
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Excerpts from Lecture Transcripts of The Inner Circle Through Mark Probert

This is a photo of Mark Probert (1907-1969) from late in his lifetime.

Transcripts and audio recordings chronicle some of the precise circumstances confronting audiences at sessions of Mark Probert's trance mediumship/channeling.  An extensive collection of transcripts of "Tape Recorded Lectures By the Teachers of Light Kethra E Da Through Mark Probert" are for sale at The Inner Circle Teachers of Light website [defunct] in spiral-bound books and audio CDs.  Some background information is offered in the Teachers of Light Catalog.  Michelle Hall wrote:

The lectures were recorded between 1948-68 and only available on reel-to-reel tapes.  After Mark Probert passed on he left no instructions on what should become of all these teachings.  I went ahead and bought most of the tapes and also the transcribed lectures and printed them in a magazine called Circle of Light Quarterly between 1978-85.  I have since worked with the material to be able to present it the best possible way.
I set out on a huge task to type up all the transcribed lectures and created 8 books with 9 full-length lectures each.  This took many years but they are now available.  I personally converted the reel to reel into cassette tapes which we have since discontinued and replaced with 150 CDs which are now available.
Below are some excerpts from the Teachers of Light collection of transcripts.  The titles given to the lectures are noted along with the communicator and date, if known.  Occasionally throughout the transcripts, Yada said "I will speak to my teacher" ('kethra') and does so in his language before continuing the lecture in English.  A quote from Yada presented in last week's blog article offered his explanation for using figurative language as he remarked about members of his audience being "conditioned to think in different ways."  For example, the transcripts reveal Yada stated that a student of metaphysics thinking negative thoughts "can become a destroyer and black magician and suffer the consequences."  On another occasion, Yada attempted to place in perspective human afterlife: "The astral world consists of individual dreams."  (Some other transcripts may be read at
Some of the perspectives of phenomena associated with what people on this side of life categorize as 'paranormal' are surprising; for example, in a 1962 conversation Alfred Luntz sarcastically looked upon Spiritualism's communication between the planes as "Discarnate beings are popping in and out of the physical worlds . . . spooking one another" while Yada in a 1968 lecture remarked that poltergeists are "pure energy and when energy wears out, they are no more."  One might conclude that new occurrences and insights developed on the physical Earth realm of human experience have the potential of contributing even to the understanding of people who have already made the transition to the ascended state of existence.

"This Fantastic World"     Alfred Luntz     May 4, 1956

I sometimes laugh when I hear others say how they shudder of the nature or possible hideous nature of the space beings because I know that man has a hideous nature also.  What can be more hideous?  What beings coming from anywhere from space would commit crimes upon their fellow man as humans do on the earth have done and [are] doing daily?  Millions killed in the last war and not to talk about millions in wars before.  Horrible suffering — where children were bled of their blood to give to soldiers, so they could spill it on the battle fields.
Now, let us say, you take a long flight on a saucer and you landed on the surface of a planet and you returned to earth and someone asked you what went on, on that planet.  And you said: "These people are very strange.  They are literally savages, cannibals.  They murder one another because of religious beliefs, political beliefs, philosophical beliefs, scientific beliefs or no beliefs at all.  They commit the most atrocious crimes upon one another."  Would you want to go to that place?  No, you do not want to go there.  But you are there.
In [the] very ancient past, certain beings came from outer space.  These beings created a war with man.  They did not attack man but were attacked.  Some of these beings did not want to carry on this war with man.  They did not want man destroyed from the earth.  So they taught them how to blast tunnels in the earth, so that the sides of the tunnels looked like glass.  There was no dirt or rocks to carry out.  It was done by sound waves.  High powered frequency waves.  I think everyone knows ultrasonic waves can cremate.  Is this not so?  Burn things to ashes and melt things.  And that is what was used until man went on the ground. 
I think you know something about pyramids?  Under every pyramid is a tunnel.  From one pyramid to the other the tunnels go.  There are pyramids under the ice of the poles, buried there for centuries.  But even to today they are being used.  Those who built these pyramids knew that there would be a great flood, and so they built the pyramid design.  It was the best for carrying the weight of the water or of the ice upon the earth. 

