
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bryant and Helen Reeve's Commentary about Orfeo Angelucci

Orfeo and Mabel Angelucci

Caption from Flying Saucer Pilgrimage
   Orfeo Angelucci author of The Secret of the Saucers has had a succession of exceptional experiences of a very high order with extra-terrestrial beings, starting in 1946.
   In 1952 he was privileged to ride in a flying saucer and view the earth from outer-space.
   Because of the nature of his experiences he has a profound understanding of both the physical and the supra-physical aspects of space-ships and space-beings.

The Reeves' autobiographical book was first published in 1957 by Ray Palmer's Amherst Press in Wisconsin.  The book was republished in 1965 by Palmer Publications, Inc.  Here are some excerpts from Chapter XXVIII "We Visit Orfeo Angelucci."
We shall now discuss Orfeo Angelucci and his truly remarkable saucer experiences.  We became acquainted with him through the assistance of mutual friends who are themselves deeply interested in saucers and know many saucerers personally.  We feel very grateful for the help they have given us in preparing this book.  On September 19, 1955, we drove to our friends' home in Los Angeles, where we spent some very profitable hours with both Mr. & Mrs. Angelucci.  We feel that no saucer researcher can afford to neglect Angelucci's great contribution to our human knowledge of this subject.

We found the Angeluccis to be very charming, home-loving people of Italian ancestry and the parents of two boys.  They had come to California about eight years previously from Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.A.  We asked him how he had come by the unusual name of "Orfeo," and he told us it was based on the name "Orpheus" from the old legend of "Orpheus and Eurydice."

Angelucci's background is not too different from that of many others who grew up in middle class American homes.  He quit school in New Jersey at the ninth grade, went to work and later married.  He has always had an avid interest in scientific things, particularly the nature of the atom, and he has studied and experimented in his spare time.  His big problem has always been his precarious health and his extremely nervous sensibilities, which have caused him endless suffering and pain both preceding and during any thunderstorm or electric storm.  Whenever an electric storm approaches he goes through a regular series of distressing "symptoms" starting with a prickling sensation in his hands, arms, back and feet.  It was this physical problem that led the family to move to California where storms are less frequent.  We mention this because these physical symptoms later were to become, for Angelucci, an almost infallible warning of the approach of a space-craft or a prelude to space-contact.

We were grateful that our meeting with this advanced saucerer has come when it did — toward the end of our saucer pilgrimage.  We realized that if it had come at the start, it would have been too much for us, too advanced, and we probably would not have been able to follow or understand or appreciate his experiences because most of them typified the supra-physical aspects of saucers rather than the physical.  One good way to learn, however, is to get acquainted with the men having the more advanced type of saucer experiences.  So here we were talking with a man who for about nine years had been under the direct observation of extra-terrestrial beings and who had been privileged to have at least eight contacts or intimate personal experiences with them.

These experiences are set forth in detail in his book The Secret of the Saucers, which he copyrighted in 1955.  In our estimation Angelucci has done an exceptional and courageous job in revealing the intimate details of his experience and the nature of the advanced space-beings he has contacted — their greatness, their perfection, and their compassionate love for mankind.  Few books reveal what, for want of a better word, we might call the "sacred" nature of such contacts between a space-being and an earth-being.

It seems to us that Angelucci's experiences and his forthright and honest revelation of them belong not to the multitude of unawakened humans who invariably classify everything beyond the range of the five physical senses as either buncombe or heresy.  Rather they belong primarily to those with a certain natural or acquired capacity for understanding them.  The saucer enthusiast who is still in that mental state where he absolutely insists that the saucers be served down to him, flat on the ground, and brim full of material sauce will doubtless find little that is either appetizing or palatable in Angelucci's saucer experiences.  After all, if one's viewpoint is "flat on the ground," that fact alone prohibits one from being able to follow saucers into the higher realms of life and consciousness from which many of them, but not all of them do come.

Others who have a certain degree of spiritual attainment of their own, or those who are familiar with states and stages of consciousness or who are students of metaphysics or philosophy will have no trouble in understanding this unusual saucerer.  Those who are familiar with the attainments of the masters or the advanced yogis or swamis, or those who are familiar with the works of Edgar Cayce, or those who have themselves more or less pierced the veils which hide the frequencies of life — such people will not only profit by Angelucci's experiences but will be very grateful for his efforts to share them with others.  These people will take Angelucci to their hearts.  They will see in him a modern "revelator" — a veritable modern "dweller on two planets," and they will rejoice in his revelations.

Angelucci's story of his experiences offers to the reader an opportunity to study the problem which the space-people themselves evidently face in trying to reveal their own true nature to the men of earth.  Even with a spiritually advanced individual like Angelucci, they had a problem in revealing themselves to him without his slipping into doubts, fears, and even worrying about his own sanity.  This is no laughing matter.  Many O.S.C. messages state that the greatest barrier to earthman's entering outer-space is the psychological barrier — his uncontrollable fears when he finds out how different outer-space is — and the actual danger of insanity.

Modern psychologists might be interested in studying Angelucci's efforts to convey to others the knowledge he has received from the space-beings and the ridicule and scorn which not only he but his wife and children have to face.  Those who complain that the space-people are not doing all they should in revealing themselves should study these things.


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