The December 16, 2017 New York Times online article "Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program" inspired commentary in numerous other mainstream news publications. The online article featured two videos released by the U. S. Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. (The name of the program identifies the assumed imperative in operation.) My reaction to this spate of articles is to remind that there is an obvious impasse for a 'UFOlogist' who doesn't know about or ignores the evidence of several of the best documented flying saucer/UFO 'contactee' cases. This article presents some overview information about these cases along with a selection of links to some case profile articles.
The contact experiences of Truman Bethurum are described in the 1954 case study book Aboard a Flying Saucer. He can be heard on a 1954 radio interview saying: " I have never in my life bought or read a science fiction magazine and I wouldn't have believed my own mother had she been alive and told me that this thing could exist one second before I saw it . . . Every word in that book is true." The book includes images of some elucidating 'physical evidence' along with a description of how the evidence had been given to him during one of his visits aboard the flying saucer. The posthumously published People of the Planet Clarion (1970) includes an article describing flying saucer occupants as "Latin in appearance" and specifying "The crew, or crews, as far as I could determine, would range in size from the Captain, approximately four feet, six inches, to the tallest of the men, about five feet, two or three inches. They were all fully developed and, in their general appearance, resembled adults."
The contact experiences of Truman Bethurum are described in the 1954 case study book Aboard a Flying Saucer. He can be heard on a 1954 radio interview saying: " I have never in my life bought or read a science fiction magazine and I wouldn't have believed my own mother had she been alive and told me that this thing could exist one second before I saw it . . . Every word in that book is true." The book includes images of some elucidating 'physical evidence' along with a description of how the evidence had been given to him during one of his visits aboard the flying saucer. The posthumously published People of the Planet Clarion (1970) includes an article describing flying saucer occupants as "Latin in appearance" and specifying "The crew, or crews, as far as I could determine, would range in size from the Captain, approximately four feet, six inches, to the tallest of the men, about five feet, two or three inches. They were all fully developed and, in their general appearance, resembled adults."
Truman Bethurum Case
Truman Bethurum case
Books: Aboard a Flying Saucer (1954), The Voice of the Planet Clarion (1957), The People of the Planet Clarion (1970)
Truman's first contact experience occurred in July 1952. A contact experience reported to have occurred two years prior (July 1950) is described in The White Sands Incident (1954) by Daniel Fry. The transcendental communicator in this case is reported to have used the name 'Alan.' Daniel commented in the Introduction of a book published in 1973: "It happens to be a true historical record of an event which did take place just as described, although that is probably too much to expect the average reader to believe." Daniel explained in the 1954 booklet Alan's Message; To Men of Earth: "I have done my best to bring to you the message, exactly as it was given to me . . . it is written as I received it, and since I have never had the advantage of any specialized training, either in theology or sociology, it would be very presumptuous of me to attempt to enlarge upon this message by drawing upon my own opinions and limited knowledge."
Daniel Fry case
Daniel Fry case
Books: The White Sands Incident (1954), Alan's Message: To Men of Earth (1954), To Men of Earth (1973)
Other blog articles about this case: 1
Other blog articles about this case: 1
Prior to becoming a book author, Orfeo Angelucci self-published a single edition of a newspaper in 1953. The title is Twentieth Century Times. Two years later following several articles published in issues of Mystic Magazine, Ray Palmer's Amherst Press published Orfeo's case study book The Secret of the Saucers. The scope of the events described in some ways is unprecedented in comparison to earlier annals of unexplained phenomena yet there are also correlations with other 'paranormal' accounts. Angelucci’s first contact experience is reported to have occurred in May 1952. He expressed intense emotions corresponding with a new cosmic perspective based upon his new spiritual insights. Orfeo is quoted in the November 1953 issue of Mystic Magazine: ". . . I am so thankful that I am finding more and more persons who . . . at least listen with open minds." A passage of his 1955 book reads: "Thus it is my sincere hope that this factual story I have told you about my contacts with extra-terrestrial visitors will prove not only a discovery of the true nature of the beings from out of space and time, but perhaps the infinitely greater discovery of your own true self . . ."
