
Sunday, October 28, 2012

On 'Ra-Ta' from the Edgar Cayce Channeled Reading Transcripts

1925 is the year of the earliest preserved sequence of Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts presenting information about what would later be known as the Ra-Ta period in Egypt.  Many readings were lost from the time in Cayce's life preceding Gladys Davis being hired as stenographer.  The reading given the identifying number 5748-1 (March 28, 1925) chronicles the inquiry made by Gertrude Cayce to the intelligence communicating through the body of her entranced husband: "In several readings there has been given information concerning the second ruler in Egypt who gave the first laws concerning man's relation to the Higher Forces.  You will give me an outline of this teaching and how same was given to the people."  The response as recorded by Davis included the following: 

2. EC: Yes, we have the work here and that phase concerning the indwelling in the earth's plane of those who first gave laws concerning indwelling of Higher Forces in man.  In giving such in an understandable manner to man of today, [it is] necessary that the conditions of the earth's surface and the position of man in the earth's plane be understood, for the change has come often since this period, era, age, of man's earthly indwelling, for then at that period, only the lands now known as the Sahara and the Nile region appeared on the now African shores; that in Tibet, Mongolia, Caucasia and Norway in Asia and Europe; that in the southern cordilleras and Peru in the southwestern hemisphere and the plane of now Utah, Arizona, Mexico of the north-western hemisphere, and the spheres were then in the latitudes much as are presented at the present time.

3. The man's indwelling [was] then in the Sahara and the upper Nile regions, the waters then entering the now Atlantic from the Nile region rather than flowing northward.  The waters in the Tibet and Caucasian entering the North Sea, those in Mongolia entering the South Seas, those in the cordilleras entering the Pacific, those in the plateau entering the Northern Seas.

4. When the earth brought forth the seed in her season, and man came in the earth plane as the lord of that in that sphere, man appeared in five places then at once
the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations.

5. . . . the first ruler of groups set self in that place in the upper Nile, now near what is known as the Valley of Tombs.

6. In the second rule there came peace and quietude to the peoples, through the manner of the ruler's power over the then known world forces.  At that period, man exchanged with the forces in each sphere that necessary for the propagation of the peoples of the sphere then occupied.  In each of the spheres given was the rule set under some individual by this second ruler in now Egyptian country, and the period when the mind of that ruler brought to self, through the compliance with those Universal Laws ever existent, then that ruler set about to gather those wise men from the various groups to compile those as that ruler felt the necessary understanding to all peoples for the indwelling of the Divine Forces to become understood and to break away from the fear of the animal kingdom then overrunning the earth.

5748-2 (May 28, 1925) offered further information.

2. EC: Now, as we see, as given, how and what the classifications were of the physical in the earth's plane at that period, the numbers then of human souls in the earth plane being 133,000,000 souls.  The beginning then of the understanding of laws as applied from man's viewpoint being in this second rule in the country now Egypt.  The rule covering the period of 199 years, and the entity giving the chance to the peoples, for the study being in the twenty and eighth year, when began to gather the peoples together for this and surrounding himself with those of that land and of the various lands wherein the human life dwelled at that period.  The numbers of the people that came together for the purpose then numbering some forty and four.

3. The Courts as were made were in the tents and the caves of the dwellers of the then chosen priest from the Arabian or Tibetan country, who came as one among those to assist with the astrologer and the soothsayers of the desert of now the eastern and western worlds, and with this the conclave was held for many, many moons.  The period in the world's existence from the present time being ten and one-half million years, and the changes that have come in the earth's plane many have risen in the lands.  Many lands have disappeared, many have appeared and disappeared again and again during these periods, gradually changing as the condition became to the relative position of the earth with the other spheres through which man passes in this solar system.

4. The first laws, then, partook of that of the study of self, the division of mind, the division of the solar systems, the division of man in the various spheres of existence through the earth plane and through the earth's solar system.  The Book of the Dead, then, being the first of those that were written as the inscribed conditions necessary for the development in earth or in spirit planes.  These, as we see, covered many various phases.  About these were set many different ones to give the interpretation of same to the peoples in the various spheres that the individuals dwelled in that came together.  Hence the difference in the manner of approaching the same sacrificial conditions in the various spheres, yet all using the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, as the emblems of the conditions necessary for the knowledge of those elements as enter in; same as the fish representing the water from which all were drawn out, as we would see from the various changes.

5. The beginnings then of this in a systematic manner beginning with this second rule, in this manner, in this land.

The communicating intelligence was asked to continue this reading on June 1, 1925 with the following recorded in the transcript of 5748-3

2. EC: Yes, we have the information as given and the conditions as surrounded the giving of the first laws as regarding the indwelling of Higher Forces in the earth's plane, and man attempting to make application of same.

3. Now as we see, we have the general outline of those conditions of man in the earth plane at the period or age, as is judged from man's viewpoint, of this gathering as caused by the second ruler of the peoples that dwelled in that portion of the earth's plane, now known as Egypt.  There is to be considered, now, also those conditions under which man, as man, lived during that period in the various spheres in which man dwelt.  In that land we find the peoples comparatively free from the invasion of the beasts of the field, save those as were being used for man's development and for the use of man as servant or as man's beast of burden.  While we find in the now Tibetan country, then the land of the many waters, the indwelling of those of many beasts whom man had to defend self against.  Again in the Mongoloid region many others of the species and nature that were destructive to man's indwelling in many ways.  Also those in Caucasia, or the lighter or whiter peoples.  Also in the land of the plains in the Northern spheres in the Western portion of the earth's plane, many beasts and many conditions, and man then [was] in the way of having a different understanding, for different conditions were to be met, as were also in the Southern portion.

4. Then, as these were gathered from the five nations, we find the subjects of those pertaining to manifestations of the development of man and man's ability to cope with the conditions, and the forces wherein men were given their supremacy over the other conditions in the earth's plane.  And the first as was given by the ruler was, then, the force that gives man, in his weak state, as it were, the ability to subdue and overcome the great beasts that inhabit the plane of man's existence must come from a higher source.  Hence the first law of self-preservation in the physical plane attributed to Divine or Higher Forces.  Just as the elements adding to the betterment of man's condition in the earth plane, we have then the rudiments of that as was taught. Hence began, as given, the study of the indwelling of that other than man's physical prowess, yet there were many men of giant stature to meet the conditions as seen, yet the approach of that same force to some was reached through the power, heat, significance of Sun's force, of Moon's wane, of waters bringing forth all manners of organisms necessary for developments in the plane.

