
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Channeled Reincarnation Scenarios

In Chapter Twelve of The Seth Material (1970) by Jane Roberts, 'Seth' is quoted:
"You will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will.  It is much easier if your theories fit reality, but if they do not, then you do not change the nature of reincarnation one iota."

"Your idea of time is false.  Time as you experience it is an illusion caused by your own physical senses.  They force you to perceive action in certain terms, but this is not the nature of action.  The physical senses can only perceive reality a little bit at a time, and so it seems to you  that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also disappears.

"But everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously.  The first words ever spoken still ring through the universe, and in your terms, the last words ever spoken have already been said, for there is no beginning.  It is only your perception that is limited.

"There is no past, present, and future.  These only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality.  Since I am no longer in it, I can perceive what you do not.  There is also a part of you that is not imprisoned within physical reality, and that part of you knows that there is only an Eternal Now.  The part of you who knows this is the whole self.

"When I tell you that you lived, for example, in 1836, I say this because it makes sense to you now.  You live all of your reincarnations at once, but you find this difficult to understand within the context of three-dimensional reality."
A woman identified as 'Doris' attended a 'Seth (channeling) session' and asked Seth about her friend Frank's relationships with women.  Jane commented that in this case the main problem was identified by Seth to lay in 'past life' troubles.  Seth is quoted:
"He was a woman.  His present parents were his brothers in the American Revolutionary period in the same geographical area as now.  His brothers were involved as spies.  Your Frank, as their sister, disclosed their hiding place in a cellar beneath an old inn.  She was captured when she went out for supplies, gave away the location, and could not warn the brothers.  She felt she had abandoned and betrayed them."

Seth went on to say that in this life, Frank chose to return as the son of the two brothers who themselves are now man and wife.  "Now he rationalizes his desire not to leave home.  The brothers never held him responsible . . . they knew the girl had been terrified and spoken out of fear with no intent to betray them.  There is no punishment involved.  He has chosen in this life to be of service to them and to help others.  His secrecy [he was very tight-lipped] is the result of these past experiences.  Once he feels he spoke too much and betrayed too much.  Now he is secretive about matters he considers important."

Seth emphasized that for his own reasons, Frank did not want a marriage relationship, and ended by telling Doris that she had chosen him for this reason—that she never saw the man as he was, but only the image she had projected upon him.  He gave Frank's name in a past life as Achman incidentally, and much later Doris learned that his present family has an Achman branch.
In the same chapter, Roberts quoted passages concerning reincarnation from session 233. 
"In the materialization of personality through various  reincarnations, only the ego and the layers of personal subconscious adopt new characteristics.  The other layers of the self retain their past experiences, identity, and knowledge.

"In fact, the ego receives much of its [relative] stability because of this subconscious retention.  Were it not for past experiences in other lives  on the part of deeper layers of the self, the ego would find it almost impossible to relate to other individuals, and the cohesiveness of society would not exist.

"Learning to some extent is passed on through the genes, biochemically, but this is a physical manifestation of inner knowledge achieved and retained from past lives. . . . The human being does not . . . erupt into existence at birth and laboriously then begin its first attempt to gain experience.  If this were the case, you would still be back in the Stone Age.

"There are waves of energy, and waves of reincarnational patterns, for there have been many Stone Ages on your planet, where new identities did begin their 'first' experience with physical existence, and changed the face of the earth as they progressed. . . .

"They changed it in their own ways, not in your ways, but this will be discussed at a much later date.  Yet all of this occurs, basically, within the blinking of an eyelid, all with purpose and meaning, and based upon achievement and responsibility.  Each part of the self, while independent to some considerable degree, is nevertheless responsible to every other portion of the self; and each whole self [entity] is responsible to all others, while it is largely independent as to activity and decision.

"For as many layers of the self compose the whole self [entity], so many entities form a gestalt of which you know relatively little and of which I am not as yet prepared to tell you."

United States Edition Cover

Clairaudient/clairvoyant medium Rosemary Brown's second of three autobiographical books, Immortals at My Elbow (1974), offers a description of a play dictated by the spirit of George Bernard Shaw that explicitly deals with reincarnation.  This is how Rosemary introduced the narrative.
Amongst my ghostly visitors there arrived one day a tall, thin, bearded gentleman with carrot-coloured hair and sharp blue eyes.  He told me that he was George Bernard Shaw.

