
Sunday, May 28, 2017

On The Air with Thomas Jacobson Channeling 'Dr. Peebles' . . . (Part 2)

During the 1980s 'Dr. Peebles' spoke through trance channeler Thomas Jacobson as a guest on the "Open Mind" radio show hosted by Bill Jenkins in Los Angeles, as reported by Don and Linda Pendleton in their Thomas Jacobson/'Dr. Peebles' case study To Dance with Angels (1990).  Presented in this article, a portion of chapter 11 "The Dance of Consciousness" describes another KABC talkshow host's witnessing of this channeling: psychiatrist and author David Viscott, whose books include The Making of a Psychiatrist (1972), How to Make Winning Your Lifestyle (1973), The Viscott Method (1984) and How to Live with Another Person (1988).  The reader will find that when called upon to provide a statement about Thomas Jacobson and 'Dr. Peebles,' David Viscott attested to the significance of the channeling yet was unable to articulate a definition or explanation about the nature of the channeling phenomenon observed.

This photograph of David Viscott (1938-1996) appeared on a package of audio tapes.

Don Pendleton wrote that David Viscott was "a brilliant and highly successful psychiatrist" and mentioned him having told listeners 'we are all psychic.'  " . . . David Viscott's brain . . . has some mysterious and magical connection with my brain and your brain as well as everyone's with whom he is processing information . . . to know David Viscott is to know that there is more to the story than brilliant deductive techniques alone."

At the time of publication of To Dance with Angels, the Pendletons noted: "His KABC TalkRadio 'David Viscott Show' is aired nationally and has a listener base of several million in the Los Angeles area alone.  A few years back, he had a Saturday night show at KABC immediately preceding Bill Jenkin's 'Open Mind.'"  In 1992/93 there would also be a local television show "Night Talk with David Viscott" that was televised following "Saturday Night Live." 
After previously describing the first meeting between David and Thomas Jacobson, the authors reported in chapter 11 about what apparently was the second meeting on December 10, 1983, "when David moved from his studio at the conclusion of his broadcast that night and joined Bill and Thomas for the first hour of 'Open Mind.'"  The following passage begins with David's quoted response after conversing with 'Dr. Peebles' about David's career in the near future although this discussion is not included in the transcript.
David's response: "I have a lot of affection for you, my friend.  It is remarkable how you speak to that hidden wish that I have to be meaningful to a lot of people and help them with a better, more honest, and open life.  I have a feeling of solidarity with what you say."

We [the Pendletons] had the feeling, there, of a great meeting of minds.

The Doc replied: "God bless you.  You will find that your life personally, intimately in your private thought, will confront the issue of vulnerability and exposure on a public and private level.  This was an important decision for your soul, for in the distant past you have been in a similar position as a great healer, revered, who was quite inaccessible in private.  You will find that there must be a merging of the philosophy with the life demonstration, privately as well as publicly.  You're working nicely on that already; it's one of your personal creeds and teaching, of course.  And yet it does remain part of your continued growth.  You will be called upon by many, high and low; you'll be called upon to be the master teacher, you'll be called upon to be the Christ energy, as well as many others—and your need, of course, is to help everyone understand that they are the Christ energy.  God bless you.  David, you do that very well."

Bill Jenkins commented: "He was obviously speaking in the terms that we know you and the audience knows you; you're very well-known in Los Angeles.  But it seemed to me that he was speaking very very intimately to you, there, as well.  Am I correct?  The things that are foremost in your mind that you don't really share with us?  You want to air yourself a little bit here?"

David Viscott very soberly and with obvious strong feeling replied: "My goal is a simple goal, and it's to make my own life the model of everything that I preach and believe.  I have no dark closets in my life; I'm exactly what I seem to be, and I'm the same way on the air as off the air."

JENKINS: I can attest to that.

