
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Our Magnetic Universe and a New Age (from Telah Speaks)

Partana Vegan typed the pages of a 47-page account of transcendental communication and self-published Telah Speaks in 1961.
After reporting about the publication Telah Speaks in two previous blog articles (1, 2), this article presents excerpts from the third lecture presented in Partana Vegan's booklet chronicling her experiences of "'mental radio' from a master in space, in another vibration of life."  A preliminary note from the author mentions:
My mother, Edith, who gave me this fine typewriter to help me prepare this book and carry on this work.  Also heartfelt thanks to the many kind people who have donated funds to help publish this edition and to all those who have given moral encouragement to forge ahead to print Telah's words regardless of the hurdles and obstacles of many types.
Actually there were two names given Partana for the perspectives being shared: 'Telah' (meaning 'Tell Earth') and 'Aka-San.'  A comment in the transcript from 'Aka-San' explains about the name: "The name itself is of no importance as it [is] a mere appellation of my true being.  The fact that names are used from space is merely to prevent confusion, and also is the way to know you contact.  I use the word, contact, for want of a better one."

One of the metaphors in the transcript associated with 'Aka-San' offers the same message that is often found in transcripts of transcendental communication although worded in many different ways:

Every man IS a Divine Spark of the Creator, and this Spark IS deep within him or he would not exist.  When man lets Light (truth) pervade his consciousness, it strikes this Spark within and grows into an ever brighter light . . . a bright, glowing lamp.  When this Lamp shines and glows unto others, it is only natural that more lamps can be lit.

Two other blog articles with transcendental communication transcripts involving "Life-Spark" / "vital spark of life" concern a book by clairaudient author Marjorie Livingston and a Leslie Flint Direct Voice recording of 'Douglas Conacher.'  There are also interesting parallels between what is reported by Partana and the recording of a 1958 radio broadcast when Paulina Peavy found her body used similar to a microphone by "universal beings": "We are beings existing in a world of too high frequency for your comprehension . . ."

Previous blog articles include a variety of accounts about experiences of contact or clairaudient communication involving space beings: (including) Orfeo Angelucci, Guy and Edna Ballard (one of the 'Ascended Masters' is "The Tall Master from Venus"), Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry, Uri Geller and Andrija Puharich, Dana Howard, Mark Probert, and Arthur Shuttlewood.  
One of the case studies of contemporary people channeling 'entities' who have talked about 'space people' is that of Thomas Jacobson and 'Dr. Peebles,' as mentioned in a recent article

Here is an explanatory paragraph from the transcripts in Telah Speaks

The contactees are the points of contact for this type of information.  We space people know that Earth people are not able to "grow" [spiritually] rapidly, so the information on "how to grow" is given through the mental or psychic contactees rather slowly, a step at a time, and some contactees are given more of this type of material than others.  Some are given none of it, but handle other types of information, all of which has its purpose.  "Growing" is the main part of my work given through Partana, but there is helpful information available from other sources, of course.  As you see, you shall find, but remember that what may seem right for you may not seem right for another.      . . . . . Telah

The following are the opening passage and several other paragraphs from some of the final pages of the book that are presented under the chapter title "Third Lecture" — "Our Magnetic Universe."  (Some grammatical errors have been corrected.) 

When, in the course of events, this planet finally reaches the era of the Golden Age, it will no longer be caught in the web of any of the social or governmental systems now present on Earth.  In the last few thousand years, mankind has reached forward through many ages from the stone age, the wheel age, the iron age, the steam age, the electric age, and now the age of advanced flight and the atom.  The first two have lifted man's mind to seek the mysteries of the cosmos more than any other, but these two will be the shortest lived, as powerful as they seem now, because of all of the effort made in order to successfully get into outer space, as well as all of the probing of the atom, is done in a manner completely incompatible with natural or Universal Laws.

If Earth "scientists" were working within these natural laws, there would be no pushing against so-called gravity to get a plane off the ground or a capsule into outer space.  These things would just fall away from the planet.  Man is trying to reach the new age while using the old concepts of former ages.  These concepts are incomplete and distorted to such an extent that it is no wonder that an astronaut is nearly worn out from all the testing and conditioning before he is hurled against total energy to gain a new perspective of Earth and its immediate surroundings.  It is also no wonder that the atom has been so dangerously unleashed, thereby spilling its poisonous debris over the face of the globe so that man is still its slave . . . not its master by any means.

