"San Diego Medium Mark Probert In Trance
Another Seance In This Issue!"
The first article about Mark Probert to appear in Mystic Magazine was "Mark Probert, the Famous Medium: How I Proved His Ability" by Roger Graham. That March 1954 edition article affirms how correct and detailed health information was provided to the author when he attended a trance session of Mark Probert, though whom spoke 'Dr. Luntz' of 'the Inner Circle.' The word 'channeler' was not popular during this epoch and Roger offered his eyewitness testimonial of 'the Inner Circle' being "a band of discarnate spirits working to help anyone who wishes to listen."
Then the August 1954 edition presented a transcript of a Mark Probert 'seance circle' and an introductory note mentioned: "These seances, recorded on tape while Mark Probert is in trance, are transcribed just as spoken. Unfortunately the printed word cannot convey the dramatic impact of the recorded tape, which is awesome and thrilling. For this first seance, the questions were asked by your editor [Ray Palmer]. In future seances, you, the reader, will ask the questions." Instructions for sending questions were offered with the comment: "If your questions qualifies, it will be answered."
A new question and answer transcript was published in the February 1955 issue of Mystic Magazine. The article featured the transcendental communicator known as 'Yada Di Shi'ite' answering questions submitted by magazine readers. The transcript is presented without any deletions in this article. Among the group in attendance at the session was Irene Probert, Mark's wife. A book of Yada communication transcripts was published by Ralph G. Warren in 1979 and is entitled Yada Speaks.
Yada stated about himself during the previous session arranged for Mystic Magazine:
Readers should not confuse 'Yada' with the contemporary 'channeled entity' 'Ramtha' who regularly speaks for interims through JZ Knight. Ramtha has said he lived 35,000 years ago on the continent of Lemuria and became a conqueror during the pilgrimage into Atlantis. Pivotal in the philosophy of 'The Ram' is that both he and every human being are "of the I Am, and that be the I Am of God the Father, as you term it, indeed!" Yada is quoted in Yada Speaks: ". . . when I do not come out from myself, I am in a state of complete at-oneness with myself . . . I am simply aware that I am . . . The state of one-ness in which I dwell is an aspect of the Creator's nature." (Here are links to two previous articles that one can use to compare the philosophies of Yada and Ramtha.)
Concerning the circumstances of the medium and the nature of some of Yada's comments not reflecting the needs of people living in 2018 (such as the predicament of 'the masses' in relation to spiritual evolution), the reader should consider some statements found in other transcripts of transcendental communication. Two examples follow —
'Controlling spirit' 'Theodore Parker' spoke through trance medium Mrs. J. H. Conant on April 29, 1869 as published in an 1872 transcript anthology: "It should be understood that these seances are not controlled at all times by the same spirit, but for each occasion an intelligence is selected best adapted to that occasion . . . each distinct intelligence, or human spirit, retains its own special intellectual integrity after death as before. All are entitled to their own opinions and the expression of the same . . . ." (previous article)
A 'Direct Voice' tape recording of 'Dr. Cosmo Lang' (among those documenting the case of medium Leslie Flint) includes the statement: "You see, you have to remember above all else probably that the Voice of the Spirit—although it is in a sense not limited—to some extent can only be utilized and given out according to the situation and the moment and the time when it takes place." (previous article)
Milestone: This is blog article #415 of Metaphysical Articles: Interesting Articles, Links and Other Media. The article begins my tenth year of blogging.
One of my physical expressions, the one in which I acquired the title, Yada Di Shi'ite goes back into the remote period of what you would call today 500,000 years ago. I lived in a beautiful and vast civilization called Yu. Yu means vast in my language. I was a Ka-Ta in the beginning of my training in the temples in the city of Kaoti. A Ka-Ta means a God-man or priest.
As I completed my 33rd degree in the order called Shi'ite, I was given the title of Yada. Ya means spirit and da means life. Therefore I am the spirit of life of the Shi'ite order. I have been back and forth on the earth plane many, many, many times in that period of 500,000 years. My last incarnation on the earth plane was 500 years ago in China.