5. Then, we have the gathering together then of this group, from the farthest places forty and four. As we see, [this number] will run through many numbers, for, as we find, there is the law pertaining to each and every element significant to man's existence considered and given in one manner or form by the groups as gathered at this meeting.

In the transcript of June 2, 1925 channeled reading 341-9, the communicating intelligence was asked about the association between 341 and "Edgar Cayce as High Priest."  The following response was recorded.

(A) In the name Ra-Ta and was the priest who gave the entrance into the Holy of Holies to the king and then gave the rule to people, falling in disfavor and banished by king.

Brackets are often used throughout the channeled reading transcripts to identify associations made with contemporary people assigned identifying numbers.  An example is the following passage from 341-10 that took place on June 2, 1925.

20. (Q) What did this High Priest [294] do to cause disfavor in the eyes of the ruler? [341]
(A) It being permissible for the Priest [294] to have only one wife, and this High Priest taking of the daughters of the second sacrificial priest and a favorite [538] to the King, [341] as the Concubine to the Priest, [294] this brought in the forces of rebellion, and the banishment when the offspring [288] was presented in the Temple.

The number 294 in the transcripts signified that the subject on these occasions was interpreted to be Cayce himself.  294-19 given on February 28 and March 6, 1925 resulted from an inquiry about Cayce's "former appearances in the earth's plane."  Here is the portion providing information about this.

11. One we find that has many conditions to meet, brought more particularly by the misunderstanding of self and the inability of the entity to control self in any moderate way.  One that brings much element of the forces in wrath that gives misunderstanding to others.  This all we see reached through lack of control of will and self as has been set for the entity in the present earth's plane, for as has been given, the entity of an individual entering the earth's plane, while the urge is set from the individual's sojourn in other spheres, the environment of the individual, and the will of the entity, either build or mar the development through that individual sojourn in earth's plane, for in the flesh we find the mental, soul and spirit becomes the subjugation to the wishes, the desires, of the carnal forces, and in other spheres those of the elements pertaining to that sphere and the urge then of the individual in earth's plane is governed by the direction in which these are guided - urges.  In this entity then we find there are many in the present sphere not guided in the manner that the development has been to that point where it should be.

12. In the appearances, then, as we shall see, there has come much of those elemental forces entering in, both from the sphere and from earthly sojourn in the earth. In the appearances, then:

13. Before this we find that the entity was in that of the wanderer that came to the present land in John Bainbridge, and the entity then rather that of one lost to those directions as were given under the tutelage and the directions of those in whose care the entity was committed, [in the French incarnation just preceding it] and with the change in the environment in that earth plane then brought, the entity lost itself and its development in the earth's plane.  For it became a wanderer in the land. While contacting many peoples, yet many peoples suffered in the wake of the individual.  Hence the early return to the earth's plane and the wanderings to and fro through many of the scenes that the entity experienced at that time. The entity then we see was in the earth's plane in 1742.

14. In the one before this we find the entity then in the French Court and in the days of Louis the 15th, and in the household of the monarch, though separated then from the care of those who lacked the influence in the life in the earth's plane of receiving the forces in the surrounding conditions to bring development in the earth's plane, being then only in that of the small child, or living only to the age of five. In this personality as exhibited through this condition, we find more given in the one following this in that of Bainbridge then in the present earth's plane. Still there is in the innate forces that desire to seek out the individuals who have the greatest attention put to those that lose the influences of the mother and those forces surrounding same.

15. In the one before this we find in that of the Grecian forces, when the gates were stormed in the Trojan Wars, and the entity then a defender at that gate, losing the life, and the development in that plane came through the hardships as were experienced by the physical body.  There being many then in the earth's plane with which the body will be and is associated in the present earth's plane. For the cycle of life's forces and of earth's influence in relative forces, manifested in the Universe, brings many of that period in the present earth's period.  The personalities that are exhibited in the present plane are those of the inability to control self in manner when there are those conditions that bring wrath or displeasure to the entity, making one then that has the quick temper in most unexpected circumstances and conditions.  This, as we see, then, was not a plane of development in earth's sphere and these urges from that are yet to be overcome in the present earth's plane.

16. In the one before this we find in that of plainsman, as has been given, and those conditions that surrounded the entity then at that time make for the entity the greatest force in the present earth's plane, and the seeking out of that entity through which the greatest development in that sphere came, the entity brings the greater development in the present plane, as well as often the greatest worries and troubles.  For, being unable to correlate those conditions, we find these make many combative conditions in that sphere and from those conditions.  For from this plane we find the greater forces as are manifest through the psychic forces, occult forces, mind development, come from experiences in that sojourn, correlated with the spiritual development in the Uranian forces which become accentuated at the present time through the entity.

17. As to the personalities exhibited in the entity in the present, we find that ability to apply, when the conscious forces are laid aside, the development reached in that sphere, and the forces of the universal forces become a part.  Hence the abilities of the entity in all psychic force, which is the extenuation, as it were, of that plane, and is either modified for the good or for the bad, by, through, or in the manner in which the suggestion for such development, such manifestation, such desire of knowledge, is approached; and the greater coming, as has been given, through that of the mind that holds self in that of the receptive mode, or the negative forces.  For the entity through its experiences becomes the great dynamic force in positive action.  Hence the relations as are given, reaching many spheres of universal knowledge and force, whether of animal, vegetable, mineral, or of the universal knowledge in that of mental, soul or spiritual development.  And the entity's sojourn, and the conditions brought in the physical plane, we find giving then the greater urge for the physical conditions in bodies, when guided in that channel; yet through the urge as received may, with the other forces, give of all the forces as may be brought to the force of the given conditions as are reached through suggestion to mental conditions

18. In the one before this we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, when the force of the law was being given to the people, in that one chosen as the highest authority in the mental attributes, acting in the way of the Priest to the people, being the first chosen priest of the cult, as afterward called, among the nations of the world. In the present personality and present plane, we find again many in the earth's plane and associated with the entity, that were associated with the entity in that plane.  Again we find the entity falling in the way of flesh, for the entity represented that as has been given in the written word, "The Sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and saw they were fair and good to look upon," and through this fleshly carnal force brought destructive elements to the entity.  In the present plane we find still that same urge to be overcome in the entity, for there is that innate call and desire in the flesh for those fleshpots again, as called, of Egypt, and the entity needs that to keep the forces of mental and spiritual development ever to press onward to the higher forces.

