
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The ITC Letters

This picture of 'Yang Fudse' was received through a computer in Luxembourg 1996 and was presented in issues of the Contact! newsletter. 

At the website, 'Instrumental Transcommunication' (ITC) is explained as usually signifying messages coming from beyond that were received and/or stored by use of technical means.  In addition to audio communications that have been recorded and transcribed, there are an astonishing variety of letters.

As recounted in Miracles in the Storm, Luxembourg researchers Jules and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach in 1992 received a picture of Hal Roach "in a paradise landscape" with images of Jeannette Meek and her daughter Nancy Carol.  A short letter was found with the image.

Hello, my name is Hal Roach, and I am more than a hundred years old.  I am at present a member of the artistic team of Timestream and am working together with old friends like George Cukor and others in the group of Klaus Schreiber and Eli Schaefer.  This picture shows you a glimpse at the fourth level as we see it. You can see Jeannette Meek and Nancy Carol coming through a dispassing point in our level.

Well, that should be enough for you folks for today.  I am eager to learn more about this new world I'm living in now.

Hal Roach, 11-21-92.
The best boy assembling this picture: Frank Blehle.

The book identified Roach as the "well-known producer" of the "Our Gang" short films and explained that a 'best boy' was a Hollywood film crew designation.  A previous letter from the late wife of their friend and fellow researcher George Meek had been received by Maggy and Jules in February the previous year and may be read in the article "Resonance—A Key to ITC Contacts".

Many letters were received by the Harsch-Fischbachs.  Some of the letters were featured in Contact! newsletters, including from Arthur Beckwith, Ishkumar, Dr. Swejen Salter (a regular communicator who informed them she had lived a previous life on the 'parallel world' named 'Varid'), Richard Francis Burton, Thiffrin, Yang Fudse, Lagelnev, Jules Verne, Deef Mrof and Nsitden.

Here are a few excerpts.

We love human beings, but people sometimes expect this love to give them something which we cannot give because you are unable or unprepared to receive it.  We do understand your desperation and your skepticism, your doubt and your anger.  We know you are only on a journey.  Once you get back to us, you will feel like the child who sits smiling and securely on its mother's lap.
(From: Ishkumar / October 14, 1995)

Children of Earth, people of Terra.  You know the world is not changed by cosmic events but by changes in the individual.  Every person is unique and he can build a palace for good or a dungeon for evil.

The positive reform first coming from a few individuals has now manifested in a group which is forming around you.
(From: Ishkumar / July 19, 1996)

Our experiment succeeded to send a living organism to you through a space-time arch which we developed.  It will serve as an orientation point for further experiments.
As you know we are aquatic beings.  Our planet is presently in a space-time dimension which is not yet accessible to you.  We live approximately 2,500 earth years in your future and our planet is totally different from yours.

This message is formed by our mind and will be sent to planet Marduk which we call Mrofed.  We have contact with the "living dead" who live there, but particularly with the aquatic beings.  Many of them are what you might call our ancestors.  We are ascended from dolphins, as you are descended from species of monkeys.

We know that momentarily, your animal life and human life is exposed to a series of infringements (genetic experimentation) to change the body and bodily functions by guided mutations of multiplication cells.  We want to study this crime and change it to eventually change our history.  We shall not announce ourselves to you until changes have taken place

(From: Deef Mrof / May 14, 1996)

Prof. Dewar, who was then in his 80s, noticed that his white hair started getting dark again.  He did not complain anymore about his arthritis.  It seemed to have disappeared.  One of my female associates who was four months pregnant, started menstruating.  Another younger girl complained about discontinuation of menstrual periods and shrinking breasts.  All this pointed to a time reversal.

I became panic-stricken when I realized what our experiments had triggered.  The consequences would be disastrous if we could not reverse the flow of time back into its "normal" path.  The anti-energy once flowing to the outside would reverse the aging process, but the living population would become so young that as premature babies they would be unable to withstand their environment and perish.  Meanwhile no new babies would be born.  Although a child could be conceived, it would not grow.

It became obvious to me what we had to do.  Under no circumstances should the locked chambers of our lab be opened.  During our attempt to destroy our lab set-up a tremendous explosion occurred in which I died.  It was 1987 October 30.  I never found out what happened to Varid . . . .
(From: Dr. Swejen Salter / November 27, 1996)

The spread and distribution of spirit material calls for regularity and openness to the realities of everyday life.

Let your unity be known to the outside by your writing.  Though you are still a small group, by your publications, meetings and lectures you can change the world and keep the door to other dimensions open, even in dark times.
We, the Seven, have a rational, instinctive intellect, very different from yours.
(From: "We are greeting you and thank you.  Especially interested in accomplishing a harmonic unity of mind are the seven beings of the Rainbow People—Technician, Ishkumar, Thfirrin, Seth 3, Nsitden, Mrekklin, and Langelnev—helpers of INIT for the connection between Planet Earth and the higher vibrational planes."  / March 4, 1996)

The purpose of our messages is to evoke in you efforts of recognition and discernment, without which men cannot accomplish an "Ascent into Light".
(From: "NSITDEN in unison with others of the rainbow people." / January 11, 1997)

 From Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication:
(caption from source) "During a visit by Father Brune and two French journalists on September 24, 1988 another successful combination audio/video experiment took place.  The picture showed Swejen Salter in the foreground of the spirit laboratory."

1 comment:

  1. hello i am very interested in this ITC. I have been reading anything i can on the web about it. I would like to try to make contact. Not understanding alot about it though your website or blog has alot of useful information. Was wondering if i could just use my laptop to do this? or is there something special i have to have. I think this is so amazing! Thank you for your articles.


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