Research group members studying the transcendental communication of 'the Nine' included "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry. One subject of instruction that he learned about was "colonizations by other civilizations from the Universe."
The Only Planet of Choice (1993) is a book of
transcendental communication transcripts compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins. Phyllis was the trance
medium (or 'channel') through whom spoke 'Tom' of 'the Council of Nine' (or 'the Nine'). In addition to Phyllis, key members of the research group were
Andrija Puharich and Sir John Whitmore. The case is a topic of
previous blog articles. (1, 2, 3, 4,
5) The first edition was published in April 1993 with a revised
edition in August of the same year. The August edition is my source for this series of
articles. Tom's spoken comments encompass such topics as 'the
Nine,' channeling, God and metaphysical aspects of life throughout the
universe. Concerning quoted passages in this article, first names of group members are included in the transcripts
when they spoke their questions to 'Tom.'
As Tom offered other
names that "I am . . ." (Tehuti, Hamarkos, Harenkar, Thomas, Atum), the
question that needs to be asked if the possible names that could be
given would be without limit. The inclusion of 'Atum' provides a link
with the ancient Egyptian 'Ennead.'
Tom uses the
pronoun "we" intermittently as one notices with many other authentic
cases of channeling. When asked if 'the Nine' are of Phyllis's
subconscious, Tom answered, "We are not of her subconscious: we come not
from her."
The authors of The Only Planet of Choice
appraised: "The
quality of Tom's answers varies according to the character and psyche of
the questioner." The following is how Tom replied to John's statement,
"I assume that the person who spoke through Blavatsky and Alice Bailey
[both associated with the Theosophical Society in different eras] was
the same person, known to us as 'the Tibetan,' Dhjwal Khul . . ."
Tom: That is not true.
John: Could you tell us who 'the Tibetan' is then?
Tom: We are trying to find a way of explaining. If you have three people, who together create a triangle, and if the three merge in mind, you would have a oneness. The Tibetan is a triangle. It is not a physical being. The information comes from a triangle.
John: Is it of high quality?
Tom: Yes. It is taking from three the perfect aspects of the Three. Do you understand that?
John: Yes, I do.
Tom: The Tibetan was different to Blavatsky.
one occasion, Miki observed to Tom that in some of his material she
found contradictory sentences—"especially the information about
Jesus"—and asked, "How is this possible?"
Tom: You understand that there are streams of reservoirs of knowledge, what you call collective unconscious? In the seven planes surrounding earth, that in truth are nine, there are within each a portion of truth. It is when you go into the ninth plane that you find the highest truth, and not all are capable in this point of their existence.
A chapter
entitled "Aliens and Visitations" indicates that group members
interacted with people offering information about conditions that today would be categorized as involving 'UFOlogy.'
Guest: Can I ask if the current phenomenon we call 'crop circles' that are being formed in England are being created from outside Planet Earth?
Tom: That is so. When anything takes place within your solar system, it is imprinted and then is manifested on Planet Earth. [Tom related that authentic crop circles have stems that are "twirled" and unbroken.]
Brian: I wanted to ask some questions about a recent series of statements made in the United States concerning the presence of extraterrestrial vehicles in the Nevada area. Is there any general comment you could make about the authenticity of these statements?
Tom: As many are aware, the reality of lesser civilisations in physicalness upon this planet Earth is a fact. As they have technologies and information, do not create the mistake of believing their higher motivation at all times, in visiting your planet Earth. A portion of this motivation is indeed prepared for utilising, if necessary, Earth species for their own environments, on their own planets. Not all are here for the betterment of planet Earth, although there are those who do work for the betterment of planet Earth. They have physical existence.
Brian: Are you saying that there is more than one group involved in the experiments at the Nevada test site?
Tom: There exists at this time a totality of twelve different groups - physical civilisations - that have come to planet Earth for investigation of the environment. Not all are well-meaning. The Council has said I must be clear to you. Not all are creating experiments.
