Maurice Barbanell was a Spiritualist editor/journalist as well as the trance medium (or 'channeler') for the communicator from the 'Other Side' who selected the pseudonym 'Silver Birch' as his name. Philosophy of Silver Birch (1969) is one of many anthologies of 'Silver Birch' transcendental communication transcripts that have been published. The book was edited by Stella Storm, who first worked with Maurice as editorial secretary and later as a reporter. One of Sylvia's professional tasks was proofreading the monthly allotment of Silver Birch teachings for the Spiritualist journal Two Worlds. Stella provided a firsthand account of Maurice's life and the home circle seances that made it possible for Silver Birch's perspectives to be shared concerning metaphysical aspects of life, spirituality and the afterlife.
Barbanell needs no preparation before going into trance. I once suggested he should have a few minutes' rest or quiet meditation in his office before driving home. He prefers to work till the last moment with no "withdrawal" from his busy normal life. And the circle is always held on a Friday evening, the last day of his strenuous week.
He was the piper who called the tune, discussing the day's office events, chatting naturally on general and psychic subjects—usually our main topic because, though our life is spent with them, we still find them completely engrossing. In fact, he was his normal gregarious self, with no indication of impending deep trance.
Only when he settles in his accustomed couch corner does he relax, preparing to change places with his spirit guardian.
Coming out of trance, Barbanell shows no sign of weariness. After wiping his eyes and replacing his spectacles and watch, he has a drink of water. In a few seconds he joins animatedly in general conversation with his friends and guests over a vegetarian buffet refreshment. By common consent Silver Birch's talk is seldom discussed.
The circle continued to be called 'the Hannen Swaffer home circle' in honor of the late Spiritualist spokesman/journalist. Stella described the first time she participated in the circle sittings held at the Barbanell residence. She and her mother had begun investigating Spiritualism after the tragic passing of Stella's sister.
We sat, a round dozen, fanned circle-wise. Casually chatting, I found it difficult to concentrate on my neighbour's conversation. My eyes were fixed on the small, dapper man sitting in the right-hand corner of the sofa. Under the hypnotic drone of many voices, I watched his transformation. An articulate conversationalist, he became still, withdrawing from the desultory discussion.
Removing his thick, horn-rimmed spectacles and wrist watch, he lowered his head, rubbed his eyes and clasped his hands between his knees. His chin rested on his chest as if he had dozed off.
In a few minutes the physical body I knew so well took on a new dimension. With shoulders hunched, he slowly raised his head. Although my companions seemed oblivious, quietly talking among themselves, they were obviously aware of our host's departure. A sudden deferential silence descended as our guest of honour addressed us.
My down-to-earth chief, Maurice Barbanell, had temporarily left us. Silver Birch, his well-loved guide, had "borrowed" his body and was in our midst. In slow, slightly guttural tones, quite unlike his fast-talking medium, he greeted us affectionately and embarked on his customary opening invocation, couched in unsurpassed prose:
"Oh Great White Spirit, Thou who has created us in Thy divine image and endowed us with a portion of Thy divinity, we strive to draw close and strengthen the unity that exists between Thee and us and one another. . . ."
Silver Birch's invocation included the statements:
For too long we have seen through a glass darkly, misinterpreted Thee and Thy purpose, not understanding our place in Thy infinite scheme. But now we know that we have the inestimable privilege of participating in the processes of eternal creation.
It is Thy love which has guided us all into this knowledge and given us a more comprehensive picture of Thee, of ourselves and of the wondrous universe in which we are placed.
This is the prayer of Thy Indian servant who seeks to serve.
In another part of the book, Silver Birch is quoted concerning the power of the spirit: "Let us recognise that we are the emissaries of the mightiest force in the universe, the Great Spirit of all Life." Reincarnation and karma are among the evolutionary processes affirmed.
Stella commented: "The Silver Birch-Barbanell two-worlds partnership was, without doubt, the best-kept secret of the British psychic scene." For many years circle visitors were asked to respect the anonymity of Silver Birch's medium. Stella recalled how with the published teachings in the Spiritualist newspapers he edited, the medium was left unidentified as Maurice had decided to let Silver Birch's teachings stand or fall on their own merit. There were rumors about him being the medium that went unconfirmed until he decided to release the information in an issue of Two Worlds. Stella remembered her initial reaction to the rumors was to reject the suggestion because Maurice seemed an unlikely channel for a spirit guide: "A shrewd, working journalist, though his whole adult life has been geared to propagating Spiritualism, he seemed the antithesis of a medium . . . Silver Birch is an eloquent teacher; Barbanell a fighting rebel."
Stella reported that the six people who were regular sitters with the medium included Maurice's wife Sylvia and stenographer Frances Moore, "who for over thirty years has faithfully recorded the guide's utterances" while her husband Vernon Moore had been a missionary before becoming an executive of an international company. Another circle member was healer George Jessup, along with Rene Jessup and Nettie Abrahams.
Preceding the church wedding of Frances and Vernon thirty years prior, Silver Birch had spoken about their wedding at a circle session. Silver Birch's views on marriage are quoted by Stella.