Readers should not confuse 'Yada' with the contemporary 'channeled entity' 'Ramtha' who regularly speaks for interims through JZ Knight. Ramtha has said he lived 35,000 years ago on the continent of Lemuria and became a conqueror during the pilgrimage into Atlantis. Pivotal in the philosophy of 'The Ram' is that both he and every human being are "of the I Am, and that be the I Am of God the Father, as you term it, indeed!" Yada is quoted in Yada Speaks: ". . . when I do not come out from myself, I am in a state of complete at-oneness with myself . . . I am simply aware that I am . . . The state of one-ness in which I dwell is an aspect of the Creator's nature." (Here are links to two previous articles that one can use to compare the philosophies of Yada and Ramtha.)
Concerning the circumstances of the medium and the nature of some of Yada's comments not reflecting the needs of people living in 2018 (such as the predicament of 'the masses' in relation to spiritual evolution), the reader should consider some statements found in other transcripts of transcendental communication. Two examples follow —
'Controlling spirit' 'Theodore Parker' spoke through trance medium Mrs. J. H. Conant on April 29, 1869 as published in an 1872 transcript anthology: "It should be understood that these seances are not controlled at all times by the same spirit, but for each occasion an intelligence is selected best adapted to that occasion . . . each distinct intelligence, or human spirit, retains its own special intellectual integrity after death as before. All are entitled to their own opinions and the expression of the same . . . ." (previous article)
A 'Direct Voice' tape recording of 'Dr. Cosmo Lang' (among those documenting the case of medium Leslie Flint) includes the statement: "You see, you have to remember above all else probably that the Voice of the Spirit—although it is in a sense not limited—to some extent can only be utilized and given out according to the situation and the moment and the time when it takes place." (previous article)
* * *
RNA: This recording is being made August 23, 1954 at the home of Mark Probert, and will answer questions submitted to Ray Palmer by readers of Mystic Magazine. The medium is Mark Probert.
YADA: Sina, Sina-ha, I am the Yada Di Shi'ite.
GROUP: Good evening Yada.
YADA: I am going to leave my language out, and begin by speaking English. I am very honored to be here in this house.
IP: It is a pleasure to have you here, Yada.
YADA: (Speaking to two guests) It appears there is much happiness in your home now.
RNA: Yes, there truly is. It is happiness through experience, Yada.
YADA: That is the only way that man can possibly learn. It is what you Americans call learning the hard way, but I know of no better way.
RNA: That certainly is the truth.
YADA: It is by practical experience and then we know; there can be no doubt. There is too much talk of so-called teachers and helpers both from your side of the veil and my side trying to talk people into living. You cannot do this. Living is a personal thing and the proper balance in it can only be had by individual personal experience. Now I will not talk too much because I know the time is limited and this chigga (recorder) is limited also.
RNA: The first question is sent in by Dr. Marcus Fite of Kellogg, Idaho.
QUESTION: The average person is in the physical for 75 years, then passes and is in the spirit for hundreds of years. Why is this so, before he reembodies? If he is here to learn lessons, why is he here in the physical less time than in the spiritual?
YADA: Sir, there are several answers to that question, but I will start by saying, how does this man know that one is in the spirit life for hundreds of years? Truly it is not necessarily so at all. The length of time one stays in the astral world depends upon the experiences he is having there and the necessity within himself for gathering such experiences. If he learns what he needs to learn, in, let us say, ten years, five years, he can return to the physical world should the necessity for his doing so in that period of time cause him to. Life is an individual thing. This one may return at any time that he finds within himself the need for another physical life experience.
RNA: Yada, wouldn't you say that living is not a matter of chronological time but is a matter of experience.
YADA: Exactly so, sir, for that one is not living in the astral plane any more than the one in the physical body is living in something separate from the astral plane. Most of us do not know that the human being does 80% to 90% of his living in the mind. You may call the mind the astral planes. The mind is not an action locked up in the skull. The mind is everywhere present and everywhere does mean apart from the physical structure. We are having experiences outside of the physical body this does not mean we are projecting, it simply means we have an extension of our sense of awareness. Not realizing consciously what is going on, we feel that we are locked up in the body and must wait until we die before we can have an extension of consciousness carrying us into a state called the astral planes. The physical body is merely a recording machine so that one can use the experiences he has outside if his physical self for his physical benefit. I think you understand what I mean.
RNA: Yes, I understand very well.