Tom: There are several purposes [for civilisations coming to Earth]. Those that have well-meaning are working for prevention of total destruction of Planet Earth, and to oversee humanity and the natural world and to, if necessary, prevent a totality of ending. For in the ending of it, it would take so much time to start over again that it is not possible to start again. The situation of Planet Earth also is that its destructiveness would then create an energy that then could effect other systems of the Universe.
There are those also who would wish to come here because they have begun the destruction of their own home physical planet and are looking for a place to relocate themselves. Therefore they are experimenting upon humankind and animalkind for testing the available possibilities.
Brian: What will happen to the man who told us about this, will he be punished in some way?
Tom: As you know upon your planet Earth, the country of USA, has created a secret situation among its people that cannot be revealed - they have not revealed the facts. Therefore all attempts will be made to create injustice to him. If there comes a time upon your planet Earth when people function as a unified force against these philosophical beliefs that are not correct - such as destruction of truth-telling people - then people will involve themselves, and if enough people do so, they cannot punish all people.
Brian: Well, the alien vehicles operate by controlling gravity, it seems.Tom: Which has to do with the discharge of magnetics. It has to do with creating a magnetic field. That is the discharge, when you release the magnetic. When you function with the magnetic you draw all things to you. When you know how to discharge then the propulsion is reversed. To operate and release gravitational fields is related to magnetic fields.
The term 'magnetic' as used by Tom correlates with another case of
cosmic transcendental communication — that of Partana Vegan as
chronicled in Telah Speaks (1961), a subject of some previous articles (1, 2, 3). The case mentions Partana having lived a previous life on Jupiter and Tom also speaks about this.
Tom: . . . When you speak about Planet Earth evolving, remember this, that all the souls that exist in the Universe have had, at one time or another, the necessity to manifest on the physical Planet Earth, for the lessons to be learned.
. . . it is in togetherness that Planet Earth will come out of its bondage. With the help of us, the civilisations in service and the souls in service upon Planet Earth.
There are thousands of civilisations in service. There are Twenty-Four that you would call the elders.
Elarthin is one of the Twenty-Four civilisations of high evolution, of one unity of mind, that has chosen to come at this time to the planet Earth. Others on Planet Earth have come from different civilisations in the Universe - those from Hoova have come and have been implanted on three occasions. Others have come from other civilisations. And then there are some from civilsations not evolved to the same level as that of those with collective consciousness.
The origins of humankind did not evolve from the animals, from Earth matter.
Guest: Is one of the governments of Planet Earth working in conjunction with a group from another source, from Reticulum, which is 37 light years from Earth?
Tom: That is also within this galaxy. There are government agencies upon this planet Earth that have awareness of other species within your galaxy. There are many. Those of Elarthin do not come from your galaxy, neither do we.
Your galaxy is like a division within a corporation within a mega-corporation. Do not limit yourself or tie yourself to solar systems of your own galaxy.
It is noticeable how certain words and expressions recur throughout diverse cases of transcendental communication. Some examples are the use of the word 'unit,' the plural 'peoples' to signify 'people' (already a plurality), three-time repetitions of the same word, analogies involving an oceanic ship or using the word 'mask' (1, 2), and words and metaphors to express the relation of humans to God such as every individual human having 'the immortal spark'.
One chapter in The Only Planet of Choice is about the topic phrased as that of
'the opposition.' This word is explained by Tom to signify "the
forces"/"the opposing forces." The
"opposition" is a complex analogy for unfortunate occurrences in life and
a few of Tom's observations on this topic are included below.
There is a book offering a description of the history of the research group involved with 'Tom': Briefing For The Landing On Planet Earth (1979) by Stuart Holroyd (earlier title: Prelude to The Landing On Planet Earth 1977). The book has a sobering intensity about the complicated sequence of events experienced by the research group. Stuart mentions the "materialisation, dematerialisation, psychokinetic and teleportation events" that were witnessed and a significance here are the parallels with documented forms of seance room phenomena and cases with patterns of manifestation that are sometimes categorized as 'poltergeist' phenomena. Transcript reiterations in the book, however, don't seem as careful or extensive in comparison to The Only Planet of Choice. Coauthor Palden Jenkins commented about the book: "It has appeared in two subsequent editions, one compiled by Mary Bennett, and the other more recently derived from both earlier editions."
