
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Some Recordings of Channeling

A variety of audio and video recordings present examples of 'channeling,' sometimes involving a light or deep trance state.
One deep trance channeler was Edgar Cayce.  There is an audio recording of Cayce's voice during a 'health reading' (442-2) from January 17, 1934 that may be heard presented in a YouTube VIDEO.  An essential Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcript is 3744-3 (1923).  The question was asked, "From what source does this body EC derive its information," and the communicating intelligences' answer was recorded by a stenographer.
The information is given or obtained from this body is gathered from the sources from which the suggestion may derive its information.
In this state the conscious mind becomes subjugated to the subconscious, superconscious or soul mind; and may and does communicate with like minds, and the subconscious or soul force becomes universal. . . .
There are also YouTube VIDEOS of Jane Roberts trance channeling 'Seth' on June 4, 1974.  In the 1972 channeled book Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, 'God' is among the topics.  Human perspectives of God are stated as "mirroring man's shifting ideas of himself" while the awareness of reality being multidimensional was pronounced as having left some of the old concepts of God relatively meaningless.
If you will try to accept the idea that your own existence is multidimensional, that you dwell within the medium of infinite probabilities, then you may catch a slight glimpse of the reality that is behind the word "god," and you may understand why it is almost impossible to capture a true understanding  of that concept in words.
God, therefore, is first of all a creator, not of one physical universe but of an infinite variety of probable existences . . .
A variety of compositions channeled by Rosemary Brown may be heard in YouTube VIDEOS.  The Afterword to Brown's third book Look Beyond Today (1986) included the comment, "My work with the composers is only a very small part of the contact that I feel is possible between God's higher creation and man."
There are many VIDEOS of trance channel healer Joao de Deus (John of God) available at YouTube along with numerous witness and patient testimonials.  One commercial documentary CD that I've seen is "John of God: Visiting Joao de Deus at Casa de Dom Inácio" (2003).  The film was made by Mark Thomas.  While preparing this article, I viewed a VIDEO entitled "Dr. Wayne Dyer's Surgery from John of God, Part 1 - Super Soul Sunday - Oprah Winfrey Network" that seems noteworthy because of a prominent instance of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) at 2:23 of the 4 minute, 11 second video.
The Inner Circle Teachers of Light website [defunct] sells 150 audio CDs of lectures trance channeled through Mark Probert along with an assortment of transcript collections. A chapter of the book The Coming of The Guardians (Third Edition, 1957) presented an answer by "the Communicators at Mark Probert seances" in response to the question "Is there such a thing as a continuum in Nature — any which is homogenous, not particulate, or corresponding to the order of the ether?"  Here are excerpts from the transcript relating to this answer.
We can trace all phenomena of the sense world back to the functioning of individual minds.  Everything you know about an object, all of its qualities, reduces to states or activity of consciousness or awareness.  But we are also aware that there is a plural number of minds.  "A" is aware that "B" exists; and "B" is aware of "A," and so on.  "A" is creating his own space-time world, and "B" is creating his.  Also, these two separate mind-created worlds have much in common, in the form of what you call the "same" experiences at the "same" time, very often.
This last fact usually leads the philosopher to postulate something in addition to individual minds.  A postulate is a necessary assumption.  He can't think [of] the universe without this postulate (nor with it either, perhaps).

. . . remember that the world of your physical senses, of phenomena, of sense impressions, is a world which is projected by or perhaps through your individual minds.  Your minds are so made that the external world, as you call it, is subject to time and space and causation.  And so matter and energy also has to be discrete or particulate.
Perhaps the most memorable recording I've heard of New York talkshow host John Nebel's 1950s radio broadcasts of "The Party Line" featured trance channeler Pauline Peavy, born in Colorado City and having lived most of her adult life on the West Coast.  The communicating intelligences declared themselves "universal beings" and explained: ". . . we are using her exactly as you use your microphone.  We are beings existing in a world of too high frequency for your comprehension and we need to lower our frequency by this manner that our thoughts will be audible to you."
Here is another excerpt of the communication that came through Peavy.
Together we have painted many thousands of paintings — in her several hundred, probably near a thousand for the purpose of introducing ourselves to you in the way that we desire to be introduced.  For you have many ideas regarding us that are your ideas and they are not our reality.  And as we come to you in many ways and you call us 'flying saucers,' 'spacemen,' 'Venusians' and other of your names we need to introduce ourselves in our language.  And our language is not a babble tongue for we communicate with each other in our world by sending or radiographing, as you would say, pictures. 
The beings conversed with radio show guests and the listening audience as Peavy went in and out of trance.  Peavy told Nebel that twenty-five years previously she had heard very strange voices coming through her after she had begun investigating the mystery of her paintings.  
The VIDEO entitled "Coral Polge - Psychic Art" shows the unusual talent of Coral Polge (1924-2001) that might be described as 'automatic drawing.'  Her autobiography The Living Image (1984) was written in collaboration with Kay Hunter and a new edition was retitled Living Images in 1991 with an additional chapter.  It has been estimated that Coral drew more than 100,000 spiritual portraits during her lifetime.  Some samples of her work can be seen at under the heading "Psychic Art."  Polge commented in her book about her channeling ability, "This was the path mapped out for me.  It is a path I tread with love, and a great sense of privilege that I was chosen to do so."
Other examples of channeling are demonstrated with nearly 300 "dictations" of "Ascended Master Instruction" offered by The Saint Germain Foundation for $9 per CD or $11 for 2 disc sets.  In the first selection of channeled discourse transcripts presented in The Saint Germain Series of books, Guy W. Ballard writing under his pen name Godfré Ray King wrote in the Foreword for The "I Am" Discourses (1940 edition):
The thirty-three Discourses contained in this book were dictated over a Visible Light and Sound Ray in our home during 1932 by the Ascended Master, Saint Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with This Activity.  The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room.  At times His Visible, Tangible Presence also stood within the room, when He radiated the Power and Energy of the Light Rays to accomplish special work.
King's Tribute at the beginning of the book affirmed:
At the present time, the attention of mankind is being drawn to the conscious understanding and use of the words, "I AM," by the Ascended Masters, Saint Germain, Jesus, and others of the Ascended Host, who are pouring out ceaselessly, the Great Light to release Freedom, Peace, and Perfection.  The Cosmic Command for the permanent Golden Age has been given and must now manifest on this planet.
Ballard described the ascended masters as "the Full Manifestation of that Light and Love which rule the Universe, and which maintain Divine Order throughout Infinity."  The extensive collection of transcribed discourses and Mrs. Ballard's oratories of dictations document a case where the communicators' lessons are articulated through metaphor and hyperbolism often with great emotion.
A short English language documentary VIDEO about Francisco Candido 'Chico' Xavier may also be found on YouTube that includes footage of him during 'automatic writing' sessions.  Guy Lyon Playfair reported in Chico Xavier: Medium of the Century (2010) that the 458 books channeled through Xavier funded charitable activities estimated to have helped several million people during his lifetime.



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