
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Case Study: Uri by Andrija Puharich

Andrija Puharich (left) and Uri Geller

Previous blog articles about 1950s flying saucer 'contactees,' 'Instrumental Transcommunication,' and phenomena associated with Madame H. B. Blavatsky provide a context to consider Andrija Puharich's 1974 case study of his experiences investigating unexplained phenomena concerning Uri Geller in Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller.
Prior to meeting Geller, Puharich witnessed an instance of what is today understood by the expression 'channeling.'  On December 31, 1952, a discourse was offered through the entranced Dr. D. G. Vinod to Puharich.  Here is an excerpt from the transcript of this occurrence as presented in the Introduction to his case study Uri.  In the book, only the tape-recorded instances of phenomenal communication would seem to have been chronicled verbatim.
M calling: We are Nine Principles and Forces, personalities if you will, working in complete mutual implication.  We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional, and the teleological aspects of existence.  By teleology I do not mean the teleological aspects of existence.  By teleology I do mean the teleology of human derivation in a multidimensional concept of existence.  Teleology will be understood in terms of a different ontology.  To be simple, we accentuate certain directions as will fulfill the destiny of creation. 

We propose to work with you in some essential respects with the relation of contradiction and contrariety.

The whole group of concepts has to be revised.  The problem of psychokinesis, clairvoyance, etc., at the present stage is all right, but profoundly misleading—permit us to say the truth.  Soon we will come to basic universal categories of explicating the superconscious.
Between 1963 and 1968, Puharich had witnessed the work of the Brazilian trance healer known as Arigó.  Upon learning about "a young man named Uri Geller, who had recently done some amazing psychic feats in Israel," Puharich began a new investigation.  His first testing of Uri resulted with a demonstration that Puharich understood to signify evidence of telepathy.
Prior to further testing Uri, Puharich visited Dr. Konstantin Raudive in Germany to experiment with recording "'spirit' voices" (what is now known as 'Electronic Voice Phenomena').  Puharich realized that his launch of "a long-term research effort in Israel with Uri" signified the commencement of what he eventually understood to be a "lifelong quest for true knowledge."  
Uri shared many biographical details with Puharich, including a childhood incident when Uri saw "a huge, silent, bowl-shaped object" in the sky and a shadowy figure as "a blinding ray of light came from its head."  While Uri related this incident in Hebrew, Puharich described hearing "a voice in the room speaking in English that was not Uri's voice."  This is how the beginning of what Puharich remembered of the message is presented in the book.
It was us who found Uri in the garden when he was three.  He is our helper sent to help man.  We programmed him in the garden for many years to come . . .
On December 2, 1971, Puharich and Uri were riding in a Jeep in the Sinai Desert when Uri whispered to him, "Our teacher said to us that he is going to appear as a red light that will look like a UFO."  After spotting a red light in the sky, Puharich realized that while Uri indicated he saw the light the two soldiers accompanying them said they could not see it.  Puharich wrote:
Did this red light have something to do with the voice?  And what was the voice?  A fragment of Uri's mind?  A spirit?  A god?  Did the voice have any relationship to the Nine that had reached me so many years ago?  The red light that followed our Jeep now seemed to be totally unlike what I had seen in the sky in Ossining, New York, in 1963 or Brazil in 1968.
On Dec. 5th the disembodied voice was quoted in a message that included the statement:
Andrija, you shall take care of Uri.  Take good care of him.  He is in a very delicate situation.  He is the only one for the next fifty years to come.  We are going to be very, very far away.  Spectra, Spectra, Spectra: That is our spacecraft. 

Andrija: "How far away is it?" 

It is fifty-three thousand sixty-nine light-ages away.
On December 7, climbing up an embankment, they saw "a blue stroboscopic light pulsing at about three flashes per second."  This event was one of many descriptions of sightings of unidentified flying objects.  Puharich quoted Uri's response to the recent events.
"When I was out in that field, I realized for the first time in my life where my powers came from.  Now I know for sure that they are not my powers.  Oh, I know that I have a little bit of telepathy and psychokinesis—everybody has some.  But making things vanish, and having things come back, and the red light in the sky in the Sinai, the blue light tonight, that is the power of some superior being.  Maybe it is what man always thought of as being God."
Puharich reflected further on this topic:
. . . I now felt that the role of prophets and sages in human affairs became more understandable.