Tom: The opposition does not adhere to laws. They are what you would call the rule-breakers of the Universe. They do not adhere to natural law, but there are natural laws that are in essence a form of discipline for those who exist upon Planet Earth. They have been instituted in the Universe because they bring the greatest benefit to all, and because working with these rules is also a learning process for the soul.
. . . Your world is full of desire, greed and unbalanced emotions, and it is not difficult for these beings to upset the balance and trap souls, so that they then reincarnate over and over. In the other worlds of the Universe they attempt to do the same, but it is only on Planet Earth they are able to accomplish this, because of its density, and the desires of humans.
You would like to know if they are the counterpart of us, is this not correct?
Andrew: Yes.
Tom: No, they are not the counterpart of us. We are in the centre. And we do not wish to sound as if we are perfect or if we are egotistical, but on either side of us there is the positive and the negative. By this I mean there is the positive that is not balanced and the negative that is not balanced. We are in the centre and we are balanced. We are trying to bring those other forces into balance. The opposition are not the counterpart of us.
Andrew: Well, I understand that one of the names of the leader of the opposition is Satan. Is that correct?
Tom: May we say to you that the word that you have just spoken is a very powerful word, and it is unfortunate that people on your planet do not understand that the use of this word creates much difficulty for all that are around. Nevertheless, it is true what you have said, it is the most horrible of all: the Beast.
Andrew: I see. My real question was not really that, but what is the opposite of that Beast?
Tom: Do we not speak to you? The Beast is in opposition to us, but it is not the counterpart of us, as an equal-and-opposite. Remember that there is balance, and we are balance. Also that you humans, within each of you, has all of the 'good' and all the 'evil'?
Do you know what causes 'Satan'?
Andrew: No, I have no idea, to me it's just a meaningless word. I have no feeling for it. You're telling me it really has meaning in the world?
Tom: It has great meaning because of the power of the word . . . It is the temptations of the world.
Andrew: That means for Earth specifically, or for the Universe?
Tom: The Universe.
There is a book offering a description of the history of the research group involved with 'Tom': Briefing For The Landing On Planet Earth (1979) by Stuart Holroyd (earlier title: Prelude to The Landing On Planet Earth 1977). The book has a sobering intensity about the complicated sequence of events experienced by the research group. Stuart mentions the "materialisation, dematerialisation, psychokinetic and teleportation events" that were witnessed and a significance here are the parallels with documented forms of seance room phenomena and cases with patterns of manifestation that are sometimes categorized as 'poltergeist' phenomena. Transcript reiterations in the book, however, don't seem as careful or extensive in comparison to The Only Planet of Choice. Coauthor Palden Jenkins commented about the book: "It has appeared in two subsequent editions, one compiled by Mary Bennett, and the other more recently derived from both earlier editions."
The first message to come from the
source that became known as 'the Nine' to Andrija Puharich is chronicled
in his 1974 case study of Uri Geller entitled Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller.
The following are the first three sentences of the first transcript
with Dr. D. G. Vinod the unplanned, spontaneous 'channel.'
M calling: We are Nine Principles and Forces, personalities if you will, working in complete mutual implication. We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional, and the teleological aspects of existence.
This passage may remind one that in the chronicled life of Madame
Blavatsky (a previous subject for this blog) her 'Master' often communicated through materialized letters (1, 2, 3) usually concluding with the initial 'M.' Some of the previous articles at this blog are about discernible patterns in cases of 'paranormal' phenomena such as 'the Michael pattern' that is noticeable in such cases as Nostradamus, John Dee, the Fox Sisters associated with the Spiritualism Movement, Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Guy and Edna Ballard, Leslie Flint, JZ Knight, Mark Probert, and the 'Messages from Michael' Ouija Board communication case. In The Only Planet of Choice, one of the interview participants was 'Miki.' The Archangel Michael is the archetype for an angelic Force interacting with mankind throughout the ages. In Appendix One of Uri, presented by Andrija are some explanations of letter associations quoted from 'the Nine.' Two of these letters ('CH') are noticeable as the last two letters of the author's last name while 'M' and 'R' are two of the identifications for communicators on some separate occasions among the transcripts presented in the book.
