
Sunday, October 21, 2012

On Amon-Ra, Bel-Marduk and Jesus Christ

When I began my series of articles about trance medium/channeler Mark Probert and The Inner Circle, I had yet to read the lecture transcripts from the Teachers of Light website [defunct].  In the second of the eight spiral-bound transcript anthologies, I found that Yada di Shi'ite had spoken through the entranced Probert about the mysterious ancient 'Amon-Ra' (also known as 'Amun-Ra' or 'Amen-Ra') during a January 31, 1960 lecture.
My honorable friends, thank you but I wish to say something about your expression 'Amen.'  It is originating from the name of the man Amon-Ra.  Today you have in your world a man who sacrificed his life, is called 'Roger.'  So when something is done in good balance, someone will say "Roger."  You say at the end of a prayer, hoping that things will be all right in honor of Amon-Ra, who brought to the world of physical man years ago the story of the One God.  But he was driven out by the masses of people that were living in captivity and were like animals with no honor and respect of anything.  Because they did not expect to live beyond the physical world — they did want what they wanted right now.  They were not living in balance and this is what caused them to be destroyed sooner or later.  They literally destroyed themselves and did not know it.
So the Great White Brotherhood knew that if these people go on with what they were doing, they would be completely destroyed.  This must stop and so they sent Amon first and he was rejected.  Amon sent six other teachers among the people and one of them was Moses.  Moses the great Egyptian member of the Great White Brotherhood.  But this is a long story and I cannot go into details.

(11-1-12 Update: I listened to the CD with the recording of this discourse and found that Yada had not said 'Amon-Ra' as I had read in the transcript of this lecture by Yada di Shi'ite channeled through Mark Probert.  Yada can clearly be heard to say 'Amenhotep.'  This shows that extant transcripts of channeled discourses by The Inner Circle should not be considered as verbatim.  Some mistakes may be due to difficulties posed by Yada's accent when speaking English.  What is obvious is that transcribers were quickly writing out the basic ideas.  I do not know if there were occasions when Yada spoke about 'Amon-Ra' aka 'Amen-Ra'/'Amun-Ra.'  I have added a more accurate transcript of these quoted passages at the end of this article.)
In the books of Zecharia Sitchin, Amon-Ra was correlated with 'Bel-Marduk' ( 'Bel' signifying 'the Lord').  'Bel-Marduk' attracted my attention during the series of events chronicled in the nonfiction case study Testament, which may be read in a free Internet edition (1997).  Sitchin reported in The Wars of Gods and Men (1985)
Heinrich Zimmern, who transcribed and translated the Ashur text from clay tablets in the Berlin Museum, created quite a stir in theological circles when he announced its interpretation at a lecture in September 1921.  The reason was that he interpreted it as a pre-Christian Mysterium dealing with the death and resurrection of a god, and thus an earlier Christ tale. When Stephen Langdon included an English translation in his 1923 volume on the Mesopotamian New Year Mystery Texts, he titled the text The Death and Resurrection of Bel-Marduk and highlighted its parallels to the New Testament tale of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
But, as the text relates, Marduk or Bel ("The Lord") did not die; he was indeed incarcerated inside The Mountain as in a tomb; but he was entombed alive.
In The Wars of Gods and Men, Sitchin found that Egyptian tales corroborated Mesopotamian tales and linked Sumerian gods with the gods of Egypt, such as Enki with Ptah.  Enki's firstborn was MAR.DUK ("Son of the Pure Mound") and Sitchin found similarities between the Babylonian Marduk and the Egyptian Ra: "the former was the son of Enki, the latter of Ptah . . . there is found in Sumerian texts scattered, but persistent, evidence supporting our belief that the god called Ra by the Egyptians and Marduk by the Mesopotamians was one and the same deity."
Sitchin offered a speculative account of the events leading to Marduk's entombment within 'The Mountain'—which he concluded to signify the Great Pyramid—and observed:
The record of Marduk's entombment, alive, within the Great Pyramid has been preserved on clay tablets in the ruins of Ashur and Nineveh, the ancient Assyrian capitals.  The Ashur text suggests that it had served as a script for a New Year's mystery play in Babylon that reenacted the god's suffering and reprieve.  But neither the original Babylonian version, nor the Sumerian historical text on which the script was based, have so far been found.
