This article presents transcript excerpts of transcendental communication about the brain from three books chronicling the human condition that has been called 'Deep Trance,' 'Overshadowing' or 'Total Takeover' channeling.
As recounted in the 1990 nonfiction case study To Dance with Angels: An Amazing Journey to the Heart with the Phenomenal Thomas Jacobson and the Grand Spirit, "Dr. Peebles" by Don and Linda Pendleton, Thomas Jacobson was not the first channeler of the transcendental communicator known as 'Dr. Peebles.' When Thomas first began his trance channeling, he found that he wasn't always able to go into trance when desired and he was furious.
The book includes the 'channeled entity' known as 'Dr. Peebles' quoted commenting about the relationship between soul, body and brain, as follows:
As recounted in the 1990 nonfiction case study To Dance with Angels: An Amazing Journey to the Heart with the Phenomenal Thomas Jacobson and the Grand Spirit, "Dr. Peebles" by Don and Linda Pendleton, Thomas Jacobson was not the first channeler of the transcendental communicator known as 'Dr. Peebles.' When Thomas first began his trance channeling, he found that he wasn't always able to go into trance when desired and he was furious.
"I finally went to talk to Dr. Peebles [through another medium]—angrily, I got real angry with him—'What's going on? How could you do this to me? If this is real, then why isn't Spirit coming through? I'm sitting there, people are waiting to see me, and nothing's going on, you're not there. Why is it vacant all of a sudden?"
". . . I was talking to him about these other, whatever they were, coming through. And he just smiled, inside William [the other medium], very patient and benign, as usual, and he said, 'Well that's exactly why we're doing it . . . so that you understand that it is not you doing it; it is us.'"
The book includes the 'channeled entity' known as 'Dr. Peebles' quoted commenting about the relationship between soul, body and brain, as follows:
The entire experience of intelligence comes from the soul.
Now, the brain, the physical brain, is similar to your computer of this day, computer technology. It holds information, it holds data, information; memories can be held and located in the brain. The brain is also a translator for language; translator, as a vehicle upon a foreign land, that is the brain upon the Earth experience. It is a vehicle to help you integrate.
The mind is dominant to the brain.
The heart or soul is dominant to the mind.
The following excerpt is from a book of transcripts derived from talks by 'Lazaris' channeled through Jach Pursel: Lazaris Interviews Book II (1988). The passage is a response to the question: "We've been speculating that the brain ventricles (four connected cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid) may be involved in mediating consciousness? Any comment?"
Lazaris: The fluids in the ventricles are conducting and semiconducting. There is a sense of the soul/spirit interfacing with the brain and mind. This is the common ground where the barriers between levels of consciousness are dissolved.
Consciousness enters in the fourth ventricle. All the ventricles are revolving doorways where consciousness enters physicality. Through the self-generated revolving doors a circular, whirling energy draws information in and pushes it out.
It is like a crystal cave, almost circular like a geode. Multifaceted tiny crystalline points act somewhat like such semiconductors as silicon. A thick, structured spiraling latticework of fluid — an electric fluid energy — holds and releases data.
The ventricles are involved in feelings. Joy, wonder and curiosity are light vibrations of different frequencies. Happiness, for example, sets off frequencies throughout the body into the nervous system and the ventricles. It then influences and colors thought. It sets up somewhat holographically the screen that captures the thought. The feelings change the vibrations and therefore the reality. The picture changes as a reference beam and an illuminating beam come into phase, creating apparent physicality.
The body is also a hologram. So who is the viewer? One's Higher Consciousness or Future Self is doing the watching. One of the viewing screens is in the brain's ventricles.
The vibrational frequencies are set up from future choices that come into the present against the backdrop of the past. The ventricles are not only information exchanges from one level to another, but also from one time to another.
Linear time is a manmade illusion. The effect in the chosen future leads to the cause in the present. As you decide what you are going to become, the choice influences what you are.
"The God Force" is the title of a chapter of Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path (1989) by Kevin Ryerson and Stephanie Harolde. A section of this chapter is "The Roots of Consciousness" including the following 'John' transcript excerpt presenting a teaching heard from Kevin Ryerson while he was in a trance state.
The great spirit called God had already created the physical universe, traceable to that which you term, in your laws of physics, the "Big Bang." There was then the creation of the biological dimension you call life. It was here that souls began to diversify their creation, diversify the species, for they were given commandments to subdue the earth and make it their own. And in this they diversified the life forms, moving through all biological dimensions, and all the sensations of the higher realms of consciousness were theirs to command.
But as souls moved forth, they concentrated more and more of their energies in the levels of the third dimension, and the intense focus of their energy set in motion the beginnings of the foundations of mind, mind being the by-product of the soul's sojourn through the physical. Thus, mind rather than pure consciousness came to be the builder and the active force upon this physical plane.
