
Sunday, July 16, 2017

'The Nine' and the New Age

Andrija Puharich, M.D., LL.D. (center) and Uri Geller

Andrija Puharich wrote in Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller (1974) about transcendental communication that began in 1952 with the following reported to have been spoken through the entranced Dr. D. G. Vinod, a Hindu scholar.

M calling: We are Nine Principles and Forces, personalities if you will, working in complete mutual implication.  We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional, and the teleological aspects of existence.  By teleology I do not mean the teleology of human derivation in a multidimensional concept of existence.  Teleology will be understood in terms of a different ontology.  To be simple, we accentuate certain directions as will fulfill the destiny of creation.

We propose to work with you in some essential respects with the relation of contradiction and contrariety.

As this first quoted message continued, it was said: "Soon we will come to basic universal categories of explicating the superconscious.  Just as Jesus said, 'It is not work, but grace.'  A fruitful, creative approach to the superconscious is indeed a progressive reception of grace."

During following anomalous communications over the course of many months from 1971 to 1973 while Andrija was conducting research centering on Uri, there were strange and unexpected voice phenomena with reported comments such as "Spectra, Spectra, Spectra: That is our spacecraft."  During one conversation when Andrija asked "Are you part of them ['the Nine']," the response was given: "Yes, that was us, but in different units.  We are under their control . . ."  Some of the details are reviewed in a previous blog article about the case study book that is available for reading online at the Uri Geller website.   

Two books written by Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) that preceded Uri are The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity (1959) and Beyond Telepathy (1962), the latter including his research findings after testing psychic Peter Hurkos and trance medium Eileen Garrett.  In the introduction to Uri, he profiled his research into the case of the Brazilian healer known as 'Arigo' whose death in 1971 prompted Andrija to reflect about the need for humanity to understand the nature of Arigo’s trance work to facilitate spiritual healing.
In a YouTube video of an Andrija Puharich interview, he recounted first meeting Dr. Vinod circa 1951 at a reception given by Eileen Garrett.  Many months later, Andrija missed his train and after being rushed to Pleasantville he boarded a train to New York City.  The person who took the seat beside him was Dr. Vinod.  A visit was arranged to Andrija's laboratory in Maine and it was on December 31, 1952 that the fateful first trance occurred when Andrija was introduced to 'the Nine.'  In the interview video, Andrija commented that he later found out from Dr. Vinod's wife and son that he had never before done trance work — that he was a religious leader besides being a professor in India.
In 1993 was published The Only Planet of Choice with the subtitle Essential Briefings from Deep Space compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins.  The book presents transcendental communication transcripts made during the years Phyllis served as a deep trance medium for Andrija and others beginning in 1974 to bring information about 'The Council of Nine.'

An Internet search revealed that two short interview videos of Phyllis may currently be viewed on YouTube (1, 2; Update: The second is no longer available).  In the first, Phyllis commented: "I've worked with Dr. Andrija Puharich for about 25 years . . . I do deep trance.  I go into an unconscious state, have no memory and these beings spoke through me — or one of them does."

This is how many of the discourses from The Nine are reported to have begun:
Tom: We are here.  This is Tom.  We come in love and peace.  Greetings, blessings, joy.
The word 'we' is often noticeable in transcripts of transcendental communication with some examples provided in a previous blog article.  
Introductory information about the book has been available online for many years (at presenting background details about the book, including how the research project originated between Andrija and Phyllis.

In early 1974. Phyllis V. Schlemmer, a prominent Florida psychic, asked him for his help with a distressed client, and it was while she was in a trance that she brought through beings whom Andrija immediately recognized as The Nine. 

The core of the group investigating the communication was Phyllis, Andrija and from Britain Sir John Whitmore, who is identified as "a primary witness and interviewer of 'Tom.'"  Also: "The group was comprised of scientists, doctors, teachers, ambassadors, athletes, and filmmakers from several countries.  One group member was "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry.

Thousands of transcripts of these sessions were gathered and it soon became apparent that the information coming through provided key insights to humanity's present predicaments and appropriate solution.

One of the quotes of 'Tom' about the soul is:

Tom: . . . The soul is a particle of us.  If you have a giant electric spark, and you put two together that would cause a giant electric spot, there would be sparks that would come off it.  Those sparks would be part of us — but each of those sparks would either die out or continue to grow.  Some may create a fire, and some may grow slowly, but it would depend upon the ambition of the spark.
Here is an excerpt with one of the quoted statements about the human relationship with God.
Tom: In your physical world, you as God are being tested.  Not that God can be tested, but your physical limitations to yourselves as God are being tested.  And though we know that this may sound a contradiction to you, in being God and having a problem in the physical world, you must come to understand these problems of the physical world.  There are some of us who have never had this problem, and it's difficult for those of us that have never had this problem, and it's difficult for those of us who have not had it to understand.  God is all-knowing and all-seeing but there are parts of God, as there are parts of every atom.  The whole together makes one, but not all parts experience the same.

