The 47-page booklet Telah Speaks (1961) published by Partana Vegan is "a collection of lectures and short discourses received by 'mental radio' from a master in space, in another vibration of life." In addition to 'Telah' (meaning 'Tell Earth'), "Aka-San was introduced four months after original contact." Partana reported that when she asked Telah, "What planet is Aka-San from?," Telah answered, "Aka-San is
at present from our planet, Saturn, but uses that name as a blind. It's
a mask. He will teach you much, and things not in my field."
In her publication, Partana Vegan shared transcripts involving 'Telah' and 'Aka-San.' This article presents excerpts from these transcripts documenting her "strange mission" in accordance with 'Guardians' and 'Visitors' to tell Earth a message "to bring truth and Light, and show the way to people of Earth so that all could live in peace and harmony by living according to the Universal Laws of the Creator." Readers will discover that some of the metaphysical descriptions in the transcripts made by Partana seem metaphorically complex although expressed in simple terms.
In her publication, Partana Vegan shared transcripts involving 'Telah' and 'Aka-San.' This article presents excerpts from these transcripts documenting her "strange mission" in accordance with 'Guardians' and 'Visitors' to tell Earth a message "to bring truth and Light, and show the way to people of Earth so that all could live in peace and harmony by living according to the Universal Laws of the Creator." Readers will discover that some of the metaphysical descriptions in the transcripts made by Partana seem metaphorically complex although expressed in simple terms.
It [a spaceship] came lower than the rest of them and hovered over the small town of Bethlehem, and those people on Earth thought it was an unusually bright star.
Everyone is born with the Divine Spark of the Creator, but this Babe was of a much higher spiritual nature. He came to Earth, as many masters have come, from his last life on the planet, Saturn.
There is a giant "eye" on every "mother" ship in Earth skies that sees with greater accuracy than any telescope yet made on Earth. There are millions of these spaceships now watching everything on Earth through these giant "eyes," and these "eyes" also have "ears" that hear very well indeed.
This ship, now above, carries a crew of nearly two hundred in addition to the commander and his aides. They are watching us all on a gigantic screen while they sit in comfortable chairs at a control panel at the opposite end of this control room. The image from the lens is projected onto this screen so that it looks much like a color movie. The commander is happy to be sharing this time with us because he knows that you are listening to his words as I read this to you. He is only one of millions above who is anxious to be heard on Earth by this method. He wants you all to know that I am here to speak for him, and that we both came to Earth in this same ship long ago. This speech was given to me by telethought from him, and he wishes to be known here by the name of Telah, which is the name we chose for him to use is his work for Earth. It means simply . . . . . . Tell Earth.
Earth scientists must realize that they do not yet understand the full nature of the atom. They should be well reminded that the fission and fusion of atoms belongs on suns . . . not on planets. The use of atomic energy is not even needed for peaceful purposes. There is so much energy radiating from the planet itself that if even a small part of it were used, there would be unlimited energy to run and operate everything on Earth for millions of years in such a clean, harmless and effective manner that Earth's standard of living would be of the highest level for everyone for all eternity.
The last time that atoms were misunderstood and were allowed to be used or misused was when the planet, Lucifer, blew itself into asteroids. Its moon named Lilith also exploded, and is part of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
When Earthmen decide to open the doors of Earth to us, we will be so delighted to land and help set right all of Earth’s science so that people here will know how to live entirely within the Universal Laws of the Creator.
These are the days when all who listen to us and believe, must go forth and tell as many as they can about our message. The more who know and have confidence in our mission, the sooner the doors will be opened to Earth. We know you all well. We know all that goes on at every governmental headquarters on Earth. We wait and watch and listen constantly for all developments and any recognition of us here above.
We cannot understand why Earth's leaders spend so much time and energy talking about wanting peace, and yet do so much arguing and discussing to keep from establishing peace. Why does Earthman talk of peace while he keeps his weapons ever aimed toward his own fellow men? What kind of peace is he bargaining for? Does he not realize that he can have peace only if he puts away his weapons of destruction and simply agrees to get along with each other?
Of course, we realize that there are great economic factors involved in all of Earthman's talk of peace. The very fact that there are economics involved is one great strike against the peace he desires. How can he have peace when his economy is so controlled that it allows no real peace for mankind? Is mankind's economy really controlled by the masses is any country on Earth? Is it an economy for the people and by the people? Do the masses want to buy weapons more than they want to buy schools? Do they want to buy wars more than they want to buy peace?
We, on the other planets, have lived according to the Laws of the Creator for many thousands of years, and we have progressed to a very high standard of living.
[Aka-San:] We of Saturn are here to help, not only in these ways, but to remind everyone of our presence among you by appearing in your skies in greater numbers, more often as events progress, and closer and closer to you so that we cannot be denied by anyone. Our appearances are designed to make the masses think, to make the "scientists" pause to question their methods and mode of thinking, to impress those who work in governments that there is a higher level of thought in action, and to make the evil ones who strive to control for profit realize there is a much greater power to reckon with . . .
[Aka-San:] The last great Master who came among you and spoke of this Law [the Perfect Law] was stoned and betrayed by the vicious materialists of that day.
[Aka-San:] The one who lives in the Christ Consciousness is one conscious of truth. The more truth one is conscious of the more he lives in the Christ Consciousness which is merely another name for truth . . . and truth is Light.