"Man King Over All"     Yada     Dec. 12, 1956 

We all want whipping boards.  That's why Masters have been created and then put to death.  Because we do not want to take responsibility for our blindness and sleepiness. 
He did it!  Put him on the cross.  You put him on, not me.  Stone him to death.  Hang him upside down, like they did to the one called Zoroastro.  Do you want to know the truth?  Can you handle it?  I have people come to me and tell me, "Yada, would you please tell me about my past lives."  I say to them: "What are you doing with this one?"  All I can say, "I don't know.  I cannot tell.  I must not tell."  Only under given circumstances will I permit myself to tell. 
So he comes and says: "I hear you can tell about past lives."  So I am thick in the head and say: "Yes."  The first step getting into trouble by me and more by you.  But I want to be brilliant and so I let him know.  To be brilliant by myself is no great thing.  I have to let the world know about it.  So he will ask me about his past life and I say: "Yes."  Now remember, my friends, this man is a very sensitive person.  He is inclined to great emotions because he has a great sense of rightness and justice.  So I look into his akashic records.  I am a seer and tell him what I see.  Let us say, for a moment, that what I see is real truth and it even horrifies me.  This man has been a butcher to his fellow man, living the most brutal life possible.  Can I tell him that?  Do you think that would be right?  It would destroy him.  And to the measure that I destroy him I destroy myself.  Life is for living now.

"Man, The Space Dweller"     Yada     1959

Venus!  It is not inhabited today in the same way as was Mars, but in the history of Venus there were beings of the human order.  But you must not imagine them to have been like you, because of the condition on Venus which would naturally produce a body different than what we have. 

Most of the other planets, the outer planets, are entirely uninhabited.  It is most dreadful cold.  Their temperature have turned these planets into more or less blocks of ice, frozen ice blocks.  But you go outside your solar system and look for planets that are in better position to form life.  You will find millions of them.  Many of these planets are occupied by beings like yourself.

"The Mind Is The Healer"     Yada     Jan. 11, 1964

A meek person is a knower that violence begets nothing but violence, and so has no reason, no purpose, no design in his mind to create violence.
Many things we do in this life are urges of thought that we had in past lives.

"Healing"     Yada     July 5, 1964

Thoughts do not originate in the brain.  The brain takes a thought, receives it, catalogs it and passes it on to the nerve energy, nerve impulse, different sensation to different organs in the body.  Fear or sudden fright makes a direct contact upon the adrenaline glands.  The adrenaline glands react by throwing given amounts of adrenaline into the blood, into the system to strengthen the heart.  But sometimes when one does not get the proper amount of motion to use the adrenaline, a heart attack can result.

"The Fight To Live"     Yada    1964

There again is a word that is not very appealing to my sense of balance to life and this word is 'karma.'  And there is a word similar that the Christians use and that is called 'sin.'  Sin!  Called 'missing the mark.'  You did not fully understand the picture life presented.  And so you acted in the only way that you knew how.  Must we think of karma as repaying pain back or making up for a mistake?  Why not also paying back for our good things?  Why not?  If we are going to be punished by our bad things, why not be rewarded by our good things?  This is what the Christians teach.

"Many Ways To Good Health"     Yada     1964

Man is a strange creature.  He cries in pain of his own life and yet he thinks nothing of creating pain in others. 

Now in hypnosis you can take away some ailments very nicely but there is a danger if you do not first find the cause of the ailment, what is the seat of it. 