Little does man realize, while he checks and ponders over his highest mathematics in seeking an answer to his many problems of technical advancement, that he will never find the answer in his present methods of calculating because his science does not allow any recognition of things unseen.  Some say, "But things unseen fall into a spiritual realm, and we are dealing in facts . . . cold, hard material facts."  Man has not learned to recognize that there is much very real energy in everything, both material and spiritual, or neither could exist.  Both exist, so both contain the same common energy, and it is this common energy that runs the entire Universe and puts it all into creation.  This is the freest energy there is, and the most powerful.  It encompasses all . . . including the atom, which is only a small part of it.  This universal energy is magnetic energy, of course.

This energy is the breath of life that is breathed into every living thing, both animate and inanimate.  This is the gift of the Creator, the very channel of all His expression.  Without this energy there would be no existence, no variety, no reproduction.  All that is created stands as proof of its existence, yet "scientists" have not included this powerful factor in their theories and calculations because it is unseen.  While staring it in the face, they have not seen it or become aware of it.

As odd as it may seem today, the ancient science of astrology acquired its name from the knowledge that the real man is the molecular energy body, the spiritual body, or the astral body that dwells within the robe of flesh.  This body, unseen by physical eyes, is the everlasting, immortal body that knows no death, hence is more real than the robe that it quickly created and later falls into dust.  If the great truths that were embodied in ancient astrology had been allowed to remain and become part of present day science, we would not be bucking the laws of the Universe nor living on a planet in turmoil.

Recognition of this tremendous energy factor must come before we can create a new age.  This same recognition will bring man to fully realize his immortal spiritual body and the nature of it.  In using this energy he will become fully aware of his true place in creation in relation to his Creator.  In this complete awakening and wise use of magnetic energy, man will throw off the shackles of ignorance stored in old concepts, and soar towards the stars, both physically and spiritually.

Actually, the sun is a cosmic generator, using the total principle of magnetism to create its unlimited energy.  This total principle is a trinity of energy which is truly the Mind of the Absolute in action

There are two categories of people in Earth's atmosphere in this day, and it seems that many do not yet understand this.  Confusion reigns when they are all classed as one type.  One type is absolutely weightless according to our methods of calculating weight or our viewpoint in classifying mass, and the other type certainly does have weight and mass as you know it.  Here again, we are speaking of a relative, comparative term in thinking of weight.  Those in the etheric levels of life have their own system of weights and measures as much as we do, and are certainly not weightless among themselves.  They use the same magnetic energy that other physical worlds use in complete balance.  There is just as much of it here for us to use as there is there for them to use, both in the etheric worlds and on the other planets.

The day is rapidly approaching when the complete knowledge of the trinity of magnetism will be given to Earth for its salvation and growth.  It must be given by those who know how to use it because they realize it would take much too long to wait for scientists and mathematicians here to discover this knowledge.  It is imperative that the use of free energy or magnetism should be brought about on Earth as soon as possible if for no other reason than to take the place of atomic energy.  Magnetic energy is far more powerful and efficient than atomic energy ever can be, and far more safe.

As we approach the new age with increased use and knowledge of magnetic energy, the standard of living will rise slowly to undreamed of heights for all nations on Earth, more quickly, easily, and inexpensively than any other method yet known.  It will gradually free men from long working hours, and balance his economy and cultural level so well that he will have time to raise his level of thinking by enlightening himself in schools that will be increased both in number and intellectual level.  This is the dream that is the right of every man, to create a world that is the expression of man's highest nature.  This new power, under wise control in the free world, would be such a shining example to those nations yet in darkness that they could not help but accept the merits of this example, and turn from their outmoded ways of thinking.  They would eventually realize that a peaceful world is one in which all people work in harmony.

What would Earthmen think were they finally to land on the moon by even the correct methods, having been given the use of free energy, and find themselves greeted by others saying, "Well, aren't you surprised!  We knew you'd arrive sooner or later after you were given the knowledge of free energy.  Now it's time to learn that this moon has been inhabited a very long time, as long as we've been watching you struggle on Earth.  You may come to our cities on the other side to see how we live, and how we run all that we do here by magnetic energy.  Then you may go back to Earth to let others know that we will never allow this moon to be used as a base to control others, for it is not the purpose of the creation of man to control men for power and wealth, but to work freely together in common brotherhood for the advancement and enlightenment of all.  You will not find the door open to any of the planets near you until you learn to live the lessons that were once given so that all might learn to love one another by understanding one another."

You know that man is the Creator's most perfect expression, His Mind expressed in the most desirable image for His expression.  Then, when this perfect image learns how to greet his Creator through the most powerful avenue of His expression, this divine image (man) contacts the Mind of the Absolute at work, and finds Universal Mind in action.  In this sense, action means unlimited energy constantly manifesting in all there is. Otherwise, Universal Mind is at rest, in perfect balance, at a center point, in all there is.  This is the Great Mind that created this Magnetic Universe for the divine, spiritual man, the magnetic man, that inhabits the Universe in the divine image.


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