VISCOTT: I don't claim to be special; I claim to be what I think everyone is when they try to be giving—and to try to come from love is the constant struggle of my life and to be giving of what I know, and to try to help other people make their lives an example of the best they can be.  If we all did this, that's how the New Age would be ushered in.
Viscott said that "the only vision I ever had was a voice that said, in the second grade in Miss Donnell's class, it said, 'Someday, David, you will tell people what they really feel inside.'"  When Bill Jenkins said to him "So Dr. Peebles was pretty much on target with you, then, in a very very close way," David responded: "Yes, it—it's a bit freaky folks."
Another meeting was on May 12, 1984, when David stayed over at KABC to guest on "Open Mind" for what Bill announced as "a special, special night indeed" with Thomas and Dr. Peebles.  Another guest, via telephone hookup from Franklin, North Carolina, was George Meek, inventor of the "Spiricom" and head of the Life Beyond Death Research Foundation.

Before Thomas went into trance, George Meek came on to state: "I had a private session with Thomas and Dr. Peebles about two months ago, and I was most impressed.  I've studied mediumship abilities in many countries for the past fourteen years, and Dr. Peebles is one of the most knowledgeable and enlightened spirit persons I have talked with."

JENKINS: I noticed from the transcript that you sent me that most of your questions were very, very scientific and—

MEEK: They were, and it's very rare indeed that such questions can be asked of a spirit entity.  Of further interest, Bill, when I returned to my offices here in North Carolina from guesting on your show several weeks ago, my secretary told me that at last she had started to catalogue my library, and she'd come across a book that Dr. Peebles had written in 1869.  It has been published in several languages.  My English language edition had been re-published in New York City in 1903—at which time Dr. Peebles was said to be eighty-two years of age.  It is titled Seers of the Ages—with a subtitle, Spiritualism Past and Present.  As revealed in the book, Dr. Peebles himself was highly clairvoyant and skilled as a medium, which helped him in his writing and his lectures.


Dr. James M. Peebles

Later during the broadcast, Bill Jenkins again brought up the topic of the book written by Dr. Peebles with George Meek continuing to participate in the conversation via telephone.

The Doc replied: "Yes, this is my writing literally; however, I cannot take full credit for it, in that I entered into trance states, of automatic writing, of inspired writing, and ponderance in the meditational state.  It was a collective effort by several dozen others.  Many of the individuals mentioned in this book simply spoke directly to fill in some of the details that I never would have had time to research myself, as well you know from reading the book.  However, we have a great desire here not to put attention upon my personality, for as I speak as Dr. Peebles I bring forward other aspects of other personalities as well, and we believe that the content of what we speak is the relativity.

The transcript of the broadcast that evening shows how Dr. Peebles delighted in being humorous at times, quipping about his relationship with a "Spirit Brother" given a personal greeting in Seers of the Ages: "Aaron was one who facilitated my channel.  Aaron was a medium who was never understood as a medium.  He was almost taken off to the insane asylum a couple times, for example.  However, due to the influence of some of his friends—in Parliament, for example—he was not carted away . . ."

The Pendletons wrote that during the show "Dr. Peebles did a past-lives sketch on David that included a Druidic influence as well as many others."
Bill Jenkins was the first to comment on that.  He said, "David, you've been around."

David replied in very subdued tones, "You know what's really strange?  The home we lived in just prior to moving out to California was owned by people who were Druids.  What I had uncovered on the property was a lot of their symbolic materials and went about restoring them, just because I seemed to have an affinity for it."
JENKINS: Now you understand.


DR. PEEBLES: It's all true, my friends.  Just surrender to it.  Goodness gracious.

Later, after Dr. Peebles had departed and Thomas again was present, Bill Jenkins remarked: "David, it's good to have you here—talking to David Viscott—whose opinions on matters such as this we have the highest kind of regard for.  I know this is the second or third time you've seen Dr. Peebles.  What is your candid reaction to this?  Are we experiencing some sort of an act, or is this really going on?"

Viscott replied: "Well, the thought I had before you asked the question, in looking at this, and in reference to the way he was reacting, is that the sensitivity of the entity is just—without making any judgment about its reality—or the other-statedness of Tom's consciousness—is that the sensitivity of the reality, and this is just forgetting Thomas, is very very high.  It's higher than Thomas's.  I'm sorry, Thomas, but it is—well, you know, you look at him and he's different.  There was an aura around Tom's head during this whole thing.  And it's not there now.