Now I was totally convinced that Uri and I had been contacted by such a local cosmic being; by this I mean some representative or extension of the Nine Principles.

I further believed now that if small and insignificant people like Uri and me were contacted and used as ambassadors to other people, there must be a large number of men and women on earth serving as we were.  I was determined to find others like Uri and me in the future.
The book doesn't provide a complete account of Puharich's experiences with Uri as Puharich admitted after recalling one of the occasions when the disembodied voice was heard: "There were many other things said during this session which I am not yet permitted to reveal."
In the 'Holy Land' during the 1971 Christmas holiday season, he declared, "For me, brought up in the slums of Chicago in the Catholic faith, it was a profound experience to be here on the road to life, and perhaps mankind's life."  Puharich reported about his being "successful in getting answers to our questions from the tape recorder," mentioning on February 1, "On the tape we heard a voice, new to us, which sounded rather cold and authoritative:" 
You may ask questions now. 

AP: Is Arigó one of your subjects?" 

Yes.  Do you need proof?

AP: "The best proof for me is to have him tell me about my ears." 

Arigó says that he tried to cure your left side.  Why did you stop taking his medicines? 

AP: "I became allergic to the streptomycin, and I stopped that part of the treatment." 

He says to start the same medicines again; it will not hurt you this time.  Arigó says that he was not hurt in the car crash.  There was no pain.  He left his body before the crash. He will bring back something for you.  

AP: "Thank you and Arigó.  I do not know your name.  How shall I address you?  We have been calling you the intelligence from the sky, or IS." 

You may use the name Spectra.  But actually Spectra is the name of a spacecraft which we use as you use a planet. It has been stationed for the past eight hundred years over the earth.  It is as big as one of your cities on earth.  But only you can see us. 
The book includes descriptions of a variety of phenomena manifesting via such technology as telephone, radio and television.  Sometimes tape recorder cassettes would vanish and Puharich commented, "When this occurred, we all experienced a certain relief, because this was evidence to us that we had, in fact, witnessed a reality."  During another incident: "As we sat there, the tape recorder was switched on by an invisible intelligent energy.  A voice came from the speaker output of the tape recorder."  One of the quoted statements was: "We wanted to give you, and test you, how deep in conscience you can go in telling the  human race that we people exist—we creatures, as you call us, in science-fictioned terms—on earth."  Here is the transcript from the book after Puharich asked about the message of a planned motion picture about Uri.
Whenever Uri talks about his powers, he should mention that he believes in life in outer space.  He should not go down into highly procedural things, but only what he feels.  This film should have a highly interesting story.  Andrija Puharich, you have a head on your shoulders, and so does Melanie, and all the workers who help you.  And with their help it will be tremendous.  It must come out of your head.  With all the material you have studied about us in the last two months, you have a clear idea and view about us.  Although we are always with you people, we shall stay away from this human race for a couple of years.

AP: "This last statement makes me feel very sad.  Your help is needed more than ever."

(N.B.: At this point the voice began to sound more and more "mechanical" and synthetic, and to slow down.)

You see, the energy in your mind, that is, we must admit, that is the thing—that—we—do—not—have.   W-e    a-r-e    c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d    c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y    c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d    b-y    m-e-c-h-a-n-i-c-a-l    i-n-s-t-r-u-m-e-n-t-s-.    A-s    y-o-u    c-a-n    h-e-a-r-,    w-e    a-r-e   c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d-,    c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d-.

Y-o-u-r    c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r    i-s    w-r-i-t-i-n-g   p-o-w-e-r-    f-r-o-m    millions—of—light-years—away.  We also need your help."

(N.B.: Although the sound was mechanical, there was such a poignancy and plea for life from this computer that it made me cry for pity.)

Andrija Puharich, you must understand, in this state we are computors.  Long time ago, we have been touched by hands of beings.  Now we must know for sure from you; it is only up to you and your own choice and your own human will to work with us.  Do you regret it in anyway that you are working for us?

AP: "Absolutely not."