19. In the one before this we find in the first, when the forces in flesh came to dwell in the earth's plane. The entity was among the first to inhabit the earth in that form, and was from that of the beginning in earth's plane, when referred to as the human form dwelling in the earth's forces.  In this we find the larger development in the entity, for then [the soul was] able to contain in the Oneness of the forces as given in the Sons of Men, and realizing the Fatherhood of the Creator.

20. In the present plane we find that ever urge to be drawn nearer to the spiritual elements of every force. Hence in the summing up and use of these, let the entity keep the spiritual forces ever magnified, in action, deed and in truth.  For, in earth's plane, every element of the physical or mental, or spiritual nature, is judged by the relation to spiritual forces.

21. As to the abilities of the entity, we find the entity capable of making the success in any line of endeavor, especially along those of healing arts, or of the higher arts as are contained in the spiritual development through the earth's plane.

22. Then use those forces as are in hand and magnify His name through the world, for in so doing the entity will save self and others.  For as destructive forces have entered in through the entity's physical sojourns, so must the rebuilding, resuscitating, re-establishing, reincarnated forces of the entity be manifest in the present.

23. We are through for the present.

294-147 of July 19, 1932 was the first in a series of readings responding to the initial statements of his wife Gertrude Cayce: "You will have before you the soul-body and the mind of Edgar Cayce, present in this room.  You will give a detailed life history of this entity's appearance in Egypt as Ra-Ta, and his associations with those of that period with whom he is closely associated in the present.  You will answer the questions which will be asked."  Here are the responses from the first reading and following three readings in this series along with further transcript excerpts relating to interpreting the significance of the expression 'Ra-Ta.'

2. EC: Yes, we have the entity and those conditions or records that are apparent in the inner self of the entity or body in the present, from that as seen or recorded as Ra-Ta the priest.

3. In giving this interpretation we must find there are many peoples, even nations, that were influenced by the material activities of the entity in that experience.

4. That the entity came into the land Egypt with others that had come for a purpose is evidenced by that which has been given.  He came with that people from what was to be later the earthly sojourn of the entity as a leader, and as a man then of unusual abilities as well as appearance and manners of conduct.

5.  The entity chose rather the peoples that were to enter in the land, and was the son of a daughter of Zu that was not begotten of man.  In the entrance, then, he came rather as one that was rejected by those peoples about him; for ever has there been that question where such has been the experience among peoples who had formed any associations of home.

6. Home, as has been remembered, began with a peoples in an entirely different land, and was then projected in thought by those various leaders in those places where man, as man, had come into being through that crystallization of thought that had been given by those Sons of the Most High.

7. In this entity's appearance, then, in this particular experience, there was brought to those peoples of Zu's the condemnation of those of Ararat, who had established what would now be called a community home in the land later known as Ararat, or where the flood later brought those peoples who again joined with many om peopling the earth after that destruction which was caused by those changes in the land known as Og.

8. The entity then grew in grace with the peoples by the manner of conduct, though with the action of those peoples of Ararat these brought hardships for the mother of the entity in that experience, until there had been a change in the environs and brought among a new surrounding.

9. In this period, then, there was the prophecy by Ra-Ta that the son of Ararat was to journey into this land where there was then the higher state of developments as to the necessities, and those abilities to enjoy and enjoin the activities of the mental and material bodies in their associated actions.  These brought, then, those things that are classed in the present as pleasures that gratify the senses of man's own development, for much that is now as the developments that are necessities as well as luxuries were then commonplace as the most common necessities in the present.  Hence to those peoples, while Ra-Ta was one that was still looked on askant, with the removal of the peoples into the Egyptian land, during that age of Ra-Ta as would be called today one score and one, then the entity gave much in the way of aiding those peoples, children of Arart and the families of same, in making the easy, even control of a land that might be said to be supplying then all the luxuries of the earth in that particular period.

10. With the peaceful arrangements that were brought about, then, after the period of dissension with the young natives and the changing of the natives' name to that of the king, Aarat, then the priest was in the position of gradually gathering those that would harken to those words as pertaining to there being any relations with an outside world, or of there being those divisions in the body that were represented by those divisions of the intermission, or the body of intermission of an entity, from an experience to an experience.  The natives held more strongly to the necessity of materialization for the enjoyment, as may be surmised from the conditions that were surrounded and evidence in those particular conditions of this period.

11. With Ra-Ta then beginning with the natives and those that listened to the uncovering of the records (in what would be termed archaeological research in the present), gradually more and more adherence was made to those words of this peculiar leader that had come into this land leading or guiding the conquerors, who were seeking for the expression of various thoughts that were coming through in those entities entering that group in that particular period.  This being at that period (as would be called, in the study of such) of the change of the race to become — and is now — the white.  Hence, as Ra-Ta means and indicates, among — or the first pure white in the experience then of the earth.

12. In this condition, then, the wonders of the activities brought those varied conditions that were the source of so much disorder, dissension, and discouragement to the activities of the entity through the whole period of experience; for as these findings began to show the variations that had existed in the developing of the mental and physical needs of those peoples that had populated the land, these brought the changes in the manner in which those that had come, as well as natives, in the way in which these forces were to be expressed in this particular experience.

13. With the subsiding, then, of contentions with the natives and those that rose against them, and those that had come in the raising to that of what was to be the experimentation (as would be called in the present) of those that were given to Ra-Ta by the king and that native who was to be counseled or judged by those who had been chosen in the positions as the group called (that as would be expressed in the present) the material minded, the spiritual minded, the business minded, the political minded.

14. These in their divisions, then, made for what may be seen as a real representative of the conditions that are arisen in the earth in the present period, when there is the drawing near to that period of a change again, which is as a cycle that has brought about that period when there must be the establishing of that which is in the present the representation of that experimentation for the advancement of those various groups in that particular period.

15. We are through for the present.

Text of Channeled Reading 294-148 (July 26, 1932)

1.  EC: Yes.  With the establishing of this rule, there began the series of changes, and the intermingling of the peoples who entered and the natives.  While the native rulers were submissive, especially as the native ruler was enamored with one of the incoming peoples.  With Arart as the king and Ra-Ta as the prophet or seer, there began a period that may well be called a division of interests of the peoples.  Ra-Ta attempted to induce the king to have only those natives that were tried and true in their acceptance of those attempts that would bring the closer relationship, according to those visions and experiences of Ra-Ta in line with those being established as customs, rules and regulations.  These conditions naturally made for some disturbance among the natives, that would be called the upper class, or those that sought to be in power themselves, or had ideas as to what should be done with the abilities of the peoples as individuals, and the abilities of the country as a country to supply those material necessities for sustenance and for recreation of the peoples.  This eventually led to the pitting of the young leader with the king's son, and the change — or the accepting by the king of this native leader that represented a group as well as himself, for he was among those who had been native rulers and were deposed by the ruler whom Arart had found in office when settling there.  This period of the establishing of these conditions we will term, for designation and understanding, as the political situation of the land.  A portion of Arart's life then was in association with the political experience, as well as in establishing those relationships of individuals with individuals, also the religious or spiritual life, with preparation for setting in motion the regulations of ceremonies that would be accompanied, or signified or designated, by the developing of those peoples who chose to give their lives, or were chosen for their abilities in certain phases of the conditions that arose.

