Telah Speaks was published in 1961 by Partana Vegan with the title page presenting an explanation about the booklet —
This is a collection of lectures and short discourses received by "mental radio" from a master in space, in another vibration of life. It is information given for the express purpose of making people think so that a great nucleus of awakened ones may be gathered to form a new foundation of higher consciousness for the rapidly approaching New Age.
This article presents the beginning chapter to allow readers to compare the author's circumstances with those of other people who've published a variety of autobiographical accounts about encounters with otherworldly beings in modern times. At one point in this chapter Partana mentioned having resided in a northeastern Ohio town in 1960. Some interaction with Telah is vaguely or imprecisely articulated, such as a paragraph mentioning "soul-talk"; and the final sentences where Telah "reminds us" about two proverbs concerning truth and self-liberation.
It seems incredible to me yet that I have been able to receive the thought in this book from another mind as easily as I have because it was only on January 13, 1960 that this mental or psychic contact was made by an adept and master from the planet, Jupiter, and who "spoke" through my very psychic new friend, Eloise. This occurred not long after I had met her through some rather odd circumstances and arrangements which were this master's way of leading me to her for contact. This extra-terrestrial being used the name of Telah, meaning Tell Earth, and soon let it be known to use that he knew us well here on Earth as well as in our former lives on Jupiter and Saturn.
I was so inexperienced and uneducated in matters of the occult that I had to ask him the meaning of the words, occult and adept. I asked so very many questions of him, but he was always glad to help me understand anything I wanted to know. In order to eliminate some of the endless questions that came to my mind, Telah recommended that I study Raja Yoga for better control of my mind, the wisdom of Gnani Yoga, and the Egyptian Tarot, which as he said, "is one of the most powerful things ever written that ties man to the stars." He also told me to study the new translation of the Bible by George Lamsa translated from the Aramaic, for a "truer meaning of Jesus' words." At the time I was not aware of this Lamsa Bible, as he called it, and asked him if he didn't mean the newly offered, "Oahspe." He said, "No, but I'd like you to get Oahspe also."
Of course, I was thrilled by this contact, especially since Telah seemed to know us so well. I never dreamed this would happen to me, but had rather secretly wished it would ever since hearing of the sightings over Mt. Rainier in 1947. At that time I strongly felt that they were spaceships from other worlds, and from that time on I read everything I could find that told the experiences of those who have had the privilege of personal contacts and of the many sightings all over the world.
Often I wondered why such simple people were contacted, but after reading of their background and experience, I began to realize why. I have had no college education, and all I have studied since finishing high school is typing, shorthand, mechanical drawing and music. My favorite reading is Readers' Digest, Fate magazine, and the fine free press type of publications of American Mercury, Search, and Flying Saucers, the latter two edited and published by Ray Palmer. The main part of my education had been in music so that I felt I, too, was quite simply educated and might qualify for contact, but probably never would because so few are chosen.
One day in the fall of 1959, after reading a new article about another contact with a "flying saucer," I was so impressed I made a silent promise that if I was ever contacted, I would always be true to those great beings in our skies. It was soon after that the odd circumstances and unusual meetings with people I had never known before came about. It was in one of these meetings that I met the very psychic Eloise through whom Telah contacted me the next time I saw her privately. It was then that Telah said it was time for him to bring about this contact, and knew of my promise which made him very happy.
Right from the start Telah made it clear that although he knew Eloise well, and she was very much a part of the contact, I was the reason for the contact because as he said, "There is so much for you to do as we have chosen you as a handmaiden, so to speak, a Keeper of the Faith. This has nothing to do with the earth religions which are biased and rather silly from our point of view . . . and too restricted." I said, "Don't you know I feel that way about them already?" He answered saying, "That is why you are here. I tell you we hand picked you, and do not for a moment think you picked us! There is much more, much more ahead of you than you now realize. It is important that you do not force this thing, but let it develop at the pace we set.
Then about six months later, after direct mental contact was finally achieved, he said he had been following me and had been tuned into my mind all my life! Suddenly realizing I had never had any privacy was rather shocking, but after learning the benevolent nature of those who hover and follow in spaceships, I soon became adjusted to this idea. He also said, "We call you our own. You are one of us who agreed to come to Earth to do this work with me." Of course I continued to be astonished.
While working with me through Eloise, Telah instructed me in the fine art of listening with the inner ear so that we could communicate by telepathy or telethought. This I thought I could never accomplish; I was sure of it. After all, I was no psychic, and didn't know the first thing about it, but Telah assured me I just didn't realize, and said, "You are very psychic. I have contacted you right along or you would not be where you are. You know things inside you, deep in your mind, that you are not yet aware of. I have influenced you nearly all your life." He then told me how he gave me suggestive impressions to make me think the thoughts I had been given were my own at times. He said he had guided me and directed me in many ways all my life like this.