Orfeo Angelucci case (with his wife Mabel)
Books: The Secret of the Saucers (1955), Son of the Sun (1959); also magazine articles and pamphlets
Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry and Orfeo Angelucci each resided in the Los Angeles area for an interim during their lives. Reading their books, in each case there were local areas mentioned that were familiar to me, having resided in Los Angeles County all my life. Another local event that has come to be known as the 'Battle of Los Angeles' is a subject of another of my UFOlogy articles:
One UFOlogy blog article mentioned a Los Angeles incident involving female 'contactee' Dana Howard. As with the cases of Angelucci, Bethurum and Fry, among the anecdotes described in her books are some that show parallels with these other calculably authentic contactee cases.
Los Angeles is also an aspect of blog articles about the lives of such people as Pearl Lenore Curran/'Patience Worth', Guy and Edna Ballard, Philo T. Farnsworth, Leslie Flint and Thomas Jacobson/'Dr. Peebles'" while a succession of life experiences encompassing metaphysically revealing predicaments is chronicled in books written by a man who was at one time a Hollywood screenwriter and whose efforts to improve society resulted with him acquiring the reputation of being an anti-Semitic fascist. William Dudley Pelley (1890-1965) underwent one night at his Altadena bungalow a “hyperdimensional experience” first chronicled in American Magazine (1929) and later with the book Seven Minutes in Eternity (1932). His books include The Golden Scripts (1941), Why I Believe the Dead Are Alive (1942, revised edition 1954), Star Guests (1950) and New Quatrains of the Modern Michel Nostradamus (1956).
Other blog articles related to UFOlogy are "UFO Secrecy" (Donald E. Keyhoe series), "The Warminster Mystery" (Arthur Shuttlewood series) and "Flying Saucers and 'The Nine Pattern'".
of Dana Howard's books: 1954 California edition of My Flight to Venus (left) and 1956 Regency Press edition (London & New York) of Diane: She Came from Venus
Dana wrote in her first book about an encounter with a mysterious woman with a heavenly voice who guided her to board "a beautiful rocket-shaped ship suspended in midair." Upon being welcomed to "the Planet Venus," she is told ". . . the Planet Earth has lost the art of pristine living. But the same beauty . . . the same exalted happiness known to us here, will one day be yours also." Dana explained in the Addendum: "Since we are not equipped with a proper transcendental vocabulary, it is difficult to translate into expression something the world has not grown up to. It was for that reason the book was presented to publishers in the style of fiction, much of the virgin knowledge, and many esoteric abstractions, omitted."
Los Angeles is also an aspect of blog articles about the lives of such people as Pearl Lenore Curran/'Patience Worth', Guy and Edna Ballard, Philo T. Farnsworth, Leslie Flint and Thomas Jacobson/'Dr. Peebles'" while a succession of life experiences encompassing metaphysically revealing predicaments is chronicled in books written by a man who was at one time a Hollywood screenwriter and whose efforts to improve society resulted with him acquiring the reputation of being an anti-Semitic fascist. William Dudley Pelley (1890-1965) underwent one night at his Altadena bungalow a “hyperdimensional experience” first chronicled in American Magazine (1929) and later with the book Seven Minutes in Eternity (1932). His books include The Golden Scripts (1941), Why I Believe the Dead Are Alive (1942, revised edition 1954), Star Guests (1950) and New Quatrains of the Modern Michel Nostradamus (1956).
This photo is from the Philo T. Farnsworth biography Distant Vision: Romance and Discovery on an Invisible Frontier (1990) by Elma G. Farnsworth. (case study article)
Other blog articles related to UFOlogy are "UFO Secrecy" (Donald E. Keyhoe series), "The Warminster Mystery" (Arthur Shuttlewood series) and "Flying Saucers and 'The Nine Pattern'".
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