In this article I am presenting some excerpts from The Only Planet of Choice (Revised edition August 1993): first about 'channeling' and then on the subject of 'the New Age.'  
A chapter of the book by John Whitmore and Palden Jenkins is "About Channelling," presenting their view of 'channeling' and providing some of the transcript material wherein 'Tom' commented on the topic.  Here is some of John and Palden's perspective in 1993

That some people have never heard of channelling, and many more would not give it a second thought, is because, on the surface, it is easy to dismiss it as an act or hoax consciously perpetrated by the channel.  Hoaxers however have to have a motive.  Could there really be so many hoaxers, in so many cultures, whose only reward is often physical and psychological pain and, at least in 'developed' societies, a fair amount of ridicule?  The payoff for manipulating people in channelling is not significant enough to attract widespread hoaxing.  However, institutional psychology is incapable of producing an explanation of channelling that fits within current scientific orthodoxy, and therefore ignores the subject, in the same way that physics ignores dowsing even though most water supply companies and mineral and oil prospectors employ dowsers with profitable results.

. . . the thought that larger influences can come through an individual draws in many other major questions, such as those of reincarnation, the soul, the transpersonal roots of the psyche and the very meaning of life.

Here is a transcript excerpt wherein 'Tom' answers questions about 'channeling.'

Gene: If people can accept the reality of channelling at all, they are then faced with all the problems of interference in channelling and, and in receiving these messages, coming as they do from a different dimension.  Can you comment on the possibility of how much of the messages we are receiving from you are garbled by static and interference, and whether or not it is possible that we occasionally are receiving misinformation because of difficulties in communication?
Tom: Misinformation would be in the interpretation, and in limitations within the mind of the channel — in the usage of words, of which we do not have sufficient in the mind of the channel.  There is not within the minds of humans the language to even attempt to explain our knowledge or the knowledge of other civilisations.  But the channel is in our control.
Gene: Can Phyllis be unconsciously affecting any of the communications from her own inner self?  How certain can we be that our method of communication avoids all thoughts and needs and so on, that Phyllis herself has?
Tom: Do you understand that our Being [Phyllis] is not in the body at the time of communication?
Gene: I didn't understand that, but I understand what you're saying.
Tom: Do you understand that the functions of the body in most areas are in a state of stoppage?  Do you understand that the heart and the circulatory system is kept to a minimum of function?  Do you understand that we are in complete maintenance and control?  There is not a word in your language to explain, except for the word that we totally possess the body.

Here are some other excerpted passages about channeling. 

Tom: There are two ways in which your channels can receive and get into problems in your physical world.  One would be when the channel is weakened, either by lack of rest or illness.  The other will be when the channel is willing to be used negatively because of the desire for power.

Our Being was not a willing channel for negativity.  In this particular case we may interfere and we help.  In a channel willing to channel negativity we may not interfere.

Tom: You must be extremely careful with whom you deal.  And when I speak of this I mean contacts that you make with sources from other civilisations or the spirit realms.  Not always are contacts valid, true and honest.  Because a contact is made, it does not mean it is a true contact.  When I say this I mean a contact that says it is working for us.
John: Be careful because there are all degrees of spirits.  Is that what you're trying to say?
Tom: This is correct.  And we are not a spirit, and this is what we speak of.  We do not wish to be involved with the spirits.  The spirits are those who have passed on in this world and are hanging around this planet Earth.  We are not spirits.  Spirits of your world that are in the atmosphere and around the bands of your world, are as confused as the physical beings on this planet Earth.  There are those that are evolved but most are not.  We are not spirits.  We are trying to save this planet Earth so that these spirit beings also may be released and be evolved.  Be careful whence you work.

Tom: . . . when we say spirit we mean a physical spirit attached to the Earth.

John: I have another concern.  Phyllis' use of the English article word 'of' has increased about ten times from the first to the latest communications.  In the earliest communications with you, the language was quite colloquial.  Now, in recent communications I find the word 'of' being used in many ways, and is now used as many as eight times in a simple declarative sentence.  Can you help me with my confusion regarding that?

[Authors' Note:]  As mentioned in the Introduction, we have edited out most of these 'of' words and similar language flaws, in order to ease the flow for the reader.  We have deliberately not edited the following paragraph but indicated how we would have done so.  The humour of the language of their reply is not lost on us nor, I suspect, on the Nine themselves.

Tom: We will attempt to explain to 'that of' you.  In 'that of' working of communications with that of our Being, it is of an adaptation from 'that of' us.  In the beginnings of 'that of' the communication with 'that of' our Sir John and 'that of' our Doctor, it became 'of' important for us to have 'of' clarification of 'that of' whom we would speak and of what it would have meant.  Perhaps we are not using in 'that of' the terminologies that are 'of' correctness, but it became of more 'of' clarification to us with 'that of' our Doctor Andrew, our Sir John and 'of that of' others, and 'that of' our understanding that we were communicating to 'that of' them.  They say I have not clarified 'of' that for you.

Complexities of transcendental communication are found among passages in transcripts of preceding cases of transcendental communication — such as 'Messages from Michael' ("Remember that when the medium through whom we are transmitting is fatigued, contradictions occur.")  