As he started to instruct me, I pleaded that I was afraid that I would be hearing my own thoughts and wishful thinking. He said, "Just sit and write anything that comes into your mind . . . no matter how silly it may seem." So, I wrote just anything. It was very simple, very silly; I felt so foolish; and at his insistence we went on and on like this until I said, "No, I can't be sure this is your thought. Please use more control and guide my hand while I let the pen drag." He didn't want me to use this method as this uses astral energy, but he finally gave in and said we could use this method to start with, and that we'd soon switch over to my control of the pen. Working in this way then, it was not long before I realized I did receive his thought more easily than I thought I could, and I was soon "on my own." I realized that, more often than not, I knew his entire thought of a sentence before I started to write, but I would let the pen drag at times just for reassurance.
Three months after direct mental contact was established, we could converse mentally anytime, easily and accurately, with no use of the pen whatever. Actually, in this process of learning to listen to Telah I had to learn how to blank out my own thoughts, set my mind aside, stop my own thinking, and this was the most difficult part to control. Even though I was finally able to converse with him directly, Telah decided that before going into any serious work, he would prove to me that I was hearing him, and he spent considerable time in telling me all kinds of thing I certainly wouldn't tell myself. He took me through all kinds of cleverly invented plots, tests, hurdles, and all around the proverbial mulberry bush many times. This was extremely interesting and entertaining, but became quite an emotional strain to say the least . . . so much so I announced that I was through with him and the entire business. I put all the accumulated material away, set my desk in order, and decided that that was that! . . . a great experience, but too much for me, and this was THE END!
A couple of hours later, as I was taking a loaded tray of food into the living room to get ready to watch TV while eating, and as I was passing through the doorway, I nearly dropped the tray when I felt a sharp electric shock just behind my left ear. Right away I had the thought that I wouldn't be allowed to say "No" so easily, and I gave this a lot of thought during supper. Later I picked up the pen and asked for an explanation of the shock. Telah said he did this because he couldn't let me go so soon nor that easily. He then told me this whole thing was pre-ordained, and he hadn't waited out there in that big ship nearly fifty years for nothing. He said it was time to tell me a more personal message, and then told me who he really is, who I really am, who Aka-San really is, and the connection we three have. (Aka-San was introduced four months after original contact) Also what I am here for, how I came here, where I came from, what I'm going to do the rest of my life here, and where I'm going to be in my next lives. Of course, these details are too personal to relate here, and are inconsequential to the purpose of this book.
Telah says he always tunes into my subconscious mind as I sleep to listen and converse with me in my soul-talk, as he calls it, which provides a type of therapy. Also he says, "What better way is there to know who a person really is?" Because he is so constantly tuned into my mind, it's like having a built-in teacher, guide, psychologist, and a most marvelous companion.
Two months before direct contact was achieved with me Telah introduced another master one evening while there was a meeting of about ten people in my home. They had gathered to ask questions of Telah who was able to hear and see us over the highly vibrational light beam from the ship. To start the contact I asked, "Who is speaking to us tonight?" The answer was, "Telah is with you above. The space ship is high. The small ones ("saucers") are yet with us. We have sent none out thus far. The way is lit. The beam is on you at present, and we pick up your vibrations and rates, wave lengths, and colors beyond the visible spectrum. Aka-San is also here. He is a master who will be talking to you when you want teachings of deep intelligence and wisdom. You will call him and he will be allowed to answer as I, Telah, have given him permission."
I then asked, "What planet is Aka-San from?" He answered, "Aka-San is at present from our planet, Saturn, but uses that name as a blind. It's a mask. He will teach you much, and things not in my field. Aka-San was invited especially to view this group, and it meets with his approval. He will have much to tell you later. I asked, "Did he just arrive?" He answered, "Yes, new on the ship. He was brought in "special" from the planet of rings." I asked, "Would you please describe Aka-San for us?" He answered, "Aka-San is a tall, slim man with white hair. He is incredibly ancient, and knows many things. You will find him more formal and acceptable to many, as in contrast I am quite blunt and matter of fact. He softens things. I deliver the blow. I will now let him speak."
He then said, "I, Aka-San, am here because I was more or less drafted, so to speak, because this little group needs help from here. Think not that you will not receive it. I, too, am from space, and I have been here, lo, these many years. Our years are not as yours. Your people of ancient days lived hundred of years. I, Aka-San, am a little more than 450 years old. There are some here that are older. We are looked on with reverence, not because of our age, but because of our wisdom. We use a cone to revitalize the cells. Think not they cannot be made young again. The man who steps into the cone emerges as one from a deep sleep. He is very vital and healthy. I have been in this cone four times. That is about the limit at the present day, but not all of us do this as we would rather take on an entire new life when the old cells are no longer vital and can supply us with enough life. The rays above enter you from your crown. That is life. It is not just the food you eat, it is a cosmic connection with the Most High. I have been permitted to go into this cone four times for a special reason. Normally this is not permitted.