YADA: This is one of the great mistakes that not only the layman is subject to make, but the so-called experienced occultists and metaphysicians do not entirely understand this. Death does not free one, one bit; not one bit more than their mental self knows how to be free. The extension of time, or the sense of time is no greater by a measurable quantity in the period of separation from the physical structure than it is in the physical structure here. There are a great many things to say concerning this particular question. It cannot be properly dealt with in a few short words. For the time being this will be the answer.
RNA: The next questions were sent in by Mr. John G. Beasley, Jr., of Crockett, Texas.
1. At what period chronologically will world-wide acceptance be given to the true facts pertaining to reincarnation, karma, etc., and what will be the effect of such knowledge on society as we know it today?
2. In the process of reincarnation is the return to this life made for the purpose of performing certain specific acts thereby accomplishing a part of a "master plan" (such as Judas, Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, et al) or is it solely for the purpose of learning?
YADA: Always there is this chronological time to be dealt with. Sir, never! The people en masse do not learn or do not accept anything. To accept something, the actual meaning is to live by, to use it, is it not? This is the true acceptance. Merely to accept something intellectually and then forget it is not acceptance at all. The acceptance of anything is using it. The masses will never be taught it because as a whole there are very few people on your earth that understand so that they can teach it; that understand it sufficiently. Even though there may be a sufficient number of people to understand it, the people that they would try to teach it to would not understand it. It is something that is a slow process and can only be taught individually, to individual persons. It is like trying to teach a certain form of mathematics to everybody at one time; it cannot be done. There are certain minds that are not capable of handling certain levels of mathematics, is it not so?
RNA: Very true.
YADA: And so it is with this subject. This man feels there is perhaps a possibility of awakening the masses. There is no such possibility, for life is not experienced by masses, it is experienced by the individual. The obstructions that stand in the way of such teachings lie in the many traditional teachings of every race of people on the earth. Many of these traditional teachings completely bar the chances of these people from learning anything about reincarnation and karma. I do not look for it, sir.
It may appear that such people as Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and many more of that kind are parts of a master plan. It may also appear that the great avatars who came to help awaken certain individuals that were already on the border of awakening, or were coming more into the light or understanding were also part of a master plan. The master plan does not lie with the masses, it lies in the individual. As the individual himself solves his own riddle, which is the riddle of the universe, the master plan is fulfilled, is accomplished, is completed, for this one at last has found consciously his own divinity of freedom from the illusionary state of consciousness. He comes into the realization that he is the plan and the planner. I do not for a moment suppose that many minds will see this, and it is well for the time that they do not. That is all I have to say there.
RNA: The following questions were sent in by Mrs. Oleta Wright of Auburn, California.
QUESTIONS: 1. It has long been my belief that cremation frees the spirit from the earthly body and allows it to go to the right sphere and prevents the spirit from being earth bound. Is this true?
2. When a part of the brain is destroyed, here on earth, does that condition effect the brain of the spirit?
3. I have suffered much for eight years because a beloved brother who passes from this life was buried in a Rock of Ages vault instead of being cremated, or at least so his body could return to dust. Is there any chance this his soul is free?
YADA: How we cause ourselves to suffer through not knowing. Cremation, in the ancient teachings of some of the Indian people, was believed to bring more complete freedom to the discarnate being; that not having a body around to be attracted by, it would depart from the earth more quickly. In a way yes, and in a way no, for what is needed is for the individual to learn while he is still in the physical body, to become detached to all that goes on around him including his own physical desires. He must take them into control so that they do not control him. Even though you cremate the body, if that one has been living a lustful life on the earth, cremating his body is not going to stop him from his desires. I think you can see that, huh? It does, however, have a helpful way of keeping that one away from his own physical body and trying to get back possession of it. This then being of no more attraction to him sets him free but does not relieve his desires or does not release him from his desires. To obtain release he must do so by his own efforts by seeing what those uncontrolled desires lead him to. And what do they lead him to? Repeating them, repeat, repeat, repeat, and repeats. You are caught like the fly in the spider's web. You cannot get away because your consciousness is where you are, or you are where your consciousness is.
RNA: Very true.