David was perhaps being humorous himself in regard to the aura yet he went on to say:

I'm thinking that this is an extremely sensitive entity whatever its origin.  Whether his reading of my life as a former Druid or a great warrior is only symbolic, it is a read which has an extremely high accuracy.

. . . there is a higher sense of knowing, but itbut there is something . . . just weird about this, everybody.
All three men laughed about that, then David added, "It's very difficult and I'm normally a clear person, and I'm having trouble with this—because it's your darned reality box, Bill—and it's wanting to maintain, you know, what I'm here for—which is clear and untainted; [I don't want to be] leaping over into anything.  But something happened here that is not quite right."
Three years later the experience is still "not quite right" to this brilliant mind—but it would seem that David Viscott is still mulling the possibilities.  Here is a statement that he gave us:
Mediums are always a fascination because they illuminate a part of consciousness we cannot study objectively.  Without speculating on the source of Dr. Peebles's energy, the manifestation itself is entertaining, often illuminating, and usually outrageous; another piece of evidence for a case which has not yet been decided definitively.

Thank you, David.  We appreciate your candor and your courage.  God keep.
One learns from To Dance with Angels that Thomas Jacobson once had his own weekly radio show on KFOX, Redondo Beach, California, during which Dr. Peebles responded to telephone calls from the broadcast audience.  The title of the show was "Journey to the Heart."  Chapter 12 of the book presents a transcript of conversations of Dr. Peebles from recordings of these radio broadcasts.  This is how the caller 'Sandra' is greeted —
DR. PEEBLES: God bless you, Sandra.  Well, you're a beautiful soul, and you are properly trying to take responsibility in your life.  You are trying to be the creator rather than the victim.  You are trying to create your own reality, your own experience, and we tip our hat to you.  Actually you're doing a very good job.  However, as you communicate with people you've forgotten a little bit about the student inside of you.  In your desire to be the mature being that you are, you have lost sight at times, my dear, of the child within.  And you feel embarrassed and apologetic about the child within your being—the universal child within you.

Here is another excerpt from this conversation:
DR. PEEBLES: . . . We've watched you and we're very proud of you, my dear; keep it up.  It's just that in taking responsibility, don't isolate yourself again, and in trying to create your reality, my dear—all of you listening—that only happens through harvesting, integrating the different points of view around you.  That is how you create peace on Earth and peace inside of yourself, not trying to get people to agree with you.  You understand me.

SANDRA: Uh-huh, yes, I do.

DR. PEEBLES: Yah, bit of the preacher in Dr. Peebles, isn't there?  Yah, I like to flap these lips on my channel, you know.  It's fun to talk in the human body.  God bless you.

Perhaps the most idiosyncratic response came when caller 'Elaine' asked about transmigration/[people] "coming back as animals," saying, "I just can't accept that in my mind.  I wanted to hear what you have to say about it."

DR. PEEBLES: Yes.  Well, it's true, it's absolutely true; however, there is a little bit of dogma in some of those books you've been reading.  However, you are also correct, too, my dear, because there are human spirits who don't change.  There are many, many human spirits who have never become an animal.  Many, many animal spirits who never became and never will become a human.

However, there are many who have done both.  It is simply an act of choice.  It is usually, I might add, a mature choice, giving you a larger, more rounded perspective—not only of intelligence, but of the true nature of love.

For, you see, in the animal community they do have a soul, and they do have intelligence—no, they don't have the ability to articulate, to do much deductive thinking and reason as you understand it—but, you know, I wouldn't become too proud of those particular faculties.  They really aren't the point.  Love and enlightenment is not accomplished through knowledge.  It is accomplished through love and intimacy.

So next time you're around an animal, not only look into that animal's eyes—let the animal look into your eyes and feel the loving spirit that has so little demand inside.  Your heart will relax and you will understand a new consciousness.  You understand me.

