
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bryant and Helen Reeve's Commentary about Mark Probert and the Inner Circle

 Mark and Irene Probert

The Reeves' autobiographical book Flying Saucer Pilgrimage was first published in 1957 by Ray Palmer's Amherst Press in Wisconsin.  The book was republished in 1965 by Palmer Publications, Inc.  The following excerpts are from Chapter XVII "Mark Probert and the Inner Circle."
Mark Probert is the famous and respected "sensitive" of San Diego, California, whom Meade Layne worked with in bringing forth the remarkable book The Coming of the Guardians.  It is a veritable treasure house for the more advanced researcher who is not afraid of tackling the higher aspects of outer space.  In fact Mark Probert and his "Inner Circle" present an outstanding phenomenon all by themselves, even if there were no such things as flying saucers.  We have talked many times of O.S.C. (outer-space communication), and we have already given the reader a few examples of certain types.  Now we are going to tell you about another interesting variation of O.S.C. — typified by that extraordinary individual Mark Probert.  We are even going farther than that.  We are going to show you exactly what happened when we asked his Inner Circle of teachers, living in a higher phase of life, to answer some specific questions on flying saucers.  We are going to show you what these O.S.C. messages are like.

But let us not get ahead of ourselves.  First let us meet the Proberts and get acquainted with their interesting history.  Knowing that they travel extensively and are often away from home, we felt ourselves fortunate indeed when we discovered that they were in town.  We were not strangers because we had met Mark and his wife Irene once before, but very briefly, in Detroit, Michigan.

Mark and Irene Probert are very friendly people.  They remembered us and extended a warm welcome.  There is a very human side to the Proberts, and we were privileged to find this out through many weeks of close association during our extended stay in San Diego.  We accompanied them on some of their lecture tours.  It is not our intention to tell the detailed story of this amazing phenomenon of the Proberts.  It would take volumes to do it justice, and we hope that some day the true, full story will be made public.  It is an Arabian Night's story in every day life — if ever there was one.  We do feel, however, that a few background notes are pertinent to show the nature of this type of O.S.C. (outer-space communication).

First let us trace briefly the development of Mark Probert's extraordinary O.S.C. abilities so the reader will understand that such things are often a growth and not just a sudden development.  The external manifestation of his abilities commenced back in 1943 shortly after Mark and Irene Probert were married.  We have received permission to tell a few rather personal things which happened shortly thereafter.  What happened was that Mark Probert started talking in his sleep.  It was not just a little talk.  It was a lot of talk, and it persisted and persisted.  This would ordinarily be disturbing enough in any marriage, but that was not the half of it.  He was doing a lot of talking — but in strange languages which Irene Probert could not understand!

The situation reached such a pass that Mark was finally moved into a special room where two men friends who could speak seven different languages between them were able to keep watch and listen.  In this manner they were able definitely to identify such languages as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German and French — some of them spoken very fluently by Mark during sound sleep.  When he awakened he would remember nothing about it.  In his sleep he would thus speak of politics, historical events, personal experiences, strange people and places, and even recite poetry in foreign tongues which he has never studied or been at all familiar with in his waking life.

However, some of the languages still defied identification.  In time, with the help of an expert on ancient and forgotten tongues, Chinese, Mongolian, Sanskrit and Hindustanic dialects were added as further encores to Mark Probert's amazing unconscious repertoire of languages.  Finally, Meade Layne and a group of scientific researchers became interested in Mark Probert and started an orderly and scientific program of investigation and development which lasted over eight years.

We shall briefly recount a few of the developments which followed as given to us by Mark Probert himself.  The first thing they discovered was that Mark was a "sensitive" of extraordinary natural abilities — a veritable cosmic telephone.  He could transmit messages from certain beings in other planes of life whether he was asleep or awake.  He was both clairaudient and to a lesser extent clairvoyant.  He could sit at a typewriter and get messages from these beings faster than his fingers could respond.  It gradually developed that the strange languages came from an amazing tight-knit group of advanced personalities in a different dimension of life who were developing Mark Probert as their mouthpiece or telephone to this world.  They were practicing to get Mark into good operating condition.  They had a purpose and a program to fulfill, hence the persistence of their voices — which still spoke in hard-to-understand foreign tongues.

The foreign language barrier proved a very great handicap to Meade Layne and to the researchers who were trying to interpret the messages.  They made persistent efforts to see if the communicators could not bring forth the messages in the English language.  Fantastic as it may seem, this was eventually accomplished — at least to a degree of understandable English.

