
Sunday, July 30, 2017

To Save This Planet Earth

The Only Planet of Choice (1993) was compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins.  Phyllis was the 'deep-trance medium' (or 'channel') whose sessions were tape-recorded during a long-term research project with participants that included Andrija Puharich and John Whitmore.  The communicator who spoke through the body of Phyllis was known as 'Tom,' who referred to himself as "the spokesman for the Council of Nine" and in other puzzling ways (see preceding articles 1 and 2) — ways that are revealing when one compares them to what is documented in published transcripts of other transcendental communication chronologies.   
The title of this 400-page collection of transcripts presents an insight that one otherwise would never have conceived — Earth as the only "planet of choice" throughout the vast universe.  This article presents passages from transcripts of channeled discourses that express the need for human evolution in relation to spiritual understanding and cognizance about the necessity to end devastating pollution and environmental damage to the Earth.  A recent New York magazine article is entitled "The Uninhabitable Earth" with the subtitle "Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than you think."  Tom articulated a message that expanded spiritual awareness among humanity is necessary for saving the Earth.
Tom: This your planet is a planet of balance, for you to learn to balance between the physical and spiritual worlds.  Planet Earth is the only one of its kind, the only planet of free choice in the entire Universe, the only planet created for the balancing of the spiritual with the physical, in other words, the creating of paradise.

The book title and this quotation from chapter 1 reminded me that in the annals of transcendental communication numerous transcripts have offered simple phraseology and metaphors to express metaphysical truths that otherwise would be impossible for humans to understand, having only the knowledge gained during one's present Earth life.  In this example, 'paradise' becomes comprehensible as an existence where people (each an individual soul or consciousness 'unit') have all learned to live in complete harmony with the will of 'God' (the omnipresent spiritual Force/'Oneness' greater than the sum total of all units) — this is the intended plan for people of Earth.
Tom is quoted in chapter 5 —

You must remember that all of you and all of us have the Christ within us.  It will be a collective consciousness.

The following passages are from the first two chapters of The Only Planet of Choice.
Tom: It is important for you to evolve, because without this planet being evolved, the other planets in the Universe are not able to go forward.  It has stopped the growth of the Universe.

It is important for the level of consciousness of this planet to be raised.  It is the love from this planet that generates the energy that feeds God.  And this planet has stopped the growth of part of the Universe.  In other words, instead of evolving in the manner it should, to become one with the Divine, it is going backwards.

For some souls, their choosing to be born in this time was not in the evolutionary process of growth for themselves, but in service to Planet Earth, to bring about the importance of understanding the place in the Universe of Planet Earth, and the human beings upon it.

. . . Know this: that in your time, through you and others' dedication, through the quality of your being upon Planet Earth, you may bring it to the fulfilment of its creation.  That for us is a great joy and we thank you.

The cosmic aspect of this drama is to save this planet Earth . . .

There is never just one future.  There are several choices of future.  This is involving your will.  If we know what is the future then that means that we in truth have become involved, and have manipulated your free will.  It is not for us to be involved with your free will, or with manipulation.  We see many futures.

There is one situation we will guarantee to you from us: we will not permit the total destruction of the planet Earth.  We will interfere at that point.

It is a time of awakening.  It is a time to understand that within the self people hold the key for bringing Planet Earth to its fulfillment . . .

It is important for the peoples upon Planet Earth to understand they are not alone, and that they carry within them the coding that can evolve Planet Earth to achieve its proper purpose.

Remember this: those who seek to control are in high profile in the front of society and lead people in a direction that helps them evade their own responsibility.  But bear in mind that acceleration is now absolutely important.

We have come to the time of acceleration of evolutionary forwardness of Planet Earth.  There is a great necessity to accelerate, for the oceans of Planet Earth, the trees and forests, the skies and atmosphere, the very essence of breathing, the life-force, have reached a level of contamination bringing the downward destruction of this planet Earth.

We call upon your energies and commitment for alerting the peoples of Planet Earth, the governments of Planet Earth and the communities of Planet Earth.  The innermost core of humankind is beginning to grow and to glow.  The essence and understanding of their beginnings is awakening, to bring about change.

You are part of that change.  You are children of that change, you are responsible for that change.  Without your commitment to acceleration, if the change were to come in its own time, without your input, then Planet Earth would be in a situation in which most of humankind could not continue to exist.  Accept your ability to create the pattern that brings about understanding, and accept the truth of who you are.

