
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Of Prophecies and Patterns

Some longtime blog readers already know about the circumstances involving my particular orientation to the 1999 prophecy of Nostradamus that 'came true' in July that year.  (my 1999 news release is at the lower portion of this page)  This is a retrospective article about Nostradamus and his 1999 prophecy.  As with the Edgar Cayce 1998 Ra-Ta prophecy coming true, 'The Michael Pattern' is an aspect of the sequence of events.
As I've reported in previous blog articles, 'the Michael pattern' is noticeable in such cases as Nostradamus, John Dee, the Fox Sisters associated with the Spiritualism Movement, Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Guy and Edna Ballard, Leslie Flint, JZ Knight, Mark Probert, and the 'Messages from Michael' Ouija Board communication case.  The Archangel Michael is the archetype for an angelic Force interacting with mankind throughout the ages.  
Rogier van der Weyden - The Last Judgment (detail) from Beaune Altarpiece of nine panels 15th Century

The omnipresent Source of all human creativity is involved with the myriad forms of 'channeling' as with any conceivable form of 'thought.'  What constitutes knowledge is something entirely relative to individual discernment; therefore, interpretations of Nostradamus quatrains are each relevant to the person noticing the correlation.  A single quatrain could have multiple meaningful interpretations, spanning different continents and centuries; however, some quatrains are specifically dated, including one identifying 1999.
My metaphysical nonfiction writing has always been intended to have a straightforward journalistic approach; so too the subject of my own experiences first chronicled in the case study Testament (1997) that may be read in a free Internet edition along with a follow-up book.  
Prior to the occurrences chronicled in Testament, I was employed as a movie studio publicity writer and earlier in my career worked as a talent agent.  My unexpected path of spiritual discovery accelerated in 1995 when I traveled to rural Oklahoma to interview a family experiencing ‘talking poltergeist’ phenomena.  Family members told me about their interaction with 'Michael' this became the nickname used for the mysterious phenomena centering on the enigmatic unseen being who seemed to be the most prominent manifesting entity.  'Michael' occasionally conversed with them and other house visitors.  The Bell ancestry of Centrahoma family members is one of the correlations with the 19th Century 'Bell Witch' talking poltergeist case, where similar circumstances involving diverse voice manifestations are chronicled.  Upon my return to Los Angeles, the startling series of events transformed me into someone who wanted to help expand the spiritual consciousness of people instead of engaging in the film publicist's occupation of encouraging people to escape into fantasy.  The experiences documented correlate with many messages documented in case studies of transcendental communication.  I found myself called upon to become an embodiment of some of these teachings.
I'll summarize what happened on Sunday and Monday, July 25 and 26, 1999 (transcript) via the North American airwaves.  On Sunday, this caller was heard on a broadcast of the nationally syndicated radio show "Dreamland" hosted by Hilly Rose.  The following morning, this caller was a guest on a radio program hosted by Mike Davis on KIOC 106.1 FM broadcast from Beaumont, Texas.
Some background information is provided with the following  two examples of English translations of the Nostradamus Century X, No. 72 quatrain that I knew about at the time of the two radio show broadcasts.  This caller's participation was via landline telephone. 

Frank J. MacHovec translation from Nostradamus: His Prophecies for the Future (1972)

In the seventh month of 1999
A great king of Terror comes from the sky
To receive the king of Angolmois
Before and after, Mars reigns by good fortune
Frank noted: "Angolmois could be Mongols or the spirit of Genghis Khan."

Francis X. King translation from Nostradamus: Prophecies Fulfilled and Predictions for the Millennium & Beyond (1994)

In the year 1999 [and] seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror,
He will resurrect the great King of Angolmois,
Before and afterwards Mars rules happily.
Francis noted about "Mars rules happily" — "a fairly obvious piece of predictive symbolism meaning that in the months before and after . . . the world will be ravaged by armed conflict."
The 'king of  terror' translation emphasizes apocalyptic fears that were a traditional aspect of published prophecies during the 16th Century.  Other Nostradamus quatrain anthologies feature alternative English translations, such as the following.

Peter Lemesurier translation from Nostradamus: The Illustrated Prophecies (2003)