However, even today the unseen communicators often start out in Chinese or something resembling Sanskrit, or some other very ancient language which represented the communicator's "mother tongue" at one time on earth.  Then after they "warm-up," so to speak, they switch to English.  Many times they have been asked how they are able to do this.  The only reply they give is that they "shift their thought pattern" to English.  They also have stated that the entire activity represents a very complicated handling and control of energy from their plane of existence to ours.  They even have to draw energy from Irene Probert as well as supply some of their own energy to make the "hook-up" work.  Apparently they regard it all as a bit of a miracle themselves.  The type of English transmitted incidentally cannot be called fluent, except in the case of those mentors whose mother tongue was English, or who for some reason or another had occasion to talk it fluently at some time.  Otherwise it resembles a "foreigner speaking English" — with a decided accent.

His mentors, or "teachers" as Mark Probert prefers to call them, gradually began to reveal and introduce themselves.  Mark was as amazed and astounded as anyone when this cosmic "who's who" began to unfold to him.  In fact, he is still surprised to this day that he, Mark Probert, is actually a part of a circle of such vast cosmic knowledge and intelligence and its effort to bring certain information to earth.  The Inner Circle is composed of sixteen advanced beings, all of whom at one time or another experienced earth life, some of them fairly recently, others thousands of years ago.  Utilizing his clairvoyant ability on one occasion, six of these beings suddenly without any warning  showed themselves to Mark.  They were arrayed in the costumes and colors which they wore at one time while on earth.  Mark told us that this sudden event almost frightened him out of his wits.  He was in his home, and he tripped over a chair in his panic to run out of the house.  But since he has come to know them and practically live with them, they are now like a loving family — only they are in a higher phase of life while Mark and Irene live on the earth plane.  The higher mentors guard and watch over the earth members as if they were children of their special care.  At times they exert amazing powers of assistance which only those close to the Proberts know anything about.  No one can use Mark as a channel to earth without their express permission.

The head of the group is an advanced being of exceptional wisdom and kindliness called the "Yada Di Shi-Ite."  The word Yada means "high priest."  He lived in a very ancient civilization on earth called "Yu" or "Yuga," over 500,000 years ago, located in the region of the Himalayan Mountains.  Another member of the group is Ramon Natalli, who was an astronomer in Rome, Italy, in the 17th Century and was a friend of Galileo.  Still another member is the Ancient Chinese Philosopher Laotse.  Others include a Maharaja and individuals who were teachers, physicians and holy men.  There are also several interesting women in the group.  Three of the sixteen members of the circle have not yet disclosed themselves, but Mark has been told they will at the right time.

In our research efforts, we have had the privilege of being with Mark and Irene many times while these advanced beings of the Inner Circle have expressed themselves through Mark.  Sometimes Mark will sit down at his typewriter and simply type the "dictation" of his teachers like a stenographer, which he hears as clearly as if they were talking in the room.  They have dictated two entire books to him in this manner, and they expect to dictate two more.  As a sidelight we might add that they sometimes use words unfamiliar to Mark.  In this case he takes the words down phonetically and later verifies them by the aid of a good-sized dictionary.

On other occasions the manner of communication is different.  Mark Probert goes to sleep, and the members of the Inner Circle use his voice as their own.  In this case they even control his gestures.  There is nothing "spooky" or offensive about this whatsoever.  It is always done in full daylight or in a fully lighted room.  The whole thing has an incredible naturalness about it.  It seems as if one is conversing directly with members of the Inner Circle (which is just what one is doing).  We found to our amazement that they can talk on any subject of human interest in brilliant fashion.  They can hold their own with any group of the earth's scientists, astronomers, philosophers, metaphysicians, doctors, teachers or government officials — and can show them unsuspected hidden errors in their theories and practices and help them in a kindly way.

All the Inner Circle members did take part in earth life at one time or another and thus still have a keen interest in helping earth man to progress from his three-dimensional prison.  The Mark Probert activity was planned with this in view and with the full consent of Mark Probert himself — otherwise it would not be possible.  The thing that made a great impression on us was this: they of the Inner Circle are never dictatorial in anything they say or do.  While they seem to possess an endless cosmic perspective, knowledge and wisdom, they never say, "Do this," or "Do that."  Nor do they ever say, "This is the Truth, the absolute Truth, take it or leave it."  All they say is, "This is our viewpoint, but if you cannot accept it, you are entitled to your own viewpoint."  Somehow or other, we have always expected that great advanced beings would be like this, and we have not been disappointed.

Caption from Flying Saucer Pilgrimage: Mark Probert photographed in the act of transmitting messages from the Inner Circle.  The authors in their quest for the truth about flying saucers and the validity of outer-space communications, asked the Inner Circle thirty-four pertinent questions regarding saucers and received the direct answers set forth in Chapter 18.

The following excerpts are from Chapter XVIII "The Inner Circle Answers Questions On Flying Saucers."
This chapter presents an example of O.S.C. or outer-space communication, that is, information obtained from communicating with beings living in a different phase of life from our own three-dimensional phase.