YADA: One will not necessarily find escape due to cremation. Now as far as insanity goes and one in the physical world passing out while they are mentally unbalanced, this does not mean that they will stay mentally unbalanced. There are helpers in the astral world, conscious helpers. It is their work to go to individuals that have suffered physical insanity and help to bring them into balance again. Because after all, what is insanity? The physical brain being a mechanical receiving set has become in some manner injured so that the mind flow, like electricity, cannot function in it properly. The mind self is not insane but it gathers experiences by habitually doing certain things and so we are likely to carry the habit pattern of our unbalanced acts into the astral world. But there is someone there to help that one if they will be willing to be helped. Nevertheless they are not suffering, they are having an experience that in due course will bring them back into balance, that is all. We are too emotionally attached to what we see going on in the surface world, therefore we fall into all manner of false beliefs. And false as these beliefs are, if we accept them, they become true to us and we suffer by them. We can also have pleasure by them depending solely on our attitude to whatever it is that is happening. This lady need not worry about her brother. He is all right. He will find his proper level. She must be more concerned about her own self, her own actions. This will give not only herself freedom from her brother but it will give her brother freedom from her. Her emotional outpouring about her brother is holding him from waking up to the greater reality. She can give him freedom by herself becoming more aware of her own needs. My friends, could we but grasp it properly, we would see that all things stand safe in the Light, the Light of Wisdom, the Light of Understanding, the Light of Love, for the Light of Love is the Light of Understanding. I think I need say no more there.
RNA: The next question is submitted by Mr. Leslie M. Faith of Paducah, Kentucky.
QUESTION: Is there now existing upon the Inner planes some kind of recognized Spiritual Authority in the form of an established Hierarchy of Being, or is every individual a freelance adventurer pursuing a way of Life, independent and unorganized?
YADA: Now if this man is talking about unorganized in groups of individuals of course they have such organizations or forms of organizing in all states of mentation from the lowest to the highest. But life is principally an individual experience and when we come consciously to know, it is [the] most profound form of organization to be experienced; the organization of the self. There are of course many forms of what is called Hierarchy on your earth and all the way through the planes from the lowest kind of organized groups that have been joined together to express the low self and the low desires to the greatest forms of organized consciousnesses that are Guardians of the world of matter as well as the world of what is roughly called spirit. All life, the matter world of course included, is in precise geometrical balance, geometrical pattern. The appearance of breakup or chaos in this great delicate balance is merely an assumption of the mind of an individual. He himself is out of balance and that is the unbalance that he sees going on around him.
Let us look please, huh? I look upon your world and from the material way of thinking I feel little else but violence and chaos of the worst kind. It becomes difficult for me to see any balanced pattern to it at all. I think to myself, what an insane creator it must have been to start all of that. Hopeless, perfectly hopeless, if I don't know any better, if I look at it solely from the material aspect. But I look at it from another side, I look at it from a fuller consciousness and I see it as acts, or action that is necessary in that time and in that place; in those places and in those times. It is through those very acts of seeming chaos and violence that the people involved in that time and place will learn what it is necessary for them to learn. They cannot learn any other way. Could they, they wouldn't have taken that way, and so I see the balance, I see the fitness of it, and I am no more troubled.
RNE: Yada, do you see the now of it?
YADA: The now of it, the timelessness of it.
RNE: The picture that has been presented to me is one of frequency, like layer upon layer of frequency, experience upon experience, reliving certain experiences over and over again, not in a sense of time but in a sense of experience and nowness?
YADA: That is all, lady, and that is correct. That is the whole picture.
RNE: If one so desired, if one had the ability, you could see the panoramic picture of any now?
YADA: That is right.
RNE: From this you could derive the experience necessary if you were so aware so that it would not be necessary to relive it?
YADA: That is right, but I am not at all of the belief or the feeling that the mass mind is going to grasp what you are saying or what I am saying. That which we say will reach only those that are capable of seeing; that is all. We are not saviors of the world. We do not feel we have a mission unless that mission is my own.
RNE: It is the expression of you?
YADA: That is right. No more than this; to save myself.
RNE: You must express love?
YADA: That is all, that is all. This means complete elimination of criticism of passing judgments, to simply observe, observe, observe. See it as one's self. Watch the passing show; the great panorama. This will be a proof and sufficient proof of where you stand.
RNE: Such a definite feeling of the need to express love is shown within you? This is the reason for you being here now? This is an active expression? This isn't a sitting away on a hilltop?
YADA: Oh no, when I say to sit by the side and watch the panorama and watch the show, the word sit to me means action.
RNA: By no means can you be passive.