CH is a principle which is the revealing principle of knowledge and law, CH is the principle of timeless knowledge as revealed through the time process.
R is the principle of art and rhythm.
M is the principle of the human and intimate.
Books about transcendental communication report that there are specific 'guides' involved with each individual person. This correlates with the concept of the 'guardian angel' with Edgar Cayce being one of the mediums/channelers whose transcripts of trance sessions affirm the existence of 'guardian angels.'
Tom was asked questions about other famous channeled entities on
separate occasions, the source of the Seth materials channeled through
Jane Roberts was declared to be "Her higher self . . . It comes from the
reservoir of knowledge within her high self." An inquiry about the
psychic source 'Ramtha' (channeled through JZ Knight) brought from Tom a discourse on "the Twenty-Four
civilizations that are in direct service to us." Tom is quoted in the
transcript: "If they had reached perfection, they would have merged with
us . . . The members of the Council of Nine are not, and have never
been, in physical form . . . Now if humans on Planet Earth have
[psychic] communication with a helper or lesser civilization that does
not understand the workings of all, then they are liable to receive
misinterpretations." Tom offered the following example.
Tom: . . . Example: in a corporation, there is the chairman of the board, there is the board of directors, and there are the departments within all the corporation.
So if one communicates with one department within their realm of understanding, they can speak on that but outside their realm they do not understand. They can hold views which are valid only within their frame of reference.
Ramtha has spoken about Atlantis and Mu (or Lemuria) and here are some of Tom's comments about these ancient lands.
Similar with other books derived from channeled sources of information, The Only Planet of Choice motivates the reader to contemplate unfamiliar perspectives of existence. When comparing different case study chronologies of channeled material over the course of many years, diverse metaphorical passages express similar metaphysical conditions while a range of perspectives on some subjects are noticeable in the articulated knowledge and understanding by the individual communicators/personalities/ consciousness 'units' being expressed. As I mentioned in a previous article about channeling: one can sometimes perceive how apparently contradictory statements can both be true — based upon circumstances or due to the basis of listeners' or readers' personal beliefs.
Tom: Atlantis ended 11,000 years ago (9,000 BC), and it began around 32,000 BC. Part of the culture founded in Akisu migrated to form an extension civilisation. What you call Atlantis was a colony which developed and which the Twenty-Four made contact with. It was what you would call Atlantis, but this is not in truth correct.
Andrew: Yes, what did they call it themselves? I'd like to get the true name.Tom: They were in truth Alteans. They were of the civilisation of Altea. They then transferred technology. From Atlantis other colonies went out and the knowledge and technology were taken too.. . . They also attempted, through their scientific knowledge and understanding, to genetically exchange creatures with soul-beings on Planet Earth - through transplanting.Do you know what we mean? You are a soul are you not? So if we then placed your head on a cow, would that not be an exchange of a soul for a non-human soul-body? They were, because of their brilliance and knowledge, attempting to not merge with the thinking on Planet Earth, but they thought that by creating these characters and creatures they would perhaps have the strength of the creature, or the creature could be serving them, or they could develop a means for more physical pleasure. And that was not balanced.Palden: When did the culture of Mu begin?Tom: It was approximately the same time as Atlantis, after the settlement of Atlantis and the developing of colonies in the treks outwards. You know that the peoples of the Philippines are descendants of Mu, as those who live on islands in music-skirts . . .In the time of Atlantis they began to experiment with new forms of sexuality in order to gain more power, for in their misjudgement and misunderstanding they believed that this was the secret of being what they called the God, and they wished to be in competition with the God and become the God. In their foolishness they knew not that they were doing this. It is important that humankind has this knowledge and information.The dolphins have chosen to return, for they were humans at that time, and some were scientists: their choosing to return as porpoises or dolphins arose because they knew that in that form they could not make an error, for they did not have arms or legs - those appendages necessary for a soul to have in order for it to create goodness or non-goodness. They cannot create again those scientific experiments which led to the destruction.It is important to inform people about the truth of Atlantis because of the present energy-releasing in humankind. People will then understand how they brought about devastation in times past when Altea existed upon Planet Earth. Also they will come to understand why a great many at that time chose to be in the form of a porpoise. This then opens up in humankind an internal knowing, and also creates the wish not to create those problems again. But most important it explains the energies of desire, yes.