The following are question and answer transcript excerpts from The Only Planet of Choice where perspectives of 'New Age' and 'the New Age' is reflected.  The first passage is from chapter 8.

Tom: We have begun a new time in your land and your universe, and it is a time for you to remove the string that attaches you to the past time in the physical and to doubt.  We know that what we ask of you is much, and we know that it is difficult with those that surround you — we speak of those people that are also in a sense involved with the work — it is difficult to prove to them what you say.  They have difficulty believing you.  The proof will come in time.  Has not proof come to you of the knowledge that you have held within you in years past?  There have been parts that now have been proven in this physical world.  Yes?

Consistent readers of this blog will notice that some of the selected quotations from the book show parallels with perspectives chronicled in other transcripts of transcendental communication (see the preceding blog article for some examples).  Beyond the correlations, readers should be aware that the annals of authentic 'channeled' information' usually have little in common with commercially published literature providing some manner of 'feel good' sentimentality.  There have been numerous cases of transcendental communication that have been extensively documented.  (See Channeling Cases - Articles and Videos Links Index.) 
The following excerpts are from chapters 18 and 19 of The Only Planet of Choice
Tom: There are actually three bodies [of each human], including the one you see, which is physical.  The etheric stands outside the astral and it is similar to an envelope, but that is not correct.  I will explain in another matter.  If you had an egg, inside that egg would be a chick which would be a physical thing,  Then around that chick would be a membrane which adheres to that chick.  That would be the astral, and the shell would be the etheric.

David: To what extent is sickness caused by emotional stress, karma, wear and tear, or learning experiences?

Tom: What we see upon Planet Earth in this time is the creation of a new belief, you call it the religion New Age, which is a belief that one brings forth from the past an element into this life, called karma.  It is also said that one has chosen in order to teach others.  Know this that most of the illnesses upon this planet Earth are brought about by the peoples of Planet Earth in their error of thinking, with their foods, with their pollution of lands and waters, by contamination from ingestation, or by those who make business at the expense of humankind.  There is a portion created by stress of emotion, there is more created by stress involved in pleasing others.  There is [a] portion created by a program in the brain coming from the time of youth, but the greatest portion is created out of humankind's behaviour.

Humankind was meant to be born to live a full, fruitful, healthy, non-disease life, and in the passing of the physical body, not to have aging or suffering as now exist, but to pass on quietly in sleep, after a good portion of a hundred years.  It is always in the last years that knowledge and wisdom are brought together.  But humankind has lost that for many  reasons: those that we have spoken of, and also it has become a collective thought that all must be ill, and not well, and ageing.  It is difficult to override that.  Yes.

Tom: . . . Humankind was created for the joy and glory of the Creator, who in truth is humankind.  Do you understand that you created us?

Ian: Yes, in a very abstract sense, we can understand it.

Tom: You also understand that you created the Creator?  Therefore you are the Creator?

Ian: It's hard to get, but we have a sense of that, yes.

Tom: So what is important is to know that upon Planet Earth you are the Creator that created you.

Tom: . . . You also know that with your power, which is infinite, all can be changed.  You know in science that if you place a drop of one item it can change the properties of the whole.

Ian: Yes, I wondered about that, and it's great you confirm this, this is absolutely how it goes, yes.

Tom: Therefore realise that those of ours can change the whole.  You as a scientist understand it when you analyse it: you must now understand it when you cannot analyse it.

Ian: Yes, that's the difficult part.  But I see the importance, yes.

Tom: Also realise that what you are creates the ability in you to change all things.  Yes.

Tom: What is also important, is the understanding of the cosmology of what you term the hierarchical situation of the Universe.  We do not like that term 'hierarchical.'  But to understand that there are other physical civilizations that are attempting to bring benefit, that there was also the seeding, and to understand that the Twenty-Four civilizations are what they call the twenty-four elders in the Book of Revelations.  What is important is to begin to clarify the errors that have crept into the religious aspect that holds man in bondage.

Tom: . . . Know also: it is time for humankind to understand that they are of us, and must be freed from the burden of poverty.  Remember it is religion that created the idea in humankind that it is more worthy to be less, to be poor.  It was their way of controlling humankind.

Tom: . . . It [Earth] is the planet of free will, of choice, and it has been kept in a form of density which has entrapped souls in rebirth-recycling.  It is now coming into a state of true consciousness.

Tom: Also, understand that the fear of people, when they speak in the 'New Age,' is always that growth goes on until they return to the source, and in the subconscious nature of humankind they say 'then we will lose our individuality and it will be boring.'  They do not speak of this for they are not willing to have those in association with them see they believe it, and so each keeps this to themselves.

In truth, that that you are, that spark, that essence of individuality always remains that individuality and is not ever consumed, or digested, or negated.  In the attaining of balancing the spiritual with the physical there is great release of joy.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing all these. As I read them I can feel the truth “of the words”. It is the same context expressed, in then only in different words, of the words that come out of me when I translate the feelings of my heart into words.


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