
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Associated Press: '40 wealthy families pledge to donate their money'

I rarely read the print version of newspapers anymore but I happened to see last Thursday's Los Angeles Times.  On page A22  was the article "Billionaires make pledge to donate their fortunes."  If I was the newspaper's editor, the article would have appeared on page one.  A longer version of the article by Donna Gordon Blankinship appeared at Google News and many other news websites.
Billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have pledged to give at least half their wealth to charity.  Now they are encouraging the nation's wealthiest individuals to agree to the pledge. Considering the world's current human and environmental challenges, this philanthropy is urgently needed.  The sooner, the better.
One of the individuals reported to have signed the giving pledge is New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg:
Bloomberg, who has a fortune estimated by Forbes magazine at $18 billion, said he has changed his personal philosophy over the years from wanting to be more private about his giving toward trying to play a leadership role.  He said his whole family is in tune with his giving plan.

"I've always thought your kids get more benefit out of your philanthropy than your will," he added.

Others who have signed the pledge include filmmaker George Lucas, media mogul Ted Turner and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.



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