
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Considering Authentic 'Channeling'

This is a photograph of Jach Pursel, channeler of 'Lazaris,' from Lazaris Interviews Book II (1988).

There are many diverse cases presenting transcripts and recordings of 'channeling' (see "Channeling Cases - Articles and Videos Links Index") offering perspectives of metaphysical aspects of life on Earth and in the ascended realm; while documented healing facilitated by 'Full Trance' or 'Total Takeover' channelers such as John of God and Ray Brown/'Paul' (who also has lectured) provide verifiable evidence of spiritual healing.
A range of states of consciousness may be found upon investigating the information about prominent yet diverse channeler cases.  A previous blog article on the topic of 'channeling' includes 'Lazaris' through Jach Pursel differentiating "objective channeling" (another intelligence coming through a person) from "subjective channeling" (a person spontaneously using his or her own imagination).  Jach in a "deep trance-state, becomes the conduit for Lazaris" (Lazaris website); however, some documented cases where the 'objective' channeler has remained conscious while channeling are those of Ryuho Okawa, Mary-Margaret Moore and Paul Selig.

Lazaris is quoted on an introductory page In Lazaris Interviews Book 1 (1988) that includes the following:

When we communicate we are not in the body — how archaic!  Such behavior is no more necessary than having your nightly newscaster actually be in your television set!

We keep the channel in a sleep-like state so that he stays out of the way.  It would be possible for him to 'witness' what we say — to 'listen' as the vibrations go by — but we prefer him to be completely out of the way.  The best way to keep the information pure is to have the channel be as much a 'pure instrument' as possible.

Jach Pursel is documented to usually have his eyes closed while channeling as do many other 'deep trance channelers' while channelers whose eyes remain open have been explained to have been taken 'out of the body.'  (This predicament is a topic for commentary in the article "Raymond's Other Guides".)

In Lazaris Interviews Book 1 (1988), Lazaris commented about the necessity of discriminating between "good" channelers and "not-so-good" ones.  The latter group includes individuals who've 'hopped on the bandwagon' erroneously and fraudulently, motivated by moneymaking or wanting to go on a 'power trip.'  There also is the possibility for channelers "not having the connection they ought to have or the clarity they ought to have, and therefore are channeling inadequately or inappropriately."  In contrast with the unfortunate group are "those who are allowing very high energies, very powerful energies to travel through and to put the information forth."
Lazaris is quoted to have explained further about this predicament:

This also is a part of the pattern, for, you see, it is important that you as individuals learn discernment.

. . . the opportunity of discernment, the opportunity of choice, the opportunity of finding the answers is part of what this New Age is.

Entities on other levels have to be taken as you take people.  You first have to learn, and you need to discern, and you need to decide whether it works for you.
Readers should also keep in mind that errors can be made by humans transcribing the orations of transcendental communication or through the editing of such materials.
Lazaris also expressed the innate desire of contemporary people to seek understanding of "a force that is more than limited religious concepts."  There is also the warning that some channeled entities who manifest "are unevolved, if well-intentioned."
The following seven topics of questioning are suggested by Lazaris for people to consider when investigating a particular source of channeled teachings.
1.  "Are the teachings consistently unlimited?  Or are the teachings limited in that they give you the sense that you are less than you are?"

2.  "Can I apply this?  Can I use it?  Or is this useless mind-babble?  What's it going to do for me?  How is it helping me become more of who I am?"

3.  "As I apply what's being said, am I happier?  Is my life working better?"

4.  "When I come away from the experience, am I feeling and am I thinking more hopefully?"

5.  "Is the message consistent?"

6.  "Is the personality of the entity or energy consistent?"

7.  "Are the teachings without contradiction?"

Also, figure out: Are you being asked to have faith?  Are you being told, "Have faith in us.  If you just have faith in us, then we'll make your life work . . ."?  Are you being told that they'll "do it for you"?  Is the channeled consciousness saying, "Look, I will see to it that your life works."  Or, "I will make your life work.  I will do it for you.  You just have faith in me.  I'll take care of everything."

If you're given these kinds of messages, be leery.  Be very leery.  You see, we talk to people, and we say, "We won't do it for you.  We'll help you do it, but we will not do it for you."  If a channeled energy says that they will do it for you, or will see to it that it's done for you, at that point we'd put on the brakes fast and furiously.  Most definitely, we would."