2. With the political situation, then, the king — the young king, then only thirty — gathered about him many that were to act in the capacity of council, a portion the inner council that ruled on the general circumstances of the people as a whole, then the council that had supervision over various parts of departments of the activities of the peoples, as would be termed in one's present surroundings as holding the various offices as a cabinet, the departments being much in that day as they are in the present; for remember, there is nothing in the present that hasn't existed from the first.  Only the form or the manner of its use being changed, and many an element then used that the art of its use has been lost, as we will see the reason why, and many being rediscovered by those called scientists in the present when in that day it was the common knowledge of the most illiterate, as would be termed in the present.

3. With the appointing of such a body, to be sure there was much work for Ra-Ta in council that there be kept the ideal or purpose for which this band, this group, had chosen this particular land for the development or manifestation of the forces that were manifesting through the mental or the spiritual man Ra-Ta.

4. With this giving in (we  are speaking of the political phase now) of the king, to pit or parallel activities of the natives with the abilities of the son, or heir, and he himself — the king — acting as a council then with Ra-Ta to the inner council, there were the necessities of matching the abilities of the king's council, or king's people, with the facilities of the natives — as it were — in the various phases of what would be termed in the present as progress.  Hence the opening by Araaraart of mines in Ophir, in what was later known as Kadesh, or in the land now called Persia.  Also in the land now known as Abyssinia, and those portions yet undiscovered or used in the upper lands of the river Nile, there were those mines of the precious stones — as onyx, beryl, sardis, diamond, amethyst, opal, and the pearls that came from the sea near what is now called Madagascar.  In the northern (or then the southern) land of Egypt, those mines that produced quantities — and quantities — and quantities — of gold, silver, iron, lead, zinc, copper, tin, and the like, that these might be matched with those in the valleys of the upper Nile.  Also there was the producing of the stonecutters who began gathering materials for the establishing of the residences of the incoming or the king's peoples.

5. With the gatherings of these, also Ra-Ta began to gather his own people and those that were pointed out to him through the sources from which he received those various injunctions for the establishing of the name forever in the land.  Hence, with these, there were the preparations for the temple where there were to be the various forms of worship, as related to the divisions of the penal or moral relationships of the peoples, and what would be termed or called in the present the religious or spiritual relationships.

6.  There were many periods or days required for the building up of the body, as represented by the group that acted in the capacity of the active individuals about the building of these edifices or temples that were to represent then the recreation halls; for the physical attributes were worshipped much more in many ways in this period then the religious are in the present period, and rightly so — though there were the preparations for the spiritual worship that comprised not only the sacrificial altars, which were not as for the offering of sacrifice in the slaying of animal or bird, or beast, or reptile, or man; rather that upon which individuals put their faults and blotted them out with the fires of those forces that were set in motion by Ra-Ta, in the ability to give to each that for which his or her activity were best adapted in the developing of themselves, when they had chosen to give themselves in service in that particular position in which their activity was necessary.  See the difference?

7. There were also established storehouses, that would be called banks in the present, or places of exchange, that there might be the communications with individuals in varied lands; for even in this period (though much had been lost even by these people) was there the exchange of ideas with other lands, as of the Poseidian and Og, as well as the Pyrenean and Sicilian, and those that would now be known as Norway, China, India, Peru and American.  These were not their names in that particular period, but from whence there were being gathered a portion of the recreations of the peoples; for the understandings were of one tongue!  There had not been as yet the divisions of tongues in this particular land.  This was yet only in the Atlantean or Poseidian land.

8. With the gatherings of these people and places, there began the erecting of the edifices that were to house not only the peoples, but the temple of sacrifice, the the temple of beauty — that glorified the activities of individuals, groups or masses, who had cleansed themselves for service.  Also the storehouses for the commodities of exchange, as well as that gathered by the peoples to match — as it were, still — one against the other.  Hence we find the activities of the priest, or seer, as really a busy life — yet much time was given in keeping self in communion with those that brought the knowledge of that progress made in the spiritual sense in other lands, especially so from Poseida and Og.

9. In these visitations that were caused, or that necessitated the absenting of the priest from these places, there arose more and more a dissension with those peoples that there was being builded much that was being left to subordinates, as considered by some of the native councillors — and a few also of those that allowed avarice to arise in their own make-up.  This brought questioning more and more, and there began to be the use of those things that gradually turned the minds of those associated in the offices that had been set aside by the priest in their activity, in the use of, in the brewing and concocting of drinks that set against the body, set the mind, set the whole fires of physical body against that as had been cleansed by the fires on the altars, as were in the sacrificial temples.

10. In the third series, or — as they were set aside as periods of ten years, most of those buildings were completed, and when there was the return of Ra-Ta from one of those visits to the mount — where there had been some activities on the part of those that were delving into what was termed the archaeological conditions of those that had lived in the lands in the periods before — and there was found in the temple of sacrifice the aggrandizing of the lusts of the body, rather than those activities that were to be carried on by the sacrificial priests — there arose a mighty turmoil, and with these conditions arising there became greater and greater stress laid upon Ra-Ta, and there were sought various ways and manners in which there might be fault found with the activities of those conditions that surrounded the body, and there arose at that time the first — as may be said — of that saying, "When the devil can't get a many any other way, he sends a woman for him."

11. Among those, then, of the priest's daughters, was one of the king's favorites — that made for the entertaining of the king and his council, and his visitors — who was more beautiful than the rest, and she was induced to gain the favor of the priest through activities of herself in body, and in the manners that would induce some fault to be found. This was not by her own volition, but rather by the counsel of those that made for the persecutions of her own peoples that were being protected by the activities of the body, and divisions arose that were even unknown then to Ra-Ta, for he being amount those that trusted all, believed all, and — as it were — for the time the gods laughed at his weakness!