Marduk was released from his imprisonment with Sitchin having explained some of the extant evidence to be found inside the Great Pyramid.
And what of the rescued Prisoner of the pyramid?
Mesopotamian texts relate that he went into exile; in Egypt Ra acquired the epithet Amen, "The Hidden One."
Sitchin's 'The Earth Chronicles' series of books has been described as being "based on the premise that mythology is not fanciful but the repository of ancient memories; that the Bible ought to be read literally as a historic/scientific document; and that ancient civilizations—older and greater than assumed—were the product of knowledge brought to Earth by the Annunaki, 'Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.'"  The official website of the late Zecharia Sitchin is
There is a mention of 'Bel' in Tony Bushby's The Secret in the Bible (2003).  Bushby is an Australia-born researcher/author dedicated to elucidating mysteries of Christianity.  The sixth chapter of The Secret in the Bible includes the following.
Some biblical analysts suggested that Solomon's Temple was in reality a stepped ziggurat like that of Bel (Baal) at Babylon or perhaps a three-staged pyramid similar to those uncovered at Ur, the biblical home of Abraham.  Curiously enough, in the foundation of the pyramid of Bel, there was an empty lidless sepulcher similar to that found in the Great Pyramid at Giza.  Supporters of Bel believed that it was the actual resting place of their god who promised that one day he would return to earth as Savior of mankind, but, like the Great Pyramid, no corpse or treasure was ever found.
In the first chapter of The Secret in the Bible, Bushby wrote: "The concealed message that the Bible holds underscores the mystery teachings of the Secret Societies of Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights Templar, the Eastern Star and others that many people in the outer world have never heard."  The book offers a sixteen-worded sentence presented as a "special message":  "Learn deeply of the mind and its mystery for therein lies the true secret of immortality."
Here is one of Bushby's observations about the Anunnaki.
Sumerian clay tablets spoke repeatedly of a knowledge given to the people by a race called the Anunnaki.  That plural word had a striking similarity to the singular word in the Book of Jasher, 'the sons of Anun' and it may be that the 'Sons of Anun,' as a group, were called the Anunnaki.  They came from 'The Land of the Guardians' and it appeared that the Anunnaki was another name for 'Guardians.'
The Secret in the Bible followed the publication of Bushby's The Bible Fraud (2001) — a book presented as "the untold story of Jesus and his twin brother, Judas Khrestus" and utilizing "rare archival manuscripts and difficult-to-find ancient reference books" to offer the author's appraisals of how the story of Jesus as presented in the Holy Bible may have derived. Bushby's sources include the "records of the Rabbis."
A common appellation for Jesus in the Talmud was Yeshu'a ben Panthera, an allusion to the widespread Jewish belief during the earliest centuries of the Christian era that Jesus was the result of an illegitimate union between his mother and a Roman soldier named Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera.
There was another, lesser-known name Jesus was called during those early years and that was 'Yeshu'a ben Stada' (Son of Stada).  This name was recorded in the records of the Sanhedrin and also in the Talmud.
These apparently contradictory assertions can be ironed out when read in context.  In summary, Stada was Yeshu'a (Jesus) ben Panthera's mother.
The life of Mariamne Herod's twin sons provided the essence of the entire Gospel story.  To unravel the 'King' story of Jesus ben Panthera, it is first important to clarify the Gospel identity of his twin brother, who was called Judas Thomas or 'Thomas the Twin' in the New Testament.
Concerning the word 'Christ,' Bushby appraised that "'Krist' according to St. Epiphanius was the spiritual Self in each and every living person" with the author citing as his source "Heresies (Epiph. Haer.), liii, I."  Bushby wrote further:
In fact, the 'anointed' or Krist figures actually preceded the writing of the Old Testament in the story of Krishna.
From the Essenes many of their manuscripts referred to Kristo, Krst, or Krist, and was a divine internal figure in Essenic minds and set forth primarily in the Book of Enoch as One eternal with God.