When the question is posed to Tom about the timeline of potential environmental destruction without any improvement in human consciousness, an estimated date of 20 to 25 years was indicated with the authors noting: "The above time-estimate was based upon things continuing the way they were going at the time of the communication, in 1978 . . . he [Tom] notes that individuals and groups are making a positive difference in the world [back then]."

The following transcript excerpt is from 1989 in relation to the conditions of pollution in the environment.

Andrew: You used an interesting phrase earlier, that "time is accelerating."  What's the real meaning of the acceleration of time?

Tom: If this planet Earth were to pursue its course in the way it is doing, without acceleration, then you know that that would bring destruction?

. . . It is now the time of the people: beforehand your governments and your religions and society kept your masses in ignorance and kept humankind tied down.

But the way to reach people, we have finally decided, is through their own physical body and the healing of their physical body.  Many people will be healed and many people will become open to healing.  It is through healing that the consciousness of the wider Universe will be raised.

Previous articles about spiritual healing at this blog include such cases as Arigo (studied firsthand by Andrija Puharich), John of God, Ambrose and Olga Worrall, Harry Edwards, Rubens de Faria Jr./'Dr. Fritz,' Matthew Manning, and Ray Brown/'Paul.'  The preceding quoted passage about healing from the book is followed with this paragraph —
It is important for humankind to know that it must begin to take responsibility for Planet Earth, and that science must begin to understand that it does not hold within it the power to dictate to the rest of humankind, but it is only a portion of humankind.  In its elitism, science has discarded the other echelons of humankind.  Science has become the religion that manipulates and controls, and those who lead science must now begin to accept their responsibility.

In a chapter 3 transcript, Tom expounded on the environmental predicament facing us.  Here are some excerpts.
Tom: . . . And you have grass-roots movements within your country, and other countries, of small, micro-peoples that are fighting to dissipate the power of those organizations which bring pollution.  They will succeed if they continue with that thought.

If humankind does not utilise all that exists upon Planet Earth in a manner of non-destructiveness, it is not you that will be in bleakness but your youngest ones.  Humankind has a responsibility not only for this planet Earth, but for the Universe. as Planet Earth is part of the Universe, and the Universe needs it to survive.  We wish you to understand the great importance of your human destructive element in removing oxygen from the Planet Earth, in destroying dolphins through hunting, and in the contamination of the waters on your Earth.

There are those nations that lack the source of life, water: envision this happening to all of Planet Earth through the destruction of oxygen provided by your planet life.  Then take that a step further and understand that the pollution-destruction of your oceans then eliminates all possibility for rebuilding Planet Earth.  For there exist different means of removing salinity to rebuild those nations that do not have the source of life [water], but if your oceans are in contamination and poisonous with your chemicals, then how can you rebuild?

You have a choice of the doorway and threshold you wish to pass through.  You are Planet Earth.  The peoples of Planet Earth must begin to take responsibility.  It is your youth's future.

As you know, on your planet, there are upheavals in humankind, and also upheavals in the physical aspect of Planet Earth, with its eruptions and its corruptions: the entity of Planet Earth is attempting to purify and cleanse itself.  And there is the burning of Planet Earth by your sun, brought about by the corruption of your ozone layer protection.  Therefore you must understand the power of your mental and emotional capability to change things for the better.  As you have power to create a situation to protect Planet Earth, there are those who have power to attempt to negate Planet Earth, in ignorance, not often deliberately through pollution and error.

Your planet Earth, in itself, creates gases that create a problem for your atmosphere, but then humankind compounds it, by raising so many meat-fodders - animals create gas emissions, and humankind creates gas.  Therefore, it may seem inconsequential to you, but the forests that chose to come as forests (oxygenating the air) are removed, and then animals are placed on the land (emitting gases through flatulence), so you have a double-dangerous situation.

Therefore, is it not good for each of you to incorporate every means possible to remedy this, to create less movement [in vehicles and planes], to create fewer emissions of gas [in industry], to correlate your space and time so as not to use unnecessary gas-making equipment [in transport and heating], or to create processes that do not emit gas?

Put a small shift in the mind, and you humans will also understand that you can release yourselves completely from all this bondage to what you believe are necessities - for when you understand who you are, you will fly with your own wings.  We use an analogy, to explain that you each have the power to make a complete difference upon Planet Earth in creating a shift.  However, if people do not want the responsibility of it, then they say it is not possible.  Then there is more of a problem.

You must take responsibility for stopping the devastation, beginning with yourself, extending it to your family, and including your community, to stop the destruction of those resources which exist for the benefit of humankind and its paradise.

