in the Prologue of his 2001 Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) case study Miracles in the Storm:

A miracle of profound possibilities was brought to Earth in the closing years of the twentieth century, as people in various countries began to  receive information through their televisions, telephone, radios, and computers from spirit colleagues.  With the support of ethereal beings, or angels, an international team of scientists and researchers came together to nurture the development of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), under and umbrella of love and morality.  Properly nurtured, the miracle could bring reassurance and understanding to our troubled world as we step into a new millennium.

Selected excerpts of the book are presented without charge at the World ITC website.  I've selected for this article some book transcript excerpts offering data about 'The Seven of the Rainbow People' — explained to be seven 'angels' or 'ethereal beings.'  There occasionally was noticed among the quoted material some perplexing wording that may be due to translation, such as the predicament of the communicators being "individual beings with individual natures" yet "fused together."  These transcripts resulted from ITC research by Maggy Harsch-Fischbach in Luxembourg.  Her work had started in 1985, following the publicized work of researcher Hans Otto Konig in Germany.  Mark wrote that in 1983 Hans had "successfully demonstrated his 'Ultrasound' device to an audience of millions during a live television show broadcast from Station RTL (Radio-Television Luxembourg).  Konig and his program's host, Rainer Holbe, stood wide-eyed as loud, clear voices were conveyed through the device — voices that technicians and engineers could not explain by any normal means."
. . . Maggy had received her first tiny voices on tape right away, and before long a rather strong, high-pitched voice became an integral part of the work.  It was a very precise voice, crisp and clear, and it announced the beginning and end of all the sessions.  At times it would surprise Maggie with words of wisdom that suggested vast knowledge on a wide array of subjects — math, science, relationships, religion, history, and even events that were supposed to have occurred many thousands of years before recorded history.  It soon became clear that he or she—the wise, incredibly knowledgeable being behind the voice—was not only allowing Maggy to make unprecedented progress in the development of her ITC receiving station, but was actually guiding and protecting that development.

Here are some excerpts from the communication recorded by Maggy Harsch-Fischbach.

It's easier for us to explain to you what we are not.  We are not human, nor animal, nor male, nor female, nor Light being, nor, of course, God.  There are seven of us . . .

Many beings such as we live together in small groups, or clusters, as we exist in subtle realms where such boundaries as skin and ego, which separate physical beings in your world, do not exist.  We are in ethereal realms of spacelessness and timelessness where beings who resonate with one another can join together in common existence, if they so choose.

Names are of no importance to us.  As they are important to you, you may call me Technician, as my role in this project is that of a technician to facilitate contact between worlds.  Our group you may call simply, The Seven.  We, the Seven, are assigned as a Gatekeeper between Heaven and Earth, between time and space.  For us it is only an assignment, while from your perspective we have accompanied your world for many thousands of years.

We have provided humanity with guidance and protection, and we have moved particularly close to the Earth during seven crucial periods of climactic growth, your current civilization being the seventh. We are here to assist you.

Some representative examples of communication from 'The Seven' are offered with the following excerpts from a section of Miracles in the Storm Chapter 5 "Hello From Heaven, 1995-96."  The quoted words of 'The Seven' are in italics and some of the author's commentary is provided.  Mark Macy explained: "Miracles began to pour into our group through the lives of the Harsch-Fischbach couple . . . We received a series of contacts from The Seven higher beings . . . which shed much light on our path.  Following are paraphrased excerpts from those contacts, with my explanations and comments."
Since God is everything, it doesn't matter which religion you follow.  The one and only universal truth is found along the path of decency.  Committing to eternal principles opens the door to freedom.

The Seven were telling us that kindness, empathy, and love in our dealings with other people are more important in the larger, spiritual picture than are our religious beliefs. 

Your present level of science cannot measure or even identify the many dimensions beyond the physical.  Still, you place such trust in that limited area of human endeavor that many among you—even some who believe in the continuance of life beyond death—sometimes are skeptical of messages which you receive from these dimensions.  As you share the information you receive, they say you do so out of blind hope, wishful thinking, and fear.  Your task is not an easy one.