[Aka-San:] The temples on Mu (Lemuria) were pyramid in form as are the others of stone now extant. However, man lost the knowledge to line these temple pyramids up with the life force. After the catastrophe many things were remembered no more. It was remembered only that the temples were pyramid in shape and had mighty power. They erected the temples in the same form because they thought the power was in the cone. However, they no longer remembered how to so orient the edifice so that power flowed through it. They had the form of power only; the source of the power, the great Earth itself, was no longer remembered or understood. They could not understand in those later days why the pyramid did not have the power as it did of their ancestors' era. Did they not construct it in the self same way?
[Aka-San:] See you this: The pyramid of Egypt worked as a powerhouse of energy in the days when the year had 360 days. Earth was in a different cosmic position then.
[Aka-San:] Now you know why the circle is 360 degrees, why there are 12 zodiacal signs of 30 degrees, but this has brought many problems to Earth. How to orient the Earth of 365 days to the 360 degree circle?
[Question for Telah] Is it true that the first primitive man, the animal-like man, was brought to Earth long ago from another world?
Ans. Yes, he was. Early Earthman was brought from a planet in the constellation of Antaares . . . although I don't know which one.
Since the day He walked on Earth, Christ, as a certain man, has had nothing to do with this age, as is spoken by some . . . not as an actual man and God-head, so to speak.
He did not come to Earth to gain immortality for man who was already immortal. He came to teach the Light, the truth, to help raise man’s level of consciousness, in the spirit of Love, to remind man that he is immortal.
He was pure in spirit and always will be . . . pure Light, but He had been here before as Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, and others, and will be here yet once more, but not in person . . . only as a Great Spirit to give a renewed and greater outpouring of His Consciousness.
[Question for Telah] Did He think of Himself as a world Saviour?
Ans. He came ONLY to bring Light and truth to an ignorant world. A Saviour ONLY in the sense that the truth will help you save your self from the consequences of living in ignorance. It is the Universal Law that every man be responsible unto himself.
[Question for Telah] Did He go into the resting place or after-place at all, after leaving the Earth?
Ans. Upon leaving His clay body, His real or etheric self was drawn into a mothership and went to Saturn.
[Question for Telah] Has He been on Saturn ever since?
Ans. No, but when He went to Saturn he studied, taught, and guided there, but has appeared as a teacher on the other planets at various times.
[Question for Telah] Has He ever been back here since He left Earth?
Ans. No, not in person. He has hovered in a spaceship to give His thought to a few in recent days. He visits the planets this way.
[Question for Telah] Have you ever met Him?
Ans. Yes, and so have you . . . we did together before we came to Earth. We discussed our work with Him. He knows where we are, and is kept up to date on us and our work by indirect means.
[Question for Telah] Is this on the level?
Ans. Indeed, it is so.
[Partana Vegan:] After reading The Coming of the Guardians by Meade Layne [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], I asked questions of Telah about the etherians.
Is it true there are worlds of dense substance all about us interpenetrating with ours?
Ans. Yes, there are worlds like this in different densities or vibrations. They are of substance just as this one is, but of higher or lower vibrations or densities.
Does the light from the sun come to us not in a straight line but in a curve according to the lines of force of a whirling electro-magnetic field?
Ans. No, because no light comes to Earth as such in any line . . straight or curved. The light is created by the magnetic energy, radiating from the sun, striking the atmosphere and magnetic field of Earth and setting up an electro-chemical effect which appears as light and which generates heat.
Could the Earth be hollow or have any holes at the poles?
Ans. The Earth is not hollow. This is absurd. The only holes are those in the magnetic field above the planet at the ends of the poles which are the "dead spots."
Do all planets have these same types of "holes"?
Ans. Yes, if they have poles, which all of them do.
What is the mysterious "red spot" of the planet, Jupiter?
Ans. It's a great area of lush vegetation like a red jungle, and the other darker areas, the darker bands of color, are more vegetation. They are in rather even bands around the planet because this planet is in balance, and this makes quite a difference.
Does the moon have a magnetic field?
Ans. Yes, but it does not radiate one like a planet.
Does this mean there is no "gravity" there?
Ans. No. The moon has its own magnetism (negative), and holds everything there on it. There are people there and many areas of civilization on the other side where there is water and quite an abundance to support life. We call it a "garage" because so many of our ships stop there for supplies and to leave them things they need. Many supplies are stored there.
[Aka-San:] Child, it is true that you were chosen, as others have been, to do this work. The fact that you are so casual about it all is at once a delight and yet dismaying. Here is one of our chosen children whom we implanted there (on Earth) in time past, blithely not wanting to bother about us and the entire field, in a manner of speaking.
[Aka-San:] . . . the finger of derision and spite is not pointed at one if he has come forth with no important earth shaking news, but the finger will point.
[Aka-San:] People of little understanding will say, "Pshaw, Pfaw! This is the tale of one deluded, and one who thinks she has a message. This one is like so many others. She has no real message, and her talk must not be believed . . ."
[Aka-San:] You were of the planet, Jupiter. You are one of us, though you have the form of Shan (Earth). You took on the physical because you were to help usher in the spaceships.
[Aka-San:] Peace be with you on the Path to the Inner God (Real Man) and to the Outer God (Creator).
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