
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Cosmic Revelations from 'Tom' of 'The Council of Nine'

Phyllis V. Schlemmer (1929-2013) was the 'deep trance medium' or 'channel' for 'Tom,' "the spokesman for the Council of Nine."

Transcripts of transcendental communication associated with 'The Council of Nine' (or 'the Nine') are presented in The Only Planet of Choice compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins.  This article presents some background information about the publication of The Only Planet of Choice along with quoted excerpts of statements about 'the Nine' that were spoken through the entranced Phyllis.  Also included are passages from the book about the subject of 'God' and metaphysical aspects of life in the universe.
A chapter about channeling provides some details about trance sessions.  "The communications take the form of question-and-answer sessions, usually lasting 20-90 minutes, convened as and when necessary."  There were two or three get-togethers each year with group participants attending from different countries while there were "more frequent smaller sessions involving specific individuals."

Phyllis counts herself down into deep trance, following a procedure she has developed over the decades of her work.  As she is counting herself down, it looks as if she is falling asleep in her chair.  After a while she suddenly becomes animated, raises her head and hands, and announces, in a new voice, Tom's, that he is present, and offers greetings and blessings.

During a session, the channel speaks in Tom's voice, which is high-pitched, slow, and uses somewhat archaic English (which I have edited into readable English in compiling this book).

The quality of Tom's answers varies according to the character and psyche of the questioner.  Hence that, in this book, I have identified regular questioners by first name, so that you can gain a sense of the different characteristics of questioners.

The presence of the Nine is quite distinguishable: you get the sense that your thoughts are known, plus a sense of uplift, plus the uncanny experience of having issues elucidated and questions answered even when they have not been verbalized.

At the end of each session, Tom always says "tell to our being [Phyllis] of our love for her" — and if no one tells her, she does not know!

In an Introduction, Palden Jenkins explained about his co-authorship of the book:
The Council of Nine has asked that what they have communicated be made available to humanity, and this book contains that information, presented with as much care as possible.

The quotes from Tom the 'spokesbeing' for the Nine, are as received, and are thematically sorted, with but small editorial modifications to make them more readable.  They were not delivered in the sequence presented here.

The group asked me to join them to write this book in 1991, which I duly have done, during 1991-2.  The material gathered from the Nine was so vast that it needed an outsider to be able to see and present the whole picture clearly, which I hope I have done.  This has been one of the most profound experiences I have had in my life: it has been a privilege and blessing to write this book.  The group, and the Nine, have given me great leeway in editing and sorting the material and compiling the book, and have been exceptionally supportive and trusting in the process.

An Afterword by Phyllis V. Schlemmer profiles her life prior to her work on the book and she acknowledged: "Before I knew who Tom was, Tom was already a part of my life."  After Phyllis was born, her mother was quite ill so Phyllis was raised by her father's parents in Pennsylvania during the time of the Great Depression.  Her grandmother taught her about 'nature spirits' and Phyllis remembered:

One of my jobs was to pick the potato bugs off the potatoes and the nature spirits helped me with this.  They also helped me when I went looking for mushrooms which could be found in the local cemetery.  I would see many people in the cemetery, some trying to talk to visitors who did not respond.

My grandmother would explain to me who they were, why they were there and how their families kept them earth bound.  She also explained that although I could see them, they were not so solid as I was.  But I would try to hold their hands and sometimes I succeeded.

When she was around the age of five, her grandfather became ill and aunts told Phyllis that he was going to die.  She began praying to God that she would not die and her grandfather would not die.
Suddenly I heard a voice saying "Hush child, hush, you will never die, I promise you."  I looked round.  No one was in the room with me and the voice seemed to come from the ceiling.  I said again "Promise me God that Popup will not die, I will be a very good girl."  Again the voice said, "Hush child, hush, your Popop will not die, I promise you."  I had such a wonderful feeling of peace, space and light.  It was as if I was filled with such joy.  God was my friend; He gave me his word that neither I nor my grandfather would die.

Seeing her grandfather outside of his deceased body assured the child that the promise was a true one.  Phyllis remembered: "I was so happy he was no longer ill." 
Phyllis wrote that both her grandmothers were sensitives and recognized that she also had this ability.  Her father's mother had been born in Ireland while her mother's mother was born in Italy and was a medium in a family known for their healing abilities.  Phyllis opened a school in Florida to teach metaphysics in 1969 at age 40, commenting: "I would go into deep trance, and the class was taught by one of my spirit mentors called Dr. Fiske."
Phyllis's research collaborator Andrija Puharich is represented by the name 'Andrew' in book transcripts.  The fourth chapter of The Only Planet of Choice presents transcript passages of perspectives from Tom about 'The Council of Nine' while chapter 5 is entitled "God and Creation."  Excerpts presented below are from these two chapters and are presented in sequential order as appearing in the book.  There are instances in the transcripts when Tom is quoted to have said "I will consult" and there was a pause before communication resumed.