"Prove it if you can," was my prompt response, thinking that there are probably dozens of spirits resembling Shaw.

"You will have to take me at my word," he retorted.

"As for the rest of the world, even if I appeared to them in person some would say that I was a hallucination and others would say I was the devil, no doubt."

Could be Shaw, I thought.  Certainly looked like the newspaper pictures of him.  The only way to try to find out if it were actually Shaw was to engage him in further conversation, so I tackled him with another question.

"Why have you come to see me?"

"I know that you are writing a book, lady, and it is my plan to add to the interest of that book."

Naturally, I welcomed the idea of having a contribution from Shaw.  I was wondering whether "lady" could be regarded as a compliment or whether he was being patronizing, when I realized he was speaking again.

"Never thought I would be a ghost-writer, least of all in this sense."

I don't expect he thought he would ever be a ghost, I reflected.

"There are comments I wish to make on the world situation," he informed me, "And a short play, a condensed version of a much longer one, that I will dictate for your pen."

I prepared myself to listen attentively.  Shaw placed his hands behind his back, threw his head up slightly, and began.

"The title of the play is 'Caesar's Revenge,' and the characters are taken from Shakespeare.  Are you ready?" he asked, suddenly shooting a piercing glance at me.

"Yes, I'm ready.  Go ahead, and I'll do my best to follow you," I promised: (During the sessions that followed, he sometimes used the present tense, sometimes the past, but for consistency I have mainly used the past tense.)

Act one, scene one, he announced, was set in one of the lower grades of the Hereafter, one which is rather like a kindergarten: a place where immature souls remain until they have evolved sufficiently to move up to a more advanced grade.  Two characters take part in this scene: Brutus and Calphurnia.  But let me quote the adapted version given to me:
The first scene is around six and a half pages long in Rosemary's book and ends with Brutus and Calphurnia going off to 'Earth Passport Control' to apply for 'World Re-entry.'  In the second scene of Act I, Caesar assigns Cassius to go to the 'Passport Check Office' and substitute Brutus's papers for Calphurnia's as Caesar has certain rights he can exercise over the couple until they have expurgated their debts to him.  Caesar also tells Cassius that he will also be returning to earth to clear his own debt to Caesar.
In Act II, the first scene is set at the 'Launching Station for World Flight.'  As Brutus and Calphurnia fly to earth in separate chariots yoked to flying horses, Brutus learns about the mixup in travel documents.  He realizes he'll be born a girl in Ireland instead of a boy in England before he forgets everything as his mind is washed clear and he drifts into a deep sleep.
The second scene is set twenty years later as Caesar watches an 'Astral Television set' to see his anticipated "hour of vengeance."  Young Irish Nurse Marcia McManus has come to London to work at a hospital.  She is at a London dance hall with Calvin 'Cal' Gray, a student co-worker.  Hospital porter Caspar Smith is also dancing when he notices the couple.  A conversation follows that is fueled by Caspar's jealous rage.  When he draws a knife from his pocket, the couple manage to take the knife away from him.  However, Caspar removes a second knife and "lunges at Cal who is completely off his guard."  Marcia reacts by plunging the first knife into Caspar's back to stop him, thus killing him.
Here is how the final episode of Act Two, Scene three is described in Rosemary's book.
Caesar, together with the Celestial Committee for Re-assessment, are waiting in the Hall of Return for Cassius.

The President of the Committee speaks.

"Word has just come that Caius Cassius, lately Caspar Smith, has now passed through the Memory Restoration Channel, and is on his way here."

"Ah!  He will have has his memory of his life as Cassius re-instated by now," remarked Caesar.

"That is so," replied the President, "Now we can assess his new position.  His debt against you has been cancelled, of course, but otherwise we do not consider that he has made much progress."

"Pity!" exclaimed Caesar, "I thought a lot of him at one time — before he plotted against me, that is.  He was a remarkably clever man then.  But, of course, he had quite a percentage of his cleverness withheld while he was Caspar Smith as a penalty of having misused it during his life as Cassius."