"Love Is Understanding"     Yada     June 12, 1966

More than forty years I had a thought.  My thought was to communicate with my fellow men on earth again, in these times, in this present civilization.  So I sought out one that I thought, in fact, I knew would be best, not only for me, but for others to use as a tool for the physical world.  It took almost forty years to educate this one to the thought that he could be nicely used, put into service for us.  Not alone, no, but for man in general here on earth.  Not only on the earth but on other levels of consciousness I sent word to a number of beings on different levels of consciousness — asking them if they would like, or enjoy, to participate in the work with man here on earth.  I chose sixteen and formed a circle around this man, Mark.
These sixteen, each came from a different walk of life.  Some are Asiatic, some are Europeans.  But they were chosen for their particular understanding of life, which would suit the purpose best.  Then we sought out Mark Probert.
Flying saucers.  Some of these beings are able to descend to your earth in such a way that your Government will be able to deny them.   These beings are not coming to save you but to educate you so you can save yourself. 

"Struggle To Go Home"     Yada     August 8,1968

Question: Are there universes parallel to this one and what are they like?.
Yada: Very much so.
Question: Is it an opposite?
Yada: In a way speaking — yes, in a way.  That's what makes it so mysterious than ever.  So I ask myself the question: What do I mean by that?  I mean character of motion.  That is the difference.  For the dweller in that world, that equal or opposite world, there is reality.  It is real to them like yours is real to you.
You know what is called anti-matter?  You have heard it?  Now when some of that world substance encounters this world substance, it causes some violent reaction which you call explosion, in which material substance in your world is destroyed by it.  It turns almost instantly to anti-matter.  There would be a chain reaction which could wipe out the world.  But there are opposite forces in your world to protect from other world forces.

"You Are Your Own Destiny"    Yada    Date Unknown

Genghis Khan, the brutal leader of vast hordes that swept across the then known world, leaving a frightening trail of blood and suffering.  Where is he today?  Where is his empire, the world he has conquered?  In the dust along with himself, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, all of them, going back and forth, back and forth.

And it shall ever be that way for what is taken in hate is hateful and cannot continue to exist.
The website of the late Gerardus Tros presents without charge 33 lecture transcripts of Yada di Shi-ite and other members of the Inner Circle.  Among these lectures are a few of the same ones included in the anthologies offered by The Inner Circle Teachers of Light website.  Tros commented about Yada:
In my estimation, Yada is one of the great Masters around and he still inspires me when I think about him or go through his lectures. 