Gene: To whom am I talking?  Do you have a name?

Tom: I am Tom.  I am the spokesman for the Council of Nine.  In truth I am Tehuti.  Yes.  I am also Hamarkos, I am also Herenkar, I am known as Thomas and I am known as Atum.

Gene: Are you one of the Nine or are you a separate being?

Tom: I sit in the Council of Nine, yes.  I am one that is in wisdom that speaks to you.  But the Council has said that, in communications, at times I sound not wisdom!  Yes.

Andrew: I was particularly interested in 'Hamarkos.'  Could you tell us . . .

Tom: I am the day, and I am the evening, and I am the mid-noon.

Andrew: So did the Egyptian name the Sphinx after you?

Tom: You found the secret.  But the original time that I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago.  I am the balance.  And when I say 'I,' I mean because I am an emissary for the Nine.  It is not I, but it is the group.  And the principle of the Nine is infinite intelligence, and what we bring to this planet is this type of intelligence.

Tom: We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one.  We are separate and one at the same time.  Each represents a portion of energy, knowledge, wisdom, love, kindness, technology, and continuity, and each principle applies itself until each portion of a spiral is composed of all that is important to bring complete understanding to each atom, and so one, until it becomes one with us.  There are in actuality multiplications and more, but in principle there are nine.

We are what is identified as the Elohim.  We wish you to know we are not God.  We are a collective and become one with each other.  We wish you to know that we are you as you are we.  You created us, and out of that creation you were created.

Do not underestimate who you are, and your ability.  Know that all people are in essence pure, that you are perfect, and that all things are possible with you.  Know also that we cannot exist without you and all souls, and neither can Planet Earth nor the Universe.  When you understand that, you will understand your own life.

At times in your world people create confusion, for the density of it is a density of darkness.  But always hold the light of truth of your own being, who you are, in your heart.  We are with you always.  We give you love, we bring you peace.

Tom: We are soul.

Andrew: You are soul.  Now, in your relationship to the Nine for example — are the Nine of the same nature as you are?

Tom: We are one and the same.

Andrew: I see.  And then could you explain the profound mystery why there are nine basic manifestations of, I guess we should use the word 'God,' for lack of a better term?
Tom: I will try to explain it in a manner in which you may understand.  Nine is complete.  Everything is nine.  In your world you have said seven so many times, when everything is truly nine.  There are nine chakras, which are the nine principles and nine elements of what you call God.  There are nine bands around this planet Earth.  There are nine etheric bodies, and the purpose of growing your etheric bodies or growing through your transformations and transitions is to attain the nine etheric bodies.  Nine is a complete number, it is whole.  When you go over a nine it cancels, it becomes one, and a nine is complete.  This does not change.  But remember this: we ourselves are not God.  All of you and all of us make God.

Andrew: What we would like to know is something of your natural history.  We would like to know what you look like, how you reproduce, what you do for nourishment, what is your role in the Universe, what is your interest in the Earth, and so on?  I think it would help all of us enormously if you could just give us  some idea of who you are in the more descriptive sense.

Tom: We do not have a physical body.  Although we may put on the mantle of a physical body when it is necessary.  It would be difficult for us to describe to you exactly what we appear like.  We appear in many forms, when that is necessary.  And in your thought process we may appear as a human, we may appear as an energy ball, we may appear as a very bright light.  We have evolved beyond the point of needing a physical-type body as many souls need.

We are always here, but you do not always see us.  When I say we, I do not mean me, but I mean all of us.  We are often observing.  There are particular times in your life when we do not observe, and that is when you are involved with your desires.  We do not understand this, and it is none of our affair.

Andrew: What part of the Universe do you work in, or what is your management . . .

Tom: We are the Universe.

Andrew: Are you saying the total universe now?

Tom: We are not speaking of a solar system.  We are not speaking of a galaxy.  We are speaking of the Universe.

Andrew: Now in this Universe, there are worlds of matter, anti-matter, photons, rays, energies, particles, and more.  Which part of this domain do you exist in, or is it beyond our comprehension?

Tom: It is beyond your comprehension: we come from the zone that is cold.  This is perfection.

Tom: . . . We are in the centre, and we are balanced.  We are trying to bring other forces into balance.  We have never been out of balance.  It is other things in the Universe that are not in balance.  We exist at the pivotal point of the Universe.

Tom: Your over-population is because of the trapping of spirits, because of reincarnation.  So the Earth people, and the souls and spirits that surround your Earth need to release themselves of greed and desire, because that is the trap.

Tom: Remember that in you is a seed of purity and beauty, and that if you do not maintain a balance, ugliness or an ugly part may appear.  But remember forgiveness.  We hold no animosity within us, and you should not do so either.  Even though you exist upon a physical planet and the densest of all planets in the Universe, remember that all souls may be saved.