12. We are through for the present.

Text of Channeled Reading 294-149 (July 27, 1932)

1. EC: Yes, we have that as has been given, and those conditions that surround the body Ra-Ta in that experience.

2. It will, no doubt, be enlightening to individuals in the present to give the outlines of that which had its being in the varied forms of worship, individuals as beings, their differences in forms from the present, that it may be better understood how these influences so much in the present with individual or personal associations of individualities.

3. The conditions first, then, as political had been set.  The conditions as to the buildings (we will call them) in which there was to be carried on this demonstration of the relationships of individuals to individuals, and relationships of individuals as individuals, and as masses, to the Creative Forces.

4. In the building, then, of the marital relationships that existed, these as we understand, were not much as homes (as seen or understood as individual homes in the present).  Rather were there the appointed companionships that were to serve their State, their purposes, for the completing of — or competing of groups of nations one against another, and were rather the matter of the word of the ruler than that of choice of individuals, as known in the present.  This particular relationship did the priest, or Ra-Ta, attempt to change, in that there should be rather the establishing of the definite homes, as were in other lands that had been then visited by this priest, or from any; that these should be rather those of consecrated lives one to another. Hence there was the tendency of the changing or altering of those forms of service that were held in the temple, in which there were not only those acts in the activities of individuals in their relationships one with another for the propagation of those peoples, but also those recreations, and those — as would be termed in the present — halls of learning, halls of precept and also of examples.  These, then, as may be understood, required the supervision — with these changes — of a great number of individuals, and — as is seen from that which has been given — individuals in varied capacities served the priests in ministering to those needs of the conditions and relationships of individuals through the temple; for in this particular peoples all births were in this particular hall — or those set aside for same, as were those chambers in which conception was to have taken place, or to take place, for all the various relationships that existed among the peoples, while in the Temple Beautiful we had rather that which pertained to those changes that were wrought in individuals' activities as they set themselves aside, or consecrated themselves (as would be termed in the present) for particular services in the material or mental, or in the commercial world, as well as those that formed or performed their particular activity or service in the Temple Beautiful, or the spiritual portion of the service.

5. With these changes, then, that were gradually brought about — possibly a description here of these might be given:

6. As was seen, the housing of all the female of the whole clan or tribe for the evenings was in the temple, while those of the male that were outside those of the king's own household — and this included the king's alone — not any favorite or queen, or closer relationship, for all were in the same building, for they were under State rules.  These were in tiers, as we would term today, beautifully laid out — with their halls, that were three and four tiers. The rooms, as would be sized as we would call, were 7 X 9 in their size, with 8 to 10 feet in the height, with those accoutrements for same — their rugs, their blankets, those that were wrought with the hands that made for the couches, for the various activities.  Those that were born in same were immediately or after three months, taken from their own families and raised in those groups which were confined in other buildings for those purposes.  The great chambers or halls that were inter-between were of high tiers, that made for large halls, with the various forms of recreation — as the dance, etc; for, as given, the body was worshipped in this period as sincerely as most of the physical or spiritual worship that may be seen today, for the bodies were changing in their forms as their developments or purifications were effective in those temples, where the consecrations and changes were taking place by the activities of the individuals in their abilities to turn themselves towards (in the mental) the spiritual things of an existence.  They gradually lost many feathers from their legs.  Many of them lost the hairs from the body, that were gradually taken away.  Many gradually began to lose their tails, or their protuberances in their various forms.  Many of them gradually lost those forms of the hand and foot, as they were changed from claws — or paws — to those that might be more symmetrical with the body.  Hence the activities or the uses of the body, as they become more erect and more active, more shaped to them in their various activities.  These were, to be sure, considered as the body beautiful. Beauty as divine; for the divine has brought — and does bring — those various beauties of form or figure to the body, and should be considered as it was given so; for "the body is the temple of the living God."  True then, that the various forms or attributes of the body in its symmetry are of the divine inheritance, as was brought about by this ill-forgotten Ra-Ta in this experience.

7. In the Temple Beautiful then, we find here the altars where various forms of desire were sacrificed, that brought to the individuals, or persons, or bodies, in the gradual falling away of those things that made for the animal activity in the bodies of those that were attempting to so consecrate, so consecrate themselves and consecrate their bodies, their lives, their activities, in this service.  Let's don't forget the thesis, or the key for which all of this understanding had come: That their might be a closer relationship of man to the Creator, and of man to man.

8. Many were the altars, then, and so — as these changes came about — there became the necessity of their attempt to induce Ra-Ta, that there might be more of the activity that was withdrawn, or drawn to the bodies of those that were purified, or clarified, in the Temple Beautiful, to draw those to the activities that were to be changing for those that had not reached that stage of the desire to become those changes in the physical and in the mental attributes of that which represented the forms in their activity in the period.  Hence the developing more of the personality, as these were injected more and more.  This is where, as it were, the gods laughed at the weakness of the individual, or priest.

9. As these began again, with this favorite of the king — and the better of the forms that had become near the body beautiful, or beauty divine, those activities in the temple (not the Temple Beautiful, but in the temple) brought these individuals, as individuals, into closer relationships, and the decree eventually came that the priest was to be, then, the companion of this body that had been chosen to be the channel through which those activities were to bring to those peoples a body such as the priest had spoken of — and the priest "fell for the whole proposition," to put it in common parlance, or that of slang phrase in the present.

10. In this there were many others that were chosen also, by the various ones, and these were the attempts that there be the same associations with the priest in the various ones through which this began, yet when there came — as it were — the offspring with this association, then there became the cry that there was the breaking of the very laws that had been set by the priest, who was to make for the home and the changing of the conditions for the peoples, and more and more were the lines drawn, or their associated or associations for the closer relationships with the priest, and those that came into power in their various forms or activities; for, as is seen, with desire — as the cleansing came — there were those abilities of individuals for various activities in various fields of endeavor. Hence there became singers, workers in linen, workers in embroidery, carders, weavers, workers in clay, those in various forms of commercial industry, those in horticulture, those in agriculture, and the various fields; for no merchants then existed, as there was one common store for all.

11. In their activities, then, each were in their various fields of endeavor given free activity to that which it might produce.   Hence these brought about the many various divisions that were between, as it may be called, the first uprising between Church and State, and the lines being drawn caused more tumult, until the period when there was the eventual trial of this priest and the companion, and they were banished into the land that lies to the south and east of this land, or the Nubian land.

