
Friday, May 25, 2012

Bryant and Helen Reeve's Commentary about Daniel Fry

Bryant and Helen Reeve's autobiographical book Flying Saucer Pilgrimage was first published in 1957 by Ray Palmer's Amherst Press in Wisconsin.  The book was republished in 1965 by Palmer Publications, Inc.  Prior to reading the Reeves' memoir, three among the 'saucerers' profiled therein had impressed me as being worthwhile subjects for further study after I considered a variety of books and audio interviews concerning the 'contactees' of the 1950s.  The following excerpt from Chapter XIV "We Visit Daniel Fry" augments the information provided in my two previous blog articles about him—"Daniel Fry's First Contact Experience" and "Beyond The White Sands Incident"—to show the perspective of the Reeves after reading about Fry's experiences and talking with him.  I sometimes wonder what insights would have been possible for either Fry or the Reeves if they had known the details of the variety of cases involving 'paranormal' phenomena that are now more readily available during our own time.  The diversity of these cases is suggested by many of the previous articles to be found at this blog.

On April 26, 1955, we headed the car toward the little California town of Puente, some twenty-five miles east of Los Angeles to see Daniel Fry.  Most saucer enthusiasts know him as "the man who rode a flying saucer," but his saucer experiences go way beyond this.  We had read and re-read his notable book The White Sands Incident many times and likewise his later pamphlet Alan's Message To Men Of Earth.

We had difficulty finding his residence, but we finally located it by his name on the mailbox.  Nobody was home so after waiting awhile we decided to return the next evening.  We were glad we did so, because this time we found him at home with all his family except the son.  We met his wife and two nice daughters, one of whom was of high school age, while the other was younger.  We had a wonderful visit.  Mrs. Fry was interested in a little book store which she and a friend were starting in a nearby town.  We went there with her the next day.  They were specializing in Saucer books and allied "New Age" publications.  At that time Daniel Fry was still working as an instrumentation technician on rockets and similar projects, which is his specialty.  More lately, however, we have heard that he is writing another book and hopes to do experimental work on his own.  We talked about our Mexican saucer activities, his own remarkable experiences and his estimate of the present world situation.  For the sake of those who are not familiar with his experiences, it may be well to outline them briefly.

Daniel Fry up to the time of our visit had had four distinct experiences with flying saucers and the extra-terrestrial beings who operate them.  The first experience — his trip on a saucer — was on a physical plane, the second and third were in the nature of outer space communication (O.S.C.), and the fourth was a combination of a physical experience and an O.S.C. experience.  The first occurred on July 4, 1950, and included his 4,000 mile ride in a saucer and is covered in The White Sands Incident.  The second happened about two years later, and the information obtained then has not been made public, but he is now considering releasing it.  The third experience occurred on April 28, 1954, and is set forth in Alan's Message.  The fourth occurred on September 18, 1954, and we will mention it later.  Both of the books came out in 1954, and as researchers we have found it necessary to avoid confusing the dates of publication with the dates of his experiences.  There was a long delay in publicizing the first experience.  Besides his writings, Daniel Fry lectures occasionally on his experiences to special groups as do other saucerers.  He delivered a lecture in Detroit, Michigan in 1955 sponsored by the Detroit Flying Saucer Club.  It was a wonderful lecture and presented a wealth of saucer information relating to both the technical aspects and the insistent messages of the space-beings.

Daniel Fry's background should make his experiences of special interest to those who are technically minded.  While he was only able to complete his high-school course of education, he possesses a self-education in chemistry, physics and electronics which many a college graduate could well envy.  Personally he appeals to us as a "salt-of-the-earth" type of man.  He is a trained technical observer and a very precise thinker.  He has a good reputation for reliability and integrity and is well respected.

At the time of his first experience on July 4, 1950, he was stationed at the White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, U.S.A., near the town of Las Cruces.  The Organ Mountains are in the vicinity.  He was then serving as an employee of the Aerojet General Corporation and was engaged in instrumentation work in connection with the testing of some extremely large rocket motors.  It was near evening, and most of the personnel had gone to town to celebrate Independence Day — only a few remained at the post.  Through a chain of "circumstances" he was one of those remaining on the base and toward evening he walked out onto a lonely portion of the grounds.