. . . two lives that have pursued separate courses are now come together to begin a united life.
But I say to you there are no bonds unless you bind one another with love and affection. There are no ties unless you wish to tie one another with love and affection.
Do not expect that you will escape occasional sadness and sorrow, difficulty, trial and test, for they are parts of your evolution.
You are richly blessed, for you have knowledge.
Stella quoted Silver Birch concerning the long association with his medium:
I guided him to his first meeting. I led him to his first circle. There, in the power provided, I made my first contact—so crude, so trivial, but from my point of view, so important—and uttered my first expression in the world of matter through another's organism.
When I undertook my mission I was told: "You will have to go into the world of matter and, when you have found your instrument, you will have to bring to him sympathetic souls who will aid you to deliver your message."
I would strive to manifest love, never to reproach with anger, and prove by precept and example that I was what I claimed to be—a messenger of the Great Spirit.
Here is some of Stella's further commentary.
The dearest wish of many Spiritualists is an invitation (they are extended by the guide) to attend this famous home circle. In the past this was naturally sometimes prompted by curiosity about the medium's identity. I must confess it was so in my case.
I have known the Barbanells for thirty years, but my first confrontation with Silver Birch was only seven years ago. My husband and widowed mother were invited with me. We were fascinated by the transformation. My quicksilver chief became a gentle being, working on a much slower vibration.
Silver Birch assured them that the greatest spiritual knowledge may come to someone at a time of great sorrow: "The mind should be stimulated . . . Again and again go over the basis of your belief and see if it will stand the test. When you find that it does, you are the better for it. When you find that it does not, then change your outlook, for there is still more truth for you to acquire."
Silver Birch spoke about the progress of humanity.
There will come the Spring of dreams and the Summer of fulfillment. It will come quickly or slowly as the children of the Great Spirit exercise their free will.
Wherever one man strives to uplift another, behind him there are a thousand spirits who try to make his victory a greater one. No effort for good can ever be lost. No desire to serve can ever be wasted.
Silver Birch told a widower and a couple whose son had passed: "There must be separation at one time or another in earthly life . . . She is never really far from your side. She still regards it as her home and you as her husband . . . Laurence is always with you, because where love is he is . . . he is with you spiritually. Those who are united spiritually will never be separated . . . He will always be with you."
Stella Storm stated about Philosophy of Silver Birch: "This book is my attempt at a definitive study, a composite portrait, of the beloved spirit sage, based on his perennial philosophy."
Here are some statements of Silver Birch from Philosophy of Silver Birch.
I did not want to come back to your world. It has very little to attract once you have passed beyond its vibrations. The realm or sphere which is my natural habitat has a radiance and translucence that you cannot understand . . .
I was told it would be difficult. I had to learn the language, I had to find my friends and had to earn their love. I had to find a means of ensuring that the mouthpiece I use should convey the fundamental truths of the spirit and reach as many as possible. I was assured that all help would be given if I played my part. And so it has all come to pass.
The spirit which breathed life into us has given us a common link, because throughout the whole world all the children of the Great Spirit are fundamentally united. The spirit that enables them to live on earth and beyond is the same spirit that makes them a vast family with a common, divine parent.
It is this sublime truth we seek to express because it is greater than all physical differences, obstacles and barriers. It transcends all colour, language and nationality. It reveals that behind the surface of physical being, there is a common spiritual attribute that binds all people together with an unbreakable brotherhood and sisterhood.
They preach in some religions that you can be absolved from your responsibility, but it cannot be done. None but the sinner can expiate the sin. You cannot, by the recitation of any phrase, or any words which you describe as sacred, give absolution and eliminate the effect of a cause.
The achievement of perfection is an infinite process . . .
What is important is that man should become aware of his true self and of the access he can have to the source of all being. He should know that the Great Spirit is not inaccessible, remote, far off, unreachable, but is within himself and that he has a spiritual armoury, a strength, a reserve, a potency on which he can call in times of difficulty and crisis.
If you have the gift of healing, you are a channel for this divine power which can stimulate, in the way that you charge a depleted battery, and enable the life force to flow again, rid itself of the impediments and blockages which have brought ill-health to the individual.
With love in your hearts to all, with malice towards none, and that includes all creatures, you can help the processes of infinite creation. This is the great contribution that you can make in the vast evolutionary scheme of which your lives are part.
Just as the Great Spirit enabled a divine spark to become a flame, so you, by love, transfer that process to the animal who lives within the shelter of your affection.
There is a group-soul for those animals who have not attained the individual consciousness which man has attained. Some animals have been enabled to attain their individual consciousness in a form similar to man through association with him helping to advance that individuality.
Myself, I am nothing, but when I represent, as I do, the mighty host of the spirit, then I can speak with certainty. Then I am repeating what they tell me to say, and they are the beings of might and majesty, the great shining ones, the evolved, the truly high in spiritual stature who strive to guide the whole of humanity.
All will learn they have a part to play in the Great Spirit's truth and that the part enshrined in the heart of every other religion in no way contradicts that portion which is precious to them.
There is an infinity of wisdom which can become available only as you are mentally and spiritually equipped to receive it.
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