12. Here all became changed, with this tumult that arose with the various priests that were in attendance in the various offices, and advantage was taken of the situation by many of those who in their various forms began to learn, as it were, a form of war and defense, and there were the gathering then of the young men, the old men, and sides were taken. Still some remained faithful to the priests who remained in the land, and troublesome times arose for many, many suns, until at least nine seasons had passed before there was even the semblance of the beginning of a quieting, and that not until their had been definite arrangements made that the priest would return and all would be submissive to his mandates; and he became, then, as may be termed in the present, a dictator — or a monarch in his own right.

13. The offspring, to be sure, was taken — as others — from this relationship, and in their various forms and manners there was the attempt to be brought about the proper conditions, yet it wasted away — for while there were the abilities of the priest in some directions, yet these had not clarified or crystallized into that which came about in the latter part of this experience for the entity.

14. In the land to which these were banished, not only were there the two — but a number; some two hundred and thirty-one souls.

15. We are through for the present.

Text of Channeled Reading 294-150 (July 28, 1932)

1. EC: Yes, we have the information that has been given.  With the number that went in exile, of the two hundred thirty and one souls, many were in the capacity of guards, defenders, special body guards, interpreters — not that these interpreters were to interpret languages, or speech, or activities, but give to those that were unable to approach the priest, or body Ra-Ta, that which would be given out where it was impossible for the body to reach all about the body.

2. With these changes, there became the natural consequences in change of relationships.  Pairs were given places of abode, and then homes — with their environs — were first established among those that were sent in exile, or chose of their own volition to be among that number, or who named the name of the priest.

3. With the entering into the Nubian land, there came such a change that there were the bettered conditions in every term that may be applied to human experience; for successes of every nature grew up about this warlike peoples, and there came those rebellions in the land that made for turmoils and strife.  More and more were there overtures made that there be some means provided whereby those who had followed the priest might be made, or forced, to return; yet these became as insurmountable objections, so that only those who were acting in the capacity of go-betweens of either sex were kept, or able to be in touch with the priest direct.  As the priest in this period entered more and more into the closer relationships with the Creative Forces, greater were the abilities for the entity or body Ra-Ta to be able to make or bring about the material manifestations of that relationship.  Hence the peace that was enjoyed by the peoples, not only with the priest but all those of that land.  Hence, as given respecting individuals, they returned from the land, for many sought to be as close in contact with this body as at all possible.  Every form of advancement, then, or advantage, seemed to be in the direction that those of the kingdom had acted in haste, and those that were advanced in their purification in the temple — whether they were of the male or female, with the ideal of bringing peace to their friends, their peoples, to whom they held some allegiance, kept attempting to make for such associations with the council and the king that there be the re-establishing of the priest in his place in the land.

4. There were begun some memorials in the Nubian land which still may be seen, even in this period, in the mountains of the land.  Whole mountains were honeycombed, and were dug into sufficient to where the perpetual fires are still in activity in these various periods, when the priest then began to show the manifestations of those periods of reckoning the longitude (as termed now), latitude, and the activities of the planets and stars, and the various groups of stars, constellations, and the various influences that are held in place, or that hold in place those about this particular solar system.  Hence in the Nubian land there were first begun the reckoning of those periods when the Sun has its influence upon human life, and let's remember that it is in this period when the present race has been called into being — and the influence is reckoned from all experiences of Ra-Ta — but expressed in the development of Ra-Ta, that these do affect — by the forces as set upon all — not only the inhabitant of a given sphere or planet, but the effect all has upon every form of expression in that sphere of the Creative Energies in action in that given sphere, and this particular sphere — or earth — was the reckoning in that period.  Hence arose what some termed those idiosyncrasies of planting in the moon, or in the phases of the moon,  or of the tides and their effect, or of the calling of an animal in certain phases of the moon or seasons of the year, or of the combining of elements in the mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, animal kingdom, in various periods, were first discovered or first given, not discovered — first conscious of — by Ra-Ta, in his first giving to the peoples of the Nubian land.

5. Well may it be imagined, then, as to the effect this had upon the peoples who classed themselves as the elect, the chosen, and yet recognizing that for a physical activity there had been the envy, selfishness, strife, contention, and those things that are of the body, that pertain to those lusts of the body, which had brought about or produced that which separated that which would build from themselves.

6. In this condition, then, were there emissaries of the various positions sent back and forth by the leaders of that particular period, that would eventually bring about the restoring of the priest, who — under the strain — very short period had, to the apparent eye of those about him, become aged, decrepit, and not able physically to carry on; and fear began to be felt that there would not be the sustaining strength sufficient that there might be given to the peoples that which had been begun by the entity in the Egyptian land, and that which was being manifested in this land to which they had been banished.

7. Eventually came the period when there was to be the attempt, that there was to be the return of the priest to the land.  Then did this priest of himself, and of the Creative Forces, edict that those who were in close association with this entity — that had meant an extenuation or savior of a peoples, into a regeneration of same — would have marks set in their bodies that would remain throughout their appearance in the earth's plane, that they might be known to one another, would they seek to know the closer relationships of the self to the Creative Forces and the source physical — of their activity with that source.  To some in the eye, to some in the body, to some the marks upon the body, in those ways and manners that may only be known to those that are in that physical and spiritual attunement with the entity as they pass through the material or earth's sphere together.  They are drawn, then, by what?  That same element that was being accentuated in the earth's plane, as also the other laws that were discovered — or were given, or were conscious of — by the entity in that particular period.  The purpose of such, then, that there may be known, that with such an association there may come an awakening to that which was accomplished by those of the select — not elect, but select — in that particular endeavor.

8. These are, then, in that position wherein their relationships may be of the best, the closest relationships of the mental, the material, the spiritual developments of all that aided in that particular experience, for the good of the group, the nation, the world — and hence the activities in whatever direction must influence the whole of the human race, whether any of that particular group enter as servants, as kings, as ministers, as those that mete penal justice, or those that would become emissaries, or ministers, or those that are of those sources that in material things bespeak of the lore of the attributes of physical relationships.  All are to, and for, and of, that that makes for an awakening of those conditions, that make for an awareness of that manifested at that period.

9. With the return then of the priest to the Temple Beautiful, there first began the priest to withdraw himself from the whole that regeneration in body might become manifest, and the body lay down the material weaknesses — and from those sources of regeneration recreated the body in its elemental forces for the carrying on of that which these material positions gave the opportunity for; leaving first the records of the world from that day until when there is the change in the race.