As explained in the previous chapter, with the assistance of Mark Probert acting as the "cosmic telephone" of this two-way communication, we asked the Inner Circle a series of questions regarding flying saucers.  Both the questions and the answers are given below.  Some of them are given practically verbatim.  Others have been edited and condensed for the sake of clarity and in order to keep within the space limitations of this book.  In a few cases where our question was evidently not clearly understood or we did not clearly understand the answer — the matter was cleared up by questions on other occasions.  The punctuation, italics, arrangement and of course the notations are our own.  In every case we have made diligent effort to preserve the substance and meaning of their replies, so far as we understood them.  A few of the questions refer more to the critical conditions now facing our civilization than to the saucers themselves.

Q. 1.  Is it true that so called flying saucers or spaceships are coming to earth at this time?  There are still many skeptics who say that they are nothing but balloons, secret weapons, stars, temperature inversions, illusions, etc.

A. 1.  Yes, it is true.  It is of little use to make further effort to convince anybody.  As to those who are still standing on the rim of unbelief, it is better to leave them stand there.  Is it not so that life concerns you individually?  You need have little concern whether somebody else goes along the path with you.

Q. 2.  Some say that space-ships have been coming for many thousands of years and that our ancestors knew about them.  Is this true?

A. 2.  In the early period of the earth's affairs when man was beginning to show signs of thinking, space-beings came to earth and instructed man on various secret things, not only regarding the planetary system but regarding their own inner living as well.  Some of the greatest teachings man has received came to him by those space-beings in order that various civilizations could advance more rapidly.  Throughout enormous periods of time, the space-craft beings have been making periodic visits to the earth.  All races of men have seen them . . .

Q. 10.  But do they — the Guardian Ships — originate from a particular planet?

A. 10.  No.  Their origin is not planetary.  I reiterate what we ourselves have said many times before.  These beings are space-beings.  If you like the word etheric and can understand it, it means the same thing anyway.  They live in other densities or other frequencies, other dimensions of time, other laws of matter in motion — no more than this.  This is difficult for man on earth to understand, very difficult.  What are you going to say to those who are not versed in what is called "dimensions of time"?  You are going to say the same thing that your great Einstein said to the man in the street concerning relativity.  What did he say?  Nothing!  It is the most wonderfully informative thing to say to the uninformed.  Just nothing!  (Note: this was said in a humorous vein.  As a matter of fact few groups of advanced beings to our knowledge have worked harder or done more to help earth man to really understand outer-space, space-shops and space-beings than the members of the Inner Circle.)

Q. 11.  Are planets outside of our system inhabited?

A. 11.  Among your sky visitors there are some who come from planets and others who come from space.  Space is not the vacuous things it has long been considered.  The universe swarms with life of many kinds.  Some planets have inhabitants much like yourselves, but on others they differ much in size, weight, density and other characteristics.  There are giants and pigmies and all sizes in between.

Q. 13.  Can you please tell us a little about these space-beings?  Did they live on the earth at one time, and are they more advanced than we?

A. 13.  Many of them have never lived on earth but were born and live in their own dimensions of time.  Technically speaking, many of these beings are advanced from what you are.  Philosophically speaking, they are indeed many strides ahead of you, for wars and murders do not prevail.

Q. 16.  Are we also space-people?

A. 16.  You are space-people yourselves in a very definite sense of that word.  You originated from a higher dimension or frequency and are in the process of waking-up and returning there.  When you re-learn to control matter, you will be able once again to move in out of the various frequencies or "time periods."  It is difficult to make you feel this now, and it is something you must approach slowly.

Q. 18.  Can the body of an earth man stand such a trip (distant space-travel to higher frequencies)?

A. 18.  Remember that your body is primarily a water body.  In taking someone from your earth to another body in space, that one's body has to be changed.  It will have to be changed before it can go into another frequency.  It will have to be "re-chemicalized."  There will have to be a "polarization" of the atomic substance that goes to make up every cell of the body.

Q. 19.  Is this difficult for the space-people to do?

A. 19.  No, because the space-people know how to manipulate matter.  This would be impossible at present for earth man to do himself.  But they might do it for him if he wished . . . 

The Reeves' transcript doesn't identify which Inner Circle member is communicating for each answer, as with the discourses presented in The Coming of the Guardians (first edition 1954) compiled by Meade Layne; and as in Mark Probert's The Magic Bag (first edition circa 1950).  The books were expanded in later editions.  Layne's book was subtitled "An Interpretation of the Flying Saucers as Given from the Other Side of Life."  The Magic Bag was subtitled "A Manuscript Dictated Clairaudiently to Mark Probert by Members of the Inner Circle."  I will comment on these works in a future blog article.

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