As I've commented previously concerning legitimate channelers, the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each perspective reflects a unique chronology of experiences.  For example, I've occasionally noticed that sometimes when the subject of 'poltergeist' phenomena is found in transcripts of transcendental communication of obvious authenticity, my experiences and research have brought me knowledge (of such patterns of manifestation) that is far more advanced than the perspectives manifesting from the ascended realm — apparently reflecting and limited to what was known during the Earth life of the individual finding expression.  (Here's an example of what I've learned.)
In Lazaris Interviews Book 1, Lazaris commented about 'channeling' in regard to one's personal spiritual growth — 
. . . the role of channeling is a teaching role, but it is not something that is the final answer.  It provides an avenue of growth.  It provides an opportunity.

The channeling phenomenon has a message: "Your world is ready to grow, to change — very rapidly, very powerfully, very beautifully."
The following passage from Lazaris Interviews Book II is the response from Lazaris to the question "Tell us a little bit about your plane of reality.  What's it like where you are?"
Well, certainly.  It wouldn't be so much "plane" as a singularity, but "planes" in the plural.  Perhaps the easiest way to describe this is to explain that you have what we call "The Lower Worlds" — and lower in this case is simply a position, not an evaluation — that are made up of four planes of reality.  One of those planes, of course, is the one you're most aware of (maybe not as familiar with as you'd like, but most aware of), and that is the Physical Plane of Reality, which includes not only your Earth, but all the galactic systems, and any other life forms that are "out there" that are of a physical nature.  They all belong to this plane of reality that is called the Physical Plane.

Beyond that (and  we don't say above it or below it, to left or right, but "beyond it" because all growth is exponential — in all directions simultaneously) is what is referred to most commonly as the Astral Plane of Reality.  That is the frequency where everything is a conceptual replication of what is or could be physical.

Beyond that is what we call the Causal Plane of Reality.  That's the plane of all cause and effect.  It is the plane of all possibility within which is your possibility, within which is the probability and ultimately the actuality of what you will manifest in your physicalness.

Beyond that is the Mental Plane of Reality which, in most religious senses, is heaven.  That's where most of the traditional gods and goddesses of religions past, present, and future reside.  This is the bliss, the utopia, to which most refer.  Biblically, there is a reference to the three heavens, and that there is a third heaven about which no words can be spoken, referring to the Astral and Causal Planes, and then to the third, the Mental Plane.

Those four worlds are the realities that you have created yourselves as human beings, perhaps not with as much conscious awareness as you'd like, but nonetheless you have created those worlds.  Beyond those worlds there are many, many planes.  They are numbered, perhaps, but they do not have names.  On a certain number of these higher planes, that are quite a bit beyond those that you have created, are the planes of reality upon which we exist.

We do not have form.  We do not have a body — never have.  We do exist as a consciousness, a spark, as we perhaps describe it, a spark of light, a spark of love, a spark of energy, a spark of consciousness.  Any of these terms is perhaps quite useful.

We do not think, but rather we create thought.  We do not experience externally to ourselves, but we create experience.

So we basically say, "What plane would you like us to be on?  We'll meet you there."
Many transcripts of communication from the ascended realm present perspectives of there being manifold 'spheres' of existence.  Parallels and consistencies are noticeable when comparing transcripts of different cases of transcendental communication yet there can be found variations about how is expressed the personal orientation concerning 'God.'  (See one example mentioned in a previous article.)
Communicators speaking through authentic channelers at times express universal laws that otherwise would seem impossible for any Earth person to devise or imagine.  Some Examples are provided in "Channeled Perspectives of the Brain (Part 2)"

Here are excerpts from a passage in Lazaris Interviews Book 1 that contradicts the customary way that contemporary people usually think about sickness and illness, knowing how easy it is to 'catch a cold,' for example, and the importance of carefully selecting the choice of food.  This is the response of Lazaris to the question concerning health and disease "Some of the metaphysical community have stated that 15% of all physical illness is karmic and that the rest of the 85% of the illnesses manifested are due to mental or emotional causes.  Would you comment on that?"  Some excerpts of the response are presented.

Lazaris: Well, we love that.  Fifteen percent, yes? . . . (laughter) . . . Now who is the statistician that figured that out? . . . (laughter) . . .Recording all illnesses . . . there must be better things to do in your world than that! . . . (laughter) . . .

We suggest that 100% of illness is emotionally induced.  It's no less devastating.  We're not saying everybody's a hypocondriac.  We didn't say that at all.  Every disease has its emotional origin, even if it's a past lifetime emotional origin that you are choosing in this lifetime to deal with (not that you have to, not that anybody's twisting your arm or making you).  There is an emotional causation in this lifetime that is causing you to reach into that past and drag that "other-life" influence here.  One hundred percent of all illness is emotionally induced.

Added to that are the beliefs, the attitudes, the thoughts and feelings, the choices and decisions about illness.  If you believe that a contagious disease is contagious, then it will be.

Even contact contagiousness is emotionally induced.