10. Through for the day.

From Text of Channeled Reading 294-151 (July 29, 1932)

7. Then began what may be truly termed the first national or nation spirit of a peoples; for with the divisions, rather than this causing a dispersing of ideals or a dividing up of interests, it centralized the interests; for these were being guided by a ruler or king whose authority was not questioned any more, nor were the advisings of the priest questioned, who was acting in rather the capacity of preparing for this very spirit to manifest itself in the way of the national emblems, the national ideas, that stood for the varied activities of not only individuals or groups, but for the general masses.  Hence there began the first preparation for what has later become that called The Great Pyramid, that was to be the presentation of that which had been gained by these peoples through the activities of Ra-Ta, who now was known as Ra; for with the entering in of Hermes with Ra — who came as one of the peoples from the mount to which these peoples had been banished — and the raising of that one who had been condemned with the priest in banishment to one that was to be without question the queen, or the advisor to all of her own peoples, there was brought the idea of the preservation of these, not only for those in the present but for the generations that were to come in the experiences and experiences throughout that period, until the changes were to come again in the earth's position that would make for, as it had in this inundation that brought about Ra-Ta's coming in the experience from the gods in the Caspian and the Caucasian mountains, that had brought this change in the people.  Hence under the authority of Ra, and Hermes as the guide, or the actual (as would be termed in the present) constructing or construction architect with the priest of Ra giving the directions — and those of Isis (now) in the form of the advisor for the laying in of those things that would present to those peoples the the advancement of the portion of man, or woman, to her position in the activities of the human race or human experience, these changed the position or attitude of these particular peoples as to the position that was held by woman in her relations to the developing of the conditions that either were to be national, local, or individual; for not only does this become then that upon which man depends for those advancements or advents into the material activities, but the nourishing of, the maintaining of, that to which its (the man's) ideals are to be turned in their activity when they arise at that period when expressions are to be given to the active forces in the material activities.

8. This, then, made for an endowing of this body Iso, or Isis, to the position of the first goddess that was so crowned, and there was given then that place that was to be sought by others that would gain counsel and advice even from the priest, gained access through that of Isis to the Throne itself.  Not that it rose above the authority of the king, but for that developing necessary for the activities of the woman in those spheres of activity in this particular development.

9. Then began the laying out of the pyramid and the building of same, the using of those forces that made for the activity of bringing then from those very mountains where there had been those places of refuge that which had been begun to establish these, not only into that which would remain as the place for receiving that which had been offered in the Temple Beautiful on the various altars of the activities of an individual's innate self, but to be the place of initiation of the initiates that were to act in the capacity of leaders in the various activities through this period.  This building, as we find, lasted for a period of what is termed now as one hundred years.  It was formed according to that which had been worked out by Ra-Ta in the mount as related to the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about which this particular solar system circles in its activity, going towards what?  That same name as to which the priest was banished — the constellation of Libra, or to Libya were these people sent.  It is not fitting, then, that these must return? as this priest may develop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of a liberator of the world in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in 1998.

From Text of Channeled Reading 294-152 (July 29, 1932)

1. EC: Yes, we have the information that has been given.  With the building of that memorial, there were the developments in many — or every — other line of human experience and development.  These were the natural development if the ideal that was held by the entity Ra-Ta from the beginning, for these were man's relationship to his Maker, man's relationship to his fellow man.

4. Also there were then with those of Ra born other children, that were to rise in their various capacities, that their activities would be carried on.  With this again brought contentions among the civil and political factions of the land.  This again brought the disturbing forces in Ra, and there came then that period when all the pyramid or memorial was complete, that he, Ra, ascended into the mount and was borne away.

From Text of Channeled Reading 294-183 (July 10, 1935)

1.  GC: You have before you the soul entity of the body known as Edgar Cayce, present in this room; especially that phase of its experience on earth known as Xenon, as presented through these sources.  We ask that the Creative forces, the I Am presence of this entity, review of the activities of the experience of Xenon, tell us how and why this entity failed, or lost, when according to the information through these channels this entity Edgar Cayce, as Uhjltd and Ra-Ta, had manifested in a marvelous manner.  Tell us in an understandable manner how this entity may meet these failures now, and attain to the former estate as Uhjltd or Ra-Ta.

2. EC: Yes, we have the entity now known as or called Edgar Cayce, and those experiences of the entity in the earth as Xenon.

3. In giving a review of that experience of the entity, that there may be a better understanding of the activities during the experience and of what happened to the entity that there came the experience which to the present mental concept of the entity was a failure in its activity, it is well that the conditions surrounding same be reviewed, as it were; at least in part.

4. The period, as man would count time, was 1158 to 1012 B.C.; at a period when many of those who has been in the activities of the Atlantean, Lemurian and Og age were entering, at that period or cycle in the affairs of man.  For there has ever been during a period of '58 a cycle, unit, age, year, period or era when there has been the breeding, as it were, of strife.

5. So in that experience strife was bred among the Grecians and Trojans, who were at the period those units of power that sought a justification; or an excuse that there might be a meeting of the strength as to that condition or experience that is ever combative.  No matter what terms may be used for the expression, there is ever the combativeness between Right and Wrong, or Power and Strength, or the irresistible and immovable; they are ever and constantly vying one with another.

6. Into such an environ came Ra-Ta, Uhjltd, for those experiences that should have brought — or were to bring — the strength, the power of resistance in the face of adversity, or that strength necessary in the face of the ups rather than the downs — those of affluence.

25. Here we find a variation in the relativity of the experiences of each and every individual.

26. For to many the power, the help, the aid which has come in their experience in the present has not only equaled but has surpassed any that was experienced in the period of either Ra-Ta or Uhjltd.

27. For body-mind help has come to those in the present in no uncertain terms.  That it is not heralded or spoken of is the lack of that in the mental atmosphere of those to whom such has come.

28. Then, as to how the entity — as an entity — may regenerate or re-purify the body-physical from those experiences:

29. This is a matter of form by consecration of the mind, the soul, the body, to the Creative Forces that may manifest through each and every soul that has and does put on the whole armor of a risen Lord.

 From Text of Channeled Reading 5755-1 (June 27, 1938)

43. But the entrance into the Ra-Ta experience, when there was the journeying from materiality or the being translated in materiality as Ra-Ta was from the infinity forces, or from the Sun; with those influences that draw upon the planet itself, the earth and all those about same.

49. Then that ye know as thy mental self is the form taken, with all of its variations as combined from the things it has been within, without, and in relationship to the activities in materiality as well as in the spheres or various consciousness of "Have you
love, the circle, the Son?"

50. These become then as the signs of the entity, and ye may draw these from the pattern which has been set.  Just as the desert experience, the lines drawn in the temple as represented by the pyramid, the sun, the water, the well, the sea and the ships upon same
because of the very nature of expression become the pattern of the entity in this material plane.