A flying saucer appeared silently out of the darkened sky, decelerated and landed fairly near him.  It was approximately thirty feet in diameter and sixteen feet high.  The shape was that of a flattened sphere — flattened at the top and the bottom.  The material was some sort of metal, highly polished on the exterior, presenting a silvery color.  There were no port holes at all, and at first he could see no entrance.  He learned a few minutes later that no one was aboard it, but it was under remote control from a control-ship or "mother-ship" located some 900 miles above the earth.  Its purpose was interesting.  It was being used to gather some of our air and transport it to the control-ship where it was mixed with the space-visitor's own air in an effort to acclimate them to breathing and living in our atmosphere, which is different from their own.

Daniel Fry's introduction to the visitors was quite dramatic.  After an intense inner struggle as to whether to run and call for help or stay and see what would happen — his technical curiosity finally got the better of him and impelled him to touch the strange object, first gingerly with his finger and then with the palm of his hand.  He was noting the peculiar slippery surface of the metal and the fact that it was a little warmer than the air when a loud voice from the interior suddenly warned him in English that it was dangerous to touch.  He jumped back, tripped and fell full length.  A chuckle from within the saucer completed his utter humiliation — and this was his unique introduction to an extra-terrestrial being — a space-man with whom he was destined to have many experiences.  By mutual agreement he calls this space friend by the name of "Alan."

Events moved quickly, and after recovering himself he was offered a short flight in this small ship which the owners called a small "cargo carrier."  A door which fitted so perfectly that he had not noticed it before was opened, and suppressing his fears he stepped inside the saucer into a small cabin.  The voice he had been hearing was coming through some type of loud speaker controlled by the mother-ship.  The interior was lighted by a small projector, and he seated himself in one of the several available seats.  After a short discussion it was agreed they would take him to see the lights of New York City, some two thousand miles away, and they assured him it would not take very long.  He asked how they expected him to see anything as the ship had no windows.  The operator settled the question by directing a beam of bluish light from the projector toward the door.  The door was of thinner material than the walls of the craft, and by this time the door had been closed.  Under the action of the light beam, however, the door became transparent and thus served as an excellent window.  The ship rose some thirty miles in elevation for most of the trip, but it descended to about twenty miles over New York for a better view.  After circling the city, the ship headed westward for the return trip to White Sands.  The entire flight covering approximately four thousand miles was accomplished in about thirty minutes time.  This was an average speed of approximately eight thousand miles per hour, better than twice that of earth-made rockets then in use.

All during the trip Daniel Fry persistently asked questions.  He told us there were literally hundreds of questions "beating at the fringe of his consciousness" and he asked as many as he could, one after the other.  Each question brought forth a prompt, simple and understandable answer.  As he put it, "It was as if one had placed in my hand an encyclopedia and said, 'Here is all the knowledge in the Universe — you have thirty minutes'!"

Most of the questions were technical.  This was no interplanetary saucer but a small remote controlled utility affair, working on magnetic principles with a limited range and entirely dependent upon the control-ship for re-charging its accumulator with energy.  Despite some incredible accelerations during take-off, Daniel Fry experienced no discomfort in the ship from this cause.  The explanation given was that the application of energy was of such a nature that every atom of the ship and its contents — including his own body — was acted upon simultaneously, so that everything moved together and thus no pressures were felt from inertia forces.  The accuracy and effectiveness of the remote control were noteworthy.  The operators could control all of the forces acting upon the ship and maneuver it precisely, even controlling its turning on a vertical axis so that they could "point" the door toward objects to be viewed.  The craft was landed with great accuracy only a few feet from the original take-off point.

However, not all of the questions were technical.  Some were of a more general interest.  Daniel Fry learned to his surprise that this contact was no accident but was planned by the space-visitors.  In fact they even took a hand in some of the "circumstances" which made it possible, and they deliberately "ransacked" his mind prior to the contact to make sure of certain things.  Their speaking English with considerable idiom was also no accident, because this took two years of preparation on their part.  The control ship was not from any particular planet but was from outer-space itself.

