
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Expanded Consciousness Is Possible for Everyone

This popular American classroom sign happens to be stating one of the obvious objectives concerning the gamut of occurrences of 'paranormal phenomena' manifesting an interacting omnipresent Spiritual Force.  The omnipresence of 'God' is a basic Christian tenet with the music video image below indicating one example.

Expanding one's spiritual awareness should always be a goal.  Accomplishing this, some people must overcome social conditioning and programming to consider the evidence for phenomenal manifestations documented over the course of decades and centuries.  This blog has offered information about numerous worthwhile nonfiction case study sources.  A part of the problem with creditable 'paranormal' case studies being overlooked are the commercial fear-based fiction and nonfiction books exploiting superstitious orientations to 'unexplained phenomena.'

The lesson that needs to be learned by some people is that sometimes the 'conventional wisdom' can be something ignorant.  I pity any would-be researcher of metaphysical aspects of life and 'unexplained phenomena' who happens to select an information source promulgating the disinformation expressing the closed mind of an undiscerning 'skeptic' or 'denialist.'  The diverse conditions involving news media reporting have been a topic of previous blog articles.  (including 1, 2, 3, 4)

Considering the preceding four articles offering transcripts of the group of transcendental communicators (or 'controls') chronicled in the Mark Probert/'The Inner Circle' case, there are many parallels with other cases of transcendental communication.  Some examples of mediums or channelers and their groups of communicators are presented in blog articles about Sharon Neill, John of God, Gordon Higginson, Kevin Ryerson, Ray Brown, Eileen Garrett and Marjorie Livingston.

It's ironic that I was a cinema major at USC and worked as a movie studio publicist because today I realize movies and television programs have little value in relation to spiritual and intellectual development.  I ended my movie publicist career at the time of my spiritual awakening that resulted with my becoming a metaphysical author.  This week I shared this point of view about entertainment when I spoke to some high school students who expressed having 'liked' the new "Avengers" superheroes movie.  As I puzzled over what exactly they 'liked' about the movie, it seemed to be that the moviegoing experience for them amounted to some semblance of an 'event' yet they didn't seem to have any inclination to place in perspective the fictitious nature of the entertainment.

Through reading data about people's anomalous experiences, one can intellectually have initiation with the result being expanded consciousness, which means greater metaphysical and spiritual understanding.  There are articles at this blog that relate to 'initiation' with quoted perspectives of transcendental communicators:

The word Christ is taken from the Greek "Christos" and means anointed, and in this case "The Anointed One," which by the way has nothing to do with one called "Jesus," of whom it is said he was both the son of God and God incarnated but is about one called "Iesous," the great Initiate, and many more like him who took their final initiation in the various secret Temples or Mystery Schools throughout the world. — Professor Alfred Luntz (through Mark Probert)

. . . all of man's experiences are to be classified as initiations into higher and to more complete states of awareness.  I cannot imagine anything greater to strive for than the finding of yourself.  Man has made many efforts to do this and is still doing it but the greater majority of ways and means and methods of so attaining are false paths and lead him to nothing. — Yada Di Shi'ite (through Mark Probert)

In creating man from the Likeness, or Being, of Himself, the Most Holy gave Himself to be crucified upon the cross of matter.  His Likeness, His Spirit, is within all Being, and is sacrificed, therefore, to the exigencies and pain of matter.  This is the idea underlying the whole policy of the plane of Earth as a degree of Initiation.  This idea has been overlooked, yet the world has never lacked the Symbol of its inception. — 'the Guides' (through Marjorie Livingston)

From your cottage 'lodger' you had learned the story of the Boy and his mother.  He, an advanced soul in a stage of initiation which is incomprehensible to you; she, a young soul, inexperienced and stumbling in its progress . . . She too must be awakened, my Friend; hers is a soul that loved beauty, yet loved it selfishly.  Love itself for others, or even from others, cannot, it seems, reach her.  Self, in its lowest, most limiting form, still imprisons her. — the 'Brother of Light' (through Helen Greaves)

To say that one is god begins the awakening and the learning.  And that is what I do.  And not that anything that I said is ever the truth.  There's nothing I ever said was the truth.  It only becomes the truth when we initiate you into what I said, into what you said.  And that the experience of that philosophy manifested in your life — that you experience in your importance, then it is a truth.  So the great work is taking this knowledge into a practicality of life because life is a gift and learning to live it at higher tempos of frequency, higher visions and concepts of thought, and to manifest it in the world to the startling reality of the unawakened around you who begin to wake up. — Ramtha (through JZ Knight)

An article about channeler Kevin Ryerson includes a link to the video "Exploring Ancient Egypt Adventure—Initiation with Sekmet".  As I've previously mentioned, the 'christed one' or 'initiate of spiritual wisdom' is needed to make a sacrifice of oneself (relinquishing the demands of the personal ego) to help expand the consciousness of others.