51. Draw ye then from that which has been shown ye by the paralleling of thy own experiences in the earth.  For they each take their form, their symbol, their sound, their color, their stone.  For they all bear a relationship one to another, according to what they have done about, "The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silent!"

From Text of Channeled Reading 281-42 (November 1, 1939)

7. Then, if it is practical to put activities of that period in the present day language, or words, — let's give a review of the happenings of that period; what was attempted, what was accomplished, and what influence that had upon the souls — or the entities — of individuals who may be influenced, or who are working with this group, thru such information as may be supplied through this channel in the present:

8. Here we find, first, an individual with a desire, a purpose, — not for exploiting people, or individuals, or souls, but to build an influence within the experience of individuals in material life.

9. This Priest was not merely the director of the spiritual counsel of that body of people who entered Egypt, but of that activity in which all phases of man's endeavor were, in the experience, being acted upon.

12. The Priest was an individual who had received inspiration from within.  And, realizing that such an influence or force might be given to others in their search for why and what were their purposes in material life, he then sought out one who might foster such a study in materiality.

16. When the lines about the earth are considered from the mathematical precisions, it will be found that the center is night unto where the Great Pyramid, which was begun then, is still located.

21. Thus we find that the experiences of individuals of the period, seeking for the understanding as to the evolution of the souls of men, might be compared to the minds of individuals in the present who are seeking an understanding as to man's use of physical or atomical structure in his own relationships.

22. Then, the individual of that experience or period was not necessarily one other than a soul or entity seeking the knowledge as to the relationship of that which would sustain and gain for man the abilities not only to continue the physical evolution but the spiritual or soul evolution as well.

23. Such as one, then, was Ra, — or Ra-Ta.

24. (Study this, or you won't understand it!)

25. Then, with his entrance into Egypt, with the proper place, the proper relationships with that activity, — which was indicated by the willingness of the peoples of that land, in the greater extent, to be led into those activities for the physical as well as the mental and spiritual developments of the period, — we find that there were the activities in which the King with his Council found fault with the actions of the Priest, because of the indications that there was not the adherence to that he demanded of others, in his own life and experience.

26. Then there entered what may be termed the desire of a group to impose the teachings on the people; not to teach man by experience (as was the Priest's desire — if you call him such) what relationships he must bear, in every extent and phase of his life, to his fellow man; that he may understand through same the phases of the mind, the phases of the soul.

27. Ye see it only in physical reactions.  So did many of those who were in authority in Egypt.

28. Hence there came the banishment of the Priest, with the companion, as well as the many numbers of those who chose to be banished into the Abyssinian land, who were attracted by the natural intent and purpose of the Priest, — not only those of his own peoples but many of the Natives.

29. Then there followed the nine years in banishment; as well as the periods of the uprisings of the Natives in rebellion, and also those of the King's own household in the Ibex; as well as the entrance into Egypt of the peoples from the Atlantean land, which had begun the breaking up — as had been told by that entity, the Priest.

From Text of Channeled Reading 440-4 (December 19, 1933)

4. Then, harken my son, Ra-Ta would counsel again with thee, and may there not be too little or too much given at this time for thine better self.

5. In giving purposes for entering, and giving soul developments and the attaining to the use of the soul or psychic faculties of the self, may there be sufficient of the precautions given thee also.  And may there be found in this experience that which from this day forward, thoughout the sojourn in this present experience, may be turned to oft for counsel, for the paralleling of thine experience, as ye advance step by step through this sojourn.  And it will be necessary in giving these precautions, these warnings, these blessings that may come with that which may be counseled with thee at this time, that there be sufficient understanding of that the mental development has been — and is — through the sojourns in the earth that are to be used with the faculties of the mental body and material body for the channel through which spiritual truths may be put, as it were, by self, in the mental crucible — and that which is dross cast forth, that which is pure preserved and made practical in thine own experiences first — then passed on to thine fellow man, that he — too — may walk no longer in the shadow of doubt and fear but know truly there is a rod in Jessie and that the Father would speak with the sons of men; and that His Son had led the way so oft in the earth over and above the teachers that have come into the earth from generation to generation; and that He will walk with thee and guide thy hand, if ye will but choose the Lord while He may yet be found.

The concluding question and answer of this reading is also noteworthy:

18. (Q) What is the highest possible psychic realization — etc?
(A) That God, the Father, speaks directly to the sons of men — even as He has promised.

In the transcript for 5756-10 (October 24, 1933), the communicating intelligence is quoted as having referred to the "forces gathered here" and then having named them—"Lamech, Confucius, Tamah, Halaliel, Hebe, Ra, Ra-Ta, John"—before stating "We are through" to conclude the session.  This was discussed in the following reading. In the transcript for 5756-11 of the same day, the explanation was given:

3. The individuals named were known as individuals and personalities in the earth's sphere, and had (and have) an influence upon the thoughts of man; hence they (the influence they represent) are capable of guiding the information in such a manner as may be comprehendable to those that would seek to know the truth: that may be presented, and that may be demonstrable (that's a very good word!) in individual lives.  Hence we each may be assured, by the presence of the beloved disciple, that our own Christian concept will have its place throughout the discussion.

From Text of Channeled Reading 2072-10 (July 22, 1942)

7. (Q) Is the mark of Ra-Ta the most expedient point through which an individual entity may attune itself with the spiritual or psychic or Creative Forces?
(A) As we have indicated, it would be well for the entity to understand what the mark of Ra-Ta symbolized.

As was the teaching or the concept of that entity Ra-Ta, the individual — or the individual personality of an entity — remained in activity.  This was to be as an awakening to each individual entity, as to their united effort in that particular experience.

As to the nature, the type of mark, — this indicated the manner the channel in which the entity would become aware of that union or united effort, or of being a member of that group, — as of a sign or a symbol to any great body as of a united effort on the part of a group of individuals.

Thus to those individuals who find their relationship and become aware of same in the present experience, this naturally becomes the channel through which the greater awakening may come to those individuals.

To be sure, this is a continuation of the holding to the idea or ideal of an individual entity.  This is not to be confused with that which is the perfect understanding of the law of the Lord.  For, Ra-Ta was not a lord, not a god, but a teacher, an instructor, an interpreter; and an individual entity that would still hold to an ideal, or an idea of an ideal.

And, as has been indicated to this entity, this is and should be considered as being true respecting any teacher, any interpreter, — save Him who IS the way, the truth and the light.  While each teacher is in a manner a director, the individual entity may only be a means — not a way of life, see?  


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