YADA: Passiveness means death, means obliteration, means nothing, means blank. Become compassionately engaged in the show.
RNE: And love it.
YADA: You cannot become compassionately engaged in it unless you do love it. If you do not than you are lost in the illusion of it and you suffer the consequences. You must always love what you are doing or it will poison you.
RNE: If you do not love what you are doing, you do not love yourself.
YADA: That is right.
RNA: Yada, the next question is from Mrs. Mildred Faith.
QUESTION: Is there any truth in the claims of some Occultists of a transfer of souls taking place from one field to another via Space Craft? If so is there any signs of hostility among those Space Visitors?
YADA: The Space People are not at all connected with what is normally called the world of the dead. The so-called soul or spirit needs no vehicle of a mechanical kind to move it about. The space people are separate cultures of their own. Many occult teachers who are not really occult teachers but have a smattering of metaphysics, metaphysical knowledge, are likely to make such assumptions, but they are wrong. Man consciously gravitates or moves here so-called and there so-called by his own willing. Nobody in or out of the physical structure moves into a time frequency in which they do not belong. Only a certain condition of the consciousness can carry us to where we want to go; we as individuals want to go.
RNA: And this is sparked by desire.
YADA: It is sparked by desire, the desire principally to fulfill one of the deepest human needs and necessities, and that is action, the need for action. Nothing can be said about the nature of the action, what is done. That is not it. It is simply the need for action, for life is based, its most subtle substance, is action. Should action cease, it would mean complete oblivion for that one.
RNA: This next question is submitted by Mr. Kenneth H. Muse of Detroit, Michigan.
QUESTION: What proof do we have that this "Inner Circle" is not composed of conscious or unconscious astral projections of living personalities?
YADA: In the first place, I do not know what this individual means by living personalities. If he means flesh bodies, he suffers from a great misconception of life. In order for any communication to be had, whether in or out of the physical structure, there must be consciousness. Consciousness means living, is it not so?
RNA: Absolutely.
YADA: The extent of the consciousness lies in what is being thought, the nature of the communication. There are many individuals in the body doing what is called talking with one another, making sounds, but they are dead. By dead I mean that they do not know, they are ignorant. Their awareness is only of their physical structure, of their physical desires, of the desire world alone. To be alive means to be aware of your own being, of your own divine nature. The individual that is asking for proof, it cannot be given to him by another, for my proof will not necessarily be his proof. If he does not understand my picturing, my feelings for life, if he does not come into mental rapport with my thoughts, I can give him no proof. All proof lies within the individual; the one that is seeking proof.
RNA: This next was submitted by Miss Lorraine Brugere of St. Louis, Missouri.
QUESTION: After death will we be united with the people we loved on earth, or will we lose our dear ones, or simply cease to care?
YADA: Most of our attachment for those we call our dear ones is an emotional attachment. It is not an attachment of understanding, of knowing the nature of our own being and seeing it in another. When we can do this then we shall not be concerned about our loved ones, whether they are in or out of the physical body. We shall simply know they are about their Father's business. The Father's business is action, action that is conscious of what it is doing. The greater majority of people will of course meet those they have become attached to in the physical world. They have a natural attachment to them. This will hold them together, will draw them together again. Now this can also happen by hatred. If two people hate one another, the very act of hating is bringing these two into conscious rapport with one another, is it not?
RNE: Yes, it creates a state of mental rapport of a kind, that is true, because if that exists in your life, you are always aware of it.
YADA: This is right because why the hate? The hate is because deep within them, unknown to both of these people, they are envious of what they think the other has and this envy, this feeling of wanting what the other has is going to draw them together. They must come together again so they can come into better understanding. They will share with one another what each think the other has.
RNA: Giving of one's self?
YADA: That is right.
RNE: Yada, is it possible to love a situation so clearly that you gain release from it and are blessed by the person who hates you?
YADA: That is right, certainly. For we surely immortalize one another by hate as we do by love, for to hate somebody means that you are keeping them alive in your consciousness, is it not so?
RNE: That is true. People will come together again in hate until they learn what they have to learn that exists between them.
RNA: Once they face the situation, they will find that their problem just melts away.
YADA: That is right. There is nothing truly that is hateful there. This is the physical expression.
RNA: Misunderstanding?
