
Sunday, August 27, 2017

I Am The Word

I Am The Word (2010) is the first published book 'channeled' through Paul Selig.  There is no mistaking the significance of the primary message — one that correlates with passages in other cases of transcendental communication.  As stated in chapter One: "You are Word.  You are an aspect of God being brought forth into light.  As you journey, as you access this information, you become Christed in consciousness."  This article presents some excerpts from the book.  First, here are links to three short introductory video clips (4:19 minutes,1:04 minutes; 5:58 minutes).  In these videos, the form of Paul's channeling involves repetition of sentences as Paul remains conscious. 

In the Preface of I Am The Word, Paul Selig described how he hears and communicates (or 'channels') the transcendental communication.
When I channel, I feel the impression of the words form in my head, and it blocks out all other thoughts.  As the words come, my lips move to form them, and I whisper them to myself and then repeat them aloud.  Then the next thought, a sentence, or the fragment of a sentence, will be delivered and I will repeat that as well.  Sometimes the information comes through at a lightning pace, other times more slowly, but the experience of it is generally the same: I feel a gentle pressure at my forehead, I am filled with words, and as I speak my body will often respond with accompanying gestures.

I am a conscious channel.  I am aware of all that is happening but am somewhat receded.  I take a step back and allow the information to come forward.
In video recordings the repeating of the first whispered words is seen to be done highly expressively at times and with unusual gestures.  A note reports the dates and circumstances of the channeling sessions resulting with the book:
The following are transcriptions of channeling sessions recorded in New York City between February 26, 2009, and March 14, 2009.  Paul Selig served as the channel, Victoria Nelson was present via telephone from Berkeley, California.

Excerpts from I Am The Word

The time that you are standing in is a time of great change.  And the change that we speak of is a cosmic one.  And it is an interfacing with the consciousness of man and man's creations in a grand scale.

Why you have come is to realize yourself as the Christed Self that you were intended to be.  That is the mission of man.  That is the mission of every man.  That is the mission that you have been bequeathed and that you are answering to, each one of you, in your way, as you transpire to move through this time.

Now we walk through Paul today as a collective, as a collective energy that has come to this plane to manifest the Christ in man.

We are the Ascended Masters and we come through different names, and we have been present on this plane for thousands of years in different forms.  We are the great teachers.  We are the missionaries.  And we have a great love for mankind that is deeper than you can imagine.

This is the time of the resurrection of the Christ.  The Christ mission has always been to be risen in man.

. . . we will say that we are taking an action here to avert crisis.  But we will say to you this: This is the promise of this time, that the Christ will be made manifest in man.

To be the Christ simply means to be yourself in full realization of your power as a piece of God in action.

. . . the manifestation of a miracle is in fact the action of the Creator in combination with the human energy field, with support from the guides and with higher systems.

You are part of energetic movement and a creation that will have effects and intend to, for a thousand years.  This is the next passage of time, this is the next age, this is the next time, and you are part of the heralding and part of the creation that is shifting this on a global level as the consciousness of this plane rises in frequency.

We want you to envision your worth as a Divine Being as a speck of light at the core of your being.  A golden speck at the heart that believes that she is worthy of her journey to the Christed Self.  And we want you to envision this gold spark alighting as a flame.

When you Word through someone, you gift them with the frequency and you allow the frequency to go where it is required in order to do the work that is needed.  You can intend to Word through someone's bad knee and trust that you are sending healing, but in fact, you do not do this on an ego level, and if you invest in that healing on an ego level, you are actually blocking the frequency of the energies that are available to you, because you think it's you on a personality level that is doing the work.

You are simply the vehicle for the transformation that is occurring.  We do not dismiss this.  We do not say this is little.  You are honored through your work, but you are worked with and you are worked through.

On an etheric level, in your spiritual body you have all four limbs, all of your organs are in place.  On the physical level, you may have had something taken out or something removed.  On the spiritual level, your body remains perfect.

. . . there's already an aspect of yourself that understands that the physical form is a temporary inhabitation of the soul that you exist in lifetime after lifetime.

We want to speak for a moment about empathy and the different ways that empathy can manifest.  Paul serves as an empath.  That is his work.  He can sit before somebody and ask to "feel" them, and he will feel in his body, or what he believes to be his body, where injury has occurred, and then he can bring information forth about the injury or perhaps support it in healing.  He can hear what people say on a telepathic level and feel what they feel.  Again, he is not special.  He has simply refined his energy systems to the ability to tune into others, and when he works with someone else on a practical level he forgets that he is separate long enough to experience them through his own energy systems.

Everybody has memory of being led at some time or another in their lives.  You are walking to the store, and then you had a strange urge to walk in another direction, and then you bumped into someone you needed to know.  You were having a "feeling" about something and then you responded to the feeling, or you didn't respond and you discounted the feeling, only to learn later that had you responded, something wonderful might have occurred.  Your guides are always working with you to support you in your growth.  That is their investment in you.  And they are growing and learning through these interactions as well.

Yes, Paul.  Paul is seeing an image right now of a clay mask placed over his face.  And this mask looks like an old Greek mask, a terra cotta mask of a man with a beard.  And this mask is beginning to crack open.  It's beginning to splinter.  And as it does so, a great light is beginning to work through it.  To manifest the self as the Christed Self requires this mask that each of you wears, this false self that has said to you, "I cannot be myself as my Christed Self," to fall apart and dismantle once and for all.