Do not use any produce that can contaminate - this includes products that affect other things and do not dissolve properly.

Elevate yourself in information, and when you have found information pass it to others and organise for publication.

Know this: you are not alone upon Planet Earth.  You are not alone in the Universe, be joyful among yourselves.

Chapter 17 "Antidoting Disaster" includes the following passage about energy forms for the future. 
Miki: Once you spoke about hydrogen being an energy form for the future.  There is a person who is said to have invented a hydrogen engine using very little energy - oxygen and hydrogen being separated for combustion, creating mainly water as exhaust.  Is that possible?  Is that the way for the future, or would it be better to have solar energy to generate power?

Tom: The utilisation of all the natural elements that are non-pollutionary is serviceable, and also use of sunshine is of benefit.  One method may function in some arenas, others in other arenas.  Both have viability.  You understand that there are many on Planet Earth progressing in those directions . . .

If you have a means of developing communication for encouraging forwardness - not to [accept] pollution and removal of resources from the Earth, or collapsing the Earth - then we would ask of you to be responsible to communicate this.

Ian: Am I correct in saying that the key for an almost endless energy source might be magnetic energy?

Tom: That is absolutely correct, yes.

Ian: The big puzzle is that if you have a permanent magnet there is a constant force that never gets smaller . . .

Tom: You know that that is the force behind the transportation of vehicles from other domains?  It creates a form of energy that is like anti-gravity.

John: I heard that, counter to our thinking, the knowledge and understanding of gravity that we have at the moment is very poor, and that when we understand gravity, we will come to understand a lot.

Tom: That is correct.

Susan: Is a pyramid something that is useful for working energy?

Tom: The energy of the pyramid has not yet revealed its secrets.  By working together, people may find this out.

John: Tom, we humans seem to have got fixated on large amounts of force, and it seems that the future lies with weak energy fields . . .

Tom: Subtle, yes. The scientific arena is now beginning to understand subtle energy in a form for using for Planet Earth and humankind.  Also they are beginning to understand the interlocking and connection of all, with one unity.  Yes.

Ian: So in order to generate energy there may be ways of using resonances and amplification at a very subtle level?

Tom: That is correct, yes.

Miki: Is it necessary to use large amounts of energy to separate hydrogen from oxygen, or can subtle magnetic fields separate them?

Tom: The more smooth and subtle, the more beneficial.  You have enough energy forms of destruction on your planet, do you not?

At one point in the transcripts Andrija Puharich asked Tom about how "a few humble beings like ourselves . . . or others like us" can be of help.  Tom is quoted:  ". . . Everything needs an energy base.  We are energy, and through people like you this planet will be saved.  We work through people."  Tom offered a possible way of helping Earth people.
With our technology we will be able to help rid the Earth of the problems that your pollution and your technology have created.

Andrew: Can you give us a thumbnail sketch as to how this knowledge will be transferred from your world to our world?

Tom: It will be necessary for us to become visible and physical on your planet.  There is not enough time to give this data, and for you to work out the technology, and the years that it will take.  As you know this planet will not be able to sustain itself.  Its waters will be polluted, its earth will not be able to produce the food necessary. 

In the book Tom explains the origin of the Universe and the 'Twenty-Four Civilizations.'
Tom: . . . It was in this nature: there was one Creator, one energy, one pure light, one pure-being Self that contained all components of all that is.  It is extremely complicated, but in simplification, this Self came into that beingness, knowledge, and wisdom to begin to divide the components of which it consisted, not to remove them but to build a structure, the Universe.  For in its aloneness it had only self for companion.

. . . it was more valuable to create a situation whereby there was a separate element - to create a universe that would then have the structure to give the atoms or cells that would be populating the Universe different environmental existences, in those proportions necessary for each atom's attainment of its choosing.

It was then found, in the creating, through observing that which was created out of nothing, that there would be the necessity to expand and evolve this creating.  What would be the purpose of creating nothing out of nothing?  It was important to have created something.

So the Twenty-Four universal civilisations were created, as guides, elements of direction, elements of purpose.  Also they were created to govern and guide all over the Universe, in the context of that facet of universal reality that they exist in, as Ashan does with colour and sound and arts, or Altea with technology.
During another session, Tom was quoted in relation to differentiating the Twenty-Four major civilizations from other civilizations by saying: "But there are twenty-four heads of civilisations."
John: . . . these are all working on the same side, the positive side, or . . .

Tom: The positive and the negative must be blended to make it whole.  It is as we have explained it to you: to be positive with no sense is not as good.  They are balanced civilisations.