We were being warned that we would face enormous challenges in the coming years as we would spread the news of ITC to a well-grounded, skeptical public. 

We have heard your concerns that the information we  give you is  not new to you.  While that may be true in some cases, we have already said that you should first spread more widely the information already received before new information can be given.

Many contacts deserved analysis and elaboration, but often we were given so much information that it was difficult to do anything more than just reproduce the contacts in the journal as they poured in.  Occasionally our spirit friends stopped sending new material to us, giving us time to consolidate what we'd already received, and to find ways to spread the word more widely.  Some of us let our fears and insecurities get the best of us, worrying that the slowdown was a sign that the contacts were drying up.  Others were driven to shun the media completely for fear of bad results.  An appropriate spread of ITC information would take time and patience. 

We notice your frustration when a long "time" passes between contacts.  We remind ourselves often that, being of the Earth, your lives revolve around time.  As we have told you, constellations must be favorable to allow contacts, so there is only so much we can do.  Also, from our perspective it is sometimes better if the voices across the veil are silent. 

The deep spiritual connections among INIT members are felt among some of you.  There is growing confidence in your path.  Many of our messages to you seem fragmented, but you are starting to detect an underlying goal and purpose in them.  This is the path we can walk together as you derive a deep sense of returning to your spiritual roots.  Or you might find your path with another group instead, or maybe not at all this time on Earth.  You are free to decide whether or not to walk this path alongside us.

The Seven made it clear on many occasions that they would never command us, but would sometimes give us suggestions and invitations, such as this one, to reveal choices that would be in the better interest of world ITC.  They also spoke of the importance of spiritual connection with each other while we live our lives on Earth. 

Many of you look for technical proof of ITC's legitimacy. but most of the tests available in your present world are unsuitable.  We appreciate the phone taps you arrange with the telecommunication companies, but they provide only a partial picture of what is really happening during hone contacts from us.  The bottom line is honesty and sincerity on the part of ITC researchers.  Without honesty, there can be no legitimate ITC.

Some people, perhaps out of fear, were reluctant to accept any information coming through ITC without solid proof that it did indeed come from our spirit colleagues.  The higher beings told us that no testing methods available to us on Earth were able to take into account all the complex variable involved in a spirit contact.  Those variables were not even fully understood by humans.

Skeptics could certainly use this situation to their advantage, "disproving" something not because it is false but because science is ineffective.  In the larger picture, of course, it would be silly to discount everything.  The most important element to ensure validity in ITC research, as in all human endeavors, would be honesty. . . . 

Some of you believe an eternal spark—a piece of God—resides within everyone, and through this flame all people on Earth could achieve oneness in their relationships and rapports.  This is not entirely true.  Being in a physical body in a physical world, you are subject to the shortcomings and daily struggles that your rugged life entails.  As you know, when you pick up a rock, you can sometimes find worms, bugs, and other things that are repulsive to you.  Likewise, when you find yourself under the weight of negative feelings such as fear, insecurity, doubt, and envy, repulsive things emerge in the form of hatred and compulsions toward vengeance and destruction.  Such negative forces in your world cannot easily be swept aside.  You can't make those around you see the "Light" simply by trying to appeal to that divine inner core.

*          *          * 

Today in the spring of 2018, something that this blogger still rarely sees mentioned or discussed in the media—perhaps due to the unconventionality of the facts—is in relation to a widespread aspect of ITC that seems to be easily accessible for everyone.  Today anybody who closely listens to conversations presented on unedited radio broadcasts may be startled to realize the commonality of this aspect of EVP/ITC phenomena.  The most noticeable instances of this involves the word "NO" clearly heard concurrently within spoken sentences during interview conversations.  Unedited audio and video recordings on YouTube also present this evidence.
There must be many people who are aware of this phenomena yet say nothing about it.  Perhaps they are worried about potential incredulity.  I've heard recordings with this type of EVP dating from past decades; however, media listeners cannot be aware of this aspect of nature until finding out about its existence.  One must listen attentively, of course.  The YouTube recordings allow easy repeated listening whenever one notices an instance of ITC — one simply moves back the video progress bar seen at the bottom of the image.

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