When 1999 is seven months o'er
Shall a great King and host — on heaven's part, he
Restore the King from Angoumois once more,
Ere, after March, he'll reign propitiously.
The interview guest for "Dreamland" on July 25, 1999 was Michael Peter Langevin, publisher of the so-called Magical Blend magazine.  During the radio show broadcast, this caller was heard to say on the air: "I had a comment on Nostradamus's prediction, which we've been hearing about all night and what I think is that America is the reincarnation of Mongolia.  And Genghis Khan lives on in every person who assumes that whatever actions they take are somehow ordained by God . . ."
This caller's paternal lineage had its origin with the royal "first race of ancestry" the House of Russell; while the maternal lineage is the King family — this caller being an author who found himself being regarded with a variety of assumptions and opinions while publicizing Testament (1997) yet those who actually read the book knew how unlikely it would be for anyone to fictitiously imagine what is chronicled with verbatim journal and interview transcripts.
Early the next day following the "Dreamland" show broadcast (Monday July 26 1999), this caller shared some of his perceptions and experiences concerning the 'King of the Angels' a Spiritual Force equated in my own life with the name 'Michael' due to the bizarre initiation that began to become intelligible during my Centrahoma research expedition. 
After presenting a variety of blog articles about individuals with diverse paths of expanded spiritual awareness (some examples are shown below), a lesson that becomes apparent is that every human being experiences life and 'God' in an individual way.  The perceptions of 'God' will be based upon one's consciousness and ability to distinguish the ways that 'God' may be discerned — and also upon the ways concerning how one interacts with what I've described as 'an omnipresent spiritual Force (and shared subconscious Mind) involved with forms of supernormal phenomena for the gradual accelerated spiritual understanding of all humanity.'
Shown in this montage are: Michel de Nostredeme, John Dee, Edgar Cayce, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Eileen Garrett, Helen Duncan, Mark Probert, Leslie Flint, Arthur Shuttlewood.  This montage was also seen two years ago when there was a blog article about 'The Bell Pattern' with the following article being a sequel.
There may be recognized an astonishing array of metaphysical instruction among books and recordings documenting 'channeling' in comparison to historic books of previous epochs, such as the texts by Nostradamus (1503-1566) presenting succinct quatrains that readers throughout the ages have found to present prophetic correlations as described in hundreds of books over the years.  Nandor Fodor wrote about Nostradamus's predictions of future events in his Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science (1934):
. . . in 1555, Dr. Michael Nostradamus gave the date of the French Revolution as 1789 and foretold the execution of the King and Queen, the new Calendar and the persecution of the Church.

Concerning "The Prophets of the World War," Nandor Fodor reported:
The first amazing prediction was printed by Nostradamus at Lyons in 1555.  He spoke of its cruelty and terror, that it will be carried on by land, in the sea and in the air.

He names the King of Bulgaria: 'fair haired Ferdinand,' foretells his fortunes of war and downfall.  He foresees the collapse of the Turkish Empire, independence of Hungary, Bohemia and Poland, the enlargement of Rumania and the formation of Jugoslavia.

A brief profile of Nostradamus is included in Nandor Fodor's Encyclopaedia that begins as follows.
NOSTRADAME, MICHAEL DE (1503-66), French physician, councillor and astrologer to Kings Henry II and Charles IX, renowned for his predictions both of events of his day and of the distant future.   In 1555, and in later years, he published 10 Centuries, each containing 100 quatrains (with the exception of the 7th, containing 42 only).  The prediction of the fatal death of Henry II was fulfilled in his own lifetime.   "En champ bellique par singulier duelle" is a fitting description of his accidental death in 1559 at the hands of Montgomery.  He foresaw the decline of the Church as a result of the advance in astronomy and gave the date as 1607 (Lippershey invented his telescope in 1608); he prophesied the prosecution of the astronomers, the seizure of their books and the coming of rationalism for "there would be not an end to the eye."  The "commun advenement," the reign of the people is another event in which he foresaw disaster for the Church and named correctly the year of 1792.  The details of the French revolution and of the Napoleonic period are almost overwhelming.  But the decipherment of all this requires scholarly erudition.
Nandor Fodor didn't have access to the information from the English translation of Nostradamus's letter to Francois Berard that includes the statement: " . . . with the spirit dictating to me, as though carried away by a poetic frenzy I launched myself into the following verses . . ."  Not considering the possibility of transcendental communication being a factor (with many such cases chronicled to encompass foreign languages), Nandor Fodor described the Nostradamus quatrains as being "veiled" in meaning with "a medley of languages, using French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Latin, Greek and Hebrew words, making anagrams and syllable permutations . . . Nostradamus was a Roman Catholic and no enemy to the Church.  In fact he predicted the coming of a purified faith in the faraway future when 'le corps sans âme plus n'estre en sacrifice' (the death of the body will no more be considered a sacrifice) and 'Jour de la mort mis en nativité' (the day of death will become another birthday) . . . Other forecasts apply closely to the Great War . . . some others to years to come.  Their meaning, however, can only be grasped in the light of fulfilment.  Hundreds of quatrains still wait for explanation."  In the letter to Francois Berard, Nostradamus referred to "Michael the Archangel" as "my invincible patron."
It wasn't until after the passing of Nandor Fodor (1895-1964) that the 'New Age' or 'Aquarian Age' gained prominence in popular culture.  Blog articles about Nostradamus are "Nostradamus Today", "Some Further Observations about the 'Michael' Pattern" and the preceding article.  One Nostradamus quatrain mentions "L'esprit divin" (Century II, No. 13).  Another quatrain includes the words "les siecles renouvele" (Century II, No. 46).  The 'New Age'/'Age of Aquarius' is a recurring topic in transcripts documenting transcendental communication.  Intrinsic to this New Age is the instruction coming through 'psychics' or 'mediums' such as Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and Jane Roberts (1929-1984) along with the diverse 'channelers' of the present day.
In a book "dictated clairaudiently to Mark Probert by Members of the Inner Circle" The Magic Bag (1963 edition) is found the following passage:
. . . there is a kind of personal Saviour and God — but these are not apart from you.  Indeed, they are you.  The word "Christ" is a title and it is bestowed upon each and every individual on Earth — but only after many life experiences does each one gain that glorious title, by diligently working for it, not simply by being kindly and following the laws made in your own environment . . .

Remember, let nothing keep you from constantly striving in this direction.

3/18/18 Update: The following blog article is also on this topic: "How I Fulfilled Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce Millennial Prophecies".




  1. ALL we see is complains from different people even when the lord said we can speak to these problems and they will leave us a peace.

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