You see, responsibility scares you.  You live under this myth that somehow if you don't want to be responsible for your reality you don't have to be.  Therefore, you stuff your feelings — except there's nowhere to stuff them, right?  So you stuff your anger in various organs of the body, in various parts of the body, right on down to the bone.  It often depends on what kind of anger it is as to where you stuff it.  The various organs of the body speak to different components.

Hurt you tend to stuff in your spinal column.  "Here's this lovely little column.  It's pretty much hollow.  Stuff it like a Christmas stocking." . . . (laughter) . . . You tend to lodge your hurts in your spine.  Any kind of back difficulty has an origin in hurt.  Cancers have an origin in anger.  Bulimia and various forms of other food disorders such as anorexia have a tremendous amount to do with self-hatred.  "I hate myself.  I don't deserve to be nurtured.  I don't deserve to receive love.  And therefore I won't eat.  Or if I do I'll throw it up, because I hate myself so much that I don't deserve any nurturing at all.  Not even food do I deserve."

Though we state these things simply, they do not work simply.  Seldom do emotional inducements work singularly.  They work in complexes and in intricate matrices with each other.  Therefore, that you get angry does not mean you are destined to get cancer.  Nor does it mean that if you are hurt it is only a matter of time before your back "gives out."  It would also be inappropriate to say, "If I don't believe something is contagious, then it isn't.  It's as simple as that."  Life need not be difficult, but it is both intimate and intricate.  Life and health should not be reduced to "one-liners."

Lazaris specifies that feelings of anger, hurt, self-hatred and "the refusal to love" are the emotional origin for diseases; however, left unexpressed are environmental factors familiar to humans yet never experienced by Lazaris without any physical lifetime on Earth.
Lazaris instructed in The Sacred Journey about what should be the ultimate motivation of the individual
The metaphysical potential is your potential to love yourself and then to love others.  It sounds too simple we know; however, it is true.  Your metaphysical potential is your capacity to love yourself first and then to love others enough to motivate yourself to use the tools and the materials to spontaneously create a loving reality.
You see, you can use the raw materials — your human potential — to create a "proper" reality or an "acceptable" reality, or even an "abundant" reality.  The question becomes one of depth: How much love is in your reality?  How much does your reality nurture you?
The context of this passage with the rest of the book makes it clear that spiritual awareness—understanding the metaphysical aspects of life that make 'channeling' and all so-called 'paranormal' phenomena possible—can allow an individual to love oneself after comprehending that 'God' is part of one's life and with this awareness lead a life in accordance with that realization.  Another expression for this is 'Christ Consciousness'.
For those who investigate the documentation of 'channeling,' there will be found affirmations that for each person there will be a transition from Earth life to living in the ascended realm of existence.  Lazaris is quoted in Lazaris Interviews Book II: "We are here to remind you that you are loved.  You are loved.  There is a God, whom we refer to as God/Goddess/All That Is, who does love you, who does care about you, who is concerned with you and your particular growth . . . We are here perhaps to open a door to give you a mirror to help you see more clearly, indeed, who you really are in the larger cosmic picture of things.  We are here because we love you."
Considering the Lazaris statement "Entities on other levels have to be taken as you take people," one can compare this comment with what is recorded in a transcript of trance medium Mrs. J. H. Conant (see previous article) as being said by 'Controlling Spirit' 'Theodore Parker' on April 29, 1869: 

It should be understood that each distinct intelligence, or human spirit, retains its own special intellectual integrity after death as before.  All are entitled to their own opinions and the expression of the same, if they express themselves at all.  All questions relating to well-developed scientific facts will, without doubt, be answered, by all intelligences coming here, in a similar manner.  The idea will be one and the same, though the expression or clothing of the idea may be different in all.  But with regard to all questions of theology, you must expect that each spirit will preserve his or her own opinions, and if questioned will give them according to their best ability so to do.

Now, then, consider the friends who come to you from the other life as human, fallible, and entitled, each one, to their own opinions.  You gave them that liberty while they were in the mortal form, and if you are wise and just you will give them no less now.

Previous blog articles about 'channeling' include "What Do People Ignorant about 'Channeling' Find Unbelievable about the Subject?", "Trance Healer Ray Brown and 'Paul' in 2016", "'Spirit Communication' Through Kevin Ryerson", "Ramtha in Los Angeles 2006" and "An Introduction to Healer John of God".

This diagram presents information about different levels of the ascended realm of existence.   The page is a teaching resource used by 'Paul' channeled through Ray Brown.  The unusual partnership is renowned for facilitating spiritual healing in the United Kingdom (Ray Brown Healing website).   (Click twice on image for larger magnification.)

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