. . .
I read many lectures from Yada that were channeled in the Fifties and Sixties by a man called Mark Probert.  Mark and his wife Irene traveled to many places in the USA and they produced hundreds of 20 page lectures about Life, about Mankind, about Awakening and about the Light . . .
Yada himself had this to say about the topic of spiritual 'Masters' in a transcript from Yada Speaks (1979):
I come to you and say I am a Master.  The moment I say this you had better grab your hat and run.  For I am not a Master.  Any one that comes to you from the Astral plane or the physical plane and says to you, "I am a Master and I have come to teach you."  You had better get away from that one quickly.  Because if that one is a Master, he will not tell you.  And you would not be able to recognize him if he were a Master unless you were a Master yourself.  We cannot recognize anything that is not in ourself. Adulthood is a highly responsible position.  We have no more time for children's games.  No, I am not a Master.  Not in the sense of that word as you understand it.  It is to me a very foolish word for it puts you below me.
Tros noted, "All lectures were re-typed or scanned and minor corrections were made in the syntax of the language in order to make them easier to understand.  The original text and style has been maintained as much as possible."
A November 17, 1956 transcript preserves the lecture presented at the Detroit Federation of Women's Club.  Mark Probert reported the details of a meeting with USC professor Hans Von Kerber.
When I called him on the phone, he said he could give me 45 minutes of his time, as he was going away on a vacation.  When we went to his home he brought a recording machine and some tapes, because I did not think I was going to go into trance and have my teacher, Yada, speak to him in person.
But as we were setting up the machine my teacher said to me clairaudiently, "I wish to speak to this man in person."  So then I asked the doctor if he would permit me sufficient time to let my teacher take control and talk to him and he said that would be quite all right.  It ended up by us having a 5 hour session with him.  Dr. Hans Von Kerber spent 7 years as a Tibetian monk.  He is a man about 76 years old now.  He said he was able to communicate with Yada in 4 different tongues mixed together, such as Inca, Mayan, Hundustani, and Chinese.  Quite a conglomeration!  But anyway, when he comes tonight, which I know he will, because he does almost always, he will first speak in his own tongue and then he will revert to English.
Mark's wife Irene who worked closely with him during his channeling sessions explained:
I want to say that I can interpret Yada's language. I can't tell you how this comes about because I haven't a remembrance of this but I have been able to do this from the very beginning of Yada speaking through Mark.  
During this lecture, some of the reported expressions uttered by Yada include "the light that is called Christness," "nature, mind, or God," "the matrix, out of which man and all form and all things have come," "the Eternal Mind," and "Kundalini is cosmic energy that is centered in your body."  
Professor Alfred Luntz also spoke on this occasion.  Here is an excerpt.
Is my sense of awareness something that is limited only to my brain, or the actions and reactions of the chemistry of the brain?  I think not!  My body and I speak at the moment of the physical self, is simply a unit of energy.  It is a field, an energy field.  The nervous system therefore must also be a part of this energy field, a very sensitive energy field.  This energy field is capable of extending its sense of awareness.  Am I clear?  This energy field is capable of extending its sense of awareness.
Everything is an energy field if we are speaking of form.  That is its basic nature more or less, a sensitive energy field which has the characteristic of expanding and contracting.  In this instance, the human form, the human form as a whole, has that characteristic of being able to extend itself in what is called awareness.  Because nothing takes place in time as an external entity, or space as such.  Our body is a consciousness, a consciousness field, I as such can become aware of not only what is taking place here before me, but what may be taking place at a vast distance from me, for actually nothing is at a distance from me.
A December 26, 1959 transcript of a session at the Proberts' home in San Diego reveals that on this date, in addition to Yada, Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi and Maharaja Natcha Tramalaki, a personal acquaintance of the Proberts who had recently made the transition to the other side, Gordon Longstone, was heard.  During the conversation Irene mentioned that another personal acquaintance known as 'Skippy' had occasionally come through during channeling sessions.
Here is an excerpt from near the conclusion of the transcript of the July 7, 1964 session held in a residence at Buffalo, New York.
Yada: . . . there is, for several years now, more or less, a study of the bottom of the ocean floor by these space beings.  They are studying the different changes that have taken place on this earth through the sea beds.  Beneath the sea beds this examination and testing goes on.  This earth goes through periodical examinations from these beings.  They do not come to interest man further in his religion.  They do not care about his religion except to make note of it, showing the state of the human's advancement on the earth in this period of time.  These beings go also to the tops of mountains and they study the snow and the layers of snow, testing how much potent radiation is being carried to the earth through snow, ice and rain; also testing how much the earth is heating up, and it is heating up at the rate of one degree every five years.  And the reason this is, is not just from heat from the sun, but radiation coming from different parts of the solar system and beyond the solar system.
