
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Portraits and Profiles of The Inner Circle 'Teachers of Light'

Trance medium/channeler Mark Probert (1907-1969) painted portraits of his transcendental 'teachers' who used his body to communicate with Earth people from "the other side of life."  The teachers referred to their association as "The Inner Circle."  Presented in this article, these portraits were shown in black and white reproductions in the 1963 edition of The Magic Bag: A Manuscript Dictated Clairaudiently to Mark Probert by Members of the Inner Circle.  The color reproduction of E Yada di Shi'ite is from
I have included excerpts of commentary from The Coming of the Guardians (Third Edition 1957) by Meade Layne.  The passages in quotations were identified as having been "dictated to Mark Probert for purposes of this book."

"lived between 550-600 B.C. in a town called K'uhsien.  He belonged to a wealthy and educated family, and had no need to work for the Imperial Library, yet spent much time there poring over the books.  He later became a roaming sage.  Actually did no writing at all, but his sayings were compiled by his disciples.  Had a wife and seven children, and according to custom several concubines.  At about fifty years of age he abandoned his family and followers and was taken into the mystical school of the White Brotherhood.  He died smiling happily at the age of eighty-two."
Martin Lattimore Lingford

Meade Layne identified the Lingford 'Control' as "Charles Lingford" in his book.  Layne commented:

"One of the earliest Controls.  'Passed over' at turn of the present century and while still a young man.  At one time a dancer and entertainer.  Unmarried.  He has a clever and active intelligence and a fine sense of humor.  Occupies himself with music and painting and also with scientific and philosophic matters — as his quoted remarks indicate."
 E Yada di Shi'ite

 Meade Layne commented:

The title of Yada means High Priest, and also "spirit life"; Shi'ite means clan, also "mystic Order."  "This personality was born in the city of Kaoti (City of Temples) in a civilization called YU (or Yuga, Vast Body), consisting of some 180 million people, and existing in the Himalayan Mountains a half-million years ago.  The Yada was taken from his mother as a baby and reared in the temple to become a Kata (Priest) and later a Yada.  He was killed in a violent quake that destroyed the YU civilization and 80 million of its people.  Yada was then about 34 years old and the YU civilization was 1024 years old."
 Maharaja Natcha Tramalaki

"The story concerning this personality is that he was born of an English mother and an Indian father, in the year 1848, in Dacca, India.  His parents were wealthy and owned a large estate, and the son was sent to study medicine at Oxford University.  But he was a poet and philosopher, and after taking his final degree in medicine (to please his father) he suddenly disappeared.  He is said to have spent some ten years in travels in remote regions of the world, and died in his home in Bombay about 1915."
Ali Ben Casi

No details about the life of 'Ali Ben Casi' are mentioned in the discourse transcript entitled "Sleep, Projection and Death" in The Magic Bag.  Here are two of his metaphysical statements from the transcript.

It may seem, judging from surface reflexes, that we are teaching an individual how to do this or that, but this is not so.  We are but causing that one to recall that which he has always known.

For let it be remembered that in all but the physical state of consciousness, we expose our true nature to one another.
Kay Ting

No details about the life of 'Kay Ting' are mentioned in the discourse transcript entitled "The Group Soul" in The Magic Bag.  Here is a statement from the transcript.

All those who act as teachers or guides whether of the past, present, or future, can tell you no more than what they as individuals have themselves learned, either from others or by personal experience; and this is true whether or not these teachers or guides are living and acting on your plane or mine."
Lo Sun Yat

"In the year 1650 A.D. a boy child was born to a very poor family by the name of Chui Fu Yang.  He was of such delicate build it was thought he should have been a girl, until it was discovered his body contained both sexes.  This was thought to be an ill omen and his father intended to drown him, but his mother secreted him.  One day while wandering about the countryside with him, she encountered a kindly priest who offered to take good care of him.  At the age of ten years he was taken to Tibet, where he stayed until he was twenty, becoming a lama of the Yellow Robe.  Unable to tolerate the corruption of the lamasaries, he fled to India, where he was taken into the mystery School of the Light, and where he died sixty years later, a venerated and much-loved Master of the Order."
Ramon Natalli

"This personality was born in 1598 and died in 1652.  He was an astronomer and belonged to the Royal House of Astronomy at Rome, Italy.  He was a student of law, a close friend of the famous Galileo, and secretly fought the bloody hand of the Inquisition.  He was himself an agnostic.  He was pleasantly surprised to discover he had survived physical death, and continued to pursue his astronomical studies on the astral.  After being in the astral for about two years he discovered two things of great interest: (1) that sun spots were atomic storms and that (2) atoms consist of photons of varied frequency levels moving in a series of quantum arcs."