Krist was also established in the doctrine of the Gnostics who held Kristo to be the personal and immortal Spirit of Man.  The son of Poseidon and Meduse was called Khryst and the priests of Apollo were known as Khyrstes.  In fact, the word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst and Krish-na appeared in every ancient religious system and showed the original Kristo concept was believed to be the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man.
Ancient documents were amalgamated when Emperor Constantine presided over the Council of Nicaea to decree what Bushby called "a political act of deification" that "effectively and legally placed Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus among the Roman gods as one individual composition today called Jesus Christ."
One of Bushby's sources was the British Chronicles (1854).
In the British Chronicles, King Tenvantius was recorded as the father of a man called Cunobeline, the terminology in this application meaning 'absorbed into the family by marriage.'  This was a well-established adoptive naming practice of the times (Alford's Regio Fides) and from information available, it seemed that when Rabbi Jesus married Mary Magdelene, he was given the name, Cunobeline.  The structure of the title, Cunobeline, represented spiritual renewal over carnal death (Cuno—carnal, death, mortify; Bel—Baal-Baal—sun, new-life, re-birth) and may have been applied to Rabbi Jesus during some form of Celtic initiation.
Bushby's source for the latter passage is Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Albert Mackey, McClure Publishing, 1917.
In the account formulated by Bushby, Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline became a member of the sacred order of the Druidic priesthood and was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries.  However, when he attempted to make public the essence of the hidden Mysteries, this violation of the Ancient Rule of the Order of High Priests resulted with him being accused of many things by the chief priests.  He was found guilty and eventually was killed by stoning.
The elements of the twins' life stories are appraised by Bushby as having been diffused into the handwritten manuscripts of the 'presbyters' — public orators that today are known as the 'founding church fathers.'  More details about Bushby's work may be found at and [defunct].
Bushby observed that "the number of god-men known to religious history comes to thirty-four.  Of these, sixteen became saviour-gods through stories remarkably similar to the one developed for Jesus Christ."  They included Osiris in Egypt, Bel in Babylon, Dionysius in Greece, Krishna in India, Bali in Asia, Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, Prometheus in Greece, and Mithra in Persia.
Using the physical body of Mark Probert as a channel, Yada di Shi'ite also mentioned there had been "sixteen crucified saviors" in lectures, including in the lecture given the title "Love, the Secret Key of Creation."  A book entitled The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors (1875) was written by Kersey Graves and may be read in a free Internet edition.
An 'Egyptian ornament' that materialized during a seance was featured on the cover of the case study The Mediumship of Jack Webber (1962) by Harry Edwards.
(11-1-12 addition: the following is my transcription of the passages mentioned above from the CD recording of the January 3, 1960 discourse by Yada channeled through Mark Probert.)
My honorable friends, thank you but I wish to say something about your expression 'Amen.'  It is originating from the name of the man he called Amenhotep before.  But today you are having in your world a man who sacrificed his life, he called 'Roger.'  So when something is done in good balance somebody says Roger.  You say at the end of your prayer, hoping that things will be that right “Amen” but it is Amen in honor of the man Amenhotep who brought to the world of physical man thus years ago the story of the One God.  But he was driven out by the masses of people of that time that were living in captivity and who were living like the pigs and the animals and fighting and killing and had no honor, no respecting for anything.  Because they did not expect to live beyond the physical world — they didn’t care so they were doing what they had to do right now, which is not a bad idea.  They were not doing it in balance and this was causing them sooner or later to be destroyed.  They were literally destroying themselves and not knowing it.
So the Great White Brotherhood in knowing that if these people go on with what they are doing, they will be completely destroyed — this must stop.  And so they sent Amen first.  He was rejected.  Then Amen he sent in sixteen teachers among these people.  One of them is Moses.  Moses the great Egyptian member of the White Brotherhood.  But that is a long, long story and I can’t go into it in much detail tonight.
An additional note: Also see the 2018 blog article "My Paranormal Initiation" in relation to parallels with events in my own life and what has been chronicled about the life of Bel-Marduk. The Egyptian-style antique pendant shown at the beginning of this article surprised me when I fist discovered it as the figure shows a close likeness to myself as I looked during my younger years. 


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