ELAINE: But we do have a choice.  We're not forced to reincarnate as animals, like these people that have done mass murders of animals, they wouldn't be forced to go back into an animal, then.

DR. PEEBLES: No, they wouldn't, but it would be strongly suggested to them, for maybe a few hundred years.  You see, on the spirit side you have a higher perspective as an individual.  Eventually you will see that you want to do something, that you have to do something, and eventually through your free will you decide, I'm gonna do it.

So someone like you just mentioned who's been cruel to animals—on the higher perspective will say, "Goodness gracious, I see what you mean—they are a living, breathing soul; they have feelings and emotions; I didn't know that, I thought they were a biological robot here for my pleasure.  So now I want to understand them, and I will become an animal because at this moment of my higher perspective I don't feel that pride, I don't feel like I would be a lesser being."

Here is the portion of the transcript involving caller 'Marion.'
MARION: I talked to you about a month ago, Dr. Peebles, and I have to say you were completely right.  You told me to have my mouth checked for an infection.  I had just been to the dentist a little before that so I knew there was nothing wrong but . . . well, there was, and if I hadn't taken care of it I would have had a very bad infection in my gums that would probably have caused the loss of some teeth.

DR. PEEBLES: Give yourself the credit, my dear.  It was you who asked the question and you who followed up.  God bless you.

MARION: I didn't ask; you just told me.  Anyway, thanks, and now I'd like to ask you about—I'm in a relationship and it's been back and forth and I don't know what to do anymore.  Do you feel that what I'm doing is okay, or . . .

DR. PEEBLES: Do you feel free to give a first name of the other party?

MARION: Oh, yes, uh, Bill.

DR. PEEBLES: All right, just a moment here.  [Pause.]  Well, you know, you must, of course, follow your own heart, Marion, and you're to understand that you could pay more respect to your own feelings—not only your feelings of fear but the feeling of curiosity and attraction to be with this man.

I would suggest this relationship is not complete, it's not over, there's a little more exploration here, and that you are worthy of each other's further attention.  I would say that the main problem here, really, is that you have hesitated in expressing yourself with him.  So ask yourself how can I be much more honest, much more quickly.

Now I know that later on—hours later, weeks later—you're very honest, but I'm talking about right now, in a given subject or exchange with Bill, how can you be very honest and then—point two, of course—allow him to respond the way he wants to.  And then you won't feel that you're in prison, you won't feel like he's controlling you and denying you and holding you back.  It's only yourself, my dear.  You understand me?

MARION: Yes, I do, Dr. Peebles.

DR. PEEBLES: What do you feel about that?  What you gonna do?

MARION: Well, I'm just going to have to say my feelings at the time instead of just never saying anything until—just like you said—until a week later.  You're right.

DR. PEEBLES: Yah.  You see, really the value is not in the discovery of truth—because actually everything has some truth somewhere—the value is in the process of seeking truth.  The value is in the exchange through you.  That's why the delayed communication is very unfulfilling and frustrating to all concerned.  You see?

MARION: That's true.

DR. PEEBLES: Yah.  So just let it out and let him come back the way he wants to.  And when he comes back the way you don't like, you just let it out again, exactly what you feel.  See what I mean?  Don't try to be loving and spiritual!  Just be honest, and you'll automatically be loving and spiritual.  You understand me.

MARION: Yes I do, Doctor.

DR. PEEBLES: God bless you.  It's a good relationship.  Don't you leave it yet, there's more to explore.

MARION: Oh, thank you, Doctor.  Bye-bye.

The book also includes written testimonials from people about their interaction with Dr. Peebles, among them some radio show listeners.  'Arnette' had asked for career advice about her job in the advertising industry.  The response included Dr. Peebles mentioning: "If you just left this place, you'd re-create the same experience elsewhere, my dear."  As a result she commented: "The next day, I changed my perception about my job . . . the feeling that I wasn't supposed to be there started to dissolve.  I became more enthusiastic and expressive.  This led to recognition, praise, and joy in my work . . . I consider this entire process a miracle.  Thank you, Dr. Peebles!"

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