In our own private research, we have applied our own methods of coordination and comparison to our study of this contact.  We have even studied the history of various efforts which were made to ridicule it.  We only wish that in our reporting we could somehow convey to our readers some of the qualities of Daniel Fry himself, especially his humility and sincerity.  While our own ideas may not be too important to others, for the sake of the few who may wish to know — our own study indicated to us that this was a physical contact and we feel that the information gained will in time emerge as an historic landmark in man's effort to understand and master outer-space.

Daniel Fry's second and third experiences took place at a location far distant from the first — at a little ranch which he had acquired in an isolated and wooded section in the State of Oregon not far from Grant's Pass.  In contrast to the first, these were not what would ordinarily be termed "physical" contacts.  They were O.S.C. contacts, that is outer-space communication contacts, and took the form of "a voice inside his head."  The voice was that of his space friend Alan, so clear and distinct that Daniel Fry was able to carry on a conversation in this manner.  We learned that this type of communication holds no mystery for him.  He realizes that space-beings are masters of energy and possess the ability to "modulate" currents of energy on the auditory nerves of a human being, which will then appear to that person as sound or speech.

On the occasion of the second contact, Alan in this manner was able to give him considerable information which, however, he has not yet published.  As we have previously stated, he is now working on this and may release it in the near future.  The third contact on April 28, 1954, was of a similar nature, but it was particularly interesting because it was the only case in which he tried to initiate a contact himself.  After a three day effort he finally succeeded, only to be very severely rebuked by Alan for his failure to share and make public his other experiences.  It was only after this severe prodding by his space friend that he overcame his fears and distrust of his own abilities and was stimulated to put his experiences in writing.  It was this contact also which gave him Alan's Message To Men Of Earth.

This message is a remarkable exposition of what is wrong with our world and the chief remedy that is needed.  The major earth difficulty, as set forth in Alan's Message is that our physical  science has developed so much faster than our social science and our religious science that we are dangerously out of balance.  By developing mutual understanding and helpfulness between peoples everywhere, we must strengthen our social and religious foundations sufficiently and develop them faster in order to support our scientific progress, or our entire civilization will soon collapse.  It is a stirring message couched in non-critical terms of helpfulness, wisdom and love.  Many people want physical flying saucers without "any strings attached."  We doubt if this is possible.  The space-people come to earth always with a purpose and serious message.  Why try to ignore this fact?

While we were talking to Daniel Fry in his home, we asked him if this third event had ended his experiences with the space-people.  He went to a desk and drew forth a photograph of a small flying saucer over some trees and a building which he had taken on September 18, 1954.  He explained that this was his fourth and latest experience with his extra-terrestrial friend Alan.  As saucer photographs go, it was not the best in the world by any means.  But the circumstances under which it was taken are so unique that we think it is worthy of special note.  The taking of it involved both an O.S.C. and a physical experience.  Daniel Fry was driving his car on Garvey Boulevard, east of Los Angeles, when he suddenly heard Alan's voice inside his head telling him that if he had a camera he would be able very shortly to photograph a flying saucer.  He did not have a camera, but he spied a drug store which he was then passing on the opposite side of the road.  He made a quick U-turn on the Boulevard — a minor miracle in itself considering the traffic — rushed into the drug store, and hurriedly bought a little Brownie Holiday camera.  He asked the proprietor to load it with film quickly as he wished to take some pictures of a flying saucer.  One can well imagine what the proprietor thought.  He resumed his trip toward his destination, and between the towns of Baldwin Park and Azuza, California, he spied the saucer.  It hovered and tilted and practically "posed" for him while he took his pictures.  Later he returned the film to the proprietor of the drug store, told them they were the flying saucer pictures and asked if he would please develop them.  We include this picture in our book — a physical picture of a physical saucer, but taken as the result of an O.S.C. message.


"Taken Sept. 18, 1954, near Baldwin Park, Calif, by D. W. Fry."

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