"As you know, he blamed his brilliant intellect for his downfall during his incarnation as Cassius, and entered a petition to be invested with a more simple brain in his following life on earth.  He therefore placed himself voluntarily within the operation of the penalty.  It must be borne in mind that every man and woman is granted the privilege of exercising his or her free-will within the limits to which they have become entitled through progress already made."

"It appears  from the reports now prepared by the Celestial Computer Records that his duller brain did not result in his living a better life.  This proves that the Sages are right when they maintain that goodness does not necessarily coincide with a brilliant intellect or accompany dull wits."

"Your clever idea of switching the sexes of Brutus and Calphurnia led to the accidental avenging of your murder.  If Brutus had incarnated as a man again, he and Cassius would have been drawn by their old links to become friends making it unlikely that Brutus would have freed himself from Cassius's harmful influence over him.  Brutus and Calphurnia remained attracted to one another through their previous association, so that when Cassius attacked Calphurnia in her guise as Calvin Gray, Brutus, although in the form of a woman, naturally sprang to Calphurnia's aid.  With honourable motives, as of yore, Brutus slew Cassius, thus throwing off the insidious hold the latter held over him.  In this way, Cassius, who once brought about your death, brought about his own death by inciting Brutus yet again, but this time to his own detriment."

"In truth, I had not foreseen that all would turn out so.  My aim was simply by a reversal of sexes to distangle Brutus from the wily Cassius."

"Well you have succeeded, Caesar, and your ruse unintentionally discharged the outstanding debt of Cassius.  Your assassination has been avenged.  He who instigated the crime, he who struck the first blow against you, has now been cut off by Brutus."

"To know that Marcus Brutus has won back his honour by shaking off the power of Cassius is good news indeed.  Truly this knowledge makes sweet my revenge."


Guy Lyon Playfair described the subject of his book Chico Xavier: Medium of the Century (2010) as "an amazingly prolific automatic writer."  Playfair's book about Francisco Candido 'Chico' Xavier is the subject of a previous blog article.  The book featured a summary of the 1958 André Luiz novel E a Vida continua (And Life Goes On) as quoted below.  Luiz was one of hundreds of discarnate authors whose work had been "received" by Xavier with the implication being that each of these human creators themselves had been a 'channel' during their Earth lives.  
Two convalescents, Evelina and Ernesto, meet at a country spa.  Both aware that their illnesses may prove fatal, they discuss the mystery of life after death.  Evelina, a Catholic, will have none of it, but Ernesto is not so sure.  Evelina goes home to São Paulo, where her husband Caio sends her to hospital for an operation.

She wakes up in a comfortable bed, pleased that she has obviously survived her operation.  Eventually she is allowed up, and walking in the peaceful garden she meets Ernesto again.  She assumes they are in some rural isolation hospital, but an old lady they meet tells them she has heard a rumour that they are all dead, or rather discarnate, since they can't be dead!  Evelina finds this hard to swallow, but admits she feels lighter and can think more clearly, especially about her past life.

The two friends attend a lecture by Brother Claudio, who assures them that they have indeed 'passed on' although the world they are now in is as material and as real as the one they have just left.  Like the other,  it is only what the thoughts of man have made it.  After 'death,' he says, we are what we have made of ourselves, and we do not change any more  than we did on earth by travelling from one  country to another.  We all, he explains, are born for a specific task, and are subsequently reborn as often as necessary until our work on earth is done and we can move on to a higher plane of existence.

Next, the couple enter a psychiatric clinic to be adjusted to their new condition.  Asked to tell her life story, Evelina describes her courtship by Caio and Tulio, two rivals.  Tulio apparently committed suicide when she turned him down and married Caio who, however, began seeing another woman when her only child was lost.  Ernesto in turn confesses that in his youth he killed a man he caught chasing after his wife, arranging the death to look like a hunting accident.

One day, while on a trip into the wilds with Brother Claudio to bring help to a gang of wandering and perturbed spirits, Evelina meets Tulio, learning to her horror that he did not commit suicide after all, but was murdered by Caio.  Still desperately in love with her, Tulio begs her to join him, and Evelina is told she must help recuperate the man for whose death she was partly responsible.  Tulio, however, fails to respond to therapy and the guides decide he must be 'miniaturized' in preparation for a new incarnation, the only way he can work out his traumas and complexes.

