
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some Observations Concerning My Spiritualism Series of Articles

The eight previous posts concern the topic of Spiritualism.  There are considerable misconceptions about this subject.  Even as I wrote these posts I found other recent articles about mediumship and Spiritualism where there were blatantly erroneous statements offered as matters of fact so I remind the reader about the necessity of becoming familiar with the original nonfiction biographical books (with links to some of these books provided in previous blog posts).

My articles provided some details about aspects of seance manifestations.  The photographs of seance room materialization phenomena were carefully selected after I read corroborating testimonials.
While people such as myself have experienced what is often called 'paranormal phenomena,' I can understand how individuals might consider themselves to have no personal orientation to any events of this nature; therefore, this blog will continue to report about testimonials concerning various so-called 'unexplained phenomena.'  For example, hundreds of thousands of people understand the veracity of John of God's spiritual healing at his clinic in Brazil.  One does not often find John of God to be a subject of mainstream media reports although YouTube videos include "John of God film on Oprah"(squeamish people should not watch closely during glimpses of surgeries).
In regard to my previous blog article, I would like to clarify my commentary about 'Direct Voice' medium Leslie Flint's 'guide' nicknamed 'Mickey.'
In his autobiography, Flint referred to Mickey as "the spirit helper who acts as a sort of master of ceremonies at my seances."  There were some other speakers also known to have been heard on numerous occasions at the seances, including 'Brother John,' 'Dr. Stephen Ward,' 'Dr. Charles Marshall,' and 'Rudolph Valentino.'  (All of these recordings may be heard at  Considering that all of these recorded communicators are messengers, the question arises — could there be a significance (unstated by Flint) to the nickname 'Mickey'?  (Mickey being a variation of the name 'Michael,' notably that of the Archangel of world spiritual traditions.)  At least where my life experience is concerned, my answer to this question would have to be in the affirmative.
When I first heard that someone had written a book entitled The Voice of Valentino (1965), my initial reaction was that some pathetic old-time movie fan had really gone overboard.  But that was before I realized that the book was the result of the mediumship of Leslie Flint.  The actual title of Lynn Russell's nonfiction case study is The voice of Valentino through Leslie Flint (  In 2009, forty-one recordings of the Lynn Russell sessions became available to be heard without charge at the Leslie Flint Trust website.
The book features many comments about Mickey, who referred to "We" and "Us" in his communication, as channelers often do.  In her preface, Lynn Russell divulged that after eight years of research, the record of events encompassed 500 closely typed pages and an extensive collection of audio tapes.  Lynn referred to some passages of Valentino's seance room communication as coming from a hypothetical "Rudy-Plus."  She observed, "It was not just Rudolph Valentino who spoke, but the true individual whose spiritual identity remains obscure . . . The voice is the same yet the quality can be quite different; the accent is barely discernible but the characteristics remain distinctly his own.  This can be likened to a piece of music played on two pianos, one an upright model of average tone, the other a concert grand.  The notes and theme would be the same. but you would know without doubt which piano was which."
In retrospect, I think that Lynn overlooked the literal meaning of some of the communicators' statements; however, 'Oneness' may be a condition beyond complete human understanding and articulation.  One quotation designated by Lynn as "from the 'Rudy-Plus'" is:
"The things that happened to you were not coincidences; they were pre-arranged by me and by others, and one day you will see more clearly the pattern of the tapestry which is being woven." 

This statement was attributed to Dr. Charles Marshall:
"You have received a talk . . . sermon . . . call it what you will, not from ONE, but from MANY, all flowing through the SAME CHANNEL OF SPIRIT.  All entwined one with the other into a COMPLETE WHOLE.  We work in harmony as one body of people."
On one occasion an unidentified masculine voice was quoted:

"We are a band of brothers and we rejoice in our knowledge, in our experience, and in our oneness with the Divine."

Considering these statements collectively, one may gain some inkling about my rationale for 'Michael'—along with the nickname 'Mickey' of the 'guide' associated with the Leslie Flint seances—being an emblematic name of an Angelic Force Whose involvement in our lives is evident in many ways, encompassing the various forms of 'psychic phenomena' or 'extrasensory perception.'



  1. Mickey was a real human who lived on earth around the turn of the last century. He was a newspaper "boy" who was run over and killed by a lorry (truck) diver, just outside the Camden road Tube station in London. His real name was "John Whitehead."

    With respect to you (genuinely) Mickey himself would find the speculation that he was the archangel Michael extremely funny as he stated over and over in the communications: "We are just people like you on earth."

    I know this because I spent two years of my life voluntarily converting reel to reel Leslie flint communications to digital form, for The Leslie Flint educational Trust. Thank you for listening and your wonderful blog on this subject. ;-) ~ Jack Andrews


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