
Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Planet Lucifer's Destruction from The Secret of the Saucers

"My Awakening On Another Planet" was the title of the third and final Mystic Magazine article (appearing in the October 1954 issue) featuring the strange and profound experiences of Orfeo Angelucci "as told to Paul M. Vest."  This same title was used for Chapter VIII of the 1955 nonfiction book The Secret of The Saucers.  When the "memory flooded back" of a seven day sojourn in another dimension of existence, Angelucci could remember the "superbly magnificent beings" Lyra and Orion telling him—whom they now called 'Neptune'—about an astonishing sequence of cosmic events.

Then Orion spoke, saying: "Time is a dimension as your scientists now correctly surmise.  But it is only a dimension when applied to the various densities of matter.  In the absolute, or non-material states of consciousness, Time is non-existent.  So let us say that in one of the time frames or dimensions, there was once a planet in the solar system of Earth, called Lucifer.  It was of the least material density of any of the planets.  Its orbit lay between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.  Among the etheric beings, or heavenly hosts, it was called the Morning Star.  Among all planets it was the most radiant planet in the universe.

"The name of the prince of this shining planet was also Lucifer, a beloved Son of God."  Orion paused and the sadness deepened in his eyes.  Then he continued: "Earth's legends about Lucifer and his hosts are true.  Pride and arrogance grew in the heart of Lucifer and in the hearts of many Luciferians.  They discovered all of the secrets of matter and also the great secret of the Creative Word.  Eventually they sought to turn this omnipotent force against their brothers who were less selfish.  Also against the etheric beings and the Father, or Source, for it became their desire to rule the universe.  You know the rest of the legend: how Lucifer and his followers were cast down from their high estate.  In simpler words, the Luciferians who were embodied then in the most attenuated manifestation of matter "fell" into embodiments in one of the most dense material evolutions, which is the animalistic evolution of Earth."

I dared not look at him as his frightening words struck dark clouds of memory in my heart.  "Then you mean that I . . . was one of them?"  Shamed tears of realization blinded my eyes.

"Yes, Neptune," he said gently, as both he and Lyra put their arms around me.

Waves of bitter shame and sorrow flooded over me as I realized the terrible truth of Orion's words.

At last I said haltingly: "But Orion, you and Lyra and these others walking here in the garden; who are they?"

"We were among those who did not join the Luciferians in their revolt against the etheric hosts," he explained gently.  "Thus although the Luciferians shattered our radiant planet in the holocaust of their war, we entered the etheric, non-material worlds in the higher octaves of light as liberated Sons of God, while the Luciferian hosts fell into the dream of mind in matter upon the dark planet of sorrows."

"But this world?" I asked in bewilderment.  "Isn't it the world I half remember?"

"Yes, Neptune," Lyra said compassionately.  "This is a tiny part of what is left of that world.  You mentioned that many things were unfamiliar, such as the thunder and lightning and the nearness of the horizon.  These conditions are new to you.  For we are on one of the larger planetoids of the shattered planet Lucifer.  It is only a few hundred miles in diameter, hence the nearness of the horizon.  The thunder, lightning and constant play of color phenomena in the atmosphere are the result of magnetic disturbances because of the vicinity of other asteroids.  The clouds you see above are not clouds as you know them upon Earth, but they serve to obscure the debris of our wrecked planet.  Only rarely do we leave our etheric state of being and enter our former time frame in individualized manifestations as you see us now."

I was stunned into utter silence and the deepest sorrow.  I bowed my head as I thought of the magnificent world I had lost, the great heritage I had cast away to become a bondsman chained in a steel-like dungeon of dense matter with its erroneous manifestations of sin, sickness, corruption, evil, decay and repeated deaths.  Sobs wracked my body as I thought of my blinded, lost fellows of Earth.  At last I murmured hesitantly: "Then all of the peoples of Earth have fallen from this former high estate?"

Orion shook his head.  "No, not all, Neptune, but vast numbers of Earthlings are former Luciferians.  About the others we will explain to you later.  The revelation when it comes will explain many of the enigmas of your planet."

Suddenly, a terrible thought came to me, almost causing me to collapse in horror as I recoiled from it.  Stark terror was in my eyes as I looked first at Lyra and then at Orion.  I dared not voice what was in my mind.

Orion, discerning my thought, shook his head and his wonderful eyes radiated sympathy and understanding as he said: "No, Neptune, have no fear, you are not in reality Lucifer.  In fact you are one of the Luciferians who least wanted to join the others."

Relief flooded over me leaving me weak and shaken as I heard Orion's voice continuing: "Lucifer is presently incarnated upon Earth, but we may not disclose to you his present identity.  He has incarnated many time upon Earth and every name is familiar even to grade school children.  But some of those names would surprise you, for they are not what you might expect."

I sighed heavily, trying to comprehend all the shattering things which had been revealed to me by Lyra and Orion.  Rather incongruously I remembered the phenomena of the flying saucers upon Earth, which caused me to ask: "But if we destroyed your great planet, why are your disks visiting Earth now?   Why did Astra connect me?  Why don't you leave us to the fate we deserve, each one of us buried in his individual grave of living death."

Lyra's hand gripped mine and Orion's arm tightened around my shoulders.  "Love is stronger than life and deeper than the boundless depths of time and space," he said softly.  "While our brothers are lost in the hell of unreality and turn their blinded, imploring eyes to the mute heavens, we can never forget them.  We intercede unceasingly for your peoples' liberation.  Thus today every bondsman upon Earth has within himself the power through the mystery of the Etheric Christ Spirit to cancel his captivity."



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