Next, Evelina and Ernesto are given permission for a trip back to earth (by 'flying vehicle') to visit their families.  First they go to Evelina's home in São Paulo, where they find to their horror that Caio is now living with Ernesto's own daughter, Vera.

Caio and Vera drive down to their country house in Guarujá, with the invisible Evelina and Ernesto hiding in the back seat.  At the house, Ernesto finds his ailing wife Elisa, and also the earthbound spirit of Desidério, the man he killed, who swears he will never forgive him.

Back in the other world after their trip Evelina is told that the time has come to mentalize new incarnations for Desidério (who turns out to be her father!) and Ernesto.  She goes back to earth again to visit her mother Brigida and stepfather Amancio, who had helped Ernesto kill Desidério and subsequently married Brigida.  Evelina suggests by telepathy that Brigida and Amancio should adopt a baby in which Desidério can reincarnate, thereby saving himself from his present plight.

Now the plot, already fairly thick, thickens further still.  News comes that Elisa (that's Ernesto's widow) is seriously ill after having been cheated out of her business rights by Caio, who plans to marry Vera.  It is arranged that their first baby will be Tulio, followed by Elisa.  A marriage has already been planned between Elisa and Desidério.

Evelina and Ernesto are appointed as spirit guides to oversee this complex series of arrangements.  They are told to see to it that Caio and Vera make a happy marriage (Caio, though a villain, has a vital role to play), that Elisa recovers quickly after passing on, and that Desidério's future mother brings him up properly.  Caio is expected to die in thirty years' time, whereupon his estate will revert to Vera, daughter of the man it originally  belonged to.  Justice will be done.

Elisa finally dies, and the attendant spirit of Desidério is persuaded to leave the earth plane and move to higher places.  Evelina gets to work on the mind of Caio and finally has him marry Vera, while Tulio is made ready to reincarnate as their baby.

The spirits explain to Evelina that she, Tulio, Caio, Ernesto and all the others form a team of personalities involved with each other for centuries 'like chemical elements in a hot crucible awaiting the necessary refining process.'  She and Ernesto will eventually be reincarnated within the group, and will probably end up as man and wife.

Meanwhile, back on earth, Brigida and Amancio take in a poor girl as a servant.  Her husband dies and she puts her four children in an orphanage, while she herself dies after giving birth to her fifth.  This of course is Desidério, who is adopted by one of the men who helped kill him on his last round.  And so life goes on . . .

The subject of reincarnation encompasses such documented cases of transcendental communication as Blavatsky's 'Mahatmas,' Edgar Cayce, Direct Voice Medium Leslie Flint and the 'Messages from Michael' case.




  1. Yes, I understand reincarnational patterns connected to the American Civil War, the Trojan War, Biblical characters and even science fiction amongst other things.

  2. Those stories seem rather convoluted, but they make sense. Especially as I have my own intuitive synchronistic awareness of reincarnational patterns of myself and others. I can use the Trojan War as example. I feel like I've identified some of the characters in the story this lifetime, including Paris, Helen of Troy, Priam, Hecuba, Agamemnon, Menelaus and Cassandra. Agamemnon, a very controlling male this lifetime, married to present day Cassandra(his third wife), seems to have a repetitive pattern of destroying whole cities. Coincidently he also has a younger brother that corresponds with Menelaus, this lifetime. Helen, a mother and grandmother this lifetime(my own twin flame I suspect), is still a blond haired, blue-eyed beauty, ever the beauty queen, still needs to learn humility. I've begun to suspect that her present day parents were Priam and Hecuba. I unfortunately have the dubious distinction of being connected to Paris. The pattern I have of trouble over women is rather extensive, too many Helens, Delilahs, Cleopatras, then and now, etc., etc., etc. And so this lifetime I have had no long term romantic relationships and have no children. But since I understand these reincarnational, karmic patterns better than anyone else, I presume that obligates me to do what I can to change and perfect these negative patterns, as in the stories above. Perhaps the first step is just becoming aware. So far, I'm aware.


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