
Sunday, June 4, 2017

The New Age: 'Dr. Peebles' Channeled by Thomas Jacobson

'Dr. Peebles' is one of the 'New Age' harbingers who have spoken though 'channelers' in recent decades. 

The Age of Aquarius is mentioned in many transcripts of transcendental communication that have been published, including the case study about Thomas Jacobson's trance channeling of 'Dr. Peebles' To Dance with Angels (1990) by Don and Linda Pendleton (1, 2, 3, 4).  These channeled communicators want human beings to have the knowledge necessary to transcend erroneous cultural programming and any illusions that one may have about the nature of life.  Evolving to a state of greater awareness may help one to forego the need for future incarnations on planet Earth and—as 'Dr. Peebles' has said—"become cognitive and active and participatory in your relationship to that greater divine being that you are . . ."  This article presents book transcript excerpts with the New Age as a topic.

DR. PEEBLES: God bless you; Dr. Peebles here; it is a joy and blessing when man and spirit join together in search of the greater truths and awareness.  Might I offer encouragement, my dear friends, as you strive to understand your right to touch, to be touched—your right to experience God within your own heart—to help the world do the very same.

Greetings, my dear friends; you are gathered here today to understand the nature of consciousness as a consistent activity within all life, human and otherwise, nonphysical as well as physical; to understand the purpose of politics, of nations; to understand the sexuality, the drive, the magnetism between all life; the illusion of separation; for all endeavors of life truly reduce to a simple relationship between one and another.

It is the perception and the response that are subjective in nature that create the different experience for one, and different for the other, from which each grows according to his or her own needs; for one person's pathway of this spiritual maturity is another's distraction.

And so it will be the way of the world in the new age that the differences will be celebrated rather than seeking to change the very same.

We are very joyful with both of you in your work as souls, for when you go to sleep you come over here and you counsel, and our chore has been to help you hear yourselves, to let yourselves be energized and moved in your hearts, your souls.

Well, you have truly danced the dance of angels over here; you have felt a new electricity, and you have declared permission to shout your truth, to sing your songs.  You have been an inspiration to us, and so we thank you as well as acknowledge you for your courage.  God bless you both; and would you have question or comment?

DON: God bless you, Dr. Peebles, and thank you for that very warm greeting.  As usual we are pleased, thrilled, and excited to be here with you.  As you know, we have some incomplete business from the first session.  We would like to return to that at this time.  We were discussing the process of transition that we call death.  What is that?—really.

DR. PEEBLES: All right.  What you call death is birth into another reality, another experience—actually a greater reality—where all differences are celebrated, where the diversity of life is a support for true love of self and love of God . . . where God is seen as a composite of the entire color spectrum rather than only the blues, or only the pinks or purples.

And so . . . on the spirit side, at death, each spirit begins to recover its ability to be alive in any environment rather than only a selected environment, such as the Earth.  When that ability—or level of self-permission—is large enough, the spirit reincarnates according to its own path of growth.

Upon arriving in the spirit side, you encounter different zones, different localities, according to your belief system; according to the manner of your passing: was it very quick?—was it somewhat slow or very drawn out?—was it for the most part painless; done in your sleep, for example?—or was it through a very intense experience of physical or emotional pain?

All these factors lend to the locality and the type of helpers you will see.

DR. PEEBLES: Remember that your written history of only a few thousand years is just a piece of sand upon a beach.  Human affairs on Earth have had so much other activity, and dominated by off-planet visitations and interactions.  There have been societies that have gone on for thousands of years where there was a clear relationship between life on Earth and life from other realms; it was very clear.  Well, this is what your world is returning to now—it's just in the very, very beginning; that's part of the Aquarian Age, where that will come forward again.

DON: Is there some connection, then, between this off-Earth influence—and I presume we are talking about physical entities, not from the spirit world but from some other physical vibration . . . ?

DR. PEEBLES: Yes, that's correct.

DON: So this is—would there be some sort of a direct connection between that fact and, for instance, the ancient Brahman idea that man came into being from the result of playful spirits who came in to sample our environment?

DR. PEEBLES: Yes, and what have been called angels—although reasonably believed to be spirit, or spirit teachers, at times—and they were, on some occasions—but often were actually the space people, your brothers and sisters from other physical origins.  And you will find that in the writings of all of the older religions, that is consistent in all of them—even so-called myths and fables and the oral traditions from the oldest antiquity, in all lands of the planet Earth: it is consistent.

DON: They were trying to teach and lead?—encourage us to become more and more like them?

DR. PEEBLES: Right.  They wanted civilizations that would be self-sufficient, knowing that in their matrix of travel and, uh, energy activity in the universe they could not maintain a hovering state around the Earth.  They either had to be on the ground or go elsewhere.  So they wanted people on Earth who would be self-sufficient.  It was difficult, you see, because . . . to those who came to Earth, in touch with their totality, their intelligence, found Earth to be a foreign atmosphere, a very difficult atmosphere in which to maintain their state.

So they had to develop other physical biological systems that would fit, and prolong and reproduce themselves in earthly terms.