Mind came to be elevated above the impersonal and nonmental aspects, which are the true divine attributes of the soul, to levels of personal emphasis, covetousness and special creations upon the earth plane. So thus the inexperience of the souls began the creation of the ego and the emotions. Out of this grew both a competitive order and the beginnings of emotional attachment. These forces slowly drew more and more of the soul's energy, taxing the natural laws of equal displacement of hydromechanical fluidiums upon which the soul functions, and the plasmalike state of the soul crystallized into the three dimensions of self that you currently acknowledge.
From the third dimension, then, came the creation of ego. This is why there are three primary points of focus, referred to in the Vedas as the "three knots," in which the central aspects of the ego must be broken up by a superior force known as the kundalini. As in other systems of thought, these became the "three permanent atoms." Souls could liberate themselves from all aspects upon all dimensions except the third dimension, in which they came to be concentrated. They could distill their essence even to the level of pure ethers, except for the three permanent atoms upon which their attachments as personal entities became bound upon this plane.
It was the continuous cycling of these three atoms through the species, to which there was a natural magnetic attraction, that set in motion the law of karma. And thus souls fell. Rather than being as the law and the causal force upon this plane, they came under the law, responsible for their actions in the third dimension—and with greater emphasis, since they were attached in their ether fields through the three permanent atoms.
The three permanent atoms at first had their centers in the three baser chakras. They existed in pre-man as just that—three baser chakras. These related to the grounding of the soul in the physical, the sexual forces, and the primitive emotional constructs. These imprisoned the souls, or bound them there. Then, a second wave of souls came into the earth plane to fill the void that had been left by the souls who had physically incarnated and became imprisoned in the various diverse animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.
This second wave of souls became the angelic and devic orders. They immediately began to set right the natural laws and order of things by speeding up evolution and beginning to clear from the planet all life forms that would be threatening to the primitively constructed prehumanoid forms. Thus there was the extinction of many species, as great concentrations of the odic force, or the life force, were necessary for the rapid evolution from the levels of pre-man to that which is now known as the humanoid form.
Also, new portals were needed for the influx of this life force. It was decided that perhaps the most superior form would be a primitive lower primate, from which all the souls would eventually build up the redemptive humanoid vehicle. Many other humanoid and semihumanoid forms, known as the demigods of Greek mythology, were lifted up too, so that you were a multispecies society in those days.
Next came the development of the etheric body to tend to the primary elements of human evolution, and then the emotional body. The etheric and the emotional bodies were the first two created. Originally there were no emotions upon the plane. Each being was according to its own nature. There were no emotional constructs, no personal attachments, for emotions are a merger of the physical and consciousness and a construct of the ego.
Next came the mental body, which is the beginning of the first realization of a peculiar and unique nature. Then came the astral body, necessary for keeping specialized the lessons that the souls would have to learn in actualizing themselves back toward God. But it was not until there arose a multispecies society that the activities of the spiritual body came into being. Here then we find the spiritual and the causal bodies, the beginning of the link with a planetary consciousness. The sense of oneness with the planet then activated the principle of the soul body and the linkage with the higher consciousness.
With the creation of each of these evolving subtle anatomies came new portals that found their seats in what would be known as the chakras. These were found, particularly in prehuman form, in the testicles in the male and the ovaries of the female, in the adrenals, in the spleen, in the thymus, the dominant thyroid, and then the primitive, reptilian skeletal brain—the pituitary and the pineal.
The development of these chakras was the key to the development of the right- and left-brain hemispheres. For as the life force began to pour in, it was necessary to store the energy in quantities so that consciousness could be measured upon the plane. Thus the right- and left-brain hemispheres began to develop; and thus the logical and intuitive concepts of man also began to develop, so that men and women could meditate and ponder their acts upon this plane and would become conscious beings.
With the slow development of the right- and left-brain faculties came the greatest creation of the soul on this plane—the human personality. The physical body became the storehouse of all those things unrealized in the being. It was also at this time that the permanent atoms began to find new seats of consciousness within individuals, moving from the baser chakras into the heart, and in some, into the thyroid and the pineal. In others, into the hara, the heart, the pineal, and the pituitary.
The new positions of the three permanent atoms shifted the pouring in of the life force to the belly point of the physical body and forced its evolution upward, for the life force was also concentrated in the pituitary and the pineal. This caused rapid and massive swellings of the neurological activities, finding their climax in Cro-Magnon man during the Lemurian and Atlantean periods. At this time, the heart, the thymus, and the muscular tissues of the heart became critical to the health and well-being of the individual, with the thymus forming the very foundations of the biological personality in the first seven years of life. It has been this way from the time periods of Atlantis into your current recorded history.
A previous blog article from 2010 "Channeled Perspectives of the Brain" presents transcendental communication about the brain that came through the entranced Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and Eileen Garrett (1893-1970). Other channeled perspectives of the brain were related in the 2012 blog article Excerpts from Lecture Transcripts of The Inner Circle Through Mark Probert.
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