To be the Christ means to be in the frequency of the Christ consciousness and to manifest the Self at that level.

We want to leave you today with a vision.  And this is the vision: We want you to see yourself standing on a ship.  And this ship is crossing the sea.  And as you are on this ship, the waves are rising and falling.  But you are always supported in the vessel that you are traveling in.  And as the ship nears its shore, you understand that you are moving towards a new vision of yourself and a full experience of yourself as the Christed being that you are in truth.  You stand on this shore, a new man, a new being, a new self in an understanding of "I am Word."

Now we will also tell you that there are things that are created through the acts created in past lives or in a current life that can be referred to as karma.  Yes, it is true that there is indeed a balancing that goes forth as you work through your lifetimes.

We are working through Paul's system.  We are working through other systems of other mediums and channels at this time as well to support this information in reaching the people that it is intended for.  And we are blessed by the availability of this service, just as the reader will be.  But we recommend to you now that you never forget that God is the Creator and you are in service to the Creator through your actions, through your availability, and through your willingness to be of service.

Consistent blog readers will recognize how certain words and expressions recur throughout diverse cases of transcendental communication.  Some examples are three-time repetitions of the same word, analogies involving an oceanic ship or using the word 'mask,' and words and metaphors to express the relation of humans to God such as having a 'divine spark.'  The prominent message in the book is found in transcripts of transcendental communication with the following excerpts offering examples from previous blog articles.

'Tom' through the entranced Phyllis V. Schlemmer:
"So what is important is to know that upon Planet Earth you are the Creator that created you."

'Aka-San' by 'mental radio' through Partana Vegan:
"The one who lives in the Christ Consciousness is one conscious of truth.  The more truth one is conscious of the more he lives in the Christ Consciousness which is merely another name for truth . . . and truth is Light."
"Excerpts from Telah Speaks by Partana Vegan 1961"

'John' through the entranced Kevin Ryerson:
"It is, as though, a time wherein, as though individually, individuals are harnessing, as though, their spiritual perspectives, and are bringing about, as though, a collective formulation of the manifestation of that which is called Christ Consciousness.  The Christ Consciousness is, as though, the adherence to the alignment of the mind, the body and the spirit in service, as though, to a greater cause."  
"Some Observations about 'Channeling'"

From the channeled book A Course in Miracles:
"In his complete identification with the Christ—the perfect Son of God, His one creation and His happiness, forever like Himself and One with Him—Jesus became what all of you must be."

Excerpt from text of Edgar Cayce channeled reading 2081-1 (1940) transcribed during a hypnotic trance session:
15. (Q) What is the lesson that may be drawn from my entrance into the present plane?

(A) That purpose for which the soul entered in, under those circumstances and conditions in the earth's experience in the present, that the soul might meet in this experience that which will make for the more sureness in Him.  For, the earth is His and the fullness thereof.  For, as given, God and the Christ Spirit is Life itself; and the motivating force of the soul is either for that companionship, that association, that development which will make such a soul-body as a fit companion for that Creative Influence manifested in the earth in Him, or it is for separating self from Him

KNOW, then, that in this experience thou mayest come to know him as thine daily companion in whatsoever thou doest . . .
"Case Profile: Edgar Cayce"

Channeled message through Ryuho Okawa (who also remains conscious while channeling) offering the perspective of 'Shakyamuni Buddha':
"My beloved disciples, you are connected to Eternal Life.  You are connected to the life force of the Grand Spirit."

'Ascended Master Saint Germain' through clairaudient dictation to Guy Warren Ballard:
"Again, I feel I must say how really fortunate the Student is today in having the Assistance of the Mighty Cosmic Christ.  It seems to Me that when the Student really learns this, he will exert everything within his power to harmonize himself within himself, because he knows he has the Assistance of this Mighty Cosmic Presence."
The Thomas Jacobson/'Dr. Peebles' trance channeling case is the topic of six articles including one about the New Age.  Expressions and descriptions of 'God' used by 'Dr. Peebles' and quoted in the case study To Dance with Angels (1990) include: "God is ever present in self as well as in life elsewhere"; "a divine force"; "all things are one"; "the source"; "a life force that is the intelligence of the universe"; "God is all things and God is consciousness—God is aware and active in the universe and throughout all time and space.  Each and every human mind, mind of the animal, natural intelligence of the plants, and of the entire relationship of universe, are particles of this mind." 
A 'trance channeler' who is the subject of several blog articles (including a 2016 article) is spiritual healer Ray Brown through whom 'Paul' facilitates healing and offers metaphysical discourses.  In the Ray Brown autobiography A Mere Grain of Sand (2004), 'Paul' is quoted to have advised about an Earth life: "Strive to improve yourself in every way possible while you are experiencing this life.  Remember you are responsible for everything that you do on Earth . . . The reason that you are here is because the source of all life, God, had given you this opportunity.  Do not waste it, be thankful for your life, and do your very best with every opportunity to spread love and truth.  This is the way to enrich the source when you eventually go back from where you came." 
Considering the primary message in I Am The Word, more examples of correlating passages from transcripts of channeling cases may be read in the concluding four paragraphs of a blog article from January.
This article is continued in Part 2: "Channeled Insights to Christ Consciousness".


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