Meade Layne commented:

"Very little seems to be known about this personality.  All that the Inner Circle can or will say, is that he was a Guru (holy man), who lived and died in the Punjab district of India c. 1320-98 A.D. — teachings were Buddhistic."
 Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi

The transcript of Dr. Sukuto Nikkioi's discourse includes a description of traveling to India with his father, a Japanese antiques dealer, and there witnessing unspeakable poverty at the impressionable age of fifteen.  After completing his medical studies at the Tokyo University, he returned to India—to Calcutta—to serve his internship at an English hospital.  He spent ten years in India and was a practicing physician for twenty years.  Dr. Nikkioi stated:
In the last twenty years of my Earth life, I suddenly realized that my academic knowledge of medicine and anatomy, while aiding me in making an excellent livelihood, was at the same time acting as a barrier to my most desired aim from childhood—and that was to study the life of man.
Professor Alfred Luntz

"This personality was born in 1812 and died in 1893.  He was of English and German parentage and was born in North London.  After completing his secondary education at Eton he enrolled at the University of Heidelberg, where he studied philosophy and comparative religion, and Oxford, where he received his Ph.D. degree.  He was ordained a priest at the age of about 40 into the Anglican communion.  He was not surprised to find that he had survived death, but was stunned by the realization that there was no heaven or hell as he had so eloquently taught and believed.  He became a member of the Inner Circle of the Mark Probert controls in the year 1946."

Thomas Edison

"Too well known for comment here.  He has communicated through many different mediums and keeps up his scientific interest and work."  A transcript of a 1947 discourse by Edison was included in Layne's book and also a 1950 discourse from 'Rama Kaloha.'

Rama Kaloha
This is the profile for Rama Kaloha: "Very little seems to be known about this personality, apart from the fact that he was a Guru and Hindu of great age, who appeared from time to time in the Indian Parliament when critical issues were at stake.  His first noticeable appearance was in the latter half of the 17th c., and the last when Mahatma Gandhi was killed and Nehru came into power."
Thomas Carlyle

No details about the life of Thomas Carlyle are mentioned in the discourse transcript entitled "Man, Know Thyself!" in The Magic Bag (1949 edition).  Here is an excerpt: "In the quest of the 'Overself,' we are not seeking the Ultimate, but rather the effort of the quest is to bring our physical [self] into a wakeful state of awareness with our Spirit Self, or the High Consciousness, so that we will find a more complete state of balance in our living."
Sister Theresa Vandenberg
Sister Theresa during her Earth life was a nun in Sacred Heart Convent, Brooklyn, New York. Here is a passage of her talk during the November 16, 1968 session in Palm Springs: "Forgive me please, I have been a little afraid of coming through Mark with his beard . . . It has been some months since I have come through Mark . . . When I lived on earth, I was a teacher of little Catholic children.  Since coming here, I have continued to be a teacher.  It is my life work, helping little minds to become big minds strong minds.  I kept my robes because little Catholic children would recognize me and come to me not frightened.  The church goes on here, in pretty much the same way as on earth.  This gives Catholic people, especially those who take teachings on faith alone, a measure of safety.  To that extent, I feel it is a valuable work."
Irene Probert 
The September 8, 1968 session transcript chronicles that after the passing of Irene Probert, she too communicated through her husband. Here's an excerpt: "It is just no time ago.  I do miss earth life.  I didn't want to die, I felt I had too much to do. I  couldn't waste my time being dead.  So many things I wanted to continue in the work with Mark.  But then, my body would not permit that.  So, rather than continue to suffer in it, I left it . . . I often wondered who that last one would be [of the 16 chosen 'control' communicators from the ascended world whom make up 'The Inner Circle' in this channeling case chronology] . . . I knew it was a woman, but I didn't know it was going to be me!  What an honor. What a wonderful thing!  I sit in groups like I did when I was living here."   

Meade Layne noted that the 'Controls' had asserted that it is within the power of every individual's Higher Self to reproduce "every trait, memory, and characteristic" of any deceased person.  A transcript of Martin Lattimore Lingford in The Magic Bag equated the Higher Self with the Christ Consciousness.
Note: This 'portrait gallery' of The Inner Circle was expanded/updated on December 20, 2022.

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