DON: And of course this also fit very well into the whole scheme—the greater scheme—the whole spiritual scheme of providing life forms of higher intelligence or higher reactivity that spirit could work through—that soul could embody and work through here on planet Earth?

DR. PEEBLES: Yes.  Eventually science will see—and I believe some already know this—that . . . looking back in context of progression from one form to a higher life form there are many gaps.  In fact, there are reversals.  And that's because of interaction from off-planet sources.

In current times these space people are making visitations—over the last thirty-five years, in particular—and some of their work is—what they are doing when they work directly with physical human beings—these are souls who are part of their family, in their ancient past, and they are unlocking memories.  And so the various devices—implements, instruments, and the electrical insertions that have been noted—part of it is unlocking some of that memory.  This is, uh, in preparation for greater collective public conscious integration again—with very little panic—with more fascination and love and sharing, you see.

QUESTION (from audience): Many teachers have said that there is going to be a major shift of the planet, and I wonder when that might be coming—and will it be a physical shift or spiritual shift?

DR. PEEBLES: Yes, well, those thoughts were predicated, most of them, upon a shift of the axis of the physical planet Earth, which was still a possibility years ago; however, it no longer is . . . a movement of the polar ice caps that in their stupendous weight would create enough imbalance for a change in the rotation of the planet and would shift the poles.  However, human science and technology—and the nature of things—will, uh, this will be anticipated and it will be dispelled and dispersed and it will not take place.

On inner levels, however, there is a shift, to be sure, in the consciousness of mankind.  The age that you have lived in now for two thousand years has been that of the individual, the age of the Piscean.  Now you are entering the age of the Aquarius.

The Age of the Aquarius is the age of the collective.  Fundamentally, the shift is from the individual to the collective.  You are now on that threshold of change.  The old habit for all of you, then, is to want to emphasize individuality, but the new curiosity and mild drives is the collective.  However, of course it is a new energy on Earth so there are fears of the collective, of being lost in the ambiguity of it all.

But, you see, as you embrace the collective in your own personal being, you do not lose yourselves, my friends.  You gain a larger self.  You become larger in your self-image.  So the shift is from the individual to the community, to the many rather than to the few.  You are then advised to consider projects that involve others, and not just yourself, to consider relationships that lean toward family, rather than isolation, and so forth.

The shift in the heart fundamentally is to be present, now, to be boldly honest and present with the heart, and not just the mind.

This Aquarian Age that is at hand is a time of truth-seeking.  So there will still be bias on Earth, but it will be a new manner of bias.  The priorities will become seeking truth.  The illusion will be that truth is only in one area, and falsehood lies in another.  Ultimately truth is everywhere all the time, as it enlarges its scope and its reality.

So this shift that is taking place is increased communication, because there is an increased attitude of community in the collective.  Thereby your media, your communications systems and technology, are participating—of your own creation.  There is increased communication internationally, increased community concerns and debates internationally.

This will continue to grow, and as it grows it will also magnify the differences of opinion, won't it?  So there will be violence, there will be disagreements.  However, these confrontations will serve as lessons.  It will not equal massive death upon the planet Earth physically.  It will equal episodes that are rather colorful, to say the least.

But they are opportunities for growth.  You are to learn from then, not to avoid them, but to be present with your heart, to take life on, hand in hand, as a lover.

DR. PEEBLES: And so it is that in the next century, the beginning of your new age, there is going to be greater fellowship than ever before.  It's just the plan for Earth that there will be continued studies of the illusions of separation, but it will be a much more direct and honest one, the result of which will find people tending to reach out and hold each other in their study, a greater allowance rather than condemnation of error or even sin as some would call it, and thereby a greater ability and attribute to remain present with each other and to discover greater intimacy therein.

Well, so moving backward through the decade of the nineties and the latter part of the eighties, you are going to experience signals from leaders of various countries and movements and individuals in your local town and within yourself, regarding a greater desire for all of the above stated.  To remain increasingly present, to try with a little more honesty and to try harder, and to be more honest and aware of judgment, and to embrace failures and failing as a measuring stick for reevaluation and growth rather than a signal of destitution or lack.

So collectively and individually you are in the beginning of a new hope in the world, and this will have direct ramifications in politics, in your monetary systems, and so forth.  Simultaneously you will be suffering the residue of that old priority of safety, sanctuary, and survival of many decades past, of two thousand years past.  Safety, sanctuary, and survival have been for nineteen hundred and eighty-eight years the priority.  You are now within ten years of changing that priority to a collective dance of consciousness—not losing the individual or camouflaging the same, but through that collective movement discovering a larger self, a larger individual, a larger passion and permission to live life.

DON: So this is almost like a living testament that the old is giving way to the new.

DR. PEEBLES: Yes, there is not now the need for shock to confront the priority of safety and sanctuary, but instead there's a grace now.  For your society is very much on the verge of major change of priorities.

DON: And you see this as a global pattern.


DON: This would also explain the new movements inside Russia and the recent movements within the Middle East—this is all part of a global pattern, isn't it?

DR. PEEBLES: Yes, and you will find that with the great changes that are at hand, as you embrace those changes you will find prosperity in the world.  As you look forward to collective states of consciousness and acts of life, you will find fulfillment.

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