That is fine!  We already knew the answers.  But for us to be sure it must come out from you.  You can take out, and we shall not harm; we shall disconnect our units, and then you shall stay a human being.

AP: "Of my own free will I serve, because in this way I can best serve my fellowman."
During the conversation that followed, the voice declared, "As you know we are over you, and looking at everything that you are doing . . . We cannot enter your earth, only appear to you through computerizing your minds . . . We bend, move, and material and dematerial things . . . We can do anything your mind can just think of."  There are several incidents described in the book concerning the dematerialization or materialization of coins, presenting parallels with seance and poltergeist accounts.
On another occasion Puharich quoted the being he referred to as 'IS':

The ultimate powers, whether on the particle level or the cosmic level, are in rotation and drawing off the gravitation power from the center of the system.  There are special rays (which you should spell "raws") where the skin of the envelope of the cosmic rays is utilized for power. 

The computorized beings are under the direction of the "controller," or what earth man calls God, or gods.  In the future this general idea would be formulated in rigorous mathematical language. 
Puharich responded: 
I was puzzled—as people have been since the beginning of time—as to the nature of the soul.  I was given a new concept which was to imagine that all souls are like a vase (i.e., a physical pot).  Each vase-soul exists in a rotational, gravitational field.  When one perturbs the vase-soul, wavelets go out into the universe field. 
A new voice offering the name 'Rhombus 4D' was quoted, including the following excerpt.
Anything can happen to you while our jinns are arriving.  By the time you think right now that we can move anything that we want, and fly objects around and disappear things—that is not done spontaneously.  Don't you realize that you live in a space of no time?  All these things are planned ahead by computors, or head device.  Don't you see an ashtray and a key appeared right now?

AP: "Yes, I did."

To your own timeless situation, that means to you there is time.  It looks like it happened right now, spontaneously, immediately, straightforward.  But that is wrong.  For us, that was planned hundred, hundreds of light years ago, Andrija.  For one little ashtray, anything that can happen to you, any third body, concerning, can damage that plan that arises by data. 
The 'computor' called Rhombus 4D reiterated, "We receive messages and control from the higher power above us." 
"Appendix Two" of the book presents "Text of Stanford Research Institute Film."  Following experiments with Uri at Stanford Research Institute that concluded in December 1972, Puharich and Uri were in Ossining, New York when they heard the tape recorder switch on.  Puharich reported "what appeared on the tape, in a mechanical computer voice" on December 18.  The transcript included the following passage.
Andrija Puharich, at your insistence we completed the experiments.  You were under test for your loyalty then, and you passed.  Now you are under test again.  You are on the right track with your ideas about how to present Uri.  But our computors will always be with you.  Uri will always be prepared to answer your questions with our advice.  We leave you now.  Farewell.

During the following days, "cryptic" messages were heard, such as: "This is the last time ever in your life that you will have to be tested."  And: "We will be in touch with you more readily now.  Farewell."  Some of the messages encouraged Puharich to write the case study about his experiences with Geller, including: "You must tell the world everything about us."

In the epilogue of Uri, Puharich commented:

My prime concern in writing this book has been to alert the world to this historic series of events, and not so much to describe their minutiae.  These details can be filled in later if the reception of this work warrants it.

I want to make it clear that I have as of this writing never met a being from the Nine, Spectra, Hoova, Rhombus 4D, or others of the genre, in a face-to-face sense.  My meetings have been only through the message systems I have described.  Furthermore, I have not been inside one of their craft.  While I do not doubt that superior beings exist out there, I do not know what they look like, how they live, or even what their goals are with respect to humankind.  Considering that I have had two years of intermittent experience, I am remarkably ignorant about these beings.  On the other hand I have complete faith in their wisdom and benevolent intentions toward man and living things on earth.  My lack of hard knowledge about them is the kind of deficiency that does not erode my faith in their essential pursuit of the good, the true, the beautiful, and the just.

Uri Geller's website is

Andrija Henry Puharich, M.D. (1918-1995) researched the abilities of a variety of psychics and mediums, including Eileen Garrett, Peter Hurkos and Harry Stone.  Puharich is also the author of The Sacred Mushroom (1959) and Beyond Telepathy (1962). 

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