Tom: Love is God.  And it is love that creates the energy which feeds God - and makes God.

In your world there are religious groups that say that God is within.  And this is true because there is a portion of divinity within each individual.  But what we have told you is not the same.
Andrew: It took me a long time to square up with this, the notion that the Nine collectively are God, and that we all collectively are God . . .
Tom: Remember that as God we all carry a heavy burden but also we carry joy.

Tom: What is God to you?

John: Well, there's many ways I could answer that.  Uhm, I could say that God is the Ultimate, Love, or . . .

Tom: It is unified, infinite intelligence, supported with pure love.  And it grows with pure love.  It is absolute faith and absolute love.  That is God.

Tom: When you understand that you hold within each of you the total power to change all, and you accept that, you truly become a divine being.  When you also understand that what you term 'religions,' have in reality emanated from physical civilisations of the Universe, you will begin to understand more about the Supreme One that is unknown.

Do not create gods from physical beings, do not give power to physical beings - except inasmuch as you consider yourselves equal to them.  Understand that your planet Earth is on a precipice - if the pollutionary direction is not abated, it can contaminate your planet Earth to the degree that physical beings may not continue to exist upon it.  It would not destroy it, but a physical being would not be able to live.

Tom: There are those that are called 'God,' that are appendages to God, that also create.  But there is One, of the highest order, that is the purest of light, that is a composite of all, that creates all.  Each soul in the whole Universe came directly from the true Creator, so each soul is imbued with this energy.

There is a collection of beings that generate outward points of this source, but when they come together as one pure energy of community then that energy becomes what you call 'God,' that creates all.  Each of these entities has individual knowledge or principle, but not of the whole.  There is only one that has the whole.

When these energies that you call negative upon your planet Earth attempt to destroy, attempt to control others, it is because they are in competition with God, the one Creator.  For in their cells they know the divinity within them, and their personality holds forth, and they then attempt to be God.  It is sad, yes.

Miki: Thank you.  So in my understanding, 'God,' so-called, also represents the negative side.

Tom: That is not so.  God created all, and that which became the negative went in competition with God: he does not represent them.  I will attempt to explain.  You are a gardener.  As you know in your planting, as you plant each seed with equal love, with equal nurture, with all that is necessary for it to grow strong and straight, in a manner of purity, there are some that are weaker and some that are strong.  There are those that you plant that become stronger to the point that they then may strangle others, is this not so?  Then you must remove, weed, transplant.  But the Creator does not weed, does not interfere in free will, as you do with your plants.  Then those who attempt to strangle and to take over others are fed by the energies of what you call negative, as we are fed by love, and they then begin to strangle all.  They go in competition with that that planted it, that that created it.  Is this some clarity for you?

Miki: Yes.  So originally, what is now the negative once came from the Creator - but did God leave them?

Tom: When you say 'did God leave them,' we understand not.  Do you mean did he forsake them?  Do you mean he threw them out?

Miki: Yes.

Tom: No one can compete with God, for they have not truth within, for God is a collection of purity which means only goodness for all the Universe.  They threw themselves out by going in competition and having the desire to become all that is.  That is not possible, for in order to do that you must return to God.  That is the sadness: they had not patience for understanding.  They are attempting to disrupt the work of the Universe.

If you have one that you have loved, nurtured, fed, and have transferred great love to, and all you wished from it was for it to grow in beauty, straightness, flexibility, and love, giving as it has been given to, but it chooses not to do that, then there comes a time when you come to a realisation, that it must find itself, that it may not destroy others - and so in the Universe it is not discarded, but it is also not fed and supported, for that which loves loves it, it attempts to destroy.  What we are attempting to say is that God did not discard, but he does not help, for the negative refuses help.  Is that clear?

Tom: It is the Holy Spirit that governs us.  There is what you call the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit: dare we say to you, you are the sons and daughters, and through us emanates the one of Holy Spirit?  And then there is what you call the Father.

From the Creator (the Primordial Parent) comes the divine inspiration, the verve, the logic, the spirit which infuses all Creation (the Holy Spirit), which is mirrored and completed by the souls of the Universe (the Son or offspring), some of whom are us.
Chapter 2 "Accelerating Earth's Evolution" concludes with these sentences:
Tom: . . . Now is the beginning of the days of great importance for you, but most important for us.  You will heal yourselves and the planet Earth.  The beginning of the healing lies with those that have been through self and removed themselves from blocking.  Understand our great love for you, our great joy in you, and remember and understand, we wish Planet Earth to know of our love and of our existence.  We give to you love, we bring to you peace and we are in gratefulness that you are with us.



1 comment:

  1. Wonderful article. It's hard to find information about Phyllis Schlemmer and how The Council of Nine was put together.


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