Similar with other books derived from channeled sources of information, The Only Planet of Choice motivates the reader to contemplate unfamiliar perspectives of existence. When comparing different case study chronologies of channeled material over the course of many years, diverse metaphorical passages express similar metaphysical conditions while a range of perspectives on some subjects are noticeable in the articulated knowledge and understanding by the individual communicators/personalities/ consciousness 'units' being expressed. As I mentioned in a previous article about channeling: one can sometimes perceive how apparently contradictory statements can both be true — based upon circumstances or due to the basis of listeners' or readers' personal beliefs.
Tom designated that there are additional civilizations to the 'Twenty-Four.'
If there were a landing that is not in good motivation, it would be negative in its outcome. Remember this: by their works you shall know them. In each situation you will know, for they cannot hide their attempts to gain authority and superiority. They come not in gentleness, they come in superiority.
Tom repeatedly used the expression 'recycling' in relation to reincarnation:
But on Planet Earth souls become, because of the density, more physical, and when their physical bodies disintegrate into the Earth, the spirit of them has no desire to leave the planet - it has caused 'soul-recycling.' And for many, each of the recyclings causes them to have more desire and enjoyment of more pleasures.
We have no objection to this, if in this method there would in truth evolve a balance, and if the nature of Planet Earth and its purpose were taught and assimilated. When this recycling began, there were those from other planets that had the need to come to Earth, and so you have had population-explosions of entities coming in.
An example of one [the Twenty-Four physical civilizations] would be the civilisation of Altea, upon whom we depend - being in another realm of existence - for communicating with you: they guard the body of our medium while you are in communication with us, and they provide the technology for us to communicate. Altea, the leader of this civilisation, was also the head of what you know as the physical civilisation of Atlantis.
'Ramtha' (through JZ Knight) has used the word 'recycling' when lecturing to explain the unseen bodies that belong to each individual: "So we are always recycling the lightbody, the infrared body, and the physical body, but we have yet to use the hidden bodies of the upper four realms." (from A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality Third Edition 2004).
Here are some of Tom's comments about being a human living on Earth —
Know this: all the civilizations that are in conjunction with the Twenty-Four are in readiness to help. It is time now for humankind to reduce competition with each other and to emerge as one unit of joy. That will take time and effort and love.But in the manifestation of your aliveness there must be those who are leaders and who bring out the best in others. There are those who wish to be led, and to attempt to force them to accept a leader, when they do not have the environmental, physical, emotional or mental faculties to do so, puts them in a detrimental situation.Therefore you humans must support each other, love each other, have respect, but be aware of those elements of humankind that are not in the highest state of evolution. They serve their purpose also. This does not mean that some are special and some are not.There is not one that is better than the other. It is important to understand that amongst all that exist upon Planet Earth, there is none which is in truth more superior or less equal. When we say this, we speak of the soul. And if you look within the soul, you will find that each soul is a particle of divinity. While on the exterior, different people might not look equal, within their souls they are indeed equal.. . . We wish you to know that a man, regardless of his background, has the feeling that a woman also has. You cannot set aside a woman and say 'this is a woman' and a man, and say 'This is a man.' For each is a woman and a man. This has been the greatest difficulty - as it has been with people's attitude toward other people of other races. It is only at this time that both reach true blending, and that is why we have requested that there is work in unison between males and females.It is important to bring the ego into control, and to have the understanding that all others are equal. All humans have an equal claim. We cannot have ego and division in these next days: there must be cleansing within those that create the poison for all. There must be the understanding that if there is difficulty in your societies, it creates difficulty for the cosmos.