These days when I think of 'skeptics and denialists,' I understand the various motivations; however, there are many who are concealing the truth of what they have begun to learn.  The effect of such actions upon others is the saddest consequence.  Concerning anyone able to transcend the limitations of the denialist mindset, one can only urge him or her to reveal their expansion in knowledge while they are still alive on the Earth plane; thus they can be of help to others before making their own transition to the ascended realm.  

Mediumship phenomena has been chronicled as encompassing such aspects as trance communication, 'Direct Voice phenomena' (disembodied voices), materialization, 'automatic writing' and 'precipitated portraits.'  This phenomena has evolved as human technology has progressed.  The invention of cameras and tape recorders resulted with 'psychic photography' (1, 2, 3) and 'Electronic Voice Phenomena' (1, 2, 3, etc.).  In more recent decades, the development of technology related to video and audio recorded media have resulted in showing an astonishing array of visual imagery signifying forms of transcendental communication, altogether given the term 'Instrumental Transcommunication' (1, 2) by researchers. image examples: above "Doc Mueller . . . in spirit"; below "Heinrich Boden (brother-in-law of Claus Schreiber)"

One definition of 'Instrumental Transcommunication' (ITC) offered at the website is:

Instrumental Tanscommunication (ITC) means that the messages coming from beyond will be received and/or stored by use of technical means.

ITC is the use of tape recorder, TVs, radios, computers, telephones, and other technical devices with the intent to get meaningful information from beyond in such forms as voices, images, and text.

The annals of Instrumental Transcommunication include reports of the ascended realm group of communicators known as 'Zeitstrom' (English: 'Timestream') chronicled by European researchers.  In 1995 a book was published that reported about these events: Conversations Beyond the Light by Dr. Pat Kubis and Mark Macy.

The book describes ITC events and it is reported that transcendental contact from the ascended realm has included such famous people as Thomas Alva Edison, Marie Curie, Wernher von Braun and Albert Einstein.  Here are some excerpts from the book.
What most people consider heaven is located in the higher astral plane.  Mystics and psychics call it "the Summerland."

In the Summerland, people live as we do and they look much as they did in their younger years.  On this plane are the great colleges, design centers, beautiful landscapes with lovely plants and flowers, "paradise-like birds," animals such as cats and dogs, and animal species unknown on earth.  There are many colors here that do not exist on earth and at first astral travelers are dazzled by them.

A Timestream contact coming over the radio describes the present life as just a fraction of a moment.  He says, "The states of consciousness are very different here, but it is no reason to feel sad about it."  A friendly world waits for all of us on the mid-astral or higher planes.

But if the higher planes offer a chance for friendship, loving companionship, a chance to grow and change, the lower planes hold man in a deadly noose of desire and negative behavior patterns.  Dante's Inferno describes the various circles of hell: lust, greed, anger, hatred and malice.  Even though he was writing in the medieval time, he was not inaccurate.  If Hell is man's vices and addictions, human nature hasn't changed much.

The lower part of the astral plane, because of its "heavy" vibrations, is closest to the Earth.  When a person dies, he or she goes to that part of the astral plane which is in accord with his or her emotional desires.

You will go where you deserve to go.  Many people have heard these words from ministers and priests, but ITC confirms it.  The "dead" are now able to communicate via telephone, TV and computer to tell us exactly what the next world is like.  Your choice is important.  It determines the next phase of your eternal existence.

For more information about Instrumental Transcommunication research, there are books such as Miracles in the Storm (2001) by Mark H. Macy, Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication (1997) by Dr. Theo Locher and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach, and Bridge Between the Terrestrial and the Beyond (1989) by Hildegard Schaefer.

Images from Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication: (above) "Klaus Schreiber plays back daughter Karin's voice and shows her picture on video."  Below is a photo of Konstantin Raudive in 1947 alongside a 1988 ITC video image of him.

Links to Internet editions of these books among other research sources are available at in the "Books and more" section along with back issues of Contact! 1996-1998 (triannual reports of technical spirit communication research).  Another website is Mark Macy's Macy Afterlife: The Beacon.  Below is an image montage from the website.

Update: A Metaphysical Articles blog Index of Subjects and Titles with Links is available at




  2. I would have expected if anyone were to read the 2018 articles at this blog or the articles of the Maurice Barbanell blog series of 2017, there would be at least some definition of 'God' that one would find relevant.


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