Now there are galactic systems that are separated by millions of light years, some even trillions of light years.  It would appear that in the middle of the vast spaces would be a pure vacuum; but big mistake.  All these galactic systems are connected by an auric light or bands of energy that reach from one to the other.  Thin layers yes.  But what is thin?  What do I mean?  Thin?  Fat?  The question always is, how thin, how fat.  There are many radiation bands around your earth, not only one or two.  There are many.  They stretch from the earth to the sun.  Closer to the sun, the wider these belts are, the more potent they are.  Kethra . . . . How very fascinating!  Creation goes on and on and on. What can I say?  How on?  In a straight line?  There are no straight lines.  There is no such thing as a straight line. Some of your scientists, your mathematicians, your physicists will tell you there are no straight lines, relatively straight, yes, but no straight lines.  You know why?  Because creation turns back on itself.  Creation is limited and unlimited.
Audience: Unintelligible question asked.
Yada: Yes it is when you think about the size of some of these galactic systems, some of them measuring to the trillions of light years across.  Ka-sida!  Can the human mind begin to think of this?  Of course not, of course not.  Energy travels in periodical bundles and these bundles fall off, fall off and fall off until they are turning back upon the center of which they started from. 
The September 8, 1968 transcript chronicles that after the passing of Irene Probert, she too communicated through her husband, as follows.
Irene: Harry?  Annie?.
Annie: You just had a trip, didn't you?
Irene: Yes I did and I was listening to Alfred Luntz, and I am sad to say, he is going to leave my world.  He is going to go back to the physical world and I do not know how he can do that.
Group: Maybe when you get a little older you will.
Irene: Perhaps.  Maybe that's it.  How are you my dear?
Annie: Just wonderful, dear, and we'd like to know how you are!
Irene: I know of no time when I have been so well.  Harry?
Harry: Yes, Irene.
Irene: We know one another, don't we?
Harry: Yes we do.  Welcome to our home again.  I thought you might come today.  How about that!
Irene: You are both looking so very well.  And some, or do most of the rest of you remember me?
Group: Yes, Irene.  I remember.  We were all at your house.
Irene: It is just no time ago.  I do miss earth life.  I didn't want to die, I felt I had too much to do.  I couldn't waste my time being dead.  So many things I wanted to continue in the work with Mark.  But then, my body would not permit that.  So, rather than continue to suffer in it, I left it.  There are some things that I did not have control over.  As some of you remember, I had a very dominant nature.  I could control some things, but that got out of hand.  Oh, I visit Mark once in a while, but most of time he is not aware that I am in the house with him.
Annie: I felt you, coming over here.
Irene: Yes you did, Annie.  You have proven such a great help to the work and to Mark.  I am so appreciative of your kindness to Mark and to the work and giving so much attention to it, and growing up in it yourself, like I did.
Annie: Well it just gives me the feeling that I am doing so little and I need to do so much more.
Irene: My dear, I had exactly the same feeling about it.
Annie: How do you like Mark's beard?
Irene: Well he had one quite a few years ago when his hair was darker and he didn't have to dye it.  He tried that you know, and oh my the dye burned his skin.
Annie: Well we have convinced him now, that to have wisdom he'll have to have grey hair, so he won't be dying it again.
Irene: You see, that doesn't go for the female.  In fact, the female is not supposed to have wisdom.  I learned so very much from all the members of the Circle. I am now one of them.
Harry: Congratulations!
Irene: Thank you.  I came in on the tail end of things.
Group: There was always that one little spot open, waiting for you.
Irene: Yes, I often wondered who that last one would be . . . . I knew it was a woman, but I didn't know it was going to be me!  What an honor.  What a wonderful thing!  I sit in groups like I did when I was living here.
Annie: We want you to practice coming a lot because we know you are the closest earth tie we had and some of us were contemporaries and I think that's a very important learning tool.
Irene: You know, when I a few days ago I tried to get through to Mark and I hoped he would bring his writing tablet with him.  I had some things I wanted to tell him of the world I am in here.  And since I have been here, these last six or seven months now, I've learned things are different than when I first came. There is a better atmosphere around me.  Well, I wanted to tell Mark.
Annie: Well he forgot his book, but I brought It.  So it is in the car if you need it.
Irene: Thank you dear, I'm getting tired.
Group: We appreciate that you could come at all.
Irene: Yes, and my love to all of you.
Harry: Take ours with you.  Is Yada coming through.
Irene: I do not know.  I have never seen him.  Only Alfred Luntz. Perhaps I will see the others in time.  But you know, everything is so warm and nice, so warm and beautiful.  Well, bye bye.
Annie: Ciao (An Italian expression of greeting or parting.  Pronounced "chow").
Irene: What?
Annie: Ciao.
Harry: It is time to eat, Irene. Chow time.
Mark: Let's eat . . . .
The final transcript presented by Gerardus Tros is dated November 23, 1968 and is identified as having been the last lecture [or among the last] facilitated by trance medium/channeler Mark Probert.  The session was held at the home of Ted and Felicia Michaelson in Santa Monica, California.

This photo of Mark and Irene Probert appeared in The Magic Bag (1963 edition), Yada Speaks (1979) and Flying Saucer Pilgrimage (1957).


  1. Martinsymoens@hotmail.comAugust 27, 2018 at 3:26 AM

    I am very interested in more about Yada and the inner circle


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