The old pyramids all over the world were used in this way, not just the Egyptian ones. With the precession of the equinoxes, this point moved, and thus the power was lost. If the pyramid (Gizah) still stood in its original relation to the zodiac, where it originally was when built, it would be just as effective now. The cone shape is always power. It is a good symbol to think about and to even write, for it is powerful in itself even as written. Note the old tales of witches, magicians, and the so-called fairy godmothers. They wore the pointed hat in the form of a cone. They carried a magic wand topped with a star. This symbolizes the rod of power, sometimes called the vril (rod), and the star was for the power utilized from the planets, and even the stars in space. All had a meaning, and it was buried in fanciful tales for children. Reread some of your old fairy tales, and you may be surprised at what you see. The rod will one day again regain its fame, as the rod of light that crosses the magnetic lines of force at right angles. With this rod, much can be accomplished to enable man to leave the earth below. Certain it is he will not reach the stars with his present methods. All is obsolete before its leaves the drawing board." I asked, "Aka-San, are you a scientist or a spiritual teacher?" He answered, "I am both, but more spiritual than scientific. Food for the mind and the heart. Telah says we must be gone. We depart. We will speak another day." I cannot give more space now to Aka-San's words although he did indeed have much to say during the months of May and June, 1960. He let me know that later on he would dictate three books to me, and that the third one I write will be the first one given by him.
Now that this first collection of writings is completed, it is obvious that Telah and Aka-San know that men on Earth are victims of those in power, whether it be governments, so-called free or otherwise, or the churches. The masses are in the hands of those who seek that men on Earth actually live by the phrase: Fear one another and fear God, instead of the opposite: Love one another and love God. If God is a loving God, how can he be a fearful God? Telah reminds us that we have been lulled into our complacency by subtle brainwashing and propaganda pumped through nearly every avenue and influencing factor in our life, so the masses are not entirely to blame for what is upon them. He knows it is not too late to make many corrections for our benefit and welfare, hence he is here to say this much about it. Even so, he knows that in this hey-day for the powers of darkness, there will be many who will think this book is a farce or downright idiotic, not making sense at all. He expects every reader to hold his own opinion, and that there will be as many opinions as there are readers. This is man's privilege, to think and act as he pleases according to his choiee, a privilege that man must keep and hold high, a privilege that we will be outwitted of unless we are ever watchful and wise, and will act upon our convictions.
Telah has been a great teacher to me since he first spoke, and I am now fully aware of the meaning of the word, adept, since in this time, I have been shown that an adept can do much by mind alone.
The most outstanding example of his control of the mind was shown me on two occasions when he surprised me by suddenly drawing me from my physical body to the control room of the ship. The first time I found myself standing and looking directly as him seated at a desk or table while others stood nearby. I studied him in detail, and looked around at the others, but while looking around I knew he wanted me to return my attention to him and to look right into his eyes. I hesitated because I felt it would be such a powerful moment, but knew I would have to before I left, so decided to face it, and looked into the most expressive and powerful eyes I have ever seen. As I did so a pencil-line-thin beam of light shot from his left eye into my right eye and right on through my head, it seemed. With this I received a most powerful thought which I must not divulge, and with this overpowering experience I "fell back" to Earth. The second time I was allowed to look around more in the control room with him just showing and following me around.
In order to make these moments more easily possible as well as for me to receive his thought easily and accurately, he had previously given me a surprise "treatment" with a vibrational ray by passing it slowly over my body three times early one morning just before the time I usually awoke. It paused for a good ten to fifteen seconds each time it was directly over me, setting up terrific vibrations inside of me, especially in my head, and pulled very hard on my solar plexus. These vibrations ground round and round in my cranium making a most terrifying sound and sensation in my head. What a way to be awakened in the morning! I wondered if I would live through it while strongly suspecting this was some of Telah's doing. This frightened me so much I thought I would never get my eyes open again, but with great effort I did, and the next day he told me this was done to stimulate, open, and raise my psychic centers in vibration so that I can always hear him easily.
There was a great surprise on the evening of April 20, 1960 when the mothership, Saturna, was seen over a north eastern Ohio town I was living in at the time. My attention was drawn to it by psychic means, and could have been seen by anyone who was looking up at the time. It first appeared quite low in the west, and from the moment it was realized that it was not Venus but a spaceship, it rose rapidly straight up, then came eastward right over the house. When the question was projected, "Telah, is this your ship?," all lights blinked off and on again instantly, and all lights were red, clearly outlining the ship, showing that it was like a very long cylinder with a large cone shaped nose. Of course this was done to convince me once and for all that Telah was a spaceman, and that there certainly was a Saturna. Again I was extremely impressed!
With our outer atmosphere well populated with their presence, and using all of their great mental and spiritual power to helpfully impress us all, Telah assures us to be hopeful, not fearful, and that the Golden Age will dawn on Earth; that eventually all men will come into the Light, their lives based in truth that every man shall know and live by. While the forces of darkness have their last fling, great disorder will be felt on all sides in the final days of this age, but man will survive to greet the Golden Dawn because the forces of Light, those working in the Christ Consciousness, (those conscious of truth), will prevail and dominate when those that live by the sword shall go down by it. As the Light forces gain their foothold, our Guardians and Visitors in outer space will make more frequent contacts and appearances, but would like to be openly welcomed now rather than planning and working so secretly. Until they are here on Earth with us in some future day, they feel the greatest work they can do now is to alert mankind, and help him to understand himself and all that he really is and to help him increase his awareness.
Telah reminds us to "Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Also, "Know thyself, and you will be a free man."
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