
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rosemary Brown's Comments about Direct Voice Medium Leslie Flint

 Leslie Flint (1911-1994)

Rosemary Brown (1916-2001) chronicled in three autobiographies her experiences channeling new compositions from such famous composers as Liszt, Chopin and Beethoven.  Rosemary's first memoir Unfinished Symphonies (1971) included her commentary about the Direct Voice mediumship of Leslie Flint.  Here are some excerpts.
You may have guessed that Chopin has a very strong accent, and I had a rather interesting experience regarding that.  I belong to the Churches' Fellowship for Physical and Spiritual Studies and I met one of the members, the Reverend Barham, down here in London on a visit from Rugby where he lives.
He asked me what Chopin's voice was like and I tried to describe the timbre and accent to him.  It is a rather husky voice but not deep and with a great many inflections in the tone.
Then the Rev. Barham said: "I have a tape recording that I took when I went to see a direct voice medium called Leslie Flint.  It seems the person speaking was Chopin.  Would you see whether you think it sounds like Chopin or not?"
Well, I knew of Leslie Flint.  He is very famous in psychic circles and very reputable, and naturally I was fascinated to hear if the voice was the same one I had been hearing for the past few years.
It was exactly the same.  The same pitch, the same strange accent.  An accent which is sort of French, but not quite.
Rosemary related other circumstances in her life involving Leslie Flint.
Firstly, one afternoon I was watching TV with a quick cup of tea when I suddenly had a feeling that I ought to switch to the other channel—the Eamonn Andrews program.  My son, Thomas, wasn't very pleased because he preferred the other programme, but my hunch was quite strong so I switched over to the other TV channel.
I found they were just about to begin a programme about Leslie Flint.  There, on the screen, was a picture of Chopin and a tape-recording of his voice was being played.
Of course, after the tape was finished there were a lot of questions asked, and I thought Leslie Flint spoke out very bravely and calmly and said what a pity it is that people—and very often the ones you would think would be interested—seem to want to do everything possible to disprove any kind of contact with the other world, instead of trying to think about the evidence and give it a chance.
They played tapings of two or three other people as well—Oscar Wilde, and Ellen Terry, as I remember.  And then the usual question came: "Why is it always famous people?".
Leslie Flint gave the same answer that I do.  It is not always famous people, but if the beings who have come through are someone's friend or relative and unknown to the world, they don't mean a thing to the public at large.  People who are famous and known to the public are more interesting because one can check up more easily on them than is possible with totally unknown voices.

The second sequel to the Leslie Flint story is that I became so intrigued with hearing Chopin's voice through another medium of communication that I had some "sittings" with Mr. Flint myself.  They were incredibly successful; Chopin, Beethoven, Liszt, and Sir Henry Wood (who does occasionally visit me) all coming through and reiterating their reasons for the work.  Clara Schumann, surprisingly, also came through, and equally surprisingly, Liszt seemed to have the most difficulty making contact with the  direct voice method.  He complained that it was very difficult, and that he had become so used to speaking with me direct he found it much harder this way.
Chopin, on the other hand, has obviously completely mastered the direct voice method.  He chatted away, and became very cross with me in his bantering fashion because I called him Monsieur Chopin.
"What is all this 'Monsieur Chopin'?" he said, his voice rising.  "If you do not call me Frederick, I will not call you Rosemary!"  (He pronounced my name as "Rosemarie.")
But all of them stressed again the importance of the work I am doing for them and said how glad they were that the results were beginning to be seen by the outside world.  And you can imagine how comforting it was to me to hear that confirmed—and entirely through the work of another medium.
Previous blog posts about Leslie Flint include "Unique Recordings of Direct Voice Phenomena", "Link to a New Recording at The Leslie Flint Educational Trust Website" and "Direct Voice Seance Phenomena".
Here is a link to Rosemary Brown's recordings from Chopin if you would like to listen to them yourself.

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