When you speak of positive, remember: refer to it as a balanced positive.
Andrew: Now, under those Twenty-Four, could you give us an example of one civilisation?
Tom: When you speak of the Twenty-Four, you speak of the heads of the civilisations.  There is one you know of as 'Jehovah.'

Andrew: Jehovah?  The God of the Jews?  And then around him is a civilisation?

Tom: Yes.  It is known as Hoova.  But he would have as a pyramid many under that.

A transcript in chapter 6 "The Universal Civilisations" also provides Tom's commentary about the necessary preparations for the landing of the 'Twenty-Four Civilizations.'
Tom: It is of great importance for you to understand that your governments of your world of Earth have refused to publicly believe, or to convey to the people, our existence.  If there were an attempt by the civilisations to land upon Planet Earth in a mass situation, which in truth will come to pass in the course of time, the people upon Planet Earth would panic, for they have not the understanding, the knowledge, that we would mean no harm to them.

Remember this: there are also certain civilisations, not of the Twenty-Four or their helper civilisations, that have a great desire to control Planet Earth, to keep souls in bondage.  And these civilisations have landed at times upon Planet Earth and have created difficulty, which they forced on Planet Earth people.

Tom: We need to convey to the people that there are others that mean them no harm, but have an interest in saving Planet Earth.  For in truth, if there are no other civilisations to help Planet Earth, it will bring destruction to itself.  We do not come to control, we do not come to hold in bondage, we will come with love and patience and understanding - but since there is the denial of our existence, how can those of Planet Earth accept the fact that the civilisations of Altea, Hoova, Ashan, and the rest of the Twenty-Four, mean well?

A transcript in Chapter 2 "Accelerating Earth's Evolution" also involves this topic.
Andrew: So, it is a matter of believing that you exist and acting thereon.  Is that the essence of the message?

Tom: That is true.  Because without acknowledging our existence then we cannot help you.  And the preparation will be to bring to people the knowledge that we will help, and that we can help, and that we do not create a problem, that we only come to help, in love and peace.

And there will be many of the masses that will not understand the life-form of which we speak.  They will not be able to understand the cosmos and the bottleneck that this planet has created.  But remember: this is not always necessary.  The fact that we do exist, and the fact that they accept this, and the fact that they will see that we come with no harm, that we come with love, is what matters.  And when we help this planet in technology, we can also spread truth and love, so the souls of this planet can then evolve and can prevent the problems, which are turning the Universe inside out.

If Planet Earth can be saved - and it will be saved - the entire Universe will be raised to a level in which all souls will have gained the nature of what they have searched for from the beginning of time.

And remember that when the souls of the Universe have calmness and joy and peace within their hearts, and generate this love, it overtakes even those souls that are negative and dark, and brings life and love to them.  And can you imagine that when you accomplish what you have come to this planet to do, the entire Universe will be glowing with a light that will seem to be blinding, because it will be a light of pure love.  And all will become one, and that is what all have striven for.

We ask only that you never, even in your darkest moments, even when you are disturbed with each other, even when you are disturbed with nations and with peoples, that you never lose sight of what we have related to you.

When we look over the planet now, we see only a small glow here and there, and there are many dark areas, but we know that what you have come to the planet Earth to do, when it is accomplished, will be a releasing of pure love in the entire Universe.

The term 'landing' may be considered to encompass all authentic documented cases of preliminary contact from 'space people.'  Previous blog articles include a variety of accounts about experiences of contact or clairaudient communication involving space beings: (including) Orfeo Angelucci, Guy and Edna Ballard, Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry, Dana Howard, Paulina Peavy, Mark Probert, Arthur Shuttlewood, and Partana Vegan.

6/8/18 Update: This week the Business Insider website is reporting "The giant garbage vortex in the Pacific Ocean is over twice the size of Texas".

8/4/18 Update: This week the Miami Herald is reporting "Toll from worst red tide in decade grows": "This is horrific what we're enduring now but it needs to be a wake-up call to people that clean water is important to more than just wildlife," said Heather Barron of Sanibel's CROW Clinic.
12/14/21 Update: Coty Perry advises, "I think governments aren't doing enough to help and they're actually contributing to overfishing through their subsidies that usually end up in the hands of big commercial fishing companies - not the small fishermen they're meant for.  I believe that technological solutions (such as Fishtek Marine) and the use of territorial use rights in fisheries management (TURF) will have a bigger impact on our oceans than our governments can."  (article)

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