
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Some Further Observations about the 'Michael' Pattern


Soon after my trip to Oklahoma chronicled in the nonfiction case study Testament (1997), I became aware of the significance of the name and variations of the name 'Michael' in some prominent cases involving what is usually described as 'unexplained phenomena.'  The five preceding blog posts include some observations about what one might call the 'Michael' Pattern, referring to variations of the name 'Michael' found in case studies involving so-called 'paranormal' or psychic phenomena.

Among the cases previously mentioned is that of Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint and the 'sleeping prophet' Edgar Cayce.  Soon after I first began contemplating the 'Michael' Pattern after experiencing phenomena relating to what had been categorically described as a contemporary 'talking poltergeist' case, I considered if the first name of the French 'prophet' Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566) was something of significance.  Although no two English translators of his writings ever seem to be in precise agreement, an important detail for one to consider is the first sentence in the letter of dedication to his son.  The letter was used as the preface for the first edition of his quatrains.  A phrase in this sentence was 'Divine essence.'  Here is how the sentence was translated in one unattributed PDF source ( that I found with a recent Internet search.

Greetings and happiness to Cesar Nostradamus my son.  Your late arrival, Cesar Nostredame, my son, has made me spend much time in constant nightly reflection so that I could communicate with you by letter and leave you this reminder, after my death, for the benefit of all men, of which the divine spirit has vouchsafed me to know by means of astronomy.

In the same translation source, this is how the first two Nostradamus Century 1 quatrains are worded in English. 
Sitting alone at night in secret study;
It is placed on the brass tripod.
A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and makes successful that which should not be believed in vain.

The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the tripod's legs.
With water he sprinkles both the hem of his garment and his foot.
A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes.
Divine splendor; the God sits nearby.

How prophetic are the Nostradamus quatrains is for each individual to decide as there are diverse opinions about the work of the author whose name has been known throughout the world for more than four centuries.

Some of my longtime readers may remember that more than twelve years ago, I commented about the Nostradamus quatrain 72 about the year 1999 from Century X.  On the occasion, my voice was transmitted over the North American airwaves during a broadcast of the nationally syndicated show "Dreamland" hosted by Hilly Rose.  The interview guest that evening of July 25, 1999 was Michael Peter Langevin, publisher of Mystical Blend magazine.  I said on the air: "I had a comment on Nostradamus's prediction, which we've been hearing about all night and what I think is that America is the reincarnation of Mongolia.  And Genghis Khan lives on in every person who assumes that whatever actions they take are somehow ordained by God . . ."

After all, many aspects of the military-industrial complex have long been a result of the lack of spiritual awareness among people conditioned to believe they are not responsible for their own actions. 
1/4/18 Update:  More information is presented in the article "Nostradamus Today"

 John Dee

Like Nostradamus, Dr. John Dee (1527-1609) is a figure of the sixteenth century who has long fascinated me.  Probably the most unusual book that I ever purchased was a large-sized 1974 limited edition reprint of the 1659 book A True & Faithful Relation of What passed for many Yeers Between Dr. John Dee (A Mathematician of Great Fame in Q. Eliz. And King James Their Reignes) and Some Spirits . . . with a preface by Meric. Casaubon.  The publication presented twelve of John Dee's books that are now known as his 'spiritual diaries.'

The extant manuscripts chronicling Dee's "actions with spirits" ("spiritual creatures" and "good angels") date from the end of 1581, continuing for six years and resuming during seven months in 1607.  None were published nor intended to be published by Dee during his lifetime.  His 'supernatural' experiences were usually shared with 'scryers' — psychic seers working as describers.  The later records left by Dee prominently feature his scryer Edward Kelly (spelled Kelley in some sources).  The earlier journals by Dee spanning the period to May 23, 1583 weren't included in Casaubon's edition and these books are now known as Quinti Libri Mysteriorum or 'Book of Mysteries.'  The first three books of Quinti Libri Mysteriorum can be read online at

One comparatively easy to read version of Quinti Libri Mysteriorum has been published as John Dee's Five Books of Mystery: Original Sourcebook of Enochian Magic edited by Joseph J. Peterson.  For the revised 2003 edition, Peterson explained that he added footnotes to clarify obscurities in the language, translated Latin passages and updated the text in some particulars.  While reading sixteenth century English can be difficult for the contemporary sensibility, perusing the variety of Dee's autobiographical accounts generally leaves the impression that he was a compassionate man held in high esteem by those who knew him.  The spiritual diaries chronicle what Dee's scryers reported seeing and hearing after beginning to gaze into a crystal globe.

I am using contemporary English spelling for excerpts featured in this article.  Several of these passages were originally recorded in Latin by Dee and in these instances I am using the translations from Peterson's edition and using italics.  The earliest passages of Dee's first 'book of mystery' chronicle the skryer Saul's crystal ball visions and clairvoyantly heard messages.  The responses related by the various skryers are seldom what anyone might expect.  For example, when Dee asked the angel Annael about hidden treasures, the response heard by Saul was "Don't bother, for these are trifles."  In the second journal entry from March 1852, Edward Talbot is named as the skryer and Uriel is seen in the stone and his voice is heard by Talbot.  When Dee asked "Are there any more beside you?," the response recorded is "Michael and Raphael.  But, Michael is the foremost in our works."

Reading Dee's spiritual journals will allow one to learn about the scope of the visionary phenomena relating to crystal ball gazing as recorded by Dee.  During his association with Talbot as chronicled in the first three books of mystery, angel Michael's comments included the following —

I will be thy Guide.

We lead time, Time leadeth not us:

I will pluck thee, from among the wicked [he spoke to my skryer.]  Thou Committest Idolatry.  But take heed of Temptation: The Lord hath blessed thee.  This is a Mystery.

Write with reverence, These mysteries are wonderful, the Number of his name, and knowledge: Lo, this it is, 9.  Behold, it is but one, and it is Marvelous.

Everything is one.

Manifold is Our God.
Mark this Mystery.  Seven comprehendeth the Secrets of Heaven and earth.  Seven knitteth man's soul and body together (3, in soul, and 4 in body).
In 7, thou shalt find the Unity.
In 7, thou shalt find the Trinity.
In 7, thou shalt find the Son, and the proportion of the Holy Ghost.
We are present,

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