
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Instrumental Transcommunication

This color television set image of 'F Juergenson' was received in 1994 by ITC researcher Adolf Homes of Germany (from Contact! Volume One).

At, an unpredictable variety of research is reported in books and articles about Instrumental Transcommunication (or ‘ITC’), including English translations of books from Europe.

The World ITC website’s “Very short introduction to ITC” by Mark Macy and Rolf-Dietmar Ehrhardt states that researchers and scientists from around the world have received otherworldly communication via television and computers.  Introductory information about ITC is presented, indicating the development of the 'Spiricom' by George Meek and Bill O’Neil in the 1980s — “a set of 13 tone generators that spanned the range of the adult male voice.  When O'Neil spoke into the Spiricom device, his voice was wrapped up in the buzzing sounds, and when his spirit friends spoke to him, their voices also became enmeshed in the Spiricom sounds."

In the ‘Sample Contacts’ section of the World ITC org website, articles entitled “ITC Contacts from around the World — A cross-section of ITC communications” and “Extraordinary Voice Contacts” feature audio clips of ITC messages.  A voice identified as that of the late Electronic Voice Phenomena ('EVP') researcher Konstantin Raudive may be heard speaking via telephone with Mark Macy among a series of contacts by Raudive to ITC researchers.  Another audio clip is of a contact recorded in 2004 when Raudive was again heard while Macy was visiting colleagues in Europe and sat with them in front of a set of radios that were emitting a soft blanket of white noise.  Macy received his first telephone call from the late Raudive on January 21, 1994.

Excerpts are provided of Mark Macy’s book Miracles in the Storm: Talking to the Other Side With the New Technology of Spiritual Contact (2001).  An earlier book by Macy also presents an overview of ITC communications: Conversations Beyond The Light (1995) written with Dr. Pat Kubis.  Macy also was editor of the International Association for Instrumental Transcommunication (INIT) newsletters entitled Contact! (available online without charge) that offer detailed ITC reports, photos and transcripts from 1996 through 1999.

Examples of ITC images: Maggy and Jules Harsch-Fischbach in Luxembourg 1992 received this "computer-scannedimage" of group Timestream's 'Swejen Salter.' 

Below, the ITC "video image was received in Germany at about the same time" as reported in Conversations Beyond The Light.

Breakthroughs in Technical Spirit Communication by Dr. Theo Locher and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach was published in 1997. In Chapter Two “We share our ITC experiences,” Maggy Harsch-Fischbach related what happened in 1986 during an experimental session utilizing a new two-way ITC set-up, 'GA1.'  One evening she and her husband heard a click followed by a deep voice saying “This is Konstantin Raudive, soon it will work everywhere!”  This is how she described what followed.

We were totally unprepared for this and lay awake a long time.  The voice reflected joy and satisfaction about his successful surprise.  If he had not given his name, we would have assumed someone speaking through an earthside radio transmission.  My husband warned me not to talk about this to people who could not understand what we were doing.  He was right this time and many times afterwards.

In the experimental GA1 session that followed, a young man from Timestream greeted us, but we had trouble hearing him clearly.  When we asked a question about God, the speaker was suddenly interrupted by the computer-like bright voice that regularly introduces the ESB contacts.  The following interesting conversation developed:

Please address this question about God to me.

"Who are you?" I asked the entity. The answer came:

We are what we are.  It is difficult to explain to you, but I am not an energy being, not a light being, I was never human, never an animal and was never incarnated. . . . neither am I God!  Humans make the mistake of imagining god as a single person.  You know the picture of two children walking across a bridge.  Behind them is a being that protects them.  This is what I am to you, but without wings.  If you insist on giving me a name, call me technician.  You already confused me with a human technician at the beginning of our ESB contacts.  Yes, I am a technician but in a different manner than you imagine.

Maggy Harsch-Fischbach observed:

The ESB contacts served to spread the voice phenomenon in many interested circles. People who felt they were personally addressed were invited by Timestream to attend a session.  We welcomed many in our apartment so they could personally experience it.  We asked for the advice of experienced scientists and ITC researchers. Certain events were beyond our understanding.  In those eventful days we were very grateful for the help of our earthside co-workers.

From January 1988 on, a former scientist named Swejen Salter announced herself regularly. She is currently the human leader of group Timestream. She and her companion Richard Francis Burton are preparing us for future tasks in ITC. She applied her knowledge in inter-plane communication and improved our communication. Her sympathetic understanding makes her a better teacher and her modesty brings out the benevolence of high beings toward ITC.

Here are some further quotations of the ‘Technician’ excerpted from Breakthroughs of Technical Spirit Communication.

I am not an omnipotent being but have at my disposal far greater capabilities than a human being.  Remember, I am not infallible and am still in a process of learning.

When I talk to you, I adopt certain characteristics of both of you, as I must "transfer" myself to you.  Being nonhuman, a small part of myself has to adopt human characteristics.  You would not understand me otherwise.

The decisions you and other participants make over this system triggers many possibilities in many worlds.  Do not make any GA1 tape recordings except when I advise you and can protect you from unpleasantness.  If you do not follow my advice and record it, you run the risk of finding yourself in a parallel world the next morning.

You may not like it.  It is as I have told you: Reincarnation exists.  There ARE parallel worlds!  Mankind evolves in a forever moving wheel of life.  Some have arrived at a point of development that allows them a better understanding.  Reincarnation means progression forward, not backward.  Animals too are subject to the cycle of incarnation.  A human being does not reincarnate in an animal body.  Important Earth personalities are being born again as simple people if they used their previous life only to exploit others.  There is a purpose for sickness and infirmity.  Do not judge the fate of other people.  If we feel it is important enough to let you know why some people are being tested this way, we will do so.  It is only appropriate to advise and help some people, while others do not want to be helped as you have already found out yourself. 

Here are some excerpts from a computer text written by Swejen Salter from December 1987.  She described Marduk, her new planet having three suns:

The River of Eternity stretches out approximately 100 million kilometers (60 million miles).  Along its banks live those who were once living on Earth.  There are animals here.  Vegetation varies from algae to mammoth trees.  Many buildings are made of wood.  

At the end of the growth or rejuvenation process most people will be 25-30 years old. Animals will be at an age of vitality and well being, since ethical factors are not involved here.  Damaged tissue or broken bones regenerate just like wounds heal in your world but much more perfect.  Lost limbs will regrow.  The blind will see again, and so on.  The color of your hair and skin cannot be changed and will be the same as it was during your Earth life.  Here in the river world, beings arrive from all levels of life.  Gnomes and giants live together with formless beings and the former human inhabitants of planet Earth.  Doubles who were joined but lived on parallel worlds do not live together at the same area of the river.

Salter divulged that there was information that she wasn't allowed to reveal —

Unfortunately I cannot and may not answer all your questions. Do not forget that I have to get permission for some of this information from higher beings.

Here are some other quotations of Salter.

I died at the age of 38 as the result of an accident.  Death came suddenly and unexpectedly.  I was totally unprepared and cannot remember my passing over.  I awoke on a recliner in a cheerfully decorated room that I had never seen before.  Before I could have a closer look around, a tall, imposing man entered the room and identified himself as Richard Francis Burton.  He welcomed me and started showing me the world in which he had lived since the year 1890 of your Earth time.  I felt happy and safe here.  Everybody was friendly and helpful.  Still, the change was difficult.  It is not easy to adapt to a new life when one is torn away from a daily routine.

If you harbor bad intentions and thoughts you will not be here very long.

Our universe is different from yours and we can only show you a depiction of things that occur in our world. In this manner we can teach you how you would see it if you were on our side.

In his introduction for the book, Dr. Ernst Senkowski wrote:

In general human terms we can take note of trans-information and evaluate its suspected source.  Because of the inherent uncertainties and discrepancies of their content and transmission, personal evaluations are not generally binding and do not justify dogmatism.  With a spirit(ual)istic hypothesis we can differentiate two groups of those who manifest themselves: Humans who have died, and nonhuman entities.  There are no distinguishing criteria beyond the context of their manifestation.  In the final analysis everything points to a badly needed expansion of our customary worldview.  The universe is taking the shape of a diverse and unimaginably complex place wherein man experiences part of his existence as a spaceless, timeless being and belongs to most diverse fields and dimensions.

Jules and Maggy Harsch have shouldered a huge amount of work with these experiments.  Both have full-time jobs.  Try to imagine their "spare time" after the experiments described in this book with computer, video equipment, telephone and other equipment combinations, maintaining the necessary contacts with other researchers all over the world by letter, phone and fax, translating spirit messages from their native Luxembourg tongue, writing articles, typing them into their computer, printing them out, making photocopies, sorting and stapling the pages into issues of the CETL INFOnews, addressing and mailing them to subscribers in 12 different countries.  It is understandable that there is no time or strength left for personal consultation of other experimenters and the many people who are looking for help.

The various messages from the other side are printed here unchanged though some of them seem questionable to us.  The readers should use their own judgment as to what they can or cannot accept.  Swejen Salter speaks with Maggy Harsch in the Luxembourg language on the phone as well as over radio and TV loudspeakers. Computer text is transmitted in German.  In the presence of foreign guests she speaks the language of the guests.

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