YADA: Misunderstanding. Inwardly they know better. Indeed very often, inwardly unknown to them, their hate is love in a disguised form.
RNA: So often it is a matter of pride?
YADA: That is right. Now let us see this. Here we have the snake that grows on the ground, a very venomous being. This, most mankind fears. Why does he fear the snake? Because he does not understand the snake. The snake does not understand him. The snake only understand itself and the man only understands himself, but they do not understand one another. Could this man see that the snake is a necessary part of material expression, the snake would know this and not seek to poison him or bite him. But the snake senses this fear and because the snake, like all animals, lives in fear, it is a natural quality of the animal for self preservation, but fear is not a natural quality for the human being. In India the true master not only learns to master himself but when he learns to master himself he learns to master all things. Is it not so? Because he understands all things, he sees all things belong in their place and time and so he does not seek to destroy it but tries to keep it in the physical body as long as it can be kept there.
RNA: Yada, what is the significance of the snake and the tree?
YADA: The snake is what is called the Kundalini or sex force or cosmic energy and the tree in the mystical teachings is the spinal column of the human being. When the snake, the snake force, sometimes called the fire force, starts to climb the tree or the spine, when it reaches the throat chakras it is now tempting that individual; tempting, meaning to try to pull him back down into physical expression, into the world of desire. If it does not succeed, if the individual rises consciously above it with compassion, then the snake goes to the heavenly state and the man has illumination. What could have been death to him becomes life in its fullest meaning because he became the master instead of the snake.
RNA: Thank you, Yada. This new question is another submitted by Miss Lorraine Brugere.
QUESTION: Is the Catholic religion the one true religion as it is claimed to be, and would Jesus be happy to have all people under one faith?
YADA: If I am to adhere to my own feelings and many of my thoughts of life in the path wherein, I have felt that life is an individual experience, then it must follow that religion is a form of action that is gone through, like everything else, by the individual. It is an individual seeking to know yourself, to find yourself. Whatever religious belief one has been raised in, as long as they feel content with it, at peace with it, it belongs to them and it is the only path for them. Apart from this religion as an outer physical manifestation, it is certainly not the only religion of man, nor is it by any means the original religion. Long before that which is called Catholicism came into being, thousands and thousands and thousands of years before, there was the teaching of one God, there was the teaching of the one Master; the one Master that came to save the world of man. The man Jesus is completely dead, completely obliterated because that is what was destroyed upon the cross, the cross being the crucifixion of the physical self, the destruction of the physical self, the killing out of the physical desires, the lower self rising to become one with the higher or the Christ Mind, the eternal Christ Mind or the Mind of Wisdom and Light which is Love.
The masses are not interested in making anyone happy. They are living in their desire bodies. They cannot comprehend the Christ Mind, the Mind of Wisdom, so they give to the man Jesus, or the corpse, that which belongs to the Christ, love, adoration. This is why your world is in such a turmoil. Humankind has come to worship personality, not Love, not Wisdom, for they have lived so long in the low self, in the material self. They know not of the light. They are stone and steel worshipers, temple worshipers, not worshipers of the Light or Love. Because of this, the Catholic religion like all religions are merely outer manifestations, material expressions belonging in the material world, knowing nothing about the Christ Mind, the eternal Light of which this great teacher said, "I Christ am the way and the Light," not I Jesus, I Christ am the way and the Light. If the individual knows not the nature of happiness in self, how can he know anything about happiness for another? The man who lives outside for the physical self alone is dead. He is lying in the grave of ignorance. But as he comes out into the light by his own suffering, he will know the Christ is resurrected. Resurrection means becoming consciously aware of your own divine nature, that is all.
RNE: Yada, thank you for a beautiful explanation.
YADA: The beauty you may find in anything is the beauty that lies in yourself. Do not be concerned when you see great turmoil taking place here. You will become involved in it, embroiled in it. If you walk into it with love, knowing that all is in balance, you can bring help, you can bring harmony. But if you recognize it as being out of harmony, you cannot get it back in.
RNE: No, because you recognize the disharmony within yourself.
YADA: That is right. That is all I have to say now. I think I will leave. Thank you and good-bye.
Milestone: This is blog article #415 of Metaphysical Articles: Interesting Articles, Links and Other Media. The article begins my tenth year of blogging.
—Mark Russell Bell
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