There are no teachers, for all are students. There is an exchange that is given, and when you give yourself, if it be your physical, mental or emotional nature, if you give out that energy to touch and expand to others, what you receive is a hundredfold.
That is the secret of growth, the secret of expansion: the willingness to give yourself completely without question. But at the same time knowing not to give yourself to fools. You know that there are upon Planet Earth those that you call fools?
They are there to see if you are willing to give yourself to a fool - that is their position. Only one who is willful and forces his way forward gives to a fool.
We must tell you also that zeal is futile. When you transfer what you know and become aggressive with this, and try to insist that others should understand and agree, you are then creating a problem for yourself. You know who you are. It is often beyond people's comprehension, or it can activate their fears. You must be very careful to maintain balance and love and understanding.
You are not special - though in truth you are, but this does not remove responsibility from you or give you special accounts in the physical world. There is no way that you can help others if you do not understand the joys, fears, sadness, despairs, loves and angers of the peoples that exist in the physical world.
There is not one soul on your planet that cannot be saved, if in truth it was handled properly with stability, maturity and love. It is important to have love, and it is important to give love and to share love, and it is also important to realise that you are not a perfect being, neither is anyone: but each of you have within you qualities that, blended with the qualities of others, make a perfect being.
In times of past, leaders and teachers of Planet Earth felt that the mass of humankind were not capable of thinking for self. At this time of the forwardness of Planet Earth, and the acceleration that has been intensified upon Planet Earth, even that which you would call knowing is being impregnated with the energy fields that are awakening the inner voice within.
The following transcript excerpt is from 1989 in relation to the conditions of pollution in the environment.
Andrew: You used an interesting phrase earlier, that "time is accelerating." What's the real meaning of the acceleration of time?
Tom: If this planet Earth were to pursue its course in the way it is doing, without acceleration, then you know that that would bring destruction?
Tom divulged that simultaneously with the acceleration of time the situation is created "that this planet Earth becomes a light-space vehicle, and humankind will become suddenly aware. It will be similar to the 'hundredth monkey effect' beginning."
When you understand who you are, then all that we are, the knowledge within us then may be transferred completely to you.
During another conversation, Tom is quoted:
When it reaches that point that the planet Earth - which in reality is a spaceship - is in perfection, and those that live upon it keep it in balance, the Twenty-Four civilisations will then be seen, and they would land visibly in their vehicles.
Environmental awareness is an important aspect of spiritual awareness so it is of great importance that the metaphysically knowledgeable and enlightened humans help expand the spiritual awareness of others. Until any landing of our space brothers who may offer their help as a possibility mentioned by Tom in his capacity as 'spokesman for the Council of Nine' — "The peoples of Planet Earth must begin to take responsibility." The recent environmental news has been disturbing. Here in California, there are people working to improve the environment. For example, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority recently agreed to buy 95 electric buses and reduce transportation emissions, as reported in the Los Angeles Times. However on the federal level, elected political leaders are currently involved in a "pushback against the Clean Air Act." On August 3, the NPR broadcast "Morning Edition" was one of many mainstream media reporting that this summer "The Gulf of Mexico's Dead Zone Is The Biggest Ever Seen" (article). An August 11 Daily Mail article is "Even a 'minor' nuclear war would spur worldwide ecological disaster, expert warns" (article).
In one of the final transcripts presented in the book, Tom is quoted: "We each work in service together . . . It is important that those upon Planet Earth begin to work in harmony, in unison, in balance and in peace with each other . . . Remember this: we are all one